Some weird BT problem
Recently my Norton Antivirus ceased to work and I got myself a new antivirus program. Torrents downloaded properly for a while but all of a sudden (earlier today) torrents started stopping after a while. I.e they download normally, then just stop completely until you resume them. I don't know if this has anything to do with my new antivirus program (I doubt it) but I was just wondering if anyone recognizes this problem because it's pretty damn annoying... :/
Some weird BT problem
I don't think your antivirus is blocking any of the ports you port forwarded since you said its still downloading normally. Did you try turning off your antivirus and see what happens?
Some weird BT problem
I did. Didn't work.
I also uninstalled my Norton Antivirus (it was only "not used" before), hoping that the problem was that I had 2 antivirus installed at the same time.
Unfortunately, that didn't solve shit either.
What the fuck is this problem?
Some weird BT problem
I've got that prob 2...but don't know wtf it's with that thing :S
Some weird BT problem
could be the virusscanner trying to scan on write/access a bit too aggressively, and causing excessive IO competition, blocking bt from doing its thing.
What's the antivirus software you're using these days?
Some weird BT problem
Mcafee but it isn't blocking my bittorrents
Some weird BT problem
Some weird BT problem
I think you misinterpreted "blocking". I don't mean like firewall blocking. I mean like IO blocking ... making bittorrent wait a long time for every write it tries to do, and choking the torrent.
The easy way to test this would be to try a torrent with on-access scanning disabled. Terracosmo already tried that, apparently, with no luck.
Another thing you can do is (assuming you have the install media/license info or whatever), uninstalling the scanner entirely and seeing if the behavior persists across that. If it's doing that without a virusscanner installed, it's a pretty good indicator of what it's not. On the other hand, if it's not doing that with virusscan gone, and is with it there, you've probably found your wrench, and need to re-evaluate your choice of antivirus platforms, or resolve any conflicts that might be bringing about the problem.
Of course, it could be other things. Which is why you should start ruling things out. Doing stuff like checking to make sure your drive is in DMA mode, updating your client, testing with a wide variety of torrents, etc.
It could also be client settings. XP sp2 has a limit on the maximum number of half-open connections, and if you exceed that limit, things will break, a lot (eg: connections to peers will time out). I know Azureus has such a setting, and calls it "Max simultaneous outbound connection attempts".
It could be that you're running into slow-to-negotiate peers and hitting the half-open connection limits, and filling a queue of them long enough that by the time they resolve the tracker has given up on you connecting to them and moved on to other things. You could test for that by checking the output of the command "netstat -n" (from a command prompt) and paying attention to the connection states.
Let us know the results of both of those things (running with no antivirus and replicating the problem, and looking at the connection states of netstat -an when the problem shows up), and maybe we'll make some progress [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img].
Some weird BT problem
Thnx i'm gonna try to make it function again with your help (H)