Wonder Wat is Akatsuki and Doom Tooper
In the end of series there show a gold gundam i think tat name akatsuki and the begining of the series also showing 3 doom trooper with another 3 unknown person. Im very curios about this 2 gundam and wonder who is the pilot of akatsuki. And mayb in epi 40 will show the akatsuki haha.
Wonder Wat is Akatsuki and Doom Tooper
first of all tiduscwh, please for the love of god, please correct your english.
i don't think english is your first language, so what i recommend you do is
-open a translating website
-type whatever it is you want to write there
-copy and paste it to this forum.
anyways, akatsuki's pilot is cagalli. watch the preview for the next episode. she covers her eyes coz the bloody MS is too shiny [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
its dom trooper by the way. visit mahq webbie to find out more. but they're basically grunts without personal stylists.
Wonder Wat is Akatsuki and Doom Tooper
Originally posted by: john_doe_107
first of all tiduscwh, please for the love of god, please correct your english.
i don't think english is your first language, so what i recommend you do is
-open a translating website
-type whatever it is you want to write there
-copy and paste it to this forum.
wow, jackass much?
Wonder Wat is Akatsuki and Doom Tooper
like, ya.
anyway, akatsuki is another MS hidden by Cagalli's father before he detonated himself. It is the golden MS that will appear in ep 40.
DOMs are like, those fat suits with the weird mask-lookin face. they are under development by i think the Clyne Faction and will be used in the last few eps to own the blaze zakus, goufs, and ZAFT ppl.
but SF + IJ + Destiny will own ALL. nuff said.,
Wonder Wat is Akatsuki and Doom Tooper
LOL i have to admit that my english is not good
You have to thank god also because you stay at American country
If im the one stay the same country as yours I can 100% sure that my english will better than you
Anyway thanks for your crap post and im looking more crap from you in the future
Wonder Wat is Akatsuki and Doom Tooper
Originally posted by: tiduscwh
LOL i have to admit that my english is not good
You have to thank god also because you stay at American country
If im the one stay the same country as yours I can 100% sure that my english will better than you
Anyway thanks for your crap post and im looking more crap from you in the future
first and foremost, did you do what i told you to do?
coz now i can understand what you are saying
secondly, i don't live in america and english is not my first language.
i live in brunei and my first language is malay.
sorry i offended you with that post, i didn't mean bad.
Wonder Wat is Akatsuki and Doom Tooper
Akatsuki is pure gold. Sounds like an expensive shiny target to me. Everyone is gonna be shootin that thing just because it is so shiny.
Wonder Wat is Akatsuki and Doom Tooper
I doubt is made of Gold.
now, @tiduscwh, i agree with @john_doe_107, i tried to read your first post and i barely got the idea of what u were saying. Im from America, the continent, and English isnt my fisrt language, im from Mexico and i have never taken any english lesson, apart from the ones in School (im from Mexico so the lessons sucked). I learned from Anime-Sensei, enough said. And as a consecuence my english isnt so good, i have spelling problems, and i understand a little Japanese, by a little i mean like a 3 percernt japanese, or less but i got the idea of what happens, still i need the subbed version of every episode.
Wonder Wat is Akatsuki and Doom Tooper
Pink Strike Rouge is better for Cagalli v__v and she had that emblem on it, was like an animal with a rose or soemthing
Wonder Wat is Akatsuki and Doom Tooper
It was a Lion with a rose in ints mouth.