OMG!!! My prayers have been answered.... Anime-Kraze just released the first episode!!!
First Episode by Anime-Kraze
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OMG!!! My prayers have been answered.... Anime-Kraze just released the first episode!!!
First Episode by Anime-Kraze
What's it about?
Is it really that good? You seem so excited about it. I guess I will just have to download and see what it is all about.
To tell you the truth... I really don't have that much of an idea... other from what i have read from the other threads in this forum... I looks cool though... And I have been waiting for a sub version for weeks to give it a try...
It is another samurai anime... from Production I. G. (Ghost in the Shell)
OHHHH! Samurai animes kick ass!
They always do... no matter how shitty it can get... Samurai animes almost always deliver...
Take a look at this links: In English
The exception would be Piss Maker Kurogay [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] (I made that nickname myself)
But other than that, I agree about samurai anime kicking ass! I just love that era. I wish I lived back then. Katanas, sexy girls in kimonos, sake... live for the battle, and die young! It's so cool.
Yeah PMK was sucky... but it recovered somewhat towards the end... I enjoyed the series nonetheless...
I just finished watching the first episode... I found it incredible... some great action sequences... (talking about Otogizoushi BTW)
i agree and disagree w/ Terracosmo. i enjoyed PMK. sure, the story is bad but it had some good action scenes. an anime, to me, could either have a good story or good art (of course, both would be great). Yeah, i really like the era.
i just finish Otogizoushi and i really like it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] everyone should go dl it.
Bud, I love you, and I mean that in the most heterosexual way I can say it between two people that simply watch too much anime. This show, is nice. This is what I need, more shows like this.
Watched some Madlax, the packs aren't downloading and I've been d/l'ing #2 for day #3 almost, already got 1, 3-5 in the meantime, heh.
I downloaded it and really did not watch it, but the show looks good.
Will watch it when I have some time.
It was a tad boring. But i liked the last fight. I'll watch more, just to see if it's worth it.
I can see how some might find it boring...
But I like it... there are not many serious animes in current years... so if you dont like seriousness, historical refferences, and drama you wont like it....
Besides a get some of the atmosphere from the Kenshin OVAs... the seriousness and the cool fight sequences...
BTW episode 2 is out....
Episode 2 by A-Kraze
Budweineken, u r so cool. thanx for the link.
their eyes don't take up 70% of their faces too!
Yeah... I can see how some people when they watch this series and see the lack of characters with big eyes and a bubbly persolanity might dislike this series..
i totally like the drawing. it's realistic. it's fresh.
i really wonder what the guy with red streaks have to do with the story other than dancing. he's important, i can tell, cuz he was in that picture during the outro w/ raikou.
I really liked the second episode (not as much as the first though) but it looks like the third episode is going to be awesome...
Yeah I have mixed feelings on what role he is going to play... nevertheless i am sure that he is very skilled
yah, i'm totally looking forward to the 3rd episode.
is sadamitsu going to stay w/ them the whole journey or just to raid tsuchigumo's place? during the preview for the 3rd episode, why did tsuna say that he has to protect raikou's identity? if they r going to only work together to get rid of the tsuchigumo, then i think tsuna has nothing to worry about.
These questions have really been bothering me.
Not really sure why is the importance... but it might have to do with her taking over is brother's missing... I'm not sure, but is she taking over is identity?
yah, i also think that she's taking her brother's place. didn't he say that he's sorry that she has to do this for him...or was that my imagination? yeah, i can't really remember. please correct me if i am wrong.
She is deffinately taking her brother's place....
what i meant was is she taking his identity... like using is name? I have to go back and check
yeah, i think so too. tsuna presents her as raikou-sama to that old man. well, it obviously can't be the female i agree that she's taking her brother's identity. i guess for a woman to do stuff like that is "scandalous" back during the heian period. i don't know... I NEED MORE EPISODES!
Then get episode 3 now[Ani-Kraze
i saw epi 4. man, those bastards at the palace tricking honest citizens.
the dude w/ highlights...what's his name? Mansairaku?? man, can he fight. he dodges...but that's pretty impressive. especially his duel w/ tsuna. i thought tsuna was ultra strong. he defeated tsuna w/o breaking a sweat. hm...this dude...i like him.
Yeah he was way to awesome... especially when he struck the fan in to his throat...
And I love Sadamitsu... when he says that the sister is hot...
Yah, Sadamitsu...that womanizer. he even said they (raiko and hikari) didn't look alike. is he blind???
Episode 5 is out... go get it[Ani-Kraze
i just watched epi 5.
don't they suspect that raikou is a GIRL??? when she put on makeup
sadamitsu and tsuna...HAHAHA. Sadamitsu: "Don't make such a scary face." Tsuna: "i was born w/ this face." HAHAHAHA
omg...they were like Jesus...walking on water. that's very cool.
A LOVE STORY! or course, essential to most shows.
what's up w/ the ministers? r they trying to kill the emperor or save him? is seimei playing them?
From what i get the minister of the left and seimei are plotting against the emperor from what i gather...
Yeah... I was like wtf they didnt realize she was a girl when they put on the make-up... not even when she took the make-up off... Sadamitsu is clueless
And the dancing dude... forgot his name... he is really kickass... he said he'll be back on summer or so... cant wait for next summer... when he jumped off the building it was awesome
mansairaku, yah, i can't wait for more scenes w/ him.
is urabe attracted to raikou??? or just kissing some ass. but she's pretty cool.
Humm probably kissing ass... would be awesome if attracted also...
Next episode will probably go as her looking as she is betraying them.. then she for some reason decides to help them and she dies happily knowing that she saved a good person... or something like that...
What do you think happens?
You've noticed that we are the only to assholes still discussing this
HAHAHA! well, ppl r missing out on a good show. THEIR LOST!!!
i don't think urabe is going to die. she works for seimei, right? i think urabe plays a bigger role. i think seimei will do something (don't know what) to our heroes through urabe.
i can't imagine urabe getting captured. she seems tough. she probably got captured on purpose just so she can get closer to raikou. jk
I don' t think that Urabe will die either this early in the show. She's too smart and she's in the opening credits for the series. She seems to me to be a spy.
She'll prob intentionally get captured to get close to the other mystery on that island and to test Raikou.
I hope that there are more episodes with Mansairaku and Abe no Seimei.
Episode 6 is out...
Episode 7 was good... that new kid was awesome...
wont say more incase someone hasnt watched it
DON'T SAY ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hadn't watched 6 or 7 yet!!! i'm dling all the anime i missed during my vacation like a mad man.
Bud did you watch it subbed or raw? Cause I just checked around and can't find a ep7 sub.
subbed by ani-kraze
it's been out since saturday
Thanks for that, dunno how I missed it.
i first thought that kid was annoying...after the bear overthrow or whatever...a whole new perspective on him. he's like superman or something.Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
Episode 7 was good... that new kid was awesome...
was it my mistake or is there a something blossoming between urabe or tsuna?
Yeah... I thought so also... i hope that happens because it opens the door for Mansairaku
Soon as I saw the kid I thought Luffy. And later on he started to act just like Luffy.
i'm laughing right now cuz ur so right.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
Soon as I saw the kid I thought Luffy. And later on he started to act just like Luffy.
Lol about Luffy... they are indeed very similar....
episode 8 is out
ur so on top of things. u r always the first to post when the new epi comes out. for some reason, i always find out a couple hours after u.
not because i choose to.... it just happens that way... i would prefer if someone noticed before me a let me know
I WILL TRY NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if i fail, I WILL TRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've never seen a blonde happa before. urabe is one scary woman. poison, now bombs.
How long is this anime? It seems to be moving fast they are about to reunite all 5pieces and like Madlax I don't want it to end[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img].
It's 26 episodes... so there's a lot more to come....
BTW did you watch Madlax 21 and 22 already? if so post something on the Madlax thread since it looks like you are the only person discussing it at the moment....
And in Otogizoushi... that small kid is awesome... he can take bombs head on and still leave without a scratch
YaY 26eps, I wonder where the series will go after they reach the capital, and that guy/girl with the mask seems creepy. He's plotting something when he gets all 5pieces. And I posted in the Madlax thread [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].
I think he and the Minister of the Left (I think) are in it together... but I think that he will betray the Minister in the end for his own selfish reasons....
And I also want to get to the episode that they learn that Raiko is infact Haruka(i think that's her name)... i hope they dont keep it a secret forever
OF COURSE! and she'll praised, like mulan. j/k
It's just that i just watched a series that had the same dilemma but they never revealed the true identity which pissed me off... wont say which since i dont want to spoil it
the 9th episode came out!!!! Anime-Kraze
YES!!! i did it!!! i beat u Budweineken!!! this calls for a celebration!
hahaha... i was just going to post right now...
See... Im not always the first... well maybe because im drunk... im going out so enjoy the episode... i'll probably watch it tomorrow
u sure live up to ur name. well, i hope u enjoy urself and try to keep the floor clean.
i was really lucky. i went to the website 1 min after they put it up. but i'm still dling.
Ohhhh goes to get, now I have something to watch in the mourning[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].
epi 9 was a good episode. a lotta stuff went on.
hikaru and mansairaku met only 3 or 4 times and they r in love. that's something.oh! mansairaku appears outta nowhere. he's like ninja. and that poem. that's pretty clever. hm...interesting. is seimei helping shutendouji? cuz that's what hikaru said but seimei called him a demon. and will urabe betray the team?
i don't think Urabe will betray the team... i think it will be played out as if she is betraying but in the end we'll learn that she is not betraying....
As I suspected the Minister of the Left and Seimei have ulterior motives to bring down the capital...
I can't wait for the next episode... I think it will be one of the best for the whole series
when seimei first came out i thought he was a good man. but i shoulda known...w/ the evil mask of his. so u think seimie and minister of the left r working together?
did u have fun last night?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Yeah i had fun last night... not much fun at the moment (headache)...
I dont know if they are working together... but they did meet once in private... and he is the only one of the ministers that always goes blindly by what Seimei says... the other one asks more questions on the matters and seems less suspicious to me...
I hope Seime is not only a person that moves everything behind the scenes... i hope he is a skillful warrior also...
Downloading 1-9 (Always checking out new anime this forum mentions.) Hopefully this is good...
This show is getting better and better. If I never joined here I would have missed this along with Madlax. I was a little pissed how they treated her when she returned. Calling Hikaru/Reiko a coward because he didn't bring back the last Magatama. I think if Urabe had any thoughts of betraying the team they left her mind when she asked if she would ever be accepted as part of the group and was told that she's an important member of the team. I didn't pay attention to the opening before Urabe joined so did it change since the first ep? Cause I notice that the dancer is in the op but not the strong kid. Also any speculation on the ninja girl?
yah, i was like wtf when they put hikaru on probation. i dno't even understand why. cuz she didn't bring back the fire magatama?! well she already said where it is. ninja girl just works for shutendoji. she was probably collecting info for him.
i don't know if urabe was in the OP or not. i don't think they changed it though. i usually don't watch it. well, mansairaku was included in the ED. well, he's been in the anime since the 1st ep, right?
yah, if it wasn't for budweineken, i wouldn't know about it either. i just remember he said something about samurai and i'm already drawn in.
someone mentioned this series before me... so give all the credit to him....
AHAHA! ur so modest. ok then, i give all the credit to him.
Thanks for the torrent. I was looking for a group that was subbing this great anime.
What a nice series... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
Sometimes I like the animation, and sometimes I don't, but the story is strong, and it is set in my favorite historical era, the Heian period (is it odd to have a favorite historical era? oh, well) Anyways, I am enjoying this one, so thanks guys for pointing it out.
Some trivia: I've seen a movie about an onmyo-shi called Seimei (can't recall the name of the movie), so I looked him up, and it seems that he is based on a real individual, link and link. In the movie he and his butterfly spirit assistant were working with a swordsman to save Tokyo, so he was a good guy. In this series he definately is working towards something, but so far (ep 5) I can't tell whose side he's on. seem alots of ppl are interested in this anime, guess i will give it a try and dl episode1 from it. i would have dl a long ago if i can cuz i only check on animesuki and they didn't seem to put the dl link there. From 1-10 how much do all ppl who watch this anime rated?
if 10 is the most, then i give it a 9.
just click on those links to dl. the only reason i can think of that animesuki didn't put it on is cuz it's licensed, even though i hadn't heard of anything about it being licensed.
it was licensed even before it started airing so that's probably why you havent heard of any anouncements or anything....
yea...but i thaught fansubs only sub anime that haven't been licence so y anime-kraze fansub it? oh yea, i check out the first epi of it and is was good but a little confusing to understand all the characters since is didn't really explain all in detail.
nope that's not true at all... fansubs sub whatever they want... but there are some groups that choose not to do so
Hi guys and gals. I haven't really watched this series yet, since the animation kind of turned me when I was skimming through the first episode. It seems you guys really like this, and I haven't thoroughly read all the comments on this thread (just skimmed through to avoid spoilers).
Storywise, Eurasian gave it a 9 out of 10, so that's a pretty good sign. I am wondering how this compares to other shows, since I might start watching. What similarities does it have and how is better/worse? Examples could be Samurai Champloo, Samurai 7, PMK, Samurai X, and Shura no Toki. Thanks
it's definitely not as would u put it...radical and unusual as Samurai Champloo. i mean samurai champloo has like break dancing moves. nothing like that in otogizoushi. it's more serious kind of anime BUT they have subtle humor. dude, this is hard to explain. someone help me out!! it's good. just watch it.
I've only seen the first 3 eps but I like it very much.
Episode 10 is out already!!! JOY!!!
Link if u need it. but it's everywhere in this thread.
Ohhh hope we get to see more Ninja girl in this one.
Is this anime base on a China history or Japan history? are they even in a history? someone help me out....
Japan History. they r in the heian period. (if u watch HnG, that's the time period sai's from. that's how i got familiar w/ the heian period) check the date, i think it's like 900 or 1000 AD.
EDIT: *****spoiler******
wtf...u know there was a thread that supernatural beings ruin the anime. yah, wtf is w/ shuten. that's not normal steroids he's on. i'm pretty sure he turned into a demon of some sort.
AND!!!! who said urabe wouldn't betray the team?!?! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] so the true antagonist in this anime is seimei, uh?
i am not familiar with japan history....but this anime look like is was from china...since the clothing look china and not much of a samurai.
oh! i c what u mean. but the ppl in the palace wear what's more familiar as japanese type clothing.
Just watched the ep(spoilers)
That would be me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img], I really thought the fact that she was told that she was an important member to the team would overcome her betrayal. And they killed ninja girl before she got to do anything cool [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]. And was it just me or did Shuten hair color switch during the ep from blonde to gray? And yea that demon ruined the ep, I hope they don't plan on making more.Quote:
wtf...u know there was a thread that supernatural beings ruin the anime. yah, wtf is w/ shuten. that's not normal steroids he's on. i'm pretty sure he turned into a demon of some sort.AND!!!! who said urabe wouldn't betray the team?!?! so the true antagonist in this anime is seimei, uh?
that's ok. i also thought urabe wouldn't betray the team cuz what u said made sense. she seemed really touched when they say she was part of the team. i wonder what they'll do to her when they meet her again. or maybe urabe is pretending to be on seimei's side but she's actually on their side. what is that called...uhm...double crossing right?
Hahahah... I was right... Urabe did betray... but you'll see that in the end she'll make everything right... she might even lose her life in the process...
And no... I always saw Shuten's hair color as gray.... I never saw it blonde...
oh~ yah that's good. storywise that'll be good.
i didn't notice his hair...i noticed that his body size increased...tremendously. i hate that part.
i even find that the palace also look like China too...kinda like that Once upon a time in china movie.
Finally they showed a real demon. Now we can start calling it an otogi (fairytale).
well, the japanese did come from china...even though it was a LONG time ago, the influence is still there.Quote:
Originally posted by: animefreak
i even find that the palace also look like China too...kinda like that Once upon a time in china movie.
wow Eurasian u did your homework for me lol. I didn't know china used to influence japan.
koreans and japanese all came from china...LONG LONG ago. u can't say really say "china used to influence japan" but the japanese were orginally from china. they even have chinese characters aka kanji. many japanese words sound like chinese words.
I finally caught up with this series! (Yay! It was worth it.)
As to the Chinese/Japanese influence: Yes, China influence Japan quite a bit. The two nations are right next to each other and traded extensively. In the Heian era Chinese things were kind of a fad, and people quoted Chinese poems and imported Chinese art. People who thought the were sophisticated even wrote in Chinese characters (what later became kanji). The Japanese alphabet (based on syllables instead of symbols for words) was looked down on as "women's writing." (I was interested in Japanese history before getting in to anime).
As for the story, I agree with it being in fairy tale form. There are fantastic elements, but they are in line with traditional beliefs. The kid is definately supposed to be the monkey king (super strong, childlike, eats a lot, born on a mountain, no mother because in the myth he is born from a stone egg that came form the earth itself). Seimei I already mentioned, but I am surprised he is turning out to be evil (in anime if someone say they want to end suffering it's usually be killing everyone). Well, I guess we'll have to see... I hope AniKraze keeps subbing this.
wow that lil history lesson was quite insightful. thanx.
Was there a reference saying that Kintaro is the monkey king (Goku)? but ur examples make sense.
Does anyone know what the op song is? Even better, anyone know where I can download it?
Fucking love that song.
download it there. u gotta scroll down a little. it's called "Zen" by Attack Haus.
w00t thanks
Do you think that this series is related to the myths surrounding the real Minamoto no Yorimitsu (Raiko)?
Well, I found this link
I don't know Japanese history, but I thought that this was too much of a coincidence.
What myths are you talking about? do you have any links?
THANKS HIKARU004!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is getting interesting and more interesting. i didn't realize that it was a myth.
I can't get the download to work [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img], it gives a 401 error cause I don't have a log in name.Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
download it there. u gotta scroll down a little. it's called "Zen" by Attack Haus.