I was curious if anyone knew a good place to buy the Naruto dvd's? I have seen some imported here into the US online, but none of them tell me what episodes are on the dvds.
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I was curious if anyone knew a good place to buy the Naruto dvd's? I have seen some imported here into the US online, but none of them tell me what episodes are on the dvds.
try ebay or ur local anime/comic book store.
and im not 100% sure, but i think there mite be a rule about 'signing off" in ur posts...
Tagline rule was taken out. But there is a new one added. You guys should go check out the rules forum.
GotWoot Moderator
i dont think there are any REAL dvds yet, unless you want to watch it without subs, correct?
that'd be correct.
No legitimate Naruto dvds exist, except for the Region 2 Japanese-only DVDs.
They will, to be sure. But they don't yet. Most of the dvds you'll find on ebay will probably be disks that some random jerkass on the internet authored from the fansubs and is trying to sell for the sole purpose of making a buck. Don't buy them, k? Wait for legit r1's to come out :-p.
In my area there are legitimate DVDs with dual sound channels: Japanese and Chinese Mandarin. It is into it's 9th volume and and in the Sasuke chase arc.
fine fine. smartass :-p
But ... not in English.
Viz (the company that is doing Naruto in the US)announced that they will start releasing the TV edited versions of Naruto one disc at a time starting in March 2006.
They also announced that they are going to be releases the uncut episodes in 13 episode box sets starting in July 2006.
I sure hope the unedited discs also have subbed instead of dubbed versions.
Well, I wouldn't mind if they made them like Initial D where you can watch the Japanese version with subtitles or watch it with english dubbed voices. DIdn't someone make a dubber version of the first Naruto movie?
They made a dub of the first naruto Ep.
Almost all Anime dvd's in North America have the option to listen to orignal Audio with english subs.
Well atleast on my Kenshin dvds, Beserk Dvd.
yeah, I'd guess that the TV edited versions will be 100% english, but the unedited versions'll be just like your standard anime dvd.
And I've heard the Naruto fandub. Saying it's terrible is an understatement. It's good for laughs though.