Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
If the new gundams being shown now have overpower armamaments, just imagine if besides having SEEd modes, ESP powers, characters have other super natural powers! Someone who's practically abilityless for example, lets say YZAK, lets give him heat vision, or perhaps night vission. I mean just think of some crazy ability besides being newtype! ....im going to sleep...
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Well, good night then? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: romancing_xaga
If the new gundams being shown now have overpower armamaments, just imagine if besides having SEEd modes, ESP powers, characters have other super natural powers! Someone who's practically abilityless for example, lets say YZAK, lets give him heat vision, or perhaps night vission. I mean just think of some crazy ability besides being newtype! ....im going to sleep...
hmmm...no. I'm sorry, but that is possibly the lamest idea i've ever heard in my entire life. Gundam's about mobile suits combat. The fact that the characters have heat vission would just completely destroy the whole gundam tradition. Gundam series is built on exaggeration of current technology. I mean, it is plausible that the construction of mobile suits will be made possible by all the technological advancement in the next century. But people w/ super powers? maybe another 100 million years of human evolution would do.
besides, if people can have heat vision and throw fireballs, y do they need gundam in the first place? go watch the justice league. 'cause super powers should not be found in a gundam series
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: romancing_xaga
If the new gundams being shown now have overpower armamaments, just imagine if besides having SEEd modes, ESP powers, characters have other super natural powers! Someone who's practically abilityless for example, lets say YZAK, lets give him heat vision, or perhaps night vission. I mean just think of some crazy ability besides being newtype! ....im going to sleep...
What are trying to say...
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addict4speed kind summed it up, lets say we give yzak (because we all love him) the ability to live in space and heat vision, he could destroy gundams without using a gundam himself, his reaction is much faster than somebody who's piloting a gundam.
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We have to remember, this is Gundam, not X-men. Chaoskiddo and addict4speed are right. This kind of thing would make the series unwatchable.
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
We have to remember, this is Gundam, not X-men. Chaoskiddo and addict4speed are right. This kind of thing would make the series unwatchable.
Umm yeah that explains new types. Just an exaggeration of technology.
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
We have to remember, this is Gundam, not X-men. Chaoskiddo and addict4speed are right. This kind of thing would make the series unwatchable.
Umm yeah that explains new types. Just an exaggeration of technology.
Dont get it. What could a new-type do again? Could Kira mess them up with with his will alone and they'll have hemorrhage and die? Its a skill not an x-men ability. Could Kira do what Xavier coul do? Even with Xavier's psychic powers he could enter people's mind and could persuade them, sense when someone's coming for him, and when he had psionic powers could tear the fabric of time but with all those powers he could not save himself many times and rely on his x-men team.
In this universe all Kira could do was hear whines from you who when the writers just throw a tiny flash on his forehead and all hell breaks loose and discredit all that he is just by that and saying "OMGFSD he's a 999B0T 0wn@g3 mind-reading sC^wFsdDSjLLFDa l33t cH3At0rz!
What can new-type do again? Gives the user an incredible edge over their opponent or it can be a skill short of being nothing? We'll see soon enough. For now this discussion about Kira's new-type ability is growing increasing abundant and unneccessary and sad excuse for disliking GSD. I don't disagree that ppl dont cameos in a series because it leads the story away from the primary focus and ppl say its fan-service and 'pleasing the crowd,' however Shinn's story begs for rescue.
We could go the angle where Shinn single-handed defeats Neo and rescue Stellar from the paws of EA and save the Orb after taking out the Requiem plan from Asrial's twin which is basically throwing alot of Nukes from the Moon or turning it into some kind of planetary death star and crash it into either Zaft or Earth (Star wars revisited) and Dullindal would play Raww's part and everything is all squishy and cheerful at the end and they'll play the Barney song as the credit rolls. Would you like the "And they live happily thereafter" too? They could make it exactly like the previous struggle with Kira and then the plot would be a cosmic twin. Kira adds some interest to Shinn's lack luster story of some kid who is remarkably like Kira (despite their similarities Shinn lovers hate Kira) who has love-trouble, dislikes interference (Athrun & Zaft was to Kira as Orb & Kira is to Shinn), and have hard time dealing with authority in midst of war (for Kira it was being coordinator having to fight other coordinators, EA, and all who raises a war and stop them for an ideallistic but short lived peace, and for Shinn it was fighting for peace by raising a war, suppressing all authorities including his own crew members such as the Captain or Athrun on the Minerva, and crushing all would be oppositions to Zaft and be the hero of this war uniting the world under one banner.) Why do people hate Kira that much? Its already found in another locked topic, btw, so no need for that.
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Where are you getting all these super powers from? The powers suggested by the original poster are heat vision, night vision, etc - very much on the same scale as newtype abilities.
Now i'm not saying I think having some new newtype like powers is a good suggestion, I just thought I would point out Gundam as it is, is more than just an "exaggeration of current technology" as claimed by someone above.
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: Vegita
Umm yeah that explains new types. Just an exaggeration of technology.
correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought newtypes in CE is different from the ones in UC. Newtypes in UC have abilities similar to superpowers, can communicate with the dead. however, I thought the newtypes in the GS series are only genetically enhanced to have better spacial awareness, which gives them the ability to control pods and dragoons, (aka deadlier soldiers). They can also feel another person's presence. But ridding of those 2 abilities mentioned above, a newtype is simply a normal person. Honestly, i believe newtype abilities defined in GS series aren't that farfetched from current technology, simply because we already have a good spacial awareness of the things around us. you know how you sometimes get the feeling that someone's staring at you, and when you look in that direction, you can actually see a person looking at your direction as well. A Newtype is just person who's genetically engineered to enhance his/her so called "sixth sense." To me, that's not exactly that farfetched, unlike superpowers such as heat vision or x-ray vision etc.
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Anyone ever played Zone of the Enders 2? There was that one cool technology that allowed a mech to get up and close and personal with its enemies almost instanteously.
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: XwingRob
Anyone ever played Zone of the Enders 2? There was that one cool technology that allowed a mech to get up and close and personal with its enemies almost instanteously.
I know what you are talking about. The ZERO SHIFT. Orbital Frames such as Anubis and Jehuty would be deadly in the hands of Kira and Athrun. They also had the ZERO SHIFT in the Z.O.E. Dolores i anime. Doleres and this other Orbital Frame had it. They were built from the remains of Idolo. So all in all there are four orbital frames with the Zero Shift: Jehuty, Anubis, Dolores, and a White Orbital Frame. Unfortunately using the Zero Shift puts a strain on the body seeing as the pilot is also put into compressed space with the frame unless you are infused with metatron or are just crazy like Nohman. I doubt that anyone from the gundam universe could handle it. Also, orbital frames, such as the ones that I have mentioned, can sometimes make people obsessed and go insane with power. So putting a pilot such as Shinn inside would not be the smartest of ideas.
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
Originally posted by: XwingRob
Anyone ever played Zone of the Enders 2? There was that one cool technology that allowed a mech to get up and close and personal with its enemies almost instanteously.
I know what you are talking about. The ZERO SHIFT. Orbital Frames such as Anubis and Jehuty would be deadly in the hands of Kira and Athrun. They also had the ZERO SHIFT in the Z.O.E. Dolores i anime. Doleres and this other Orbital Frame had it. They were built from the remains of Idolo. So all in all there are four orbital frames with the Zero Shift: Jehuty, Anubis, Dolores, and a White Orbital Frame. Unfortunately using the Zero Shift puts a strain on the body seeing as the pilot is also put into compressed space with the frame unless you are infused with metatron or are just crazy like Nohman. I doubt that anyone from the gundam universe could handle it. Also, orbital frames, such as the ones that I have mentioned, can sometimes make people obsessed and go insane with power. So putting a pilot such as Shinn inside would not be the smartest of ideas.
Heero from Wing could probably do it. He would just do that thing from the old cartoons where he would stick his thumb in his mouth, close his mouth, and blow real hard to reinflate his body. Plus he already tried the "go insane with power" stunt once.
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: addict4speed
Originally posted by: Vegita
Umm yeah that explains new types. Just an exaggeration of technology.
correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought newtypes in CE is different from the ones in UC. Newtypes in UC have abilities similar to superpowers, can communicate with the dead. however, I thought the newtypes in the GS series are only genetically enhanced to have better spacial awareness, which gives them the ability to control pods and dragoons, (aka deadlier soldiers). They can also feel another person's presence. But ridding of those 2 abilities mentioned above, a newtype is simply a normal person. Honestly, i believe newtype abilities defined in GS series aren't that farfetched from current technology, simply because we already have a good spacial awareness of the things around us. you know how you sometimes get the feeling that someone's staring at you, and when you look in that direction, you can actually see a person looking at your direction as well. A Newtype is just person who's genetically engineered to enhance his/her so called "sixth sense." To me, that's not exactly that farfetched, unlike superpowers such as heat vision or x-ray vision etc.
Heat vision isn't much of a superpower, you just need eyes sensitive the the infrared band of light and a brain capable of processing it. We do have machines that can see infrared.
Whereas this sixth sense has never ever been able to be conclusively shown to exist at all.
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: Vegita
Heat vision isn't much of a superpower, you just need eyes sensitive the the infrared band of light and a brain capable of processing it. We do have machines that can see infrared.
Sorry if I'm misreading this, but that isn't what "Heat Vision" is. It sounds like you think it is just seeing Infra Red. "Heat Vision" is being able to basically shoot lasers out of your eyes. Think Superman.
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: Vegita
Heat vision isn't much of a superpower, you just need eyes sensitive the the infrared band of light and a brain capable of processing it. We do have machines that can see infrared.
Sorry if I'm misreading this, but that isn't what "Heat Vision" is. It sounds like you think it is just seeing Infra Red. "Heat Vision" is being able to basically shoot lasers out of your eyes. Think Superman.
I think you are indeed misreading this. The original poster suggested both "heat vision" and "night vision" as possible powers to give to pilots, so "heat vision" is probably just the ability to see the infrared spectrum of light, and night vision is the ability to see in ulta low-light conditions.
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Why would that be needed? The mobile suits should already have that installed as there are cameras for that kind of shit.
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You know what, its about time the Clyne faction built a large scale EMP device. Its the best way for them to carry out their plans. They can disable every enemy in the vicinty without having to fight or kill them. Goes along perfectly with Kira' no kill policy
Also another crazy idea: Since the writers of GSD don't mind taking ideas from here and there then they should use the concept of the gravity gun from half life 2 and use it as a weapon for a gundam. The Zero Point Field Manipulator kicks ass
Please feel free to comment on the absurdity of these ideas
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
you people crack me up, have a bit of imagination, have some fun freaks. You ppl always got some logical explanation on things it sounds so rediculous, coz your so stiff. ^_^
Let's go Sci-Fic all the way!
Originally posted by: romancing_xaga
you people crack me up, have a bit of imagination, have some fun freaks. You ppl always got some logical explanation on things it sounds so rediculous, coz your so stiff. ^_^
Acctually I have a book called "Science of the X-Men". It was interesting as they tried to explain the powers in known science. Obviously they had to stretch some and make some asumptions, but they generally had at least 1 theory for them being real.