well raw is out and i am bored so i strted thread. Anyway you can get raw here.
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well raw is out and i am bored so i strted thread. Anyway you can get raw here.
plz post the english version here if it is out already... thx!
YEY, this episode will rock i hope..
damn it..can't download till monday..
but been readin' the review..DAMN..this episode is good.
This ep kicked ass. The dom's rape. I mean they look so fucking cool and they kick ass. Then we get the encounter of shinn vs Freedom. In the preview you see Shinn going nuts with the sword... LOL wait till you see what Freedom does. I'm not gonna spoil too much of this ep. Just this was great. Kira fricken is awesome. And then Infinite Justice comes on the scene. Damn I can't wait to hear what Shinn says. lol
Kick ass episode, can't wait for the sub and the next episode [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
and yes, the dom's rape ass...
DAMN, DAMN U GUYS....MAKING ME WANT TO C THE RAW....*desperately clicking on the raw download link*
Fun episode, kinda of teaser that Justice doesn't launch until the end.
Oh thought I would mention this. If any naysayers still exist on the subject of Neo being Mwu who did indeed survive the destruction of Strike. I highly reccommend you pay attention to this ep. Especially after two missiles are about to hit AA when Minerva is in the fight against them. There is a certain line spoken.
I so luv this ep...i think all episodes after phase 35 are good to watch,those DOM's really rape n that woman leading them looks sexy with the eyepatch
LOL best episode ever. It has good fights, some intresting talks( juding from RAW), good twists of evences. It is a MUST SEE episode. and as for preview for next episode, it looks as it will be same rank as this one. hmmm Fukuda realy turned intensity up after last episode.
Yes,Infinite Justice's appearance will surely rankle ZAFT and i wonder about its fighting styles...should be cool
Just saw the raw, can't wait for the episode to be subbed. Excellent, making the impossible possible...sweet. This is a GREAT episode, had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Now we know why Freedom and Justice were holding hands during the 41 preview.
It's nice how Shinn understands how he would of been raped 100x's over if Kira's side guns were beams and not substance rifles. Also, Destiny has a power supply?? ....Does DESTINY really use soooo much energy that it can deplete a nuclear reactor within a few minutes???? If so, Destiny is not a very practical Gundam.
Oh ya... POWER INDUCATOR!!! Long live Japan's horrible misspelling powers!! But seriously, is it THAT hard to find someone who is proficient in both Japanese and English... especially in such a big company.
Kick ass episode, the doms are AMAZING they remind me hockey players, SPECTACULAR. After watching it, i think ATHRUN wont be able to do much, Meyring is helping him to walk for christ sake how is he supposed to pilot IJustice at Destiny or Legend's Level?. I was so happy when i saw Yuna after the nice beating, u must see that. I cant belive Kira is having some trouble with Shinn [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img], but thank god he isnt fighting so seriously, yet. One thing i dont like was, there r 3 MS in ETERNAL, i think 1 is SFreedom the other IJustice, please dont tell me Shinn will use the last one. Wait a minute was the third one GAIA? (let it be, someone could answer that?). Still no signs of Izak or Deaka [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img], how much r they planning to make us wait?.
RESUME: Very ns episode, fortunately i waited until it was completed b4 trying to play it, i waited too to watch it b4 posting something Phase 43 will be... I dont know, but i hope it will kick ass too.
Me want sub and i too wonder how athrun will fight, he looks pretty beat up.
But i'm looking forward to Kira/Athrun vs Shinn/Rey. Who is the best team players?
Kira kicks a** omg gave me some goosebumps.....lol...embarass someone really bad(don't want to mention the name but u know who it is)...LOL LMAO
this episode rocks! at least we got to see Shinn getting pissed off, again, coz he cant seem to overpower one mobile suit, Strike Freedom. I think Neo said something like "making the impossible, possible" or something... the DOM MS are rocking!! that formation is cool, I just think they move funny..hovering on the ground, sliding through enemies...hehe, its till next episode we see Justice in action, so ppl fasten your seatbelts..
this episode is to cool only Kira can block a beam with another beam and Mwu was to cool I cant wait for the sub