is it better if I ........???
should i look at gundam SEED before i look at gundam seed destiny???
because i dont get the hang of all of it and whats up with kira he shows up from nowhere and pretands that hes a hero. the only thing that i know about him is that he's from the war that ended a long time ago and athrun was his team mate..... so whats best?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
RE: is it better if I ........???
Of course it's better to watch Seed first, it's part 1 for god's sakes!
Kira was the main character of Seed which you might know already. You can enjoy GSD regardless but it's so much cooler to know about who all chars are and what they did before etc.
RE: is it better if I ........???
ok but i have looked at places to dl SEED but i havent found any do you know where i can dl SEED ???
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No idea. I'd like to know myself, I lost my collection and badly want it back...
RE: is it better if I ........???
Boxtorrents is the best [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: is it better if I ........???
I don't think they have Seed there, at least I can't see it :S
RE: is it better if I ........???
Originally posted by: Madell
Boxtorrents is the best [img][/img]
the site doesnt work cheked it do you now an other site????
RE: is it better if I ........???
No I don't but hey it is the best site there is for "older" anime so, the best is to wait two days [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: is it better if I ........???
KAA has the dvd version of episodes 1-12. I'd get those. I think their still doing it but I'm not sure. Episodes 1-12 is all they released and that was it.
@Enderz: Try Hongfire.
RE: is it better if I ........??? should have the original seed, try searching for it there
RE: is it better if I ........???
i actually already checked that one out to see if they had it so I could help, but they don't. they have the last ep, but thats all. has if I remember correctly the first 25 eps, but thats all. the full set is disabled for some reason.
is it better if I ........???
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I don't think they have Seed there, at least I can't see it :S does have gundam seed. I'm using bittorrrent to download episodes 1-50 or something like that. Is the Gundam Seed series only 50 episodes? If so, that is kinda short.
Although the site is down until the 21st of April
RE: is it better if I ........???
how many episodes is it in gundam seed i was 50 episodes in torrent spy but are there more
RE: is it better if I ........???
I think there's just the "Beyond the Stars" OVA that follows the series that Aone did a while back. You can prolly find it on some fserve, but I doubt you'll find torrent for it.
RE: is it better if I ........???
Originally posted by: Enderz
how many episodes is it in gundam seed i was 50 episodes in torrent spy but are there more
there are 50 episodes for the original.
If youre downloading this file
its the correct one, the rest are either gundam x or seed destiny episodes.
Note those episodes are in japanese with english subtitles, so no horrible english dub voices XD
RE: is it better if I ........???
Anime4Ever is releasing the SEED series in .mkv format. At the moment there up to 30 episodes.
RE: is it better if I ........???
boxtorrents has all 50 of SEED unfortunately its by different subbers and a good amount are by the terrible Anime-Junkies who make bad translations such as La Fraga though if you can past their bad name translations then its ok though unless your connection is as fast as mine you are gonna be downloadin for a few weeks since its 10 GB though for some reason when d/led the files I could play the ones that were already finished which is something I cannot normally do.