Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
So I was out partying yesterday and guess who I met? Freakin' Orochimaru!
Smoke-ish ninja effects!
I fell down on my knees and went "OROCHIMARU-SAMA!". And she promised to make me an akatsuki coat. Then she fixed me up with the same make-up as her so I looked Oro-style too, unfortunately without the clothes. (I don't have a pic of me however.. sad eh?)
If you ask me it's pretty damn accurate.
</boredom topic>
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
heh, that's cool
Orocimaru is so cool, fancy meeting him/her in sweden.
No pic of yourself, I'm suprised.
Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
This looks a little bit suspicious....... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
I do have pics of myself. But not on the PC. However I don't look half as good because I am dressed naturally except with that make-up she has.
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
No. I have a girlfriend. Otherwise, definately I would. Making out with Orochimaru, damn, that'd be a merit...
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
No. I have a girlfriend.
lolz lesbians.
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
post the ones of you terra.
Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
I could have sweared he was a boy, or he could be a transexual.
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
smokish ninja effects? @__@
how? or fog?
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
filter > render > clouds
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
actually it was fog. it was a funny coincidence.
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
haha, thats pretty funny. i think i've just decided on my holloween costume for next year
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
Its cool and..a tad disturbing.
RE: Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
thats just wierd, i didnt even know it was a chick wen i saw that
lol terra and oro, ull have it easy there terra he likes femenen boys [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
really confused my female senses didn't go on when i saw those picture's. and now terra is saying that it is a she?? really confused
Holy shit I met Orochimaru!
terra, were you the only one who fully appreciated the costume??