Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...
...there now are 4 people on the forums using either a Heine avatar or a Heine sig (or both). In addition, I have a Heine av/sig combination at another message board. In summary, there are more people here who gladly show off their Heine fandom than there are people using other Seed characters in their ava/sig in TOTAL. Which is actually quite amazing.
So to not make this topic entirely unnecessary, what do you think Heine's appeal is? Let's look at some facts:
- He had a grunt suit with orange colors, which blew up faster than it launched (almost).
- He died in 4 episodes (and in one of them he didn't have any lines).
Why do we love a character like this, who is so "insignificant" for the greater glory of Seed?
I have a few theories:
- The hair.
- Goddamnit, everything else.
I don't know why either but I love this character. ARGH! I dig him and I don't know why.
Who knows, maybe it's the fact that Kira indirectly killed Heine that latently made it so I now hate Mister God Mode?
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I like his attitude [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Espeically towards his teams dont you think? ^_^
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I would have had Heine sig and avatar too, but I'm really bad with graphics [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
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its becaus he had no doubt, just about every one else on the show is confussed about somethign but he shows up and he knows wut he is doing why hes doing it and most of all he not an ass about it, also he actually got of his ass and hopped in harms way
terra might out me for this but you can almost compair him to the pink haired bitch except that unlike that ho he put his ass out there to get dirty and when he talked it made since
the first time he ever talks i expected him to be an ass but insted he was honest and direct and most of all friendly on top of that he was cool looking had his own purty suit and was a member of faith, this is the main reason why when he died in such a shitty and abrupt maner it was like wtf nobody likes to see someone worth a damn go out like... lol like there not worth a damn i mean when mew died (or got sucked into a time warp or wutever the fuck we are suposed to think) no one was pissed he died as a hero and went out hard core, but the way Heine died was total crap i wont ever take any justification for it it was stupid.
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HEINE HAS SEX APPEAL!!!!!.................wait, what?
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cos this guy is jus sooo damn cool....
like i said on another thread: even though he was here for a few eps, he's already more interesting than most of (and all of the main) characters....
and Deblas is right, he is a good looking guy (not in a gay way or anything of course - [hate ppl saying males r gay when they compliment on other male's looks... =/] - )
I just cant think of a reason for some1 not to like him...
dam, he left too early...i remember terra saying they should bring him back for main char if theres season 3...helllll yeh they should...
almost forgot, the TMR voice... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
...and the hair.....and the eyes....and orange... [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
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Thats the curse of TM. His last character lasted just around the same time.
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People like him because he was cool just like u like yzak so much
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cuz he didnt have a overpowered mobile suit, yet he acted in a cool way.
Loved it how he toyed around with Gaia, Go the Whip!!!!! that episode was like Stellar was lovin' it if it was a real whip!!!!
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My theories:
1. To create conflict between Kira and Athrun.
2. He was created so this thread can exist. : )
But really, I think he's cool and it's sad that he died so fast. The impact his death would have created would be so much bigger if he survived longer or had confronted Kira before dying.
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Heine is a douche. He was just a mediocre pilot that's why he got laser bladed in half like a woman. I really didn't even understand his introduction to the storyline seeing as how his absense would've been absolutely insignificant.
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Originally posted by: Mut@chi
Heine is a douche. He was just a mediocre pilot that's why he got laser bladed in half like a woman. I really didn't even understand his introduction to the storyline seeing as how his absense would've been absolutely insignificant.
well put. if he actually had an impact in athrun's thinking, he might've made a difference, but stupid athrun has already been lectured for the past 20 episodes and NOTHING SEEMS TO GET THROUGH TO HIM. he's still one confused idiot and somehow, lacus does the job.
the reason for heine's appeal? an introductory side character. different from the rest of the characters we've seen and the only one with a 'true' soldier mentality.
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Same reason alot of us liked Nicol. These two characters shared the same fate. They were young, cheerful, and wise beyond their years. They had so much to accomplish. When you're in the military and almost died and they died, and you survived because of their interference you wish you werent so they can be. Guilt is one of the curse of being alive. Fear of how you die is the only thing in the way. Death is a natural part of life. Thats what makes life interesting and sometimes sad.
Besides those, Heine was a natural leader. He was the one that could make a difference in Athrun but died prematurely. Thats the sadest part. If it werent for what Heine said, Athrun would just be another grunt for Dulindal but without Heine, he needs to find his own way which has been and still is a long way to go. You dont just make a decision to pick up and kill your own country the next day. Its treason and its an offense that could put Kira to death but because he never consider himself sided with coordinator just because he's one so maybe he doesnt have as tough a time as Athrun, whose father had a large influence and he himself could decide to follow that same path. Heine was for me a voice of reason among a mass of distraction to Athrun. He neither enforced his opinion on Athrun like the Chairman, manipulate and use him like Ray with Shinn, nor tried to kill him like Kira, although Kira knew what he was doing and only disarmed him.
The main reason as someone stated was also that he lasted only one episode.
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Yeah nicol was in a similar situation, however Heine was more of a veteran than Nicol and despite the similarities, one can say that Heine was definitely the more mature. His being more experienced in war nd stuff means he had a greater potential for character development. Guess thats why people were really dissappointed. He was like a character that could have been higher than Yzak and Dearka att he very least in terms of importance to the story but he was just thrown away. Anyways, his short run was memorable. WAY TO GO HEINE! Give us characters like him and dont kill them off just like that
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Gotta say that I never really trusted Heine. He just felt like he was one more of those intrigueating guys, only out there to mess with your heads. Never believed him one word he said, but I can't say why, for the love of god.
And about all that Kira killing him crap, I never got that. Kira disarmed him and was hovering slightly above him in the air, when lil' bitch Stellar lunged herself towards Kira and through Heine. To me it was always clear, that the one, who killed Heine, was Stellar and not Kira. If you actually would want to accuse someone else, besides his actual murderer, then go with Heine himself, who was not able to dodge the attack. He had no weapons but his thrusters were fine.
That whole scene made the character ver uninteresting and almost idiotic for me. He appeared as an interesting side character and probably one more of the evil guys(at least it felt like that to me) and then he gets wiped out by some stupid chick in a doggy MS, because this top ace doesn't dodge. Yeah, right... And to top it off, everybody goes apeshit on Kira's ass, saying he killed him. It's like there are two people and a hitman on the street. The Hitman just fires into the crowd of two and misses the one he was aiming for and hits the other the one to be found guilty is....*drumroll*...the guy who got missed? Pardon? Never want to go to court if one of you guys is the judge or part of the jury...
P.S.: And no, I'm not an avid Kira lover and just trying to defend him, it really never ocurred to me, that he could be at fault.
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What people mean when they say that Kira indirectly killed Heine (note INDIRECTLY) is that if Kira didn't come and fuck things up Heine wouldn't die, as he obviously had no problems taking on Stellar normally (as he did so earlier in the episode).
Edit: Check this out
Disturbing, yes, but hey! It's pretty funny.
If anyone has any Heine pics that he/she wants to share, post 'em here
Edit2: Okay I found some more for y'all, let's spread the Heine love.
Man, he is one damn hunky guy. He is almost threatening my heterosexuality [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I wonder if Fukuda himself ever foresaw that Heine would become this popular (I hear he's insanely popular in Japan as well, and there's actually quite a bunch of great fanart for him).
There totally needs to be a Heine sidestory or something, I'd buy it even if he'd just be sitting around staring at the wall in it.
Images were found here by the way
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I'd have to agree with you (Kenzaburo). I think that if there's anybody to hate more, it'd be Stellar, not Kira. I like both characters, but I thought Stellar was less of a character. Then again, she pretty much was just pure emotion and fear.
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Heine was modeled after T.M. Revolution singer no?
No wonder he is so popular [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
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Heine's death really solidified my hate for Kira Yamato. That being said, I believe his overly friendly approach to the other pilots (making them, practically ordering them, to call him by his first name, with no title) and stark contrast to every other authority figure in the show was what made him something to remember. Heine's talk with Athrun was also a dialogue I really liked, rare for most of Destiny, and I felt like Heine would have had a real positive effect on Athrun, turn him into the military leader he has the potential to become, while letting him keep the kindness and humility that Athrun exudes all the time. (that being said I believe Dullindal posted him on Minerva for that purpose and what Kenzaburo mentioned above)
And the Nichol comparison is quite good, but I just thought Nichol's death was alot harder on Athrun because they'd been with each other longer, Athrun only got along with Nichol (and wasn't quite so friendly with Yzak and Deakka til later), Nichol was the sweetest most feminine guy despite being a soldier, he was so young, and because he died trying to protect Athrun. Heine just got over-aggressive and tried to exact revenge too early in a MS that was really crippled. I thought it was sort of a dumb way to die, while Nichol's was bold and tragic.
I never thought Heine was that good looking at all. Hair was sorta silly... attitude though, the man kicks ass. And the golden-orange grunt MS rocked the Gaia pretty good until I'm-So-Righteous-Watch-Me-Fight-For-Your-Ideals-Lacus! Kira came and interrupted...
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