its in development but join and create your own family or clan and you can also try to be beta tester as the beta is soon to be released!!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] is the link!
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its in development but join and create your own family or clan and you can also try to be beta tester as the beta is soon to be released!!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] is the link!
Your only screenshot is a low-res Naruto manga scan.
I'd like to get some more info before discarding this as one among the millions of Naruto-related projects that will never be fulfilled.
me and some friends discussed ideas for a naruto MMO if we were ever to build one.......
we had some awesome ideas too
like, in dark age of camelot, for example, there's different kingdoms that compete against each other.....
well in a naruto MMO, you can have different ninja villages doing the same thing. Some villages can be allied with others, and then staff members of the project can act as the kages. People can go do missions "city of heroes" style, and sometimes the more profitable missions will lead them near enemy ninja terrain. Wars can be waged between konoha and the mist villiage....and lots of other fun stuff like that.
some of the ideas i would implement that most people probably wouldn't like though, wouldve been something to the effect of what that star wars MMO originally planned. For those of you who dont know what im talking about, originally the idea for the star wars game, is that you can choose to be anything you want, besides a jedi. You don't get to choose to be a jedi, instead your capacity for becoming one is like 1/1000 or something, once you make your character. You don't even know if you are capable of becoming one unless you meet up with luke skywalker sometime later in the game. Well, the same thing would apply for bloodline limits. You can pick your village, the appearance and such of your characters as well, MAYBE even your clan, but you won't be able to control whether or not you can use, say, the sharingan.
darkskyflame, this is certainly...uhh......unique? though i am not so sure about it...[img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
Oh god no.... not another MMO.... aren't people tired of that shit.... I was addicted to and spent far too much money playing FFXI for over a year.... and now I'm playing Guild least you don't have to pay for that one....but still, it takes so much out of your life, I can't tell you how much sleep, and how many jobs I've nearly lost over that stupid fucking game....
Stop being so fucking obsessive about it then. It's a video game, not your reason for existing.
I know.....but for some reason....I'm compelled to keep.....playing.... FUCKING HELL!!! GOD DAMMIT!!!!!
i want to play assertn's mmo, sounds awesome. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
i think it wouldve actually been fun enough to make me play an MMO for once [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
i want to play assertn's mmo, sounds awesome. [img][/img]
but the D&D crowd tends to favor games that give them as much control over their character as possible (in other words, EVERYONE would want to be an itachi-style character [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img])
the only problem would be those who do get a bloodline limit would be overpowered compared to the rest of the characters.
And perhaps, similar to Lineage 2, there could be some sort of castle siege like system that allows one to become a Kage of the village they siege. Of course, a large, powerful clan (or whatever they'd call it) would be needed to conquer these "villages". Since on the site they mention becoming "hokage" I thought this might add an interesting aspect to the game. Of course, I know it will not become a reality because sieging would be pretty much impossible in a 2D environment.
wouldnt that kinda be getting away from naruto? there are no completely empty villages in naruto waiting to be conquered lol.
Not true, in Lineage 2 the castles are already occupied by lords and their forces, one must fight intensively and defeat all of them THEN claim the throne. So I think it'd kinda be like waiging war on a hidden village and overthrowing.