Originally posted by: thundrakkon
LOL Terra. That's a good one, and I remember it from before. You know you love Hinata. No one elicits more emotion for you except for her. [img][/img]
Thanks everyone for your positive replies. It makes it worthwhile. [img][/img]
Haha Uchiha Barles. I wonder how you'll react if you were in the same situation. [img][/img]
As an added bonus, I'll show what Sakura was like in color with her combination of Jiraiya, Lee, and Gaara:
Oh, btw, I won't be able to work on the Hinata one I have in mind until I have some free time, which will probably not be until December. Until then, I hope someone else could add some more stories instead. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]