So far the raw is out:
I ain't gonna DL it but I know some of you will.
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So far the raw is out:
I ain't gonna DL it but I know some of you will.
I am currently DLin it right now and will attempt to summarize it when i am done.
Sure, why not? So bored now anyway.
It's been forever since I DLed a raw, I've tried to control myself for the longest time... but now... well... things are picking up and... I can't resist and... goddamnit!
I could've probably just said Yzak is in this episode and somehow you would start downloading, but I guess that works too.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Yea, the only reason I download raws is to get the gist of whats happening in the episode and see the next episode preview and then, when I download the sub, I go back through and double check if I was correct on what was happening.
I remember the good ol' Seed days, I used to watch freakin' raws 3 times towards the end of that show... yet I still loved the sub unconditionally when it came.
Now that's fandom.
Anyway, from here on out it will probably be similar... because if the last episodes of Destiny are even half as intense as Seed, I'm in for another round of impatient hell.
Yea, I can't stand waiting so I usually end up searching around other forums for leaked future episode summaries.
Heh, I'm not -that- extreme... I don't want future events spoiled, but if I have the chance to see the actual episode earlier (as is the case with the raw) then I take it.
That's my limit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I have a crazy, possesing need to know what happens next, myself. Thats why I overanalyze and make predictions [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Someone post a summary already, I'm stuck at work and cant watch!
I'll attempt to do a summary as well, however my download is only at 27%... *hits it to go faster*
I've been getting the RAWs myself since episode 31 or something. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] I'm really impatient here. What's cool with last weeks RAW, released by SaiyaMan, and probably this one's as well, are the commercials! Bleach had them too. Heh. Omoshiroi. The other raw version that's released earlier is actually better quality.
Heh, will be a nice guy and seed the episode for you people.
Major problems dudes....
I can't play the file, or rather, the colors are all mixed up... So, what codec is missing?
could even be that your download is corrupt. I have to say I am impressed with the ep so far. Although only 5 min in. I wanted to see if I got the green crap. Asuran is awesome. And you gotta love the Gouf. Can't wait to see the next few eps. Back to the ep.
hi, I'm new to the forum, but, If u try to use Video Lan Player (google for VLC)
if that dosent work, the file might be corrupt..
media player classic is top for playing vids. Although I have heard that player is always stepping on it heels
Ok, another one of those episodes that has left me wanting more. Can't wait for the sub.
****************************Episode Spoiler Follows*************************
Anyway on to what happened. Asuran makes his break for it with Meryn and Shinn and Rey launch in persuit. With the two new suits easily having superior speed the quickly gain on Asuran. There's a conversation between Rey and the and Gil where I believe Gil gives Rey the ok to shoot to kill. Destiny and Legend then catch up to the Gouf and Rey opens fire without hesitation. Asuran initially doesn't return fire and concentrates on dodging. The fight continues with a lot of talking, I think that both Asuran and Rey were trying to convince Shinn to side against the other.
Shinn seems to get increasingly confused and angry, then loses it and takes the gouf out. Shinn seems to be upset with everything that has happened and takes a fair amount of prompting from Rey for a while. During the fight everyone back a Gibralter base watches anxiously. As soon as Cagallis former bodyguard (forgotten his name) sees Destiny and Legend leave the area where the Gouf went down he heads out with a small ship.
After this theres quite a bit of talking which I'm not willing to comment on in detail as my Japanese is more than pathetic [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] . Anyway, there's a scene where Shinn encounters Lunamaria and says sorry as he thinks he's killed Meryn. I'm pretty sure that the small ship got to the Gouf wreckage first and salvaged the cockpit as the Zaft forces couldn't find it thus leading everyone to think that both Asuran and Meryn are dead.
At the end of this ep Gil delivers his ultimatum to Heavens Base and we also get to see some of Lacus, the AA pulling into Orb and a cargo plane taking off with Cagallis former bodyguard in command and Asuran and Meryn unconcious in a medical area.
My initial thoughts on a few things in this ep:
Both Destiny and Legend look really sweet in action.
It looks as though Shinn isn't going to go darkside.
Luna and Shinn are definately going to grow closer together.
Talia has some serious reservations about the way things are going.
thans for the summary SorC
it looks like my thought's on the bodyguard saves athrun were rightQuote:
Originally posted by: SorC
Shinn seems to get increasingly confused and angry, then loses it and takes the gouf out. Shinn seems to be upset with everything that has happened and takes a fair amount of prompting from Rey for a while. During the fight everyone back a Gibralter base watches anxiously. As soon as Cagallis former bodyguard (forgotten his name) sees Destiny and Legend leave the area where the Gouf went down he heads out with a small ship.
I cant wait till my download is done
This was one hell of an episode, the first half showed Shinn more or less breaking down which was very touching to say the least... can't wait to see what kind of manipulating Rey was using on him. My favorite part of this episode was however later on, when Shinn confronted Lunamaria. When Shinn just walked past her... I was like "wtf aren't you gonna say something?" then he says "gomen" and the way Luna breaks down tightly followed by the hug... now that was fucking great.
I love it! Subs now!!