naruto subtitles
Hello to every1!
i'm new here, i'm from portugal and i've been searching for naruto subtitles since i first downloaded the first episode, well, since i've heard of it.
it just happens that i'm pretty good (or not) in english, so i never thought of downloading any kind of subtitles, but my little brother and my girlfriend do not understand english, period.
i would like to know IF there are subtitles available for download (in english) so i can translate them to portuguese, since i still haven't found any kind of subtitles, and if really are, where i can do it. I have the knowledge and software to translate, correct, sincronize and all that stuff, but i'm short on subtitles to translate.
tnx 4all
naruto subtitles
YO! well you can go here : http://yhbt.mine.nu/ it is a fan speed subbing group, that subs in english, french, hebrew, and.... Portuguese =D thanks to Dattebayo fansubs!
-The white pawn for the win =D
RE: naruto subtitles
I highly doubt that any group release their scripts.
RE: naruto subtitles
[DB] Naruto 131 Sub Portuguese Brazilian
They release in Portugusese as the whitepawn said. Why not just download those eps for yourself and then watch in your native language and they can join in the fun to!
RE: naruto subtitles
well tnx all of you, let me just ask somthing else: how is the quality of DB? i'm used to ANBU-AONE, well, all my ep's are theirs, just tryin' to find out if it's good or not. well, i'll just have to hope the translations are good, 'cause in subbing movies, portuguese-brazilian sucks, there are a lot of expressions in portuguese that doesn't have translation in brazilian and the reverse is also true.
but if any1 can find subs, PT or EN, plz do tell me
RE: naruto subtitles
DB is ok, Not as good as Aone-ANBU but i watch them. Their subs are not that bad and if they make an mistake they re-release a new one.
RE: naruto subtitles
DB is a top notch SS group i think