i say The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was THE best game ever. now flame me.
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i say The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was THE best game ever. now flame me.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of my favorite games, as well.
But my favorite game ever, even though it wasnt really long, is Metal Gear Solid 1.
Very subjective topic which in my opinion cannot be argued......
For me the game I love the most would be: Final Fantasy X
the game i've probably spent the most hours of my life playing.........
super smash bros melee
I knew your gay ass would say that.
This one time I was playing Super Smash Bros Melee, but it wasn't that good so I threw it out the window and a condor swooped it away.
damn.....that is one LUCKY condor
Diablo 2 lod damn that was addicting
Metal Gear Solid 3 or Metal Gear Solid.
I spent an entire night getting those darn Kerotan frogs. But getting the stealth item makes it worth the effort. Now I can do a lot more things to the guards, like standing straight in their face and throwing a cobra on them.Quote:
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Metal Gear Solid 3 or Metal Gear Solid.
Metal Gear Solid for sure, I loved that game.
1st - Zelda: Ocarina of time
2nd - Halo
3rd - Final Fantasy X
goldeneye is a really good game too.
Anyone here ever play metal gear for the gameboy color. Easily one of the most underapprechiated games of all time. It's kinda bizzare, plays like MGS only set in an alternate timeline with completly new characters and original story. Very good though comes highly recommended.
The best game is always the current season of Madden, it's the only game that I can play yr round till the next version comes out.
My two favorite games that I think are the best equally are Final Fantasy IX and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Both had the best stories, great graphics, and good gameplay.
I'm also a fan of MGS though. MGS3 is definetly the best in the series so far. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Madden???? wtf ...
yeah, umm ... I don't quite know how to say this gently ... so I'll just say it bluntly. Madden games are HORRIBLE. There's graphics and play control improvement from generation to generation, but it's still just another sports game, and just another rehash of last year's. How can you not get tired of that?
I mean ... cripes!
More on topic ... best game ever? It's hard to take a good perspective ... there's so much stuff that's still shiny and new now that bumps older "classic" stuff off the list. I think my favorites lately are RE4, DMC3, and MGS3. But I can't really honestly say that they're better than other classic stuff like FFX, FFIV, FFVI, DMC1, War3, Diablo2. Farcry looks awesome (on a high end system anyway), and doom3 looks awesome, and halflife 2 is incredible, but they're still too new for me to be able to comfortably say they're absolutely better than everything else out there. They're still digesting, ya know?
yup. and i forgot warcraft 2 and 3, i had hours of fun with those games.
Gaming entertainment is totally subjective.Quote:
Originally posted by: complich8
Madden???? wtf ...
FF7. Nothing else I've played even come close to the experience I had with FF7. FF8 started off pretty promising, then collapsed.
Have you played Xenogears?Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
FF7. Nothing else I've played even come close to the experience I had with FF7. FF8 started off pretty promising, then collapsed.
It is hard to say which game was THE best. I can't decide =\