Favourite druggy's Gundam
Since there was a poll a while ago for fav extend, i wanna see which of their Gundams do u like the most...(doing this out of boredom)
do not pick the gundam which was piloted by your fav character out of the 6 (unless the gundam actually is your fav)...
My fav would simply be Forbidden because it's ability to deflect rays, and also he has a cool unique weapon...
EDIT: to make poll abit more interesting, which one do think would actually win if its a melee of the 6?, your fav gundam out of the 6 doesnt necessarily mean it would be the strongest one there (eg. fav gundam is Abyss cos it's effective underwater but think Chaos is strongest due to it's Dragoon)...so it's not the same question if some1 thinks that...
*Scene = Space*
*Not taking pilot abilities into account, assuming all pilots are of equal piloting skills*
Favourite druggy's Gundam
I would say calamity. Not because of armaments or anything, but i simply like the way it looks. It may not have looked that cool in the show cause the slashed out most of the detail from the gundam.
But looking at it in full detail, i have to say i really liked it.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
i'll have to say the gaia gundam because of it's mobile armor and it's black and it kicks ass in the gsd game for gba
Favourite druggy's Gundam
Abyss gundam. The reason is simply, it is awesome and Auel pilots it.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
Hard to pick I like Raider, Chaos, and Gaia.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
I pick Forbidden just cause it had a scythe. I don't think anybody really liked Raider.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
Added an extra Question in the poll to make it more interesting...
Favourite druggy's Gundam
Gaia, because:
1. Sellar piolts it
2. The BaCUE design makes it kick ass.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
1st Q will have to be Abyss, it is just so awesome, especially with the deathscythe feel to it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
2nd will be Gaia IMO, because Stellar is just the craziest of the crazy pilots. Besides, it killed heine! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
Favourite druggy's Gundam
Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
1st Q will have to be Abyss, it is just so awesome, especially with the deathscythe feel to it [img][/img]
2nd will be Gaia IMO, because Stellar is just the craziest of the crazy pilots. Besides, it killed heine! [img][/img]
argh!!...dont mention it!!... >.<
Favourite druggy's Gundam
No it will be Forbidden because he is a overall better pilot than any of the new Druggies and can reflect beam so Calamity is done. and raider just sucks.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
yeah definitely in terms of capabilites but not in terms of looks.
As for which one would win a melee it would definitely have to be gaia. Forbidden just got scythe. Calamity doesnt have anything, raider had that chain mace, chaos im not so sure but i dont think it had anything and abyss just had that trident type thing. Gaia on the other hand had a beam saber, a shield and those two blades on the side.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
Stellar still sucks as a pilot. Forbidden can reflect baems, has that scythe, and the strange bending beam. Forbidden was so hardcore that no one could take him down until Yzak stepped in.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
beams don't count if the battle is a melee type. Thats why i only mentioned forbidden's scythe.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
Favourite druggy's Gundam
I picked the Forbidden because I too am a whore for the scythe, the Abyss is damn cool though, but I sort of thought its "Submarine mode" was whack...
In a free for all 6-way melee match? Hmm..
As much as I don't like her, I'd have to pick Stellar in Gaia for that. However, things would be vastly different depending where the battle was. Space would be impossible for Gaia, and watery areas would give Abyss a great advantage, just how mountains would assist Chaos and Raider.
But Stellar, like someone mentioned, as an insane bitch who turns into a ferocious animal in crazy combat, and her animal instincts would especially thrive in a 6-way free-for-all battle. If it were tournament style, I'd pick Auel and Abyss to come out on top, however.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
Forbidden in both.
1: It is the coolest, no question. Scythe!
2: It had great power and the ability to deflect beams and whatnot, it just seemed really hard to bring down. Yzak really had a nice plan in order to catch Shani offguard, it would have been close to impossible otherwise; I believe.
Favourite druggy's Gundam
lol i'd pick Abyss as my fav just cuz it looks bad ass but in an FFA match i'd have to say Forbidden for its Defensives =)
Favourite druggy's Gundam
Forbidden....Scythe and the bending beams were too cool. Definately my favourite.
Gaia is almost pure melee so I think it would win there..
Favourite druggy's Gundam
Originally posted by: splash
beams don't count if the battle is a melee type. Thats why i only mentioned forbidden's scythe.
You are using the wrong definition of melee. I'm reasonably positive that Deckz meant a Battle Royal/Free For All, not close range combat.
My vote for both is the DESTROY!!! It was piloted by both Stellar and Sting, so it was piloted by 2 known Druggie pilots plus the others probably were too. I don't believe for a second that any of those pilots have the necessary skill to take out a Destroy.
Of course I'm assuming that Fukuda is not helping with plot points.......