Okay since i thought it unfair to have a shinn hater haven but not a kira hater haven so i made one for those shinn lovers like terra [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] go crazy.
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Okay since i thought it unfair to have a shinn hater haven but not a kira hater haven so i made one for those shinn lovers like terra [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] go crazy.
This has the potential of becoming the best topic ever.
Also, I'm not a Shinn lover (I only like him more than Kira).
Make that a LOT more than Kira.
I have a feeling this topic and the Shinn haters haven will have an IQ diffrence of roughly 80 but i might be wrong.
Anyway i don't love Shinn or anything but i have started liking him more and more recently he is starting to shape up to be a pretty decent character.
LOL the next thing u know it....there will a swarming of Kira fans defending Kira in this Thread..LOL
Then their posts will be deleted, because that isn't what this topic is for.
GotWoot Moderator
kira sorta pissed me off in seed with his personality and voice but i like him a LITTLE in gsd but shinn is still a lot better than him
I do not see the point hating anyone. It creates factions and alliances and gives people a chance to step in with some taboo topics.
Joe: Your mom s*cks.
Red: Obviously YOUR mom was better at it because you wouldnt ever be conceived without which.
Joe: ...
Joe: (!)
Fight breaks out and is broken up after one overpowers the other.
Joe: You're a sick person.
Its interesting always to read these topics though.
I'm an Athrun fan cause he's one of the main characters, albeit a small role) in GS and i believe he'll be again in GSD. I like underdogs because they're hard to build up and develope their role but always a shocker when their nearly insignificant role becomes just as important as the main characters. Besides, Shinn is just a Kira clone/cameo but we get to see them side by side and compare the immature version to the developed one. Eventually you'll see doubles. I dont like that. If the writer changes it a little bit near the end, it would be more satisfying ending, then if it were like the last where, just like Kira's plot, he see's his sister, appears half naked, and gave her a smack on the cheeks and everything is . It would be quite a shocker though if we'd all find out it was alright because they're only adopted children growing up together.
Shinn: Myuu i love you.
Myuu: ...
Shinn: I always thought those thoughts private and fought hard to keep my exciting down and..
Myuu: Its okay i found out after i died that we're not related.
Shinn: Oh!!
Shinn: Wait im kinda slow but so we're not related?
Myuu: No. I love you and ill look after you and wait for you in the afterlife.
Shinn: ...Suddenly, i just lost all my attraction to you.
Myuu: Thats okay, we'll be born again but this time i'll be a guy and you're gonna be my girlfriend and ill be your knight in shining armor. Its been determined.
Shinn: ??
Maybe i was wrong on that IQ diffrence.
First of all could someone explain to me why the post above mine is in this thread, what does it have to do with Kira hate? And to answer that post, hating and liking is what everything is about. If you just sits in front of the screen like a stonecold killer and doesn't react a bit on anything it will become kinda boring.
What the hell does 2 guys arguing and fighting have to do with Kira hate and what is the last dialog supposed to be?
*images of Kira plushies being squished and vaporized by Destroy Gundam pop into mind*
I don't like that he's portrayed as being some form of divine intervention (how many times has he come from above in Freedom, wings spread out like some sort of guardian angel?) when in alot of the cases in GSD he's made things worse, imho.
youd think since kira had gone through seed and matured so much, that he would have an idea as to what the hell to do in whatever situation hes in, but he shows up on the battlefeild screwing everything up, not making anything better for anyone, and ending up looking more immature and confused and foolish than he did at the beginning of seed. its like 1 step forward 2 steps back, wtf.
Edit: a little off topic, but i figured id get this out here too:
wtf athrun? youve been such a pussy the entire series, except for like one battle in the beginning when you were piloting the zaku.
why the fuck is athrun there!?
all he does is brood and cry, what a fucking angst factory.
i really wish this show wasnt so involved with the main characters of seed, if they were more in the background and observed more from the third person(much like how kira was in the beginning when he killed shinns family) rather than first, they would be more effective as characters and interesting rather than how they are now.
do i really care if athrun is in sickbay of archangel? not really.
i really dont care about what kirais doing ATM either, all he is is an ace from the previous war, HIS STORY HAS ALREADY BEEN TOLD. this is why everyone is so divided over the characters, everyone is confused as to what the hell theyre watching, is this an extension of gundam SEED or is it a new story with new characters in the same universe? its trying to be both, and although it can be done, fukuda isnt doing a very coherent job. so i guess what it comes down to is i hate fukuda.
that was way off topic, i sorta got into a serious "thing" there, so to atone, and appease the Mod Gods, ill say this: KIRA BLOWS
kira does suck, when him and shin first fought, shin wasnt in berzerker the first half and kira was, and shin was kicking his ass. also, kira got saved by athrun like 40 times in gundam seed, and asuran spared his little ass like 2 times. then when he got strike freedom. he does nothing. he locks on to shit with his computer=no skill, he slices up grunts=no skill basally, and then he uses his draggons=no skill they are computer controled what a bastard. also when he and asuran fought 1v1 athrun technically won because he ran outta power, which isnt really a skll issue, so asuran when they are both pissed as hell has a higher potential skill wise. you might say he got better, but so did asuran AND the fact that yzak pwned those druggies like nothing. kira was getting his ass handed to him. glad i got that out
I'm sure you hate Kira, but don't hate him for reasons you've made up in your head.Quote:
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
kira does suck, when him and shin first fought, shin wasnt in berzerker the first half and kira was, and shin was kicking his ass. also, kira got saved by athrun like 40 times in gundam seed, and asuran spared his little ass like 2 times. then when he got strike freedom. he does nothing. he locks on to shit with his computer=no skill, he slices up grunts=no skill basally, and then he uses his draggons=no skill they are computer controled what a bastard. also when he and asuran fought 1v1 athrun technically won because he ran outta power, which isnt really a skll issue, so asuran when they are both pissed as hell has a higher potential skill wise. you might say he got better, but so did asuran AND the fact that yzak pwned those druggies like nothing. kira was getting his ass handed to him. glad i got that out
Well I do hate Kira... but are these two seperate campy threads really necessary?
I'd rather fight it out in a Kira VS. Shinn thread then just bitch bitch bitch about something with people who agree with me...
In conflict lies the seed of creation, or something like that.
how are those made up.... everything in there happened... as for made up reasons: i bet he hates chicken what a loser. i also bet he watches stupid tv shows and likes to eat coco puffs and pretends to be the president of hishouse when he showers...(those are made up)
Haha I thought point of other thread was to get shinn hating from other threads because people were sick of it, it wasn't like some great privilege denied to Kira haters, but whatever. Well Kira did lose to Shinn but despite this he has been portrayed since he got Freedom as this unstoppable force which after awhile gets kind of annoying. I much preferred Kira back in Strike when he was outnumbered and barely making it through battles and still a civilian trapped in a MS trying to survive against trained military aces, it made watching how he was gonna survive more interesting to me. Now there really isn't much to his fights, Kira has become so more powerful then almost everyone else that there isn't much suspense behind any of his fights. Kira's attitude is also irritating he just got this idea that he can save everyone in the world from dying and while I am sure some lives have prolly been saved, he refuses to wake up and realize this distortion of reality where he can save everyone from death.
Well I guess I should prolly get to Shinn haters haven soon to complain about Shinn being overpowered and having a stubborn attitude and clinging to his distortion of reality where Cagalli's dad killed his family and Dullindal will save everyone.
Bah I forgot :
kira got saved by athrun like 40 times in gundam seed(being an exaggeration doesn't make it true)
he locks on to shit with his computer=no skill(would you prefer he aim it like a rifle with a sight? granted using the computer isn't the hardest thing but with that many guns what else would you expect?)
he slices up grunts=no skill basally(EVERYONE slices up grunts that is why we refer to them as grunts)
then he uses his draggons=no skill they are computer controled what a bastard(that is why so few people could use the dragoon system before)
kira was getting his ass handed to him(granted he didn't kill any of them, although he did have a part in Athrun being able to kill the first druggie that died in SEED, but he didn't really get his ass handed to him except when it was 3 v 1)
also by not killing the soliders they come back in new suits, so they can kill more civilians/troops. suits are replacible in like 1 week, yong men and piolts are not. by not killing them, he is effectiveally prolonging the war and raising the casualties in the long run. short term, yes he saves lives, long term as a war, no way. hes stupid like that.kira coulda killed stellar way back in the earlier fights. but he didnt. his price? 1 whole city was leveled and thousands of innocent people died because stellar went crazy in destroy eventually he killed stellar after trying to disarm her in like 5 tries. my thoughts are cruel, but my logic(in gundam seed that is not real life) is not flawed. stellar is the perfect example of how he coulda saved thousands of lives if he killed stellar.
Highly exaggerated(sp?) by you and some of them were completly incorrect. A tip tho check the circumstances before you judge something.Quote:
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
how are those made up.... everything in there happened... as for made up reasons: i bet he hates chicken what a loser. i also bet he watches stupid tv shows and likes to eat coco puffs and pretends to be the president of hishouse when he showers...(those are made up)
If he killed Stellar way back, they would have put another druggie in the Destory just like they had 5 when defending Heaven's base.
Hate kira all you want but don't make up shit to justify it and try to use your brain.
yes but stellar got scared because of kira and thats why she destroyed much more. why do u think neo put her in destroy? when they had the other destroys all of them combined didnt compare with stellar's destructive ability. and also none of them are exaggerated. he did get saved by athurn. he did get spared by athrun. locking on no skill, no skill either for slicing up grunts, no skill for using comp controlled dragoons. why didnt he kill all the druggies? spare them, they will come back (which they did and killed more ppl)... if they had to put sumone else, im sure those were the best piolts by far and definatly the craziest. but heck i got out what i wanted to say and expressing my hate. i probably wont post again unless sum kira lover comes in and posts a bunch of stuff, or sumone starts screwing up the thread by posting random stuff
Again try to use your brain Kira had no idea he scared Stellar, he was suprised that Destroy stopped attacking and floated around, Stellar saw him when he floated into her sight and got crazy. Yea way to go blame it on Kira, I can understand alot of Kira hate and he have become a bit annoying lately with all the miracles he can pull. But saying that he got no skill is retarded.
thats why he shoulda killed her earlier (like 20 episodes back) and not wait, scare her, then kill her after she already destroyed a city and also i never said he had no skill, he doesnt use it ever.. he is the ultiment coordinator i have not seen anything as of now that makes him so awsome. shin on the other hand as much as i hate him ive seen him do much more amazing things. he is still the one that scared her. accident or not it is still his fault. if u accdentally hit a baseball into a window and hit sumone in the head. u didnt do it on purpose nor did u ever want to hit anyone. yet it is still ur fault. (although its a combo of faults between shin, kira and stellar herself, which is why i hate all of them)