go and snatch it up
this arc is probably my fav
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go and snatch it up
this arc is probably my fav
Almost brings a tear to my eye, thats how good the story telling is in One Piece. Another nice episode, cool foreshodowing at the end too. Can't wait to see the crew get to sky island. I thought that the guy they were going to go looking for would be some old geezer like goat sex ojisama, but its some bad ass guy, that was cool. Also I need to get some sideing like his for my house.(or fronting)
Mihawk...that was very unexpected.
must be goin to the pirate summit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
love this arc [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Good shit, as usual, top notch storytelling and comedy.
Also, interesting that Sanji comes from another part of the world than the rest of the crew.
It's too bad we'll probably never find out more of the 4 seas now when they have reached the grand line though.
well who knows? i seem to recall that the episode where nami first got a log pose, that there's something like 10 different routes to take through the grand line......
and i think once you reach the other end of the trail you're on, you're dumped out into one of the 4 seas.
If the creator really wanted to....he could make this series last for a loooong time
well since oda makes good money with it i imagine he would make it a long series [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
OMG Mihawk's gonna challenge Zoro to another duel now!!!
Anyways, I'm still waiting to see what devil fruit Belamy ate.