could someone explain to me...
sorry, i didnt feel like editing it so deal with the screenshot.
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could someone explain to me...
sorry, i didnt feel like editing it so deal with the screenshot.
Didn't you know? Shin and Luna are in wuuuuvvvvvv(gag). Steller was better.
nah stellar was one of those crazy retarded slow chicks
she still would've been crazy in bed.
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
nah stellar was one of those crazy retarded slow chicks
Still better than someone who can't hit a shuttle that has no protection.
*cough* luna *cough*
You guys got it all wrong, Lunamaria is going to head butt Shinn, to pump him up for the fight (like football players do before a game but with helmets on). So she's kinda hardcore for doing it without a helmet. After that she gives a wild rant/cry, Shinn then goes out real pumped up with Testosterone but at the same time very scared of Lunamaria!
No...... just no...
Whats worst? That scene or the scene where Dullindal sits on his throne and the way he sits? It's not the first time those two were that close. They were that close as well when Shinn "killed" Meyrin and Athrun.
Those two hooking up is one of the worst things that happened to GSD. At least Stellar was likeable because she was sweet and needs psychological help so Shinn took advantage of her easily but at the same time scary and crazy. For Stellar and Shinn relationship it was like "hold me Shinn, i'm scared and lonely" and "yeah me too, lets snuggle?" There's almost no chemistry with Luna. They need a better reason to hook up besides Luna going nuts and Shinn again picking up the next, nearest (abused) damsel in distress. There could be nothing crazier than Stellar in GSD but then i stand corrected when Luna hooks up with the person who just killed her family member and then they had alot of moments where they're hugging and kissing and shit but you dont know if this girl likes Shinn because she's A) messed up and lonely or B) attracted to cold blooded killer with big guns (no pun intended.)
Its scary just looking at those two embracing. For me i dont get why Shinn and Luna should hook up and i liked Stellar alot better. Well besides the fact that Stellar could aim (proof from her kills) and would be crazy in bed.
Apparintly, relationship devolpment is dead and gone, otherwise, we might have liked Shinn being with Luna.Quote:
Originally posted by: alukard
Those two hooking up is one of the worst things that happened to GSD.
Apparently the lot of you still are mentally incapable of seeing the difference between "hooking up" and "emotional comfort in the form of touch".
As for the screenshot, it's obvious that it's a foreplay to orality.
So as to quote Bill, "We did not have a sexual relationship."
Sigh, these kids treat their bodies with no respect and "hook up" when it's convenient.
I agree with Terra, I mean who else does Luna have to go to....ummm...Rey...errr...don't c that of the crew really can't relate or comfort for several reasons of which I won't go into but if need be I should just address it now (most of the crew is older than she is, she doesn't talk to anyone else on the Minerva other than Athuran who is long gone, and some ppl view Merynn as a traitor). Shinn needs to be comforted as well, because no matter how hard he tries to hide it he cares about Athuran. Athuran is like an older brother figure for him.
why everyone keep saying that..............come on shes heading to the atmosphere where pressure gets cant blame her for should try fly to the atmosphere and try to shoot something down.also Stellar was like kind of crazy cause she grew up in a horrible enviroment, you try growing up the way she didQuote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
nah stellar was one of those crazy retarded slow chicks
Still better than someone who can't hit a shuttle that has no protection.
*cough* luna *cough*
ok lets take a moment to address Luna being unable to hit the broadside of a barn. Sure everythingyou said is true except one thing. Luna's first shot went to the right of the shuttle which was making absolutely no attempt to dodge. As a result one woulf believe had she adjusted to the left there is virtually no chance of a second shot missing as the first barely missed the wing. In the end this simply means the girl has absolutely no aim.Quote:
Originally posted by: aznroyale
why everyone keep saying that..............come on shes heading to the atmosphere where pressure gets cant blame her for should try fly to the atmosphere and try to shoot something down.also Stellar was like kind of crazy cause she grew up in a horrible enviroment, you try growing up the way she did
Also note Terra is correct Shinn is just physical comfort to Luna's emotional state. As a result to that the chance her sister is likely alive might drive her and Shinn apart as he will go on about how he did the right thing and likely support trying to kill her sister again.
These characters have no moral. They remind me of my old high school where soooo many high school girls got pregnate. It'll be funny if Lunamaria becomes pregnate and Shinn's says, "Oh no!!!!".
Yea if you like 5 year olds. Considering she could understand and speak as much as a 5 year old.Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
she still would've been crazy in bed.
Well its true that you really cant blame luna. It was her only second time in the impluse and she is used to far-range attacks. She only had a crappy beam rifle. Maybe shes still trying to adjust with impluse?
well the principle of aiming didn't change, and to hit something the point you have to aim at is the biggest point you can see of the target, and aim right smack in the middle of itQuote:
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
Well its true that you really cant blame luna. It was her only second time in the impluse and she is used to far-range attacks. She only had a crappy beam rifle. Maybe shes still trying to adjust with impluse?
and besides, even if she did have her big rifle she would've still missed, the beam isn't that much bigger that it would've hit the shuttle the way she was shooting
stop blaming lunamaria ...
the only reason she missed was because of FUKUDA. He is to blame for everything that goes wrong in this series. Fukuda wanted lunamaria to miss and DJibril to survive and fire requiem and destroy the plants. Fukuda is the reason so many innocent people were killed in the SEED universe with the press of just one button while characters like Athrun and Kira did not die after having their gundams impaled by Shinn. Kill Him and Blame Him
ok on a serious note, i dont think Shinn has hooked up with Luna just yet. As Terra said, its more of an emotional comfort thing
who the hell goes to the person who "killed" her sister for emotional comfort?
"OOOH SHINN please fuck me you killed my sister, its the least you could do!"