Took a few weeks off from Naruto
After 127/128, it looked to me like a huge flashback arc was starting up, so I decided to take a few weeks off from watching Naruto. Returning to find that the movies finally be subbed makes me very very happy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] However, I always preferred AonE's subs over all other groups!
My problem is that I can't seem to locate their releases of episodes 130 and 131. And now that I'm trying it, the only torrent for 129 I can find is 404'ing on me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] Any help?
The tracker has not been updated, please be patient. In the mean time, you can try using IRC. Also, post in the appropriate forum next time. Moved.
GotWoot Moderator
Sorry I didn't get it in the right forum, yeesh.
Question though: Why aren't you guys releasing on usenet along w/ the torrents? It'd be pretty fast propigation of the files, and no database crash/etc could take everything out. And you'd (hopefully) have less people asking for episodes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
-adnans (at least i'm not double posting?)
PS: telling people to use IRC when they get this:
::14:21:: <adnans> @find naruto
::14:21:: * Cannot send to channel
isn't very helpful
Took a few weeks off from Naruto
You should check around the forums a bit harder, somebody asked this exact question:;enterthread=y
You can get Naruto 130 (and others) from Baka-Updates: Baka-Updates site
Also, the reason your getting the message *Cannot send to channel is because you were either banned or the channel set the mode to allow only people who are voiced to talk (the people with a + next to their name).
Took a few weeks off from Naruto
Originally posted by: adnans
PS: telling people to use IRC when they get this:
::14:21:: <adnans> @find naruto
::14:21:: * Cannot send to channel
isn't very helpful
Give me a fucking break.;enterthread=y
Go read it. You posting stupid stuff and just saying, "This is what I want and here are my problems. Spoon feed me, please" isn't very helpful either.
Took a few weeks off from Naruto
i tried baka-update before asking, maybe you should check it out yourself. the link for 130 brings up a page that contains only the following:
wow, ep 130 sure is great. naruto goes html!
and their link to 131 is as follows:
Sorry, but that page can not be found.
If you clicked on a link to get here, please tell the webmaster:
Otherwise, please check that there's not a typo in the URL that you entered, or you can just go Home
with that "please tell the webmaster: Here" link being a gotwoot email addy, i'm not going to bother.
theres no need to be assholes about this, just a simple "this has been awnsered before, you can find it here" response would suffice.
i'm sorry i didn't read every single post on the message boards before asking. i'm sorry i don't spend every minute here keeping 100% up to date on every little thing. i tried about 10 different sites before asking, and every time i've tried to find stuff in the irc channel, its been in moderated mode (which makes it useless to try there). if you guys don't want people using forums to ask questions, get rid of the forums.
Took a few weeks off from Naruto
Oh, shut up. If you can't get it off BT, use IRC. Go to the thread I linked in my previous post, the channel is NOT moderated. And it's not that we don't want people asking questions, we want people to do some searching on their own. I know the BT links for 130 is not available. Boo hoo. Go try IRC.
RE: Took a few weeks off from Naruto
well, i did a good bit of searching on my own. first thing i did on the channel was @find naruto and got autobanned (something which i must have missed in the rules)
anyways, lets keep this civil at least? no reason to be rude about it.
regardless, why isn't anyone uploading the episodes to usenet? its a very viable option in addition to BT and IRC. i'd be willing to do it myself [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Took a few weeks off from Naruto
RE: Took a few weeks off from Naruto
RE: Took a few weeks off from Naruto
::14:21:: <adnans> @find naruto
::14:21:: * Cannot send to channel
You have to register your nickname. I got that all the time if I didn't register.
As for the nartuo 129, 130, and 131, I'm guessing Aone drops those torrents after a certain number of weeks, and then you have to get it off IRC.
Took a few weeks off from Naruto
First off adnans, stop complaining about people not uploading the episodes to Usenet. The episodes subbed by AnimeOne will be available to their choosing. Secondly, its not our problem you were autobanned. In every channel, they will say whether you can use @find, !list, and other commands. Its not our fault you didn't use !rules or even bother to look at the topic. If you were banned from a particular channel, then go to another one and see if you can locate the episodes you want there. #animeone isn't the only place you can download episodes from. If you don't want to use Irc, then just wait for the GotWoot tracker to be back up. Eventually a batch torrent will be made containing the episodes you want.
Took a few weeks off from Naruto
why are you guys spazzing out about this so much? i just asked where they could be found. i had checked numerous sites, the ones that had them listed were all 404'ing. i didn't complain about anything, just asked simple questions that only took the effort of "not yet", "because...", or "no" to respond to. thanks for going out of your way to be assholes about it, though. When people see that 132 is available, dead links to the previous three episodes, yet can't find them anywhere on the web, do you not see where the curiosity of "whered they go?" comes from?
Also, I did read the irc rules, the topic in the channel never said "don't @find series with more then 120 episodes", and the rules webpage did say that @find was acceptable.
KaI-A, thanks for not being a jackass in your response. in the past it seemed like they tried to keep the episodes up, i know they were playing with the tracker awhile back, but it didn't seem to me (someone that was only sporadically checking) to be down that long, but i guess its related to that. *shrug*
lastly, if i was complaining about usenet not being used, why would i offer to assist with that? i was just curious if there was a specific reason, thats all.
Everyone, that's enough. Leave each other alone. We don't need complaining and flaming here.
GotWoot Moderator