Does anybody know where i can get a direct download of full metal alchemist?
Moved to Anime Downloads.
GotWoot Moderator
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Does anybody know where i can get a direct download of full metal alchemist?
Moved to Anime Downloads.
GotWoot Moderator
This belongs in the anime downloads section buddy.
You can get direct download of Full Metal Alchemist here. However you have to donate at least five dollars before you can download it. Hope I could help.
that sucks....i aint payin 5 dollars!
Originally posted by: kaosoner
that sucks....i aint payin 5 dollars!
Then you aren't getting FMA direct downloads, now are you?
i can find a way. easly...................or not. ill find a way
try mirc Fserve like direct download have some eps
see there are ways you dont have to pay.......or just search for almost any torrents a torrentspy..........and i mean cd albums,movies,dvds,rips,anime,games.....mainly anything your lookin for[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
This is a thread about FMA direct downloads, not torrents. Anyone can find an FMA torrent in seconds, whereas it apparently took you a week or more to do so. Congrats.
no iknew about torrent spy a long tyme ago just never bothered to post it........
and direct downloads suck....they take to long
i feel itz gonna take a long time to Dl all 51 esps so im gonna just buy FMA dvds [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
If you can't help the user, then don't bother posting. This is about direct downloads, not torrents, as Y clearly mentioned.
GotWoot Moderator
so no one could find direct downloads.
*Looks up at my first post* Hey look, I did. It's just that you have to play 5 dollars to do so (which is a really good deal from direct downloads of all those series). So, if you want to get direct downloads for FMA, there you go.
welll to tell the truth i would pay 5 15 and dont got a credit card and all that shit - Yeah you're probably gonna have to pay 5-10 bucks for a month. That link has a few sites that you can find them out, check out AnimeGround, I think it's 10 bucks, don't remember, but that site definitely has the full series.
Oh and if you're looking for only a few episodes then I can upload it to my server and let you download it off that way. As long as you don't give out the link. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
yea i found a site thats for free..but the dl's are pretty slow and the full metal alchemist is in rvmb formt..might as well dl the big torrent for it
blah blah
dont look at this
i can't seem to dl off the link =\Quote:
Originally posted by: m7b
blah blah
dont look at this
You need to register at Direct Manga. That's why you are getting this page when you try to download. Hope I could help.