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So, anyways -- rules:
1. Real pictures only.
2. Don't fucking tell me there's another topic about this, because I don't give a fuck, because I made the first one, and now I'm making this one.
3. If you're going to post anything NWS (Not Work Safe) use a regular link with a warning.
Whether or not this topic gets somewhere doesn't concern me, primarily because I'm making this for old times sake.
here's my pic btw (WARNING, NOT WORK SAFE)
bikini shot
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KemeronFrye, you can go to imageshack.us or photobucket.com to host your pics.
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yeah, so it works, but i need to size it down, hehe.
Only other picture I have is of me singing "Just a Girl" by No Doubt. With a metal voice. In a dress. So, nah. =b
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ok, i think you need to see this.
.:22·50·10:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» figures he is from alabama
.:22·50·20:. «+AssertnFailure» lol
.:22·50·38:. «+AssertnFailure» wow.....
.:22·50·44:. «Astraea» wtf
.:22·50·44:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» lol
.:22·50·45:. «+AssertnFailure» worst picture......ive ever seen
.:22·50·45:. «+not Samanosuke» first, its funny because they let him use that picture
.:22·50·47:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» he couldn't even
.:22·50·49:. «Astraea» Get that horse shit out of my friend.
.:22·50·52:. «Astraea» No
.:22·50·53:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» MSPaint it
.:22·50·54:. «Astraea» Get that shit out of my thread.
.:22·50·54:. «+not Samanosuke» then its funny because its crooked
.:22·51·00:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» no
.:22·51·02:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» you're all idiots
.:22·51·05:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» the funny part is
.:22·51·09:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» how he is used tissue
.:22·51·14:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» and pen scribbles
.:22·51·17:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» to cover up his info
.:22·51·19:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» haha
.:22·51·22:. «+not Samanosuke» lol
.:22·51·23:. «+AssertnFailure» lol
.:22·51·25:. «%Mut[at]t[at]» didn't even bother with mspaint
.:22·52·06:. «+AssertnFailure» totally from alabama
uh, ya i wasnt there. but they were talkin shit.
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haha, yeah dude. Pretty much. Except it's not tissue, it's an envelope. Worked for like 14 hours today and I cant figure out the only program I could get to run with our scanner. Sue me if it looks ghett-oh. =b
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me arriving at the before party for my year 12 formal [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img], time for some fun
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Sorry guys I'm too lazy to find a better picture of myself. Excuse me for the retarded smile, it REALLY tickles when those pigeons grabbed my shoulder...
I have a much better one with the pigeons too, but I can't seem to find it.
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wow, i didn't need to see that last one.
u look young rek...how old r u, 15, 16?
Mut@t@: dude, post one where we can actually see what u look like [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
heres my sexy pic with my shirt open:
and this is me all dressed up for some sort of function:
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i knew it, raven is just one of those floating eyes that knows all and sees all
hey assassin u got hairy nipples? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] sorry couldnt help myself after seeing that "sexy" pose
EDIT: ah raven, so THATS who u really are, iceman ey?
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That last one is just PURE EVIL [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
*erase from memory*
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Not as bad as Goatse (don't know why I keep bringing that up)
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Not as bad as Goatse (don't know why I keep bringing that up)
You're a great fan of Goatse, aren't you ? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Did you make that tribute ?
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This thread does not lie, what can I say. The proof that I am Iceman is now concrete.
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I just signed the Goatse petition. I'm not really a "fan" of Goatse, I just like to show it to others [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] The big memory of Goatse will be forever imprinted in my memory (not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing)
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And to believe I always thought that Rek picture wasn't really of him. You know which one I'm talking about...
I think everyone here has seen me already. If not, just check the picture on my devART page. Too lazy to link.
And fuck I knew you'd create a thread like this the moment I saw you back, Ama.
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you doubted me terra?
I hurt... but yeah assassin, I'm 17.... but I can get kids meals (12 and under) at IHOP and I WORK THERE... and you hafta be 16 to work there... then they get pissed when I take it to the staff room, because I got a 3 dollar kids meal, with a 1/2 off employees discount...
I was in uniform at the time
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You still loook 12 Konoha Rek. Maybe somebody botched your birth date. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I bet when your 50, you'll look 25.
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@ jing: You have anime hair! It's so spiky and cute [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
@ Assassin: You look really familiar to me for some reason. I think I've seen you around campus, probably in JHE or thereabouts.
I'll post a pic later, when I get around to it.
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heh, ya most likely, since im there almost everyday
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I'm still having trouble believing that's Kameron's real license picture.
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Wow I think you need thicker curtains, they don't seem to do anything [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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the curtains are in uplifting bright colors tho [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] ill upload a pic when i can take one...
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PSJ, you must upload a pic of that godly body terra talked about.
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Hey hey let's not make racial generalizations [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
It's not common, but black guys can also be anime fans [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
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lol that first one fuckin owns. Id always have my hair and shit like that if i were you. Cave man and shit
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Originally posted by: Mut@t@
you're black?
I'd rather call myself brown (although my friends call me Blackanese [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img])
Anyway I've posted my pic earlier in the other post a picture of yourself thread.
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Originally posted by: Krbadass
lol that first one fuckin owns. Id always have my hair and shit like that if i were you. Cave man and shit
yeah, unfortunately it doesn't work with the glasses, and I need the glasses to see more than 3 inches in front of my face.
Someday I'll have lasik or something, and be able to see without glasses, and then I'll be all about that look
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I personally thought the second one was better. The first one looks like Charlie Manson from the newest Helter Skelter.
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kooshi how old are you??
EDIT: you look younger..that's all. =)
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I think she asked that b/c you look 14 in the picture
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If only my p.o.s computer was better it would be able to handle my foreign webcam. I promise I'll post a better picture of myself one day in the near future.
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Eh?? I look younger?? Heh, well, should be a compliment then, haha.
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you look like you're in junior high. it's not a compliment. you only want to look young when you're 35+, not when you're 18.
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kooshi you look exactly like this guy in my school and he's only 15.
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Okayyyy, this picture has turned into a bad thing now, haha. Dunno why you guys think I look like I'm still in high school or something. If what you say is true, then people at my university might be thinking, "What's a little kid doing here?", haha.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Just post a different picture that shows your age better.
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It's not inherently bad to look young at 18. More than likely, it will carry over, and you will be glad to look 30 when you are 45. The only reason some people consider it bad is because most people want to look between 22 and 27, which is the average range for a persons physical "peak" (which is to say that before then, their body grows more than it dies, and after that range, you begin a slow decline).
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kooshi, it's fine that you look younger. It's an asian thing to look younger than you are. I am like that too. So it's not a bad thing, k? And like Shippou-sama said, you'll be glad later on in your life.
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Cmon leave him alone, there's nothing wrong with looking like a teen. Even at 18 you're still a teen. As long as you don't look like a 10-year old shrimp you're alright.
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Lol, I'm not taking any offense at all, guys. There is no way I can get mad at anyone.... well, except for my younger brother, haha. Other than that, criticize me all you want or whatever and I still wouldn't care a bit.
As for Shippou-sama and Eurasian said, I gotta agree with them. And thanks for the defense BOC.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
yeah man, ppl think i look like 12 too dont feel too bad. looking young has its advantages too........... i just can't name some of them rihgt now though =D
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Eurasian
PSJ, you must upload a pic of that godly body terra talked about.
dont worry ill hook you up with a pic [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
and complich8 you look like a viking in that first pic in the second you look more like a 21st century viking [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
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Oh yes PSJ's body, it's so godly that you can see your reflection in it... I don't know how it's possible but that's the way it is.
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He oils his body.
...ok that's just wrong, I don't know why I'm thinking this stuff [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
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It's only natural, since it's PSJ's body after all.
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Damn Terra, I think you get crazier every time you speak.
I wish I had a beter picture than this because I hadn't shaved in about two days. Also, my hair somehow looks red in this one. I have no idea how that happened because there's no red whatsoever in my hair.
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Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
Originally posted by: Eurasian
PSJ, you must upload a pic of that godly body terra talked about.
dont worry ill hook you up with a pic [img][/img]
and complich8 you look like a viking in that first pic in the second you look more like a 21st century viking [img][/img]
A man never takes back his words!! =D
And all those descriptions from terra...makes me wish pictures were 3-d popups. *drools*
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wtf.... Yallo... wtf are you doing here...
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wow, Bud that was harsh
Yallo: it's nice to see another girl at the forum. Don't let them scare you away [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
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Kitkat wants me...
She writes poetry about me. Trying to win me over.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
heh thanks kitkat...
nay bud is just being his usual charming self
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Hey, Smilealwiz is pretty. She doesn't have that strange, crazed appearance that most of us anime fans have.
Damn, my picture is gone. I just signed up for a new 1asphost account yesterday and I've already exceeded my bandwidth. Photobucket said they're not taking any new applicants. I think this must be fated as no one wants to see my ugly picture. Ha ha.
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Do you see the guy in the avatar. Yep thats me. back then when i took the picture i was gonna destroy human kind but i've settled down since then, Actually became a vetenerian. those cute little puppies [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
samson use upl.silentwhisper.net, it has unlimited bandwith and enough space to store tons of JPEGs
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Thanks Board, but it looks like 1asphost has my pictures back up. It must have been a fluke; there's no way I could use up my bandwidth in one day.
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taken before going to work. not trying to be cool but god i hate work!
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edit:changed it, duunno if its any better.
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you take way too many weird lighted pictures, i give it a F.
B movie material.
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yeah i was in the computer room where it only had a bright ass table lamp. couldn't do much cuz my web cam was shitty on that comp.
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hey jing you have really cool hair. i wish mine was like that but unfortunatly i have it curly
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Deblas
hey jing you have really cool hair. i wish mine was like that but unfortunatly i have it curly
I bet after Kedo practice when you take off your tenugui your hair is in perfect condtion, not a hair out of place . also in the picture you look surprised about something.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Lefty
Originally posted by: Deblas
hey jing you have really cool hair. i wish mine was like that but unfortunatly i have it curly
I bet after Kedo practice when you take off your tenugui your hair is in perfect condtion, not a hair out of place . also in the picture you look surprised about something.
ohHH MAN after kendo practice my hair gets flattened down =P.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Lefty
also in the picture you look surprised about something.
He just saw goatse for the first time
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No one should ever see goatse.
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this is me at my graduation not the best pic, but its me
EDIT: that should work...
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here is another. im on the right, the guy on the left...Shippou-sama
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I thought Shippou was a girl...
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lol...because I know him, I just have to laugh. in fact, i know as soon as he sees this, hell be pissed that i posted it.
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OMG! you guys are r/l friends?????
EDIT to KaneInferno's post below: that's awesome!!! now i kinda wish i knew a forum user in r/l.
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yeah. I actually persuaded him to come here. he introduced me to naruto, and I started to dl them from here(not any more obviously), and started posting, then asked him if he ever came to the forums, which he didnt so i told him to check it out.
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But still...the avatar is really misleading I'd have to say
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Haha, I'm told I look completely different in this picture since I never do the drugs or drinking or what have you.
EDIT: took out picture
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Originally posted by: kooshi
Haha, I'm told I look completely different in this picture since I never do the drugs or drinking or what have you.
fix link plz
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worst picture. ever. take it down.
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mut you ultimate meanie
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RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
i didnt get to see it........
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Originally posted by: smilealwiz
mut you ultimate meanie
We all knew that eventually someone would tell mutt off. I didn't think that she'd be the one to do it though. Ha ha.
/only joking
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Stupid unreliable yahoo site, haha. Guess I'll have to use another method.
I think this should work.
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No, he looks a lot older in this picture. Btw nice concentration technique.
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Lol, there we go again with the age of 14 thing again, haha. I think I look older than that in this picture though, as pointed out by BOC.
Yeah, it was NOT easy balancing those bean bags on my head, hahaha. Took about 10 minutes to get that.
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