Kung fu hustle!!!
Even though i did see this movie before it came out in USA... IT IS ONE HELL of a good movie
This is the first international movie EVER i have seen in the top 10 AMerican movie charts. (THIS WEEK IT'S 5th!!!)
This got to be Stephen chow's turning point in Hollywood.
Yea he is also the guy who made Shaolin soccer which did poorly in america due to mimirax. But how in the hell did it get a Rated R?
Oh yea... If there is anothe thread about this then lock this one, Ok mods?
Despite its title, this thread already has a bit of a discussion involving Kung Fu Hustle.
GotWoot Moderator
Kung fu hustle!!!
Idon't think this deserved a R rating either, should have gotten a pg-13, unless they added in a bunch of swearing with thier translated subs. This movie rocks, best use of computerized special effects I have seen in an asian movie. Great stuff, everyone here whould watch it.
RE: Kung fu hustle!!!
Hmm, here in Canada, it got 14A (or PG-13, pretty much the same). Still, I also watched this long before it came out here, but it's really great to hear that it became a huge hit.
RE: Kung fu hustle!!!