Any knows where i could get vol 1 to the latest release?
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Any knows where i could get vol 1 to the latest release?
Do you know how to use IRC?
[Evil_Genius] @
It should be still up on the bots there.
got any web download site for full metal alchemist?
I used to get them in a site called manga but they seem to taken the links out. So go here and search for fullmetal alchemist. They have to have links for the manga. I would search myself but I'm downloading something now so my computer is a bit slow. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Go to - they should have it there.
Just read the last released chapter and i gotta say the manga is badass, much better than the anime in my opinion and that is saying alot.
Anyone else reading this or have read?
I started reading the manga scans but stopped now that the manga is out in book form. Since the anime is my fav anime along with Ippo so i wanna collect the books.
I read up to vol 4 in the scans and now two vols are out in book form and when vol 4 is out i will started reading again.
Um is anyone reading this? I just read the last ten chapters(up to 82) and things have gotten very interesting.
someone let me know if it goes past the anime ending. I would love to see this series continue
the manga and the anime have differents plotlines... so it doesnt past over the anime, it just takes a different way
Just finished reading the 85th chapter and it rocks, the story is so much more mature than it was in the anime and it's like watching the same characters in a whole new dimension.
Isn't anyone else reading this so we can discuss it?
I am, but haven't kept up with it for a couple of months. How often are the chapters released, and where do you get them from?
I'm reading it, but I disagree with the manga story being more mature than the anime. The anime ending sucked, but the story was brilliant and tied together very well.
The manga however, definitely wins in terms of character development. It also introduces many interesting characters not present in the anime. There is also more Winry and a more developed romance angle.
Lurk has the chapters, and so does onemanga if you want to read online.
I didn't like the anime story much, Ed and Al seemed alot tamer in the anime and it just got ridiculous near the end when homunculi started popping up everywhere.
Its in a monthly magazine so we get a new chapter once a month.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
I wouldn't say they were popping up everywhere but sloth getting out exactly where Ed and Al were was a lil far fetched yeah
the last chapter had a kickass ending, i can't believe Al's been possessed by pride, i can't w8 for the next one.
Yeah well the thing about humans being able to create homunculi by trying to bring the dead back to life didn't sit too well with me.
Yeah, the last chapter was great for so many reasons but as you can see, not much discussion goes on here.
Not many ppl seem to read the manga around here.
The way to create homunculi hasn't been explained that well so far in the manga, besides the human based ones, we just know it needs a philosopher's stone and countless lives.
Also i'm curious to know more about the alchemy of the ling country, as just what is the reason for the princess to be so uncomfortable when setting foot on Ed's land.
How homunculi are made has been explained pretty well, although not in full detail. The only thing that hasn't been explained is how "father" was created.
I think her being uncomfortable with it is because the source of their alchemy comes from the energy of the earth while the alchemy in Amestris uses the human life force as a source of power, something like that.
I bet it isn't as si ple as that, the energy of the earth is probably just a cover up story and the real source of the energy may be way more sinister than that, remember that Father was able to completely stop the power of all the alchemists that used the "normal" method.
Yeah well as much as I would like discussing conspiracy theories with you I gotta go so we'll take this up another time. Try to do some recruiting in the meantime.
-Well I checked my rep to see if there were any comments to post, and I noticed that I got neg repped for this post. Just to clear things up I wasn't being arrogant, I really do want to discuss crazy FMA theories with Archangel, I've been wanting to discuss FMA here for a long time. I really did just have somewhere to go.