In the spirit of some sort of arbitrary democracy, I'm fishing for reactions on the new forum icons.
So, do you like them? Do you hate them? Did you just completely not notice? Do you not care? Weigh in here.
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In the spirit of some sort of arbitrary democracy, I'm fishing for reactions on the new forum icons.
So, do you like them? Do you hate them? Did you just completely not notice? Do you not care? Weigh in here.
I dont care....sorry but thats the truth(for me at least)
apathy rules!!
We have arbitrary democracy? Awesome. I never knew.... Oh, about the icons, I like them about the same as the old ones. No better, no worse.
Yeah, Don't really care, was a suprise though, when i saw them.
my icon is still the same....
actually, i like the old ones better... perhaps the new ones are too good, they seem sorta generic, like they came with the forum, ya know.
to hell with the icons i want to change my avatar.....but the new icons are ncie and 3d, so i like
I dont really care.
I voted for 'love them.'
Too big for my taste.
They look alright, just a little too big.
i think a better question wouldve been.......
which of these would you prefer (if you prefer them over the original)
it'd be nice if that were a user-settable option, ya know? You can pick your color scheme, but not your icon scheme. Sorta ghetto, there.
also, I don't think I'd consider the "relaxed" theme an option. It's majorly monochrome, which isn't good for ergonomics. It's nice having an immediate color-recognition for "this thread is old" versus "this thread is new" -- at least that's what I think.
<3 them
the other's were better
they're okay.
i just think they're way too big.....
and the yellow ones really clash with 90% of the forum styles we can choose from
I liked the old ones, the square folders. They do what they're meant to do: differentiate old and new threads, and nothing more. These behemoth icons just look awkward.