would Kira be the hero once again in GSD???...would we once again c the Combat Kira we once saw in GS again??...very powerful....
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would Kira be the hero once again in GSD???...would we once again c the Combat Kira we once saw in GS again??...very powerful....
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I would say as the fourth opening clearly shows Kira as the lead as opposed to Shinn that we will definatly see Kira as the main character in space shortly in the series. Essentially Orb and the moon base are all thats left to oppose Dullindale so those will be the main battles that remain in GSD.
I don't think Kira will be the hero, I do however think that he and Shinn will share equal spotlight. Destiny is in it's essence Shinn's story.
HOWEVER: Seed as a whole can be seen as Kira's story. And that is why he gets the main limelight in the last opening.
I say Athrun is as much of a main character as shinn and kira >__>
he's trying to find out things on his own, like answers about what he really believes in,, sorta like SEED for kira
Athrun is still growing as a character,, while kira has already grown in SEED,, shinn.. all he's doing is point and shoot, and cry
Kira is still evolving too. Look at his lines at the closing of 38... they hint that he still has to figure out what he should do.
I think he's already decided, in SEED he questioned himself a lot and hesitated, but now its like his mind is made up into doing something
Possibly. I wonder if Arthun will talk to Kira regarding Shinn at any length, making Kira be like Luke Skywalker to our good old Anakin. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Kira: Nobody ever told you what really happened to your father
Shinn: I've heard enough, he got killed along with my little sister
Kira: NO! -I- am your little sister!
Shinn: ...
Kira: ehm I mean FATHER!
Btw, I wonder if Shinn will ever find out that Kira was flying around above his head when his family died and thus blame Kira for that as well.
I think he is past the part of finding someone to blame. He is obviously blaming Uzumi and Orb. But he might blame the AA together with both Kira and Asuran if someone tells him that they were fighting on Orbs side in that battle.
In some way Shinn feels a little more grown up now than he did in the first few eps. I think he isn't thinking about his revenge as much as he did before.
im pretty sure Shinn is thinking about his revenge, in almost every episode he thinks of his sister thats why he fights. Shinn in his mind he has nothing to lose, his family died, his semi girl friend(stella) died. He wants revenge to make himself feel better.
shinn's gonna be the hero of the series. i am 100% sure about it. we're all gonna hate him till the end where he's gonna do one thing right and we all take back what we all said about him.
kira and athrun are gonna be vital in his development in the final episodes. shinn, not kira will be the real hero, kira may be the ultimate goody goody SOB, but i'll really hate it if he turns out to be the hero.
wouldent suprise me if Shin's carelessness get's him killed by Kira, allthough, Kira is not to blame, this will be one of those "tripped on the blade" kinda things i think, OR
Shinn will see the thruth, and sacrefice himself to save Kira/Athrun
i hope it's battle between kira athrun shinn and rey that would be so awesome
It would be cool to see Athrun fight Rey and Kira fight Shinn. If that happens Kira and Athrun need to announce that they are the pilots of IJ and SF along with something like "Okey turn around now or regret it the rest of this war" and Kira and Athrun demolishes Destiny and Legend.
I think all three of them will share the position of Hero in Destiny. Athrun and Kira shared it in SEED. There is no reason why they all can't share it in Destiny to.
SF should take on Legend and IJ take on Destiny
two dragoon units..now that would be interesting
IJ v destiny would be like contesting two different types of swiss army knives (if there is more than one)
From the way Destiny keeps presenting things it seems like Kira has returned as the main character. With Athrun and Shinn his sidekicks as the final opening scene depicts. If there is to be another SEED after this I presume that these three will center stage that possibly with Shinn taking the lead there with Athrun and Kira playing support. Shinn will also have hopefully fought off his demons and let the past be and moved on. If he became a better person and less anger prone he'd be main character material. Right now he is just this really interesting character with alot of potential.
My guess is that Shinn will think that Kira wont kill him, and try to pull the BS he did last time. Except this time, Kira treats Shinn like he did Kruze. No mercy.Quote:
Originally posted by: Phoebus
wouldent suprise me if Shin's carelessness get's him killed by Kira, allthough, Kira is not to blame, this will be one of those "tripped on the blade" kinda things i think, OR
Shinn will see the thruth, and sacrefice himself to save Kira/Athrun
Gotta remember, Kira's no killing policy isn't like Vash the Stampede's, its flexible. He gives his opponents every chance to stand down, but if he has to, he will kill you. I dont doubt he was this >< close to just taking Destroy out.
The perfect end to Shinn's arrogance.
We'll see though, wont we?
Or maybe it'll be Athrun that takes him down... the possibilities are endless....
Like almost every ep shinn thinks about revenge, he used to ALWAYS go back to his sister's cellphone thinking back
i dont think shinn has grown any better,, just become more blinded about things and get more manipulated by rey and dullindal,, and he doesnt look at his sister's phone that much anymore cause it became stellar for a while,, then now its meyrin,, he just keeps replacing people thats he's SUPPOSE to care about
almost every battle he says to himself that he'll fight anyone, that its all their fault (not his) and tries to justify himself from all the killing he's done
I dont think kira or athrun would kill off Shinn,, but sorta like john doe's post in the end yea he'll realize that he was a jack-ass and try to change and fight rey or dullindal and die afterwards, but i dont think it'll make him a hero
hey!! stop all this Shinn hating.
All the scenarious are based around Shinn going down. I don't think Shinn is going to go down. He's far more important than Athrun and if anything it should be Athrun who goes down as his death would be significant to the story but not so significant if you look at it in practicality as in reality he never really made much of a difference.
On a different note:
BTw what is up with Shinn's 4th OP pose? Foreshadwoing?
Shinn and Rey are both in FAITH now. Suprise?!
I've been thinking of the scene where they show Destroy and Rey and Shinn are facing each other. Last time it was Kira and Shinn and they fought. I hope they fight. And I hope that Shinn kills him. Then Rey before dying cause of the sword that slashed him open will confess his love to Shinn.
hehe, I love the last scene in the opening where Kira,Athrun and Shinn show with Kira on the middle. Just the expression of Shinn. He looks like he is looking a Kira like he's saying. I'm the main character. What the fuck is this guy doing in the middle.