I was just wondering wich sereis is the best?
Have to find some new to watch now that fukuda is destroying the whole seed theme...
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I was just wondering wich sereis is the best?
Have to find some new to watch now that fukuda is destroying the whole seed theme...
you should watch g gundam, it is a very good series and i enjoyed it
Gundam 0079 and Gundam: The 08th MS Team are pretty good to.
My personal opinion, Gundam Wing and After War Gundam X.
gundam wing imo. worst imo is g gundam(too corny, too cheasy, too dbz like with the weird animation, too... too... just fucked up. more like sum halarious gundam parody. and an "evil" brother? how "original" *rolles eyes*) apprentice overcomes master? even more UNorigianl.
The Original movie triology of MS Gundam, 08th MS Team, and Zeta. I've been told by an afficianado that Zeta is as good as Gundam has ever gotten.
The Original movie triology of MS Gundam, 08th MS Team, and Zeta. I've been told by an afficianado that Zeta is as good as Gundam has ever gotten.
Yeah, Zeta is pretty up there. It's rare that any gundam series will ever top the original 0079 GUNDAm and Zeta.
Gundam 0080
Gundam 08th MS
Gundam Seed
Gundam Seed Destiny (ending will decide this one)
Zeta Gundam
I liked Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed and Destiny
You officially have the worst opinion ever.Quote:
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
gundam wing imo. worst imo is g gundam(too corny, too cheasy, too dbz like with the weird animation, too... too... just fucked up. more like sum halarious gundam parody. and an "evil" brother? how "original" *rolles eyes*) apprentice overcomes master? even more UNorigianl.
If you even bothered to understand G gundam you would know that it got great character development and great characters. The fault you do is you compare it to the typical Gundam show. As Terra says " G Gundam is only Gundam in name."
Zeta gundam has shown to be a great series, i have watched a little over half.0080 and G gundam is also very good and Gundam X is decent. SEED is a must see if you already haven't. Stay away from Wing though.
so based on ur interpretation if it only has gundam in name, that means we should not consider it in the best gundam series cuz it only has gundam in its name. which means it is the worst of the gundam series on the sole reason its the least gundam like...Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
You officially have the worst opinion ever.Quote:
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
gundam wing imo. worst imo is g gundam(too corny, too cheasy, too dbz like with the weird animation, too... too... just fucked up. more like sum halarious gundam parody. and an "evil" brother? how "original" *rolles eyes*) apprentice overcomes master? even more UNorigianl.
If you even bothered to understand G gundam you would know that it got great character development and great characters. The fault you do is you compare it to the typical Gundam show. As Terra says " G Gundam is only Gundam in name."
Zeta gundam has shown to be a great series, i have watched a little over half.0080 and G gundam is also very good and Gundam X is decent. SEED is a must see if you already haven't. Stay away from Wing though.
i like GSD [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
my favourite gundam series so far.
its all opinion i guess but i'll throw in my 2 cents
best(s) - Zeta, F91 (not sure that counts), 8th MS, G Gundam, SEED
why? solid stuff going on =)...and they've all got great plots and charac develop, on exception of SEED probably...i'd probably rank that as the lowest even if i love it..haha
Worst - Wing
its like the friggin power rangers of Gundam...haha
No, what he means is that if you watch it expecting a war drama you'll be disappointed because it is Gundam but not in the typical way. And shut the fuck up about it not being original, it's probably the most original of all the Gundams. While it has a lot of cliches from super robot shows it brings a damn lot of new elements that many Gundam series sorely needs. Which is even more funny because you like Wing, a show which is more predictable and bland than most things I can think of.Quote:
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
so based on ur interpretation if it only has gundam in name, that means we should not consider it in the best gundam series cuz it only has gundam in its name. which means it is the worst of the gundam series on the sole reason its the least gundam like...Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
You officially have the worst opinion ever.Quote:
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
gundam wing imo. worst imo is g gundam(too corny, too cheasy, too dbz like with the weird animation, too... too... just fucked up. more like sum halarious gundam parody. and an "evil" brother? how "original" *rolles eyes*) apprentice overcomes master? even more UNorigianl.
If you even bothered to understand G gundam you would know that it got great character development and great characters. The fault you do is you compare it to the typical Gundam show. As Terra says " G Gundam is only Gundam in name."
Zeta gundam has shown to be a great series, i have watched a little over half.0080 and G gundam is also very good and Gundam X is decent. SEED is a must see if you already haven't. Stay away from Wing though.
Best is 0079. Though that is probably just because its the original and the original is always going to seem the best because all the others are somewhat related to it.
I agree more Gundam shows should be more like G Gundam, I have always felt that what GSD lacked was gundams that looked like sailor moon, a bull, and a zebra. Also the GSD universe has such horrible country names, they need something original like Neo Japan or Neo Germany. Does G Gundam get better later in series? I started watching it back when it was on TV, but the first few episodes were so boring I could only watch for a couple weeks before giving up on it. If it does I guess i should try watching it again.
Anyway, I think the best gundam series is 8th MS Team.
Well, I've only seen Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed, and Gundam Seed Destiny, and so I'll say GS/D, as I'll take it as one story.
You did horrible on trying to be sarcastic. you shouldn't pass judgement on something you haven't watched. G Gundam gets better later and is one of the best shows i have seen.Quote:
Originally posted by: Freki
I agree more Gundam shows should be more like G Gundam, I have always felt that what GSD lacked was gundams that looked like sailor moon, a bull, and a zebra. Also the GSD universe has such horrible country names, they need something original like Neo Japan or Neo Germany. Does G Gundam get better later in series? I started watching it back when it was on TV, but the first few episodes were so boring I could only watch for a couple weeks before giving up on it. If it does I guess i should try watching it again.
Anyway, I think the best gundam series is 8th MS Team.
@ Drunkenmaster: You really need to be drunk to think Wing is better than G. Wing got nothing but 5 flashy gundams, no character development, no plot twists other than "oh my god a new foundation/group/army formed by members from the previous foundation/group/army that ruled and now they took over we have to stop them in the name of pacifism and self destruction." on top of all that it got the worst female cast ever.
Freki, you're an idiot. Stop posting.
Edit: And watch G Gundam.