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H-Opera has posted some pics on the episode....and guess what, the whole episode (for about 85% is about our beloved MEER)! FUCKING WORST SHIT FUKUDA COULD HAVE DONE....GUY'S LOOKING FOR A DEATHWISH [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]
I'm surprised as pissed as Lacus was, she didn't go SEED again like in 49 of GS
WTF Hilda & the others in ZAFT uniforms?
I just watched the 47 RAW and though a lot of the episode was about Meer, it seemed like she explained a lot, from her perspective, on how/why she was used as Lacus. The ending of the episode brought back to a degree, the sense of anticipation/suspense that existed towards the end of the Gundam Seed series. The remaining episodes should be interesting. Can't wait for them.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Saiyaman Raw is out too
overall, i guess the episode was ok, i wish there're more new footage though. Like damn, 60% of the episode is recap images. Dullinal officially annouces the destiny plan, and catch the whole world off guard. Next episode, minerva's prolly gonna defect, or very close to it. I already know what rey's gonna say: "the chairman's always right. any one who betrays him is an enemy to Zaft." I'm hoping for some kickass action in the next episode. But from the looks of the preview, prolly not.
OMG, U are right, they look so funny. lmao. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
WTF Hilda & the others in ZAFT uniforms?
I guess Fukuda is trying to make the anime into some sort of Ecchi instead of a war drama. I don't know how people can still be satisfied to see a recap about a character already dead missing 4 episodes to the end. I want a war not some little character already dead development! (he don't even know when to put a character development)
Yeah,Neo in Mu's Hawk of Endymion ace uniform
Man,Hilda's boobs sure rival those of Talia and Murrue
i didn't mind the episode too much, it was a good way to build up for the battles to come in the last episodes. now i just need a sub version to understand everything that's happened [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Ok, some serious thoughts on this episode. Note that each of the three main characters have lost someone dear to them. Kira lost Fllay, Shinn lost Stella and Athuran lost Meer. Now, given the way that Kira and Shinn snapped during battle because of their respective loved ones deaths, I do expect Athuran to take it up another level in this huge upcoming final battle.
The episode was really a waste due to the fillers, but it actually served a purpose to give the AA and crew some motivation to stop the EVIL EVIL Chairman. Geez, this seems like a typical RPG game. However, it was sad to see the way everyone was touched by Meer (very emotional and empathetic crew on the AA given that Meer was working for the enemy).
Shinn was actually shocked by the chairman's words of his Destiny Plan. I mean, if that does not make you realize you're on the wrong side, then you're just brain washed like those Nazi soldiers in WW II. The reaction of everyone listening to the episode could have been a bit more chaotic (shit, I wouldn't be sitting down quietly if I heard a nut like that tell me about some plan to control me).
Overall, episode was in between! Bottomline: I would have rather watched all the characters trying to learn the Mambo and Salsa
Wow, zero surprises in this episode... I don't quite know what happened yet without the subtitles so I'm just going along with my intuition.
A great deal of recycled clips and shots. I still am not sure why they chose this point in the series to focus on someone like Meer who had sortof been in the background for awhile. It sounds like she spills all the beans on Dullindal's plans...
That shot of Shinn was excellent. He is certainly looking like he'll leave Minerva and ultimatley fight Rey. I wish we had more of their interaction because I feel the final battle between them would be that much better if we coudl see them interacting a bit more outside of just training and strategy-making. I wonder what Talia will do... Dullindal's announcement doesn't seem to be a very good idea. Why would you tell everyone about the Destiny Plan? Why not just do it from the shadowS?
I suspect the Minerva to defect, Ray killing Lunamaria , Shinn killing Ray.
Thus repeating the Rau-Kira Scenario except with Luna serving both as Mu and Fllay. But no, she won't stay dead, she'll be in GS3..
if fudaka doesnt shapen up nobody will want a GS3.
47 by Xero Sux
this was out on point-blank. Dunno if it's a raw or subtitled. Downloading now, will edit later about whether or not it's a raw.
EDIT: alright! It's a sub!! Enjoy
Roko, you rock. I hope this is the sub group, and not another raw provider.
Thanks, @Roko. I hope too its subttitled, i want to know how the chairmain explained the Destiny Plan. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
for those of you who missed my edit, I'll say it again: The link I provided is by a sub group. Not a raw, so enjoy!
oh, and the translations are actaully quite good, for a speedsub that came out so fast. So it's not too bad.
Hiro Fansubs is out