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See, that wasn't a bad wait was it?
Join #mangareaders to get it
I've always said that they are the best... i didn't even doubt them to drop their naruto project.. go Inane!
*gives inane a hug*
thanks you
also could someone give a link to downlaod, instead of mirc
Mirc is simple, it says in the topic just writhe /msg ....... send .... and you get the manga right away, it took 2 seconds for me this time..
the thing is my bro is on MY computer playing cs. and instead im on my moms computer in her office and that doesnt have mirc and i am not allowed to download programs on it since it used for work and if this coimputer crashes alot of people are screwed.
thats y. i could use mirc (even though i dont like it tooo much)
a link would be great
Don't harsh.... it'll be out on narutofan and all the other fansites momentarily...
This is uploaded by Gaara2k3 from another forum, so thanks to him[Inane].zip
link, enjoy
plus link
man i always love how inane translates the chpaters.
they do it so true to nature of the japanese language.
it was so nie and clean translation.
sakon said things differntly and made more sense than the other guys
the other guys are great for being another scanlator
thanks inane.
They do a good job coloring the cover pages too. This one is especially well done.
i agree. they do some cool stuff. i liiked the kimaro drawing but i dont know if that is how they are going to keep it when the anime catches up.
thats a cool part about black and white manga the characters can be colored any wya u want it to be
like kimaro having silvery hair.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Naruto 203.. the end of controversy
Naruto 203 has finally been released despite all of this controversy.
I'd like to thank the ppl who msg me giving support to Inane with all we do, in the event if we DID decide to drop Naruto. Thanks heaps to the "good leechers" out there who wait for our release with minimal to no complaint.
A message to the people who come into the channel, do @find Naruto x and not read the topic, and to those who come in every Friday and demand our Naruto release: It's because of YOU we almost stopped releasing Naruto. If you don't want us to stop, stop being jerks.
We will release Naruto when we want to, and when we are satisfied that our edits are good. We won't release just because there are impatient people who can't wait for 4 days without Naruto.
Thanks to the rest of the staff for their hard work on this one. This release goes to us!
Written by Misao - 2/8/2004 @18:51:47
We do Naruto for fun and so all fans can enjoy it. We don't get paid, most of the time we don't even get a thank you!
We bring you the highest quality scanlations every week and all we get are people bitching about where the next chapter is.
We have lives too, we don't live to bring you Naruto (and other manga) every week. We can just as easily say 'screw you' and cancel Naruto forever.
It's your choice, be nice to us and don't bitch, or be banned and have the chapters pushed back and possibly have the series dropped by us.
If you HAVE to read it, buy Shonen Jump yourself from Japan or go to another channel.
Written by Gummi - 2/8/2004 @18:05:57</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Quoted directly from inane main site ...
he is right. people shouldnt bitch. good thing they thought about the good leechers.
i think there should be a punishment for people bitching. liek flogging or shoving their penis into a blender.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DeluxSkillz @ Feb 8 2004, 08:19 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>[Inane].zip
link, enjoy
plus link </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
rofl. narutofan wont show up because of all the people trying to get onto it.
kudos to gaara 2k3
Inane joke chapters-=top notch
inane 203 out. W00t
good thing u just found out.
hehe jk
the sound four aren't overated, it's just that kishimonto made them to be losers...
think about it, Orochimaru can get practically anything he wants, why shoul he use four weaklings as his elite guard?
i can understand that they aren't as strong as Kakashi or Anko or Gai, but for them to be taken out by the likes of Kiba... it's just too much.
besides, let's say that Kiba actually hits Sakon with his dual fand twist... and lets say it somehow works, Sakon and Ukon were still about to seperate, so i doubt that a chackraless Kiba could stand against a lvl 2 Ukon or Sakon...
And Sakon is the strongest of the sound four, there's no way that he'll be beat the weakest of the five genins..
sasuke and the sound 4 have the same curse.
no they don't. Look at the back of Tayuya's neck in Chapter 203.
Theirs is a different one.
I guess you don't know everything.
where does it say that i know everything. i am just never wrong.
and trust me, they have the same seal.
omg wtf, my sig changed to "i am always right"
it's suppose to be "i am never wrong"
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>and trust me, they have the same seal.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>OWNED</span>
so tell me this, since tayuya has a different looking seal, then are you saying each one of the sound has a different seal also?
EDIT: go read chapter 179, the sound 4 explain about the same curse seal they all have.
EDIT: what are you talking about. i said sasuke and the sound 4 all have the same curse seal. they talk about it in ch 179.
What are you talking about now?
I said Sasuke and Kimimaro have different seals than the Sound 4. I never said that the Sound 4 had all different seals.
I will edit back in pics of the Heaven and Gaia seal just for reference.
Maybe the pattren of the curse seal changes when it's evolved into Lvl2? like how they have diffrenet forms and stuff, they 5 had the same seal as Sasuke (like they said) but it changed when it evolved to the 2nd level?
is anyone else dissapointed that Sakon goes 2nd level against a wimp like Kiba?
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 9 2004, 01:51 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> sasuke and the sound 4 have the same curse. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I rest my case....
Don't try back peddaling on me.
I don't think the Sound 4 have the Heaven Seal. Kabuto made it seem like the Heaven and Gaia seals were the best when talking to Kimimaro.
dude, i don't understand what you are talking about. i didn't back paddle anywhere or anything. i've been saying the same thing the whole time: sauske and sound 4 have the same curse seals.
EDIT: i know what you're trying to say. but just cuz they don't look the same that doesn't mean it's a different curse. it's the same curse man. dude, just go back and read ch 179 plz. it's all explained there.
Kiba is not the weakest of the group. When it comes to physical strength, Shikamaru is the weakest. When it comes to pure destructive Taijutsu power, Kiba is second only to Choji (ch 187). Everyone seems to think that Kiba is weak when he is not.
And stop calling them the five gennins. They are a ninja squad composed of four gennins and a Chunnin leader.
Ok so does anyone think Sasuke will end up having a change in his appearance ie monstrous transformation?
they're 5 shitty ninjas.
I dunno, I didn't know what you meant, you said cuse, then seal.
I am hoping Sasuke and Kimimaro's transformations don't look anything like these guys.
I am thinking that Orochimaru gave the Sound 4 the Meifumado Seal. If you read Lone Wolf & cub you know what it is. Here is the defintion from the Lone Wolf and Cub Graphic Novels
Meifumado - The Buddhist Hell. The way of demons and damnation.
The road signs and markers that Ogami (the Lone Wolf) leaves behind him in Lone Wolf and Cub have demons on them that resemble the Sound 4's states in some ways too.
Death Boo, even if Sakon survives the attack, he is still going to die shortly after, also I don't think that Sakon and Akon' seperation would matter that much. Both of them suck, all of the Sound Shinobi have sucked so far except for Kabuto and Kimimaro (we don't know how strong he is yet though, Kabuto compared him to Sasuke's level, which frankly, isn't that impressive).
Lets face it, Sound Village is shit. If they attacked Konoha by themselves they would have been whooped even worse, they had to bring the Sand Village in just so they wouldn't make fools of themselves.
Also, Konoha has shown that it produces very talented shinobi. The 4 Gennin on this mission all were very close to Chuunin level, some could even probably beat a good bit of the Chuunins in the village.
Oh and Kiba isn't weak. He just had bad luck and went up against Naruto in the prelims. Him pulling off his two latest jutsus just prove that he isn't weak. Sakon may be the strongest of the 4, but that isn't saying much.
The only bad thing about Kiba losing, is that maybe his sister will show up in some kind of flashback or something...
When Shikamaru and his father were on the cover it said something about bossy women or something. Kiba and his sister were on the cover a little while ago. Maybe she is the one that taught him that new technique.
Sasukes level 2 will probably be different to the Sound 4's level to because his is a different seal
we know that Sasuke has a heaven seal, Kimimaro has a Gaia (earth) seal
and the sound 4 have a different seal
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (CmDr_RavEn @ Feb 9 2004, 12:39 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I really hope people cool it a bit and get the message that Inane have it in them to quit. I'd hate to lose them just because of a few ignorant morons. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
well said commander raven exactly my thoughts.
to hell with sasuke looking like an angel that wouldnt fit him he is not a good person he is certainly not angel material. its more interseting if he keeps being the badass that everybody hates(including me) i certainly not want him to get some kind of awakening. its not interseting if sasuke becomes like neji....
I am betting Kishimoto has him go all Escaflowneish though. Can you imagine him swooping down on Kimimaro delivering a Chidori?
An angel with a sword swoops down and defeats the monster. Since Chidori is basically a chakra sword thrust..Be too MangaAngemon from Digimon though, if you used to watch that show.
If they three seals are Meifumado (Hell), Gaia (Earth), and Heaven. Then I am assuming Sasuke might take on the form of some kind of angelic person. Kimimaro...I am not sure what he could change into.
i could imagine Sasuke with wings of some sort actually, suits him more then turning into a mutant like the sound 4
i hope he doesnt come and saves narutos ass again naruto should be able to handle himself for once when sasuke is around he always hogs the glory away fomr our favorite loudmouth. it still wont fit sasuke to be all angel-like.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 9 2004, 02:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> An angel with a sword swoops down and defeats the monster. Since Chidori is basically a chakra sword thrust..Be too MangaAngemon from Digimon though, if you used to watch that show. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
which one is that? i remember that the flying pig turned into an angel to kick the devil's but somewhere in the 1st season, and he was named angemon, so is manga-angemon another form of the flying pig? i know he become a horse once in the 2nd season but i can't remember much else, do you mind posting a picture of him?
That horse thing was from the 3rd Season I think. That is when they did Armor Digivolving. After the 3rd season they did the weird Digimon Tamers thing, the newest one was were the kids actually used armor and became Digimon. is what MagnaAngemon looks like. He wields the sword Exaclibur.
I really think their is a possiblity for it, but who knows, he might become a demon after all, since Orochimaru is an evil bastard.
well it all depends on what kishimoto chooses to do with sasuke if he were to make him an angle the spotlight would be fixed upon sasuke once again if not the spotlight would stay on naruto. oh btw they really have to do lees surgery soon.
Sasuke just gotta interrupt the fight and appear in level 2, that's what i think/want to happend... like when naruto is out of chakra and begging for mercy then maybe sasuke get a flashback about itachi and awake in level2 starting to kick kimimaro's azz.
omg thank u, btw whu the fuken hell were those fukers who fuked wit us, bc i think they just made some enimies from naruto fans, i mean its not even funny it was just stupid and they should burn in hell for it
I think Naruto might actually get smart, and have one bunshin henge into the barrel. Then, he'll "lose" the fight against Kimimaro, and watch him carry a fake Barrel away. All the while, the bunshins covering the real barrel.
But Kimimaro is probably too smart for that.
I think that this has been said in the manga but where does Kimimaro come from, originally a leaf or sound ninja? background information?
he's said to be from the most perfect bloodline and that he's the most perfect heir... it's not stated exactly from where, but it doesn't really matter... unless he's really from the Uzumaki clan and he's naruto's brother...
but that would be stupid, so it isn't
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Feb 9 2004, 09:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I think Naruto might actually get smart, and have one bunshin henge into the barrel. Then, he'll "lose" the fight against Kimimaro, and watch him carry a fake Barrel away. All the while, the bunshins covering the real barrel.
But Kimimaro is probably too smart for that. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
whoa! this is rare(doesnt mean this as a bad thing) i havent heard you talk about naruto that way before....O.o
it hasnt been stated where he is form or what his advanced bloodline do... but i firugred since he got some things looking like bone coming out form his hands his advanced bloodline probably invovles body jutsus using bones.... maybesome kind of bone ressurction jutsu like making the dead walk lol that maybe is too much.
Then it's more reasonable with hokage 4th as a father to naruto... how come they didn't use him in the summoning jutsu that oro performed... because.. they want to dragg it out until the very end when it's getting more and more exciting
well obviously 3rd knows this kin-jutsu to he just stopped the 4th from rising maybe he would be too hard to fight? dont know why kishimoto did it like that tho.... i cant read minds.....
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya @ Feb 9 2004, 04:19 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> well obviously 3rd knows this kin-jutsu to he just stopped the 4th from rising maybe he would be too hard to fight? dont know why kishimoto did it like that tho.... i cant read minds..... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i can read minds.
but i hope kishimoto does the best he can with sasuke and making everything seem beleive no matter how it turns out. i dont want more like "o wait kiba can summon a flying goldfish adn defeat sakon"
whatever kishitmoto does as long as it seems intersting and beleivable i am happy.
If sasuke have heavenseal, does he have "heavenjutsus" then? like an angel-looking thing?
i just hope sasuke don't end up lookin like Sakon/Ukon @lvl2 curse seal.
sasuke is just gonna look super cool. no way in hell kishimoto will make him into a fairy.
I really hope people cool it a bit and get the message that Inane have it in them to quit. I'd hate to lose them just because of a few ignorant morons.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (animemaster @ Feb 9 2004, 06:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i just hope sasuke don't end up lookin like Sakon/Ukon @lvl2 curse seal. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i like how sakon and ukon look like. but it wouldnt be worthy for sasuke.
he should have his own look
I wonder how much strain that "Soutou-rou" jutsu will make to kiba's body? it dosen't seem to be as powerful as chouji's red pill, maybe he'll make it.
He said that it uses up all their chakra so I would assume that he would be alive after it but just really tired.
i think two headed wolf fang jutsu has some more secret to it. i still think there is more to the attack than akamru and kiba attaking once
Maybe after the blow, Kiba and Akamaru will use one set of their paws/claws to pin Sakon-Akon to the canyon wall. Then with the other set and their fangs just tear that pansy up.
If he even survives this spin.
I have a feeling this is a good time for reinforcements to arrive though...I hope Kiba's sister is with them
i wonder how bad ass kiba sis could be. or maybe his father too. u know what would be cool if the genins parents show up like neji's uncle, chojis dad, shikamarus dad, kibas dad and sis. and maybe naruto's father will show himself now. hehe
i doubt the last one though
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 9 2004, 03:01 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i could imagine Sasuke with wings of some sort actually, suits him more then turning into a mutant like the sound 4 </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
itd make him look more like a fairy than ever, lol. had to go there sry sry.
umm...where the hell is Anko? (not that she'd be kicking major ass if she were around)
Yes it would be cool to see their parents get some involvement unless most of em are already on missions. Well Shino and his dad are on a mission i think...wonder where's the hyuga and rest of the inuzuka clan?
yeah, It would be cool to see Kiba's dad, since we have only seen his mom, who looks pretty much like him, except with eye liner. His sister is the butt of many jokes on irc, which I won't repeat here.
I don't know about Naruto's dad showing up though. Perhaps in Naruto's mind. Naruto goes to call on the Kyubi again, but Yondaime is there and give him some of his chakra instead
i wonder if sakon has a summoning since tayuya does as well as the spider guy ( i forgot the name)
i wonder since he had that scroll on his back when he was attacking kiba. i think he might have a tiger or something like that.
did any one notice the huge scroll on sakons back on page 16 i wonder if that will come into play.
if sasuke had wings that would just be to weird
Even if he does, he has used up way too much chakra already, I don't think the gruesome twosome have that much left in the tank to summon up anything decent.
I think for the most part, the tide of battle has turned against them.
i think he will summon something with that huge scroll on his back. Just to make things interesting because we will see beast against beast. hopefully, dual headed doggie will do a gigantic dynamic air marking.
inane was going to drop naruto????
woa is this true.......
Cool inane's the best. I think I'm gonna start sending thank you e-mails every other week or so from now on.
OshadowO I think that'll just annoy them even more
Basically they just dont want people to bother them, even mass "I Love what you do!" messages gets annoying...
*wipes tears.
Indeed this chapter owned. Kiba really surprised me with that kickass jutsu.
-shudders at the sight of Sakon&Ukon's lvl2 curse seal form.
sidenote: i was wondering about if/whenever Sasuke gets the lvl2 curse seal. So far the others who used it @ lvl 2 have ugly ass transformations. I'm trying to imagine how he would look.
The Sound 4 have some kind of Demon Curse Seal or something. It is different than the ones that Kimimaro and Sasuke/Anko have.
So most likely Kimimaro and Sasuke will each have a different looking Level 2 Transformation.
I hope they do, because the seal that the Sound guys have is terrible.
Judging by the power of that Twin Fang, i don't think he is going to get the chance to use that scroll.
I think he is kind of a wuss. Maybe when Sasuke Lion Comboed him, Akon just stuck some limbs out a little bit and blocked it, that is why he was able to just shrug it off.
The Sound 4 are pretty overrated.
well no, i didn't say that cuz i'm a uchiha fan. i said that cuz that's the way it's gonna be. kishimoto is gonna look stupid if he makes sasuke into a some random creature.
We will just have to wait and see I guess...
I just hope he gets out of that damn barrel soon. He is my second favorite character in the manga and I am hoping him and Naruto team up on Kimimaro, if Naruto hasn't beaten him by the time Sasuke pops out.
We have to find out after all, which is is stronger, the Heaven Seal or Gaia Seal.
I don't think Kishimoto would leave this unanswered, so maybe Naruto might lose at first, then Kimimaro would fight Sasuke, then beat him. Then they would join forces against Kimi.
i expect Kimimaro to own Naruto then leave with Sasuke, Sasuke comes out of the barrel and Kimimaro attempts to kill him, after killing him Sasuke leaves for the sound village.
as for Sakon - one hit like that and hes dead? geez.
Naruto took about 20 gatsugas and barely was hurt.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 10 2004, 12:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I think for the most part, the tide of battle has turned against them. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Hrm, it seems to me that Tayuya is doing fine, if not whooping up on Shikamaru. (See 203 page 14, frame 1.) From the way I see it though, Shika shouldn't have any issues turning the tables. Shadow grab, sidestep, watch them fall to the ground 50 feet below, clean dirt from under fingernails, resume fighting Tayuya.
I think it was Hatake Kakashi (forum goer, not the character) who was talking about Meifumado, Buddhist Hell, and the possibility that the 4 Sounds might have the Meifumado seal. I firmly agree, and actually have thought the same for a while now. They are definitely demons, and seeing that we have (confirmed) heaven and earth seals, it fits that Orochimaru's henchmen will be demons.
It seems to me that someone should put out a joke Naruto issue: "Inuzuka, Doggy Styles!"
im sure there is some weird negativ effect of being conjoined with your twin brother. but maybe this one move wonder called kiba can beat sakon with a little pee and a big ass wolftransfromation. if sakon dont got some kind of body shield or something he will definetly be ripped apart the attack hit him right in the stomach after all.
maybe ukon will jump out and take the attack, and then Sakon will kill Kiba for hurting his big brother?
anyway, Sakon is the strongest of the four, and we know he has bad personality, I hope Kiba is a goner, and Akamaru is adopted to become a sound-nin dog.
Remember Kiba has a new move.Yeah,he's winning.Shikamaru might have to retreat from Tayuya to assist another team member.Kimmi will probably be in some trouble because Naruto goes in a full blown kyuubi rage.Then Sasuke breaks out and helps Kimimaro fight Naruto.Why would Sasuke help Naruto.Last time he saw Naruto he tried to kill him.Power comes first on his agenda,not Naruto and friends.
you are probaby right about that with sasuke, he wont help naruto... but i think kiba wins against sakon and shikamaru got the trees as a huge advantage against those big summons he is sure to think up a strategy... eerrhm kishimoto is but its much easier for him, he can bend the laws of nature in naruto as much as he want....
I don't know about you guys, but I think the whole Naruto manga is becoming something very different than it should be. I mean, what's up with all the demons and stuff? And your speculation about Sasuke turning into an angel?
That's just too much, It started all good, with the Kyubi and maybe some other "demon" that could be summoned by The Third to defeat Kyubi, but look at the series now? It's all about people turning into demons and stuff, that's just lame, I think Naruto reached its peak at the Haku/Zabuza fight, that part of the series was the best, and it wont get anywhere near it by having lots of people turning into demons. Why not use weapons instead. Such as Gekkou Hayate and Tenten, and use that kind of techniques instead of having people turning into ugly-looking demons with shitty attacks?
Naruto is becoming more and more shitty for every chapter.
Just my opinion.
I think that Naruto will get his ass kicked then Sasuke will jump out of that barrel in level 2 starting to fight kimmimaro...
What if kiba's new jutsu splits sakon in half.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Why would Sasuke help Naruto.Last time he saw Naruto he tried to kill him</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
err... just an add, it was naruto who started the rasengan while sasuke was killing those kage bunshins
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (iraki @ Feb 10 2004, 04:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I don't know about you guys, but I think the whole Naruto manga is becoming something very different than it should be. I mean, what's up with all the demons and stuff? And your speculation about Sasuke turning into an angel?
That's just too much, It started all good, with the Kyubi and maybe some other "demon" that could be summoned by The Third to defeat Kyubi, but look at the series now? It's all about people turning into demons and stuff, that's just lame, I think Naruto reached its peak at the Haku/Zabuza fight, that part of the series was the best, and it wont get anywhere near it by having lots of people turning into demons. Why not use weapons instead. Such as Gekkou Hayate and Tenten, and use that kind of techniques instead of having people turning into ugly-looking demons with shitty attacks?
Naruto is becoming more and more shitty for every chapter.
Just my opinion. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
yea, definetaly.
I'll probally watch/read Naruto to the end now, but I dont think it will be able to recapture what it had during the Haku/Zabuza fight. Everything is just getting silly at the moment.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kiba-kun @ Feb 10 2004, 05:10 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Why would Sasuke help Naruto.Last time he saw Naruto he tried to kill him</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
err... just an add, it was naruto who started the rasengan while sasuke was killing those kage bunshins </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Naruto has no idea about how destructive the Rasengan really is, all he saw until now was how Jiraya pushed away the rock chunin with it, he didn't even have a chance to see Kabuto after being hit.
Sasuke knows exactly what the Chidori is capable of, and he had no idea about the Rasengan's strentgh when he attacked.
so somehow, we can say that Sasuke was the one with the killing intent, funny world, ne?
i hope that Kiba jutsu hits and we see two parts of sakon and everybody think Kiba won, but then we realize that Sakon and Ukon seperated (like Ukon told him to) and now they are going to kick Kiba's canine ass to dog land and make Akamaru thier nin-dog.
Kimmimaro seems more of a jounin leveled ninja at the moment, it would be stupid if Naruto or Sasuke can beat him, that would make jounin suck even more(sorry but I thought it was lame that the sound 4 beat up 2 jounins while at the same time losing to gennins.....) so for the pride of Jounins, Kimmimaro must win
I hope Udon rocks up to save Naruto when Kimimaro beats him.... I mean Udon owned Itachi(_) so he should have no problems with Kim.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (CmDr_RavEn @ Feb 10 2004, 08:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I hope Udon rocks up to save Naruto when Kimimaro beats him.... I mean Udon owned Itachi(_) so he should have no problems with Kim. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
You are completely right in that CmDr_Raven. You are wise beyond your years.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 10 2004, 08:24 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i expect Kimimaro to own Naruto then leave with Sasuke, Sasuke comes out of the barrel and Kimimaro attempts to kill him, after killing him Sasuke leaves for the sound village.
as for Sakon - one hit like that and hes dead? geez.
Naruto took about 20 gatsugas and barely was hurt. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
umm notice how akamaru and kiba look like now? they are one big double headed wolf, naruto got scratched by kiba's fingernails..... its entirely diffrent...
well if sasuke jumps out of the barrel and kills kimimaro he will leave for sound village.
the only kinimaro killing sasuke will do is to show Naruto that now he's stronger than him, and if he does do it, he'll do it alone to show-off infront of Naruto..
maybe kinimaro will then tell him the direction the sound village, but i really doubt the whole Sasuke getting out of the barrel idea, i'd much rather see a real failture than a half assed one.
Naruto got up from hundreds of attacks, including Neji's hakke, Gaara's strikes, Kabuto's femour cracking and a few more, lvl2 Sakon and Ukon should be at least able to step up after having some dog bite them.. maybe they'll kick Kiba around till they think he's dead and then Akamaru will carry kiba home?
im gonna go ahead and say i think the jounins must have underestimated the sound 4 horribly to loose, or perhaps the sound 4 are horribly underestimating the konoha 5, which they are... but i guess we will have to see about kimimaro, hes gotta be good to be able to fight that many narutos with the seal about to break
this manga has now so many ideas going around. naruto should lose and should win at the same time. and kiba should lose but poeople dont him to die. others want some people to die. i would rather have some one die since it seems more realistic but i am worried who and how it should go.
i think the seals arent to out of there since we know orohcimaru is devilsih and would make sense for his henchmen to have demonish types of looks. like how orhicmaru looks like a snake. plus its not toally random like dbz where they just become saijins. at least this is kind of cool and realistic plus it doesnt gaunrtee that the genin will lose .
i hope kishimtot does everything so it doesnt seem wierd. i trust his thoguhts.
and about haku/zabuza beingthe gretaest saga. i think alot of things have happened right now alot of things are darker and not as emotional but i think soon things will be uncovered sand then mor eemotion will be revealed
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Momochi Zabuza @ Feb 10 2004, 10:59 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> im gonna go ahead and say i think the jounins must have underestimated the sound 4 horribly to loose, or perhaps the sound 4 are horribly underestimating the konoha 5, which they are... but i guess we will have to see about kimimaro, hes gotta be good to be able to fight that many narutos with the seal about to break </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
they were two drained jounins vs. 4 fully powered cursed seal totin ninja; u try fighting without energy (and they *still* almost rocked the sound nins). the sound nins are quite overrated, but unfortunately i doubt the kiba fight is over----*sigh* still a more of the draggin on of these agitating battles lol
if kiba wins against sakon and ukon and people still say shit about sasuke surpassing lee's speed in a month period, i'm gonna go on a rampage.
there's just no way kiba will win. i just won't accept it. and if kiba does win for whatever reason, kishimoto had to have been drunk or paid off.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 9 2004, 06:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> sasuke is just gonna look super cool. no way in hell kishimoto will make him into a fairy. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
ur wrong uchiha fanboy deluxe, i can see it all now, "pixie dust no jutsu," followed by the thousand years of pain. lol
Oh and btw that scroll on sakons back was the summoning scroll for the barrier err barrel, aka sasukes bucket.
yea its nice with this fight jumping. the neji fight was waaay to long and boring to read....
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Power PMV @ Feb 10 2004, 09:39 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (CmDr_RavEn @ Feb 10 2004, 08:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I hope Udon rocks up to save Naruto when Kimimaro beats him.... I mean Udon owned Itachi(_) so he should have no problems with Kim. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
You are completely right in that CmDr_Raven. You are wise beyond your years. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
a well calculated victory for Udon.
speaking of the sound 4