Queen's Blade - Rurō no Senshi
Well...I guess someone has to admit that they actually watched this and make a thread.
[Forewarning: This series is heavy on the ecchi/smut, so if those make you uncomfortable, you are best advised not to watch this series.]
Queen's Blade - Rurō no Senshi
Description: Plot is really not going to matter here. Tournament, chicks fight, often borders (or crosses into) hentai. Based on a hentai manga series and tabletop game.
Cast: Along with the quality of the animation, this is where the series really shines.
- Ayako Kawasumi (Crest of the Stars, Fate/Stay Night, Nodame, Kurau, Mahoro, etc)
- Rie Kugimiya (Zero no Tsukaima, FMA, Shana, Gundam 00, Hayate the Combat Butler, etc)
- Kaori Mizuhashi (Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, Kaleido Star, Kiddy Grade, Genshiken, ARIA
- Aya Hirano (Kiddy Grade, Haruhi, Lucky Star, Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka)
- Atsuko Tanaka (Ghost in the Shell, Utawarerumono, Fate/Stay Night, Ergo Proxy)
- Yuko Kaida (Ikkitousen, Maria+Holic, Daphne in the Brilliant Blue, Sekirei)
And that's just the first episode, there are several more prominent seiyuu (see ANN link below). How they were all coerced into doing this, I can only guess.
AnimeNewsNetwork _ AniDB
[Rape] Queens Blade - 01 [h264]
[Rape-eXalpha]Queens Blade - 01 (xvid)
Subs are watchable, but given how threadbare the plot is, it really doesn't matter. Audio is fine, visuals could be better, but that's probably the quality of the raw.
Pretty visuals, good animation, good fights, highest concentration of ecchi I have ever seen that was somehow allowed to be broadcast over cable/satellite. Usually this kind of stuff can't make it into OVAs.
Queen's Blade Rurou no Senshi ED Single - Omoide to Yakusoku [Various]
Queen's Blade Rurou no Senshi OP Single - Get the Door [Oohashi Rie]
Queen's Blade 2nd Season Episode 01