Best game within a franchise
This was spawned from the IRC topic where we mentioned the best Zelda game. What are the top games from major franchises?
Zelda: Majora's Mask/OoT (tie)
Metroid: Metroid Prime
Mario: Mario RPG/Super Mario 64
Tekken: Tekken 3
Final Fantasy: FFIX
I'll edit in more as I think of some.
Best game within a franchise
Best game within a franchise
I've never played FFIX so I don't know but, I think VII is a top franchise game too.
Best game within a franchise
hmm, i think Tekken 5 is the best out of the tekken series. it has the most characters, i think a real good story for some of the characters, mainly the mishima clan and nina and steve. it also has devil within which i think is a real good idea, you get to unlock devil jin and replay it to get some rare items. the items in the game are also a great idea, lots of replay value for 1 player mode. also they have added some new combos for a lot of the characters. plus, it has the arcade modes of tekken 1-3. angel in tekken 2 OWNS!
i like soul calibur 2 also, mainly for the same reasons as tekken 5, although namco stepped it up a notch for t5.
goldeneye, need i say more?
warcraft iii, man this is a great game. different, yet cool graphics, adding heroes brought a whole new dynamic into the game, especially online. perfect one player and multiplayer game.
and a game i had a lot of fun with, ultima online: rennaisance. imo, one of the best mmorpgs ever made.
Best game within a franchise
Dead or Alive: Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy IV
Mario: Mario 64
Metroid: Super Metroid (I never really cared for the Gamecube Metroid games)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (The GBA games are nice, too)
Best game within a franchise
soul blade/egde: soul calibur 1 ( i doubt 3 will beat it )
unreal : unreal tournament 2007 wil be the best ( unreal 1 counts, cause it also has the same mulitplayer aspect)
* Vs * franchise: marvel versus capcom 2 is still the best
DOA: Doa3 ( after ultimate i missed brad wong )
C&C: Red Alert 2/Generals ( ra2 gameplay/generals gfx)
Devil May Cry: DMC1 ( although dmc3 comes very close)
Metal Gear Solid: MGS1
Splinter Cell: SCCT
im sure im missing alot here
Best game within a franchise
Suikoden: Suikoden 2
Langrisser: Der Langrisser
Vandal Hearts: VH2
Best game within a franchise
Castlevania: Symphony of The Night
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy X
Metroid: Metroid Prime
Super Mario: Super Mario Bros. III
Zelda: Majora's Mask
Best game within a franchise
Dark Forces: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Zelda: A Link To The Past/Link's Awakening
Metroid: Super Metroid
Castlevania: SOTN
Soul Calibur: Soul Blade (I liked breaking weapons, the quest mode was great too)
Megaman: Megaman X1
Final Fantasy: FFVII/FFVI (Opinion changes every other day)
Metal Gear Solid: MGS3
Console Star Wars games: Super Empire Strikes Back
Best game within a franchise
Zelda: A Link To The Past ( will probably be replaced by Twilight Princess, however )
Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow ( it's all about Soma Cruz for me )
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater
Final Fantasy: FF VI
Baldurs Gate: Baldurs Gate II / Throne Of Bhaal
Devil May Cry: Dante's Awakening
Seiken Densetsu: Seiken Densetsu 2 ( also known as Secret Of Mana in US/EU )
Tales: Tales Of Symphonia
Star Ocean: SO3
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic
Best game within a franchise
Mario- Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Final Fantasy- Final Fantasy IX
Devil May Cry- Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Metal Gear Solid- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Zelda- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Star Wars- Star Wars: Republic Commando & Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Best game within a franchise
zelda: minish cap & MM
Mario: super mario 2 damn i loved this game
Final Fantasy: VI
C&C: RA2 yuri
donkey kong: 3
Best game within a franchise
StarFox!! WOOT!!
and the old Goldeneye was awsome, better than all the new FPS.
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy: FFVII
Best game within a franchise
Final Fantasy: FFX / FFIX (Bahamut was beautiful in IX; I've never played VI)
VS Series: Marvel v. Capcom
Street Fighter: Super SF II / SF III: Third Strike
Devil May Cry: DMC1 (Based between 1 & 2. Haven't played 3)
Mario Bros.: Super Mario Bros. 3
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
Dragonball Z: Dragonball Z Legends
X-Men: X-Men Legends
Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3
Best game within a franchise
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy Tactics. I know its not one with the numbers 1-12, but its the most fun I've had playing a FF game. Otherwise, FF6.
Megaman: Megaman 4
Megaman X: Megaman X3. That was the last time an X game was both challenging and non-crap ( X4-5 were too easy, X6 was crap. Haven't played X7-8).
Mario Bros: Super Mario World
Sonic The Hedgehog: Sonic and Knuckles
Ninja Gaiden: The X-box one. they're all superb, but the xbox one is just...omfg!
Best game within a franchise
Zelda: ocarania of time (never thought majora's mask stood up to it)
sonic: sonic cd
mario: sunshine!
fighting game: capcoms vs. snk 2
fps: ring over good people's heads 2 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Megaman: X
tekken: 5
sf: third strike
Best game within a franchise
^ Jacked.
FPS: Golden Eye / Angelic Cranial Adornment 2.
Megaman: Megaman 2 / X3.
Best game within a franchise
Best game within a franchise
Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy X
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
(Super) Mario: 64
Sonic: and Knuckles
Dead or Alive: 2 Ultimate
Street Fighter: Alpha 3
Dragonball(Z): Budokai 3
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater
Star Wars: Kinghts of the Old Republic (Battlefront 2 is shaping up to be a real contender)
Vs. Series: Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Megaman: Legends 2 (I personally enjoyed it, despite its flaws)
Tekken: 5
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
James Bond: Everything or Nothing
By the way guys there never was such a franchise as FPS unfortunately (that would be awesome if there was though) , so Holy Angelic Light Ornament 2 has to go under the Holy Angelic Light Ornament franchise category and Golden Eye under James Bond.
Best game within a franchise
james bond : everything or nothing ( AWESOME GAME!!! )