I heard that some people say that Athrun is better than Kira, just that Athrun is much softer than Kira. So which is true? Athrun or Kira is better?
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I heard that some people say that Athrun is better than Kira, just that Athrun is much softer than Kira. So which is true? Athrun or Kira is better?
Pretty equal but because Kira got Fukuda on his side he is the best. Hmm seriously though i'd say they are pretty equal maybe Kira got a slight edge.
best evidence
GS phase 44.
i say coz justice is a much pretty much a grunt suit (take out the subflight lifter)
How the fuck can you call Justice a grunt suit without the sublfight lifter? Justice is a nuclearpowered melee combat suit. It got superior speed and weaponry to any normal suit and it got unlimited power. What is grunt about that?
Taking out the sublfight lifter makes it grunt eh? You can do that to all suits. Legend, take out the dragoons and it's no good. Freedom take out its railguns and shoulder beam cannons. Even with it taken out they are not grunt suits. You can't judge a suit by weaponry alone.
i think they are even but because kira is "god" he has a small advantage
damn, that double-edged sword is cool.
I believe this argument could go either way, depending on how one justifies it with proper evidence. However, in my opinion, I would say that they are on an equal level. I would probably say that Athuran's combat skills and experience are superior to Kira's, but Kira makes up for it with a slightly more powerful MS in that SF is a bit better than Infinite Justice. That is all [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Its pretty much equal
Okay. Lets see.
Strike Freedom is a long range type gundam with a variety of kick ass beams, chest cannons etc. Infinite Justice is a melee type gundam since tt has sabers practically coming out of his ass. So how do you gain the advantage against each other? Since SF is a long range type, he will have the advantage against IJ if he keeps a safe distance between the two. Since IJ is a melee type gundam then he won't be able to land a powerful hit or practically a hit. Now if IJ managed to get the SF on a close range combat, being a melee type then he would gain the advantage with the variety of close range weapons it has.
This of course is not considering the pilots skill. Its just common sense in a fight. To beat a long range fighter you get close to it. To beat a close range fighter you move away from it.
In terms of skill as pilots I have to say that Kira is more powerful. Yes, they both can go Seed at will. But story wise (even if you don't like it) Kira is also a newtype and the supposed Ultimate Coordinator. He became a natural at flying a Gundam while Athrun had to learn and discipline himself in the military to become the ace fighter known throughtout ZAFT.
Also. Don't make this a "Because Fukuda this and Fukuda that" thing. Keep it story wise.
If we leave the suits out of it i think Kira got the slight edge because he is the ultimate coordinator and is supposed to have endless potential in everything, Rey also said during the investigation of Freedom that he completly mastered it however he doesn't got the military training that Athrun has, he don't know about military tactics and so on. Kira knows how to pilot a suit while Athrun goes a bit beyond that as he knows more about the whole battle situation, enemy formations etc. etc.
i say they are about the same. i mean kira and athurn have about the same skillz... however, kira's maximum potential probably slightly exceeds athurns. and as for the suits. 1v1 justice is a better suit cuz melee is more crucial in 1v1. howveer, justice doesnt really have crowd control against large amounts of grunts, which kira has. assuming they have exactly the same skills and fought, justice would win. i highly doubt athurn would get shot down by cannons.... cannons and guns can be dodged like crazy. if one gundam only had a gun and one only had a sword i think the sword one would win. kira also cant run forerver, because if he is running and shooting that means he needs to be going backwards while shooting (his railguns and shoulder cannons dont turn the other way). justice on the otherhand is going stright towards him, forward. i think going backwards is alittle slower than going forwards. now if freedom just ran and justice chased, it would be a test of bladder endurance, considering the chase could go on for days. but both suits are about just as good. think about it. justice and freedom were ment to accent eachother. one is insane range and draggons for crowd control. the other one is a sleek small number combat melee suit with beamswords up the wazzo. together, they are the perfect combo. kira=athurn and vice versa. freedom and justice are each good at their own thing.
what do you guys think about shin vs rey? i first thought shin would own rey, but after seeing rey take on kira hmmmm...
I'd say Shinn in seed mode can probably take down Rey, but w/o it, Rey might have an edge, especially if he can use the Dragoons.Quote:
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
what do you guys think about shin vs rey? i first thought shin would own rey, but after seeing rey take on kira hmmmm...
Kira vs. Athrun, hmm. I'd have to say a tie as well. If anyone remembers their fight in SEED(Aile Strike vs. Ageis), that was about a tie, so it might be the same as then. Then again, Freedom and Justice are different from Sstrike and Ageis. All and all, a tie sounds like the most likely outcome.
Becasue of Kira's refusal to kill anyone, the balance tips in favour of Athrun. Seriously, it';s a major flaw in Kira's combat abilities and something any sane or observant person can take advantage of (see the fight between Impulse and Godhood/Freedom)
A question about IJ? Whats the deal with the gryphon leg blade. Its like a beam blade on the justice's legs. So are we gonna see Athrun disabling mobile suits by giving them karate kicks and cutting them up.
Sure. He already used it against Shinn's boomerang thing.Quote:
Originally posted by: splash
A question about IJ? Whats the deal with the gryphon leg blade. Its like a beam blade on the justice's legs. So are we gonna see Athrun disabling mobile suits by giving them karate kicks and cutting them up.
I don't know the answer to your question there, but in case you didn't notice, Athrun did use it to block Destiny's boomarang in episode 43.Quote:
Originally posted by: splash
A question about IJ? Whats the deal with the gryphon leg blade. Its like a beam blade on the justice's legs. So are we gonna see Athrun disabling mobile suits by giving them karate kicks and cutting them up.
'Course this begs the question: Haro or Tori? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's pretty even... I'd say that in space if Kira were to use the dragoon system he'd have a fairly good edge. We've seen them clash before though, and the result was a very deadly stalemate (I think someone argued at one point that the only reason Kira survived was because he was lucky someone was around to find him).
Even if Kira has dragoon, Athrun has more reflecting potential with all those beam sabers. In terms of long range combat Kira wins. In terms of short range Athrun owns Kira. In other words stalemate cause if one goes they take the other with them.
So what if both are put in a ZAKU with one beam rifle and one Axe thingy each?Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
Even if Kira has dragoon, Athrun has more reflecting potential with all those beam sabers. In terms of long range combat Kira wins. In terms of short range Athrun owns Kira. In other words stalemate cause if one goes they take the other with them.