In need of lacus picture.
Okey i'm working on a Lacus sig which i gladly will display in here if you want me to. The problem is i need a good picture to use.
Preferably in her new Black outfit. If you got the picture in that wallpaper i would like it. I have searched the internet for 2 hours but not find jack, exept that wallpaper.
In need of lacus picture.
i think the black outfit is like...too new.. maybe in 2 weeks or so it will show up more
In need of lacus picture.
But, but check out that wallpaper. I'm amazed how early he could find such a good picture i have also never seen that pose before. I am confident in the forum people tho. I don't have a clue where to look for good pictures but i know some are great at it.
In need of lacus picture.
ok i found a better pic of that pose
edit sigh stupid hotlink protection
give me a sec
here ya go
In need of lacus picture.
wow she looks pretty good in that pose =P
In need of lacus picture.
Appearently you are one of those guys. Thanks man appreciated(finally learned how to spell that word.) I will now proceed with working on my signature.
In need of lacus picture.
wait a minute..... does that mean that you are going to replace your justice sig then?!?!!
In need of lacus picture.
np problem man, but if you give me a sec, if got an ever better picture of that pose
In need of lacus picture.
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
wait a minute..... does that mean that you are going to replace your justice sig then?!?!!
Just have him give you the Justice one, and he can use the Lacus one.
In need of lacus picture.
*sigh* ok sry i tried to get the better pic, but it wont let me, sry
In need of lacus picture.
Can you give me the site to the better pic?
And to anwser Mr. Zala's question up there. No i wont replace my Athrun sig with a mere Lacus sig. That will never happen however i felt the need to make one.
In need of lacus picture.
the problem isnt that i cant give you, the problem is you need to be registered, now i did that, BUT at 1 you need to upload you own stuf ( i even did that, but it hasnt processed yet), at the other you need to be lvl 10, IF the first 1 will process my upload, i will get you the pic fast
In need of lacus picture.
Damn man. Thanks for all the help. You really didn't need to go through all that. I really appreciate it tho. Thanks again.
In need of lacus picture.
lol np, i dont mind it at all
In need of lacus picture.
Great thanks man, anyway post if you can get that image.
In need of lacus picture.
ooops i was thinking of something else when i first read the topic title [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
err anyways this site is always good for gundam stuff ^^
^ lacus showin off her legs
**EDIT site has SPOILERS btw
In need of lacus picture.
There is no need for more work from you guys. I found the picture and i am finished with my work. I would like to thank all of you for helping out in the search.
In need of lacus picture.
you finished the sig already? post it XD
In need of lacus picture.
In time, in time. The problem is that it resembles the sig i did for the contest. We are having a signature contest in the fanart section which all of you should check out once the voting starts. The voting starts 22nd or 23rd.