Samurai Champloo starts today in Japan. Anyone know if someone is subbing it? I don't know about you, but breakdance samurai fighting looks kinda cool to me[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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Samurai Champloo starts today in Japan. Anyone know if someone is subbing it? I don't know about you, but breakdance samurai fighting looks kinda cool to me[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
yupi cant wait. Its licensed so im not sure whos going to sub it. But i hope someone good.
Who licensed it?
*Prays that it's ADV, who actually makes their deadlines and releases in a timely fashion*
*Prays that it's not ADV so some good fansub group picks it up*
Geneon licesenced it awhile ago. Ive heard since August of last year.
Wow, thats a long time. But I'm sure some good/ok group will sub it
hope its a good anime, if its not i wont bother with it
How about watching an episode before wondering if you should bother with it.
wasnt expecting this
Downloading raw [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I'll update yous ppl
is that a clip from the show?Quote:
yes it is
I LOVE THIS ANIME!!! lol ok maybe im to excited but i seen the first episode and its surpassed my expectations and for anyone who knows me knows ive been wanting to see this anime for the longest. go see it!
Heres another clip
yeah i guess ill do thatQuote:
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
How about watching an episode before wondering if you should bother with it.
capoera samurai? hehehe where can i dl the eps?
hehe yea Mujen has a unusual fighting style. Check
I can't wait to dl it. Anyone know when it's coming out on DVD? IT SHALL BE MINE[img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
You didn't hear it from me, well, maybe you did, but there is a sub in the works for this already.
Show has a lot of potential, there are a few groups that may sub despite the license.
Wow the animation is really good.
Also the main character guy sounds kinda like Zoro from one piece. Same voice actor?
The fighting in the clips posted here look awesome... it looks like it will worth watching just for that...
How about plot? I realize there's only one episode out, but does it look like it have promise to develop some plot?
this series looks incredibely interesting great fighting, ep one is some sort of introduction probably to the main chracters but the fight scenes look slick, and yeah Mugen's voice actor is none other then One Piece's Zoro the gurl with the gigantic boobs seems to also have a voice actor i heard before but can't come up with the name
bakafish subbed ep 1
change filename to Bakafish_Samurai_Champloo_01.avi.torrent
cool downloading now
How good of a job do they do? or should I wait for some other group?
Consider that I have limited bandwith at the moment
they did a pretty good job on naruto 84 but i suggest you wait for a group that has more releases under their name finished over an hour so i can't say yet
At least two other groups are considering the project.
not bad...interesting. not sure i liked that weird switching back and forth style, but good action.
Wow, just watched the first episode and I love it. Intro and Outro are awesome. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Im downloading Samurai_Champloo_1_RAW_avi Is that the right one? I got it from
Thanks for the help!
The girl with the big boobs does not have big boobs, she has a certain paraphernalia hidden in the front of her kimono. In fact this show has nothing to do with ecchi (thank god!).Quote:
Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
this series looks incredibely interesting great fighting, ep one is some sort of introduction probably to the main chracters but the fight scenes look slick, and yeah Mugen's voice actor is none other then One Piece's Zoro the gurl with the gigantic boobs seems to also have a voice actor i heard before but can't come up with the name
Seriously though, I just watched the first episode and I am hopping around like a bunny in heat, this show is off-the-hook!
It definitely fills in the gap that Cowboy Bebop left behind.
I like the hiphop style that is used in the show like certain rewind scenes are done in a form like DJ is scratching an LP. Speaking of rewind the first rewind at the beginning had me laughing.
The show also seems to have a plot surrounding the girl and a certain someone she is looking for.
well anyway I am a happy cat today!
Where can i get the bakafish subbed ep 1? The link above did not work. Im currently downloading [WGR]_Samurai_Champloo_-_01_(640x360_24fps_DivX5.02)[910C15D8]RAW.avi, will this work?
no it doesnt work sin it's raw.... and you want it subbed no?
the link does work.... the thing is that the bakafish link has a .avi at the end... change it to .torrent
man bakafish did one heck of a job sadly the subs are a tad small but other than that awsome quality love the widescreen/letterbox view it has
I just watched the first episode... very promising anime...
I just hope that they have more challenging opponents, especially that samurai they are looking for.... I want to see them in critical conditions from time to time...
As for the back and foward scenes, I didnt mind them, but it doesnt seem like it will continue throughout the series since it seems that the main characters will be together...
Duly noted, [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] We recieved that comment a lot, so in answer to that, we are going to be releasing a second version of the release later on down the road, and all following releases will have larger subs.
well Aoi-anime released thier version i am sadly disapointed to many mispellings
i wonder/hope they rerelease a fixed version
ops in channel say no second version
Wow, that first episode kicks ass.
I am so buying the DVDs when they come out here.
Edit: I also love the humor in this show. For example at the end of the episode it was: 'The End" then suddenly "Psych! To be continued"
also i LOL for a second when it goes one day earlier and suddenly your in the modern time
fricken great show.
Very yin/yang characters. Liked the clumsy waitress- did she remind anyone else of the clumsy ninja spy from PeaceMaker?
This show is of the hook.
Just sick.
The animation and character design are A+ quality.
A little Hiphop meets anime.
I'm lovin it, been wating a long time for this.
Shinichiro WATANABE is truly one of the best.
Am considering giving this anime a try, and would like your opinion for which sub to go for - Bakafish, Aoi or AF-FQuote:
Originally posted by: HaZMaTiK
well Aoi-anime released thier version i am sadly disapointed to many mispellings
i wonder/hope they rerelease a fixed version
How bad are the mispellings in the Aoi version, which groups are putting up explanations / translating the signs etc
Thanks... Spanky [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
tell ya the truth just watched AF-F version and it was done real well good spellings go for that one
yea Aoi was good but to many misspellings bakafish was great but small font
AF-F did well in all areas i think good descriptions thats just my POV
Thanks... giving the Bakafish and AF-F versions a try
The plot. There's two "samurai's" Mugen and Jin. And theres Fuu, a waitress. She saves Mugen and Jin. Now they'll have to help Fuu, to find
a samurai that smells sunflower.
You should watch this if you like Samurai anime
She sounds like narusegawa from love hina.Quote:
Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
this series looks incredibely interesting great fighting, ep one is some sort of introduction probably to the main chracters but the fight scenes look slick, and yeah Mugen's voice actor is none other then One Piece's Zoro the gurl with the gigantic boobs seems to also have a voice actor i heard before but can't come up with the name
This series is really great, I would recommend it to any one.
Where do I get AF-F's version of this?
where can get samurai chaploo?
This is where I got it from.
Bakafish released a second version with a lot of small fixes, (mainly, a larger font [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] ). If you want it, you can get it from this torrent:
I'm so glad I checked this thread out earlier or I wouldn't have watched this show. The ending music is cool so I guess I gotta wait for the single to be released[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Have you watched both versions already? I've only watched Bakafish and was wondering which one you thought was better...Quote:
Originally posted by: SpankyDaM
Thanks... giving the Bakafish and AF-F versions a try
I download a lot from AF-F but to tell you the truth I dont like how they translate somethings sometimes... so if you could tell me which one you like more from those two it would help me out tremendously...
When i watch the episode it remind me a lot to Quentin Tarantino!
Budwineken: Both AF-F and Bakafish are good releases, i download bakafish's rel but af-f is good too
checking does link for bakafish above work?
(after its edited?)
i changed it, and it still wont work. just brings up windows media player and messes up.
Seeing as how this series is coming from Shinichiro Watanabe and the exact same production team that did Cowboy Bebop, I don't see how it could be anything but amazing. I've been waiting for this series for 5 years, I'm amazingly impressed with it.Quote:
Originally posted by: rdkenshin
She sounds like narusegawa from love hina.Quote:
Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
this series looks incredibely interesting great fighting, ep one is some sort of introduction probably to the main chracters but the fight scenes look slick, and yeah Mugen's voice actor is none other then One Piece's Zoro the gurl with the gigantic boobs seems to also have a voice actor i heard before but can't come up with the name
This series is really great, I would recommend it to any one.
Fuu's voice is done by the same seiyuu that did Mahoro from Mahoromatic, and also Osaka from the Azumanga Daioh "Web" short, along with tons of other things, but not Love Hina.
There's also a new Anime-Kraze verison out, that seems to top everyone else in terms of translation quality. So far, however, AF-F has released the highest-quality episode in terms of picture, color and sound.
check for the new A-K version.
Really? When she yells it kind of reminds me of her. Or someone I forgot the name of...
Id like to point out thatjin was right about mugens style. When mugen did his first breakdance move jin should have just stabbed him.
Ani-Kraze has started subbing Champloo.
Cool, I like how they subbed Last Exile.
I just checked anime-suki and it says that it's been liscenced already.
Originally posted by: njdevs95
I just checked anime-suki and it says that it's been liscenced already.
Yes, it has been licensed. Your point? It'll take about a year to come out anyway, seeing that the show just came out last week. If you are willing to wait that long, be my guest.
Ooo bounciness. And geisha molestation in the beginning. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] How arousing.
Pretty weird anime this is. Mix between samurai and new stuff such as hip-hop opening (yuck) and well... a truly weird sense of humor. But I like it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
i just watched all the versions and i gotta say Ani-kraze comes in first for good spelling and such then AF-F
Saw the first episode last night and wasn't that impressed. The animation was good, but I didn't like the disconnected feel that was presented. Maybe my expectations were set a bit high this early on, I'll stick with the series for at least the first five or six episodes to get a better opinion.
I like it very much. Animation is as sweet as honey, having the best art style I've seen lately, sorta reminds me of I.G's works, mainly Kill Bill anime part.
Story is slick, you have two great samurais wanting to kill eachother, but they have to get along. Their interactions are funny as hell ("that was a dream").
The humor simply gets to me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Just watched the AF-F sub - they've done a nice job on it - explanations at the top of the screen, nice work on the opening / ending animation, and while I don't know enough Japanese to comment on the quality of the translation it certainly felt OK. I'm gonna watch the Bakafish tomorrow to compare the 2.Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
Have you watched both versions already? I've only watched Bakafish and was wondering which one you thought was better...
As to the anime itself - not sure about this one to be honest, figure I may give it another episode to see how it develops but my initial impressions were that it's not as good as some of the ones that have come out recently. If I'm not enjoying the second episode then I think I'll be giving this one a miss.
I'd say give it a try, but I certainly preferred Bebop to this one - my personal opinion and chances are others in this thread will disagree. was I the only one who really liked when that one guy molested a geisha in the beginning?
Does anyone have the anime version or a full version of the opening theme?
Terracosmo, you are not alone [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img] ...
Terracosmo, DraGunZer0, you are not alone...Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo was I the only one who really liked when that one guy molested a geisha in the beginning?
I dont see how anyone can put a comment on how they like cowboy bebop more than this, if you look at it, its just like the first episode on cowboy bebop, if anyone was around to watch them before they all came out.
Bebop didnt give off alot of story, but showed us what he was about to make. try not to compare the whole bebop series to the 1 ep we have so far. If you think about it bebop was at its peak later on, so be patient.
As for the Hip-Hop Into and end. I dislike Hip-Hop/Rap ALOT, but be professional here, that was great to mix those two elements together, new hip-hop with old samurai action, its just something id expect from someone who puts jazz into fistfight/gunfight (bebop).
EDIT: When's the new ep coming out?!?
Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop are completely different shows, and it doesn't make sense to compare a complete series to only one episode of another. Episode 2 will air on Wednesday, be patient until then.
Hopefully more geisha grabbing next wednesday...... bwahahaha..... ok enough of that.
the squirrel is by far the best character.. it freaking flies
kick ass eps, cant wait for the next one
Where is the second episode form this serie??? I cannot wait anymore
Elfo: If you'd read 4 posts above you, KonohamaruCorps has your question answered.Quote:
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop are completely different shows, and it doesn't make sense to compare a complete series to only one episode of another. Episode 2 will air on Wednesday, be patient until then.
Samurai Champloo has been interesting so far. I especially like the "rewind" thing.
i watched this at my friends house,
i liked it except i found some parts weird and somewhat annoying
the rewind/dj scratch thing is a new thing to me so i didnt like that as much, but it was a cool innovation
other than that, omoshiroi desu
Horseshit, BS... it was delayed until next week (this week) due some volleyball game, geeze... champloo to the ppl, fuck volleyball...
The molested geisha is clearly superior to the squirrel even though it grabs second place with it's flying abilities and cute teeth [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: syllaw
the squirrel is by far the best character.. it freaking flies
I was wondering what you were talking about at first, and then I watched the episode again. GEISHA MOLESTATION FOR THE PEOPLE indeed!!!Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
The molested geisha is clearly superior to the squirrel even though it grabs second place with it's flying abilities and cute teeth [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: syllaw
the squirrel is by far the best character.. it freaking flies
Somewhat off-topic, but since Samurai Champloo airs on Wednesdays in Japan, is it aired the same time as Naruto or later than Naruto?
Umm, I think we already need a new forum for this show. That first episode was sick. If this anime has half a plot it will still be good in my book. I just finished watching, I think I am gonna watch it again!!!
We need a new forum for THE GEISHA MOLESTATION AND... okay okay I'll stop.
i saw episode 1 and it was C[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]L.
Oh, is Watanabe Shinichiro directing Samurai Champloo too? The actions scenes were really good. I thought the transitions from scenes happening at the same time to be pretty interesting. Though I hope they don't use the turn table novelty that often.Quote:
Originally posted by: kilzo
As for the Hip-Hop Into and end. I dislike Hip-Hop/Rap ALOT, but be professional here, that was great to mix those two elements together, new hip-hop with old samurai action, its just something id expect from someone who puts jazz into fistfight/gunfight (bebop).
EDIT: When's the new ep coming out?!?
I enjoy rap a lot. Not the mainstream cookie cutter crap, - there are oh so many songs that you can listen to that talk about cadilacs, drinkin, and the honnies before you get bored - The roots, jurassic five, and mos def are some great artists. But I digress...The OP I heard in Samurai Champloo was terrible. I laughed so hard when I heard they're rhyming. "steel packed tight in microchip all over but the sign of all pro" -- WTF? It sounds like these people just threw in english buzzwords and hoped it would work itself out.
Eh? Hate to burst your bubble, but Geisha are art entertainers that use music and conversation to entertain their guests. Cortusans, which also wore the white makeup, entertained thier customers with...other methods. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
We need a new forum for THE GEISHA MOLESTATION AND... okay okay I'll stop.
(thanks for the correction)
This Champloo thingy is fun to watch [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Yeah the fighting was wicked. Definately some awesome potential.
I think episode 2 aired about 2 hours ago, so hopefully the subbed version won't be too far off.
I second that notion for a Curtusan Molestation Forum!
The RAW for Samurai Champloo episode 2 is out.
this is my fav anime right now hopefully the subbed version will come out soon anyone know when the ani-kraze sub comes out?
There are subbed version out there.Quote:
Originally posted by: Ubernaruto
this is my fav anime right now hopefully the subbed version will come out soon anyone know when the ani-kraze sub comes out?
can someone post a link when a subbed version come out
this anime is just kewl.. hope 2 sub comes out soon
should be, since the raw has already been released
samurai champloo 2 is out by aoi-anime if anyones interested
go get it at
I am downloading it right now; it is going kinda slow, but surely I'll see it before bed tonight.Quote:
Originally posted by: tensai
samurai champloo 2 is out by aoi-anime if anyones interested
go get it at
Edit: just saw it, this will be a fine serie imo. Music is great as I expected. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Hmm, good episode. Looks like they gave up on the humor already, that was much quicker than I expected.
Good ep, Glad to see that the Assassin wasn't a weakling. You just know that he'll show up again later on.
I have a feeling the samurai who smells like sunflowers is actually Fuu's lost love or something like that. Dunno why. :/
thought episode two was pretty cool, liked the sword action, and yea, it was good that the assasin wasn't some weak guy..looked like he was pretty strong