Who of you collects them?
In the following link you can see mine
-> http://kickinekos.blogspot.com...shapons-de-naruto.html
(The blog is in spanish, but you can see the pictures anyways, click on them to check a bigger one)
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Who of you collects them?
In the following link you can see mine
-> http://kickinekos.blogspot.com...shapons-de-naruto.html
(The blog is in spanish, but you can see the pictures anyways, click on them to check a bigger one)
Wow dude that's....
Cool collection. I don't really buy them as a collection but once in a while I would buy a few especially when I'm feeling lucky : )
Wow, someone's a Kishimoto whore.
JK. Cool collection.
I know a person who sells those stuff, and i'm quite sure even he doesn't display them in his room ike that...
crazy, stupid, rich and filthy narutard.
how i wish i could be him.
my favorite one is the Fourth [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
actually, Its impressive the amount of money one can save when not eating outside home everyday now that college is finally over =pQuote:
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
I know a person who sells those stuff, and i'm quite sure even he doesn't display them in his room ike that...
crazy, stupid, rich and filthy narutard.
how i wish i could be him.
There's a new collection now too, one that inclues Temari and Kankurou btw
i only have that haku one
personally, i think the models that come from those bubble things are cooler......the ones that you assemble together and have clear colored plastic for stuff like chakra eminating from lee unlocking gates or neji's kaiten.....those are pretty cool
I've seen those you mean.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i only have that haku one
personally, i think the models that come from those bubble things are cooler......the ones that you assemble together and have clear colored plastic for stuff like chakra eminating from lee unlocking gates or neji's kaiten.....those are pretty cool
Strangely they are cheaper and seem to never go out of production o_O
When I was in Hong Kong last summer I saw alot of those figurines.
But I didn't even watch naruto at that time.
I catched up at the end of teh summer, a bit too late, otherwise my room might have looked the same like yours. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
My brother and some friends got the one that assertnfailure was talking about
there are many of those, really beautiful.
Man, how I wished I wetn back this summer...
cool eva tough, I got the 01 type (the purple)
Nice collection, must've cost you a bunch. Hehe, I used to collect Gundams when I was little, I wonder what I did with them.
Why do you have both the regular AND extended LOTR movies?
Nice collection dude, jeje veo que hay mucho fan suelto [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] aunq hay que ver menuda mezcla.. naruto...seņor...harry potter... eso si las figuras se salen [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].
He is not the only one I know (including myself [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] ). First appeared the normal version and 6 months later the extended so... you wait 6 months to have the lotr extended or you buy the normal first, and if you want the extended parts you buy extended later on. Thats the reason imo.
I got the set of those in BostonQuote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i only have that haku one
personally, i think the models that come from those bubble things are cooler......the ones that you assemble together and have clear colored plastic for stuff like chakra eminating from lee unlocking gates or neji's kaiten.....those are pretty cool
Unfortunately my cat tends to pick them up and carry them around the house so there are pieces scattered through my home
Nice collection. I haven't bought any of them yet.. end up blowing all my money on DVDs whenever I enter a store that sells those.
wow thats cool, could you tell what they are again, is it lucky dip ? and does it come with sweets
Uhm...anyone have any ideas as to where I can buy some...Ive been to most hobby shops here in Vancouver and I cant find any...anyone know any sites that can *trusted* to buy some online?