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Anybody else see Kimbo Slice get pwnd this weekend?
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MMA is getting huge..
How many fans here ?
Anybody else see Kimbo Slice get pwnd this weekend?
Yeah, I was one of those people that was rooting for him, not cause of hype but cause of his demeanor.
Wtf Kimbo, 14 seconds? It wasn't some sucker punch, or a cocked uppercut. His weight drop might have something to do with it. But then again, weight doesn't fix a glass jaw.
I was thinking they may have stopped it too early ... but his legs were straight out stiff as a board.. some ufc fights get stopped way too early. I watched this other strikeforce one on friday and the one guy was nearly knocked out but they let it go and then he ended up winning.
i knew he was bound to lose because his last fight went into the 3rd round when they stopped it (because the guys ear started bleeding alot) he fell to the mat and was just completely drained.
any favorite fighters? i'm kinda looking forward to seeing urijah faber next month... he's a beast even though he just weighs like 140
what does his weight have to do with anything? >_>
Just like in boxing, a heavy weight will murder a feather weight if they are on the same skill level. Someone with a heavier natural built tends to have more mass and muscle to push around hence the extra weight.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
or to put it simply Big > Small
Ek = 0.5mv²
I'm horrible at physic so forgive me if i make a mistake. Kinetic Energy is determined by 1/2 mass x velocity square so while most of the force would derive from speed, mass is also an important factor in the equation. Also unlike a moving object, the speed of a punch from a human body is limited.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
It would be ideal then to try to find a balance and maintain your weight as high as possible without sacrificing any speed in return.
True, but its also true that a welterweight (140-147lbs) pro boxer punches with 10x the force of an average joe(165-176lbs). The reason why? average joe maxed out with a punch at 15mph, the welterweight was throwing em at 32mph.
Yeah but we're not comparing a pro boxer to an average Joe. The conversation was about how he would be a lot more dangerous if he was in a higher weight class while retaining his speed.
edit: at least that is what i assume Itakidamasu is implying in his comment about the boxer weight.
No, i was just giving an example of how speed is a very big factor.
This was in response to itadakimasu saying he was a beast, but only weighs 140lbs.
Just pointing out that weight has little to do with that.
It doesn't really matter how big you are, a 32mph punch from any grown man ( or woman ) on the nose, chin or even temple and liver, will hurt a lot if it doesn't disable you from continuing the match, which happened to Kimbo, though in this case the punch was prolly slower, but had more weight attached to it.
You guys are losing sight of the original point. Most people would see the 140lb stat and think of a little guy that they wouldn't have to worry about. But a professional fighter at pretty much any weight will destroy a bigger guy who is not a pro fighter.
Kimbo showed he is the sham all fight-enthusiasts claimed he was. Seth Petruzelli is a 3rd-tier heavyweight (who I think dropped to 205 for his original fight, so he fought Kimbo while underweight) and he dropped Kimbo with a short punch. Even Lesnar is a more legit fighter than Kimbo. I'd have loved to see Lesnar vs Kimbo, the battle of the two possible shams.
Lesnar has somewhat proven he is not completely incompetent though, since he has wrestling (not pro wrestling in this case) skill. I'd like to see how he takes a punch though.
i think Lesnar would destroy Kimbo to be honest.
No argument there, even before Petruzelli beat him.
lesnar could be the UFC champ very soon... i think he's going to win.... what a beast.
I think alot of people can beat kimbo, it was even worse after i saw the replay of the fight. It looked like he barely hit kimbo and he went down.
I want to see Fedor vs Lesnar, a battle between true skill and sheer size.
I think Lesnar could be UFC heavyweight champ if he does the same thing to Nogueira (or anyone else he fights) as he did to Herring. Really though, he caught him with an amazing punch and it was all downhill for Herring from there, with Lesnar using his wrestling skill to keep him pinned and on the defensive the entire fight.
Did anyone see UFC90? That was not how I expected Silva vs Cote to end. I'm glad Koscheck got beat soundly by Alves.
I watched it... alves is a beast, but at the same time koscheck earned some respect by not getting layed out. I thought the sherk / griffin fight was possibly fight of the night w\ the alves / koscheck
As far as Anderson Silva... i guess I'm a hater and really didn't want to believe the hype.. but he's just rediculous. As little attacking he did, it was crazy the way he would move in for the attack. The way it ended was a little disappointing. Cote did take some serious shots and stay in the game.
I think I'm going to order 91 so I can see the brock lesnar / randy couture fight
Alves is tough but I don't see him beating GSP. Koscheck made a mistake trying to stand with Alves. I've never liked him since his TUF1 days, too arrogant and his hair pisses me off. I was happy to see him lose his first pro fight against Drew Fickett in 2005.
We get UFC pay-per-view events free where I'm at, it keeps the troops' morale up. I think Couture will be in big trouble against Lesnar. I'd love to see Tim Sylvia vs Lesnar.
What I don't get is why it's a title fight since Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira became the interim heavyweight title holder when Couture left the UFC last year. I also don't get how Lesnar gets a title shot after only 2 fights in the UFC, the first of which he lost.
Wow, just saw Lesnar beat Couture. Too much size and power on Lesnar's side. If someone had Couture's skills but a little more size and could take a punch better (Gonzaga, Silvia), Lesnar will have trouble.
I actually think Lesnar is almost unstoppable except for the Ju-Jitsu part. The only thing i can see that can actually beat him is Ju-Jitsu grips because as for the pure wrestling Lesnar dominates. And for standup i think he is probably one of the best. Silva i have never seen as that good of a fighter. He is solid and has a long reach, and has a pretty good takedown defense and hight but that's about it. Against a guy like Lesnar i think his takedown defense would be worth little. And he would no longer has an advantage in the reach. Not in power either. I think Lesnar would dominate Silva. Gonzaga would be an intresting matchup since he has power but i think he would be dominated too. The think that could save him would be his Ju-Jitsu. To grab an arm or an ankle from the ground. And Lesnar showed here that he has the stamina to go the distance even when pressured the entire time.
First thing you think when Lesnar entered UFC was another Bob Sap. But the fact is Lesnar actually have skills, agility and stamina to go along with his big size. The things he lacks he make up for in size and weight. And if he just learns better defense, better boxing, and to avoid the dangerous Ju-Jitsu stuff, he would become the most dominating fighter in the heavy weight to ever set foot in the Octagon.
The only heavy weight i could see to be the clear victor against Lesnar would be Alexander Emelianenko. And sadly he doesn't do UFC. The biggest threat right now in UFC would be Nogeria, Frank Mir and maybe Gonzaga because of their Ju-Jitsu, and the only striker i can see as a threat would be Crocop (if he could show us what we all know he really can do, not the stuff he has shown us in UFC so far).
I honestly thought when Mir beat Lesnar it was out of almost pure luck. He was getting dominated all match.
Silvia at least has the size to not be completely physically dominated by Lesnar, and the skill to possibly beat him, but he'd probably lose anyway.
I don't think Lesnar proved anything concerning his stamina, as he was getting winded after a round and a half against Couture. He easily lasted three rounds against Herring but he was dominating the entire fight which takes a lot less energy.
To me all it would take to beat Lesnar is comparable size with typical skills of a top contender. Obviously Couture is a much more skilled fighter, but there was no way he could make up for the 60 lb weight advantage.
Aleksander Emelianenko has the size to deal with Lesnar, though I'm not sure of his skill level. Even though Fedor has the skill to beat him, the size difference would be a problem like it was for Couture.
I meant Fedor not Aleksander. I so wish he could go to UFC so we could see him against people like Lesnar and Couture. He have already faced Nogueira and Crocop in Pride so even though that would be exciting it wouldn't be anything we haven't already seen.
We saw how fast Fedor took care of Tim Silva in Affliction.
At 6ft 230 I wonder how Fedor would do with the huge size difference. He has the skill to beat Lesnar, but so did Couture. Of course, Couture had age against him too, and I wouldn't compare Couture's 16-9 record to Fedor with his 28-1 record.
I've never been that impressed with Sylvia. He doesn't use his size to his advantage enough, and has lost 3 of his last 4 fights. I don't think beating Sylvia is a good gauge of how a fighter would fare against Lesnar.
I just got back from watching UFC 92 at the hot wings bar. All of my favorites lost in the headline matches, including Silva, Nogueira, and Griffin. For once it was a bad night to be a Brazilian fighter. Had a great time hanging out with the guys and girls though and great food and drink.
At least Okami won, though they didn't broadcast the fight.
i was surprised that wanderlei got knocked out.. i'd found the last 2 jackson / silva fights on google video and was really excited to see them fight. idk which i'd have picked for fight of the night. the Mir fight would have been ok if noguera put up a fight, and i had a bad feeling about the griffin / evans fight from the beginning because evans was just smiling so much like he was already the champ.
i think 93 is free on spike tv... then 94
It was a lucky wild punch that knocked out Wanderlei, so it wasn't really payback for the two beatings he gave Rampage before. I also watched the two previous fights on youtube before seeing this latest one.
Nogueira's standup was touted as being far superior to Mir's, so it was shocking to see Mir fight in standup and win. Completely unsatisfying to see two top BJJ/grappling fighters not work the ground at all. I don't like Mir's chances in a rematch with Lesnar, Lesnar has too much incentive and drive to win. There will be no fluke ankle locks next time.
I feel bad for Griffin but he didn't strike me as a dominant champion. I don't see Evans lasting as champ either, once guys like Henderson and Franklin or even Rampage make their way up the 205 ladder to challenge for the belt.
are you going to watch the affliction event on the 24th of january?
i want to see the fedor / arlovski fight. not sure if i'm ordering it or not yet... depends.
I watched UFC 91 via live internet stream because I didn't want to pay just to see brock lesnar fight couture... i didn't really watch any of the other matches, i was just waiting for the main event.
Where I'm based most of the year we get the fights for free, so I get to watch them all, except it starts at 5AM on Sunday morning.
I will definitely see Affliction on Jan 24 unless the feed is down, which happens at times. I don't look forward to seeing Arlovski destroyed by Fedor, but that's the nature of their sport.
You could find a sports bar that has the fight if you don't want to pay per view. Buffalo Wild Wings in Houston is a great place to eat and watch the events.
You missed out, UFC 91 was great. The main event was one of the least interesting fights from a technical standpoint.
Did anyone see Affliction: Day of Reckoning?
I was disappointed in some of the fights because they were so short, but they included spectacular knockouts and decisive victories. I actually doubted Fedor's supremacy for the first 3 minutes of the title fight, then he KO'd Arlovski and he seems unbeatable again. I wonder though how Fedor will beat Barnett if Barnett sits on top of Fedor like he did with Yvel.
Great set of fights. Not sure it was worth the PPV cost for those who shelled out $45.
I just watched it. Although i was not impressed with the other fights, Fedor and Andrei made they watch all worth it. To see someone actually give Fedor that much problem was a big surprise. And if anyone has shown potential to beat him, it's Andrei. Would be cool if they could have a rematch futher down the line.
If i would have payed to see that i would have felt cheated.
Can someone tell me where I can see the Arlovski vs. Fedor fight? I can't find it on youtube, and I missed it on sopcast.
That's the thing, we all thought Fedor was in trouble early but that's his M.O., he feels out his opponent looking for a weakness before unloading on him. He might take some lumps in the process, but he's not 29-1 (1 disputed loss) for nothing. I thought some of the other fights were pretty good, and Belfort KO'ing Lindland was wicked.Quote:
Originally Posted by TwisT
Go to and check the forums. One guy has a gif of the last 5 seconds of the fight.Quote:
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles has video's.Quote:
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
so... i tuned in (to kfight) and got on about 5 minutes before fedor / arlovski.
i had it zoomed full screen, and the resolution was a little bad and for a minute i thought arlovski had somehow kneed himself in the head or something lol... until i saw the replay.
This made me LOL... check it out.
he should have had more patience... i was really going for arlovski but that just really shows me that fedor is a serious bad ass.
Man...that Fedor vs. Arlovski fight was something else. He had Fedor trumped in the stand up...sort of. That's why Fedor is so damned dangerous. Not only is his training actually quite good, he makes his opponents PAY for their mistakes. Fedor is one of those fighters doesn't get angry, or hyped up. He's just plain calculating. He keeps his eyes open and his brain is on overdrive crunching data as the fight progresses. That flying knee came WAAAAAAAAY too early against Fedor, if it should've come at all.
A lot of people are talking about how Fedor actually got lucky on that fight...I guess he did get lucky that Arlovski made that mistake. Otherwise, if he couldn't figure an answer to Arlovski's magnificent pugilism, he'd have had to take the fight to the ground and win by submission...people annoy me.
Arlovski's one of my favorite fighters, but Fedor is too at this point. REMATCH!
Yeah I get tired of hearing people say he got lucky. It's not luck, it's skill. Everyone knows Arlovski is the better boxer than Fedor, but he's clearly not the better fighter. If Arlovski had continued dominating in standup, Fedor would have taken it to the ground and beaten him to death or submitted him.
Arlovski's chances of a rematch are good only because of the limited number of contenders in the Affliction/M-1 roster. One or two more wins for Arlovski against guys like Sylvia, Yvel, Buentello, and Barnett, and after Fedor beats a couple more guys, Arlovski could be the top contender again. That's unless Affliction adds to their stable of heavyweights, which would be smart to ride the Fedor wagon, but also dumb because they're lacking in talent in the other weight classes.
I'm not sure if this is 100% accurate or not for the afflication payouts...
if arlovski really got $1,500,000 to fight fedor and fedor only got $300,000... it made me wonder if they're having to pay people to fight fedor. The Tim sylvia payout against fedor was similar, sylvia got tons of money to get his ass beat in 30 seconds, and fedor only got a portion of that amount. But, maybe the dollar is really strong in russia !
Wow that's pretty amazing if it's true. But you have to keep in mind that Fedor's drawing power in the US might not be as strong as Arlovski's, who has exposure from his UFC days. A relative unknown in the US market can't command the salary of big names. Also, maybe Fedor doesn't care about the money, he just wants to kick some ass.
edit: check around, there are rumors that Fedor received a bonus of more than $1million.
Just finished watching GSP vs Penn 2, pretty amazing card of fights. GSP owned Penn, Machida owned T. Silva, Guida beat Diaz, Fitch beat Gono, Jones beat Bonnar, Parisian beat Kim.
The Korean disappointed, which teaches me for having any faith in one of those people. He won the first round, then proceeded to hug and do nothing through the 2nd and 3rd on his way to a decision loss, his first career loss. Pretty pathetic to see.
GSP owned Penn. Not much more to say about that. They brought Thiago Alves into the ring after the fight to talk about GSP vs Alves; you could see fear in his eyes.
i saw it too. the first couple fights weren't very entertaining. the machida fight was good though, he looked like the smaller, less powerful fighter but he had a few near-knockouts before he actually KO'd him, 4:59 1st round! I was actually confusing thiago alves w\ thiago silva until the fight came on...
and yes, i'm glad penn got his ass handed to him since he talked so much smack leading to the fight. I don't think kenny florian can beat him but who knows.
Florian has improved a lot, and kind of has the Machida tactic of evasion and hit and run. Very effective style, if not very exciting. I think he'd do ok against Penn, but Penn will want to avenge his loss against GSP on the next guy he fights.
Machida shows that tactical fighting and skill beats aggression and power. I wonder if the UFC will give him a title shot, since a lot of fans hate his style and he wouldn't be a very popular champ. It also shows how Thiago Silva's 13-1 record came mostly against lower-tier fighters. I wonder how Silva would do against Rampage or Wandy. It would be a slugfest.
Have you seen the bj penn videos? He was talking about how he intended the GSP fight to be his last fight. Idk if he meant for good, or just UFC...
And then his people are claiming GSP's corner put vaseline on his back and that effected bj's performance against him
Wow, haven't seen those videos. Where can I see them? That's pretty shocking to hear. I think it was a mistake to jump straight to 170 and fight the king of welterweights. He (and the UFC should have made him) should have fought his way up the 170 ranks to earn a shot at the title. That would have kept interest for him and his fans going, and he would have stood a better chance against GSP.
I've heard plenty about the vaseline controversy. You can see on the PPV broadcast, between rounds 1 and 2, one of GSP's corner-men applies vaseline to GSP's face, then rubs his shoulders and then his upper back. It's hard to say how much vaseline was left on his hands after the face, and it was a very brief rub and he massaged GSP's temples and shoulders enough that there couldn't have been much left when he massaged his back. After round 3, you can see some ring officials in GSP's corner, and one of them uses a towel to wipe off GSP's back as he stands to start round 4. Not sure what to think, we'll see what the officials rule.
I'm reading now that GSP could move to 185.
Yeah, the vaseline thing was odd. It was nitpicking. GSP didn't even need the vaseline, Penn got rocked. But, White was right though. Illegal is Illegal.
In the 2nd round Penn did seem to have problems keeping GSP in his guard. He kept putting his legs up around GSP's shoulders and they kept sliding down to his lower back. That could have just been sweat though, or GSP's powerful back making it hard for Penn to clamp on.
The thing is, if you use moisturizing lotion on your body, it dries and becomes invisible. As you sweat, it becomes moist again. Any fighter who moisturizes could have an advantage in the ring. They wouldn't need vaseline.
gsp vs anderson silva... now that would be a real super fight.
i think the vaseline thing is bs... it makes bj look like a punk who's trying to find an excuse for the ass beating he got.
so, i just read this Dana White interview off and apparently he's just got alot of hate for Affliction. He's like " i fucking hate those guys. I'll be fuckin surprised if they have another event, blah blah blah. I actually hope they have another event so they can keep losing money!
Then there is a question about the ufc maybe getting some fighters like gina carano, allistair overeem, Fedor, Tito ortiz....
Dana's answer is " Tito Ortiz is included in a list of great fighters? LOL
In case you don't follow MMA news, Strikeforce bought out part of Elite XC, including fighters like Nick Diaz, Robbie Lawler, Kimbo Slice, Gina Carano, and 30+ others. They're going to take over Elite XC's tv deal that they had w\ CBS and Showtime and will be having upwards of 14 shows annually starting w\ april 11th where they have Nick Diaz vs. Frank Shamrock, Josh Thomson championship fight opponent TBA, and a few other fights.
Kimbo's failure played a huge part in that I'd guess.
Nah, promotions fail all the time. They pay too much to fighters who don't draw the crowds the promotions need to stay even on the books.
Glad to see the UFC won't be the only shows to look forward to. Affliction only does 2 shows a year, WEC is all small fighters without the big game atmosphere, and the UFC does maybe 1 or 2 a month. We need more fight action!
video released by bj-penn documenting vasoline-gate. After watching the video I'm kinda in denial cause I like gsp. I think the video makes his claims valid though. I'm wondering if they're going to schedule a rematch after each of them defends their titles ( assuming both of them win their next fights )
Yeah that video is very persuasive, but in truth it's a lot of conjecture and an argument built on circumstantial evidence. He cites quotes by several people that's offered as proof of guilt, like Dana White saying GSP is in trouble with the NSAC. I've also read that fighters like Matt Hughes and Penn are pricks who would accuse people of cheating to defend their inflated egos after a loss. I like GSP and would rather not think he cheated in any of his fights. I'd like to see GSP vs Penn 3 to settle the matter.
Anyone excited for UFC 95? I'm not, but I'll watch it and hope Stevenson wins.
Wow great card of fights. The first 5 or 6 fights they showed were all TKOs or beautiful submissions. The Brazilians owned before Marquardt's win over Gouveia.
The most boring fight was the main event, in which Stevenson demonstrates again that he's no longer a contender in the lightweight rank. Let's hope this is the last time we have to see him bore us in a main card fight.
I only saw the last 2 fights of UFC 96. I like Rampage but I'm not sure if he can last 5 rounds. If he does fight Rashad at UFC 98, he better come out with all he's got the first couple rounds, because I dont' think he can hang with Rashad in later rounds...
That is if he takes the fight though, because most fighters take 4-6 months between fights to rest and train.
I feel bad for anyone who paid for UFC 96. Crappy card with no really interesting fights or fighters. Some wicked KOs but they were boring somehow. The main event was lackluster and didn't show any MMA skill.
There's lots of heat on the refs because of 2 late stoppages, one where the guy got hurt kind of bad when the ref let it continue even after the initial beating. It was pretty tough to watch, but I don't blame the refs, they have a tough job.
That's why I think Rashad can beet jackson.. I like jackson but he's mostly a 1 dimensional fighter, and I don't think he can last 5 rounds.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
You should watch the post-fight press conference, it was pretty funny. Somebody asked Rampage about the low blow he took and his answer made me laugh... too bad they didn't pan over to get jardine's reaction to what he said.
I've seen Evans' fights where he gassed pretty early too, so hopefully he's improved his cardio since then. I like him over Rampage, though I don't particularly like either fighter. I'm rooting for Machida at LHW.
I saw the whole thing, some funny stuff there. Rewatching the show right now, 3rd airing on AFN.
Founder of Tapout killed in auto accident, probably racing his ferrari against a porche
Man we were getting spoiled with an MMA event almost every two weeks back in December and January. Now it's 3 weeks between events and it sucks. At least there's 3 major events in April.
Gotta buy some Pride videos and see some classic Fedor/Crocop/Overeem/Randleman/Sakuraba/Wanderlei action to keep my adrenaline pumping until then.
I *cough* downloaded a 75gb torrent of pridefc fights. they have some ridiculous fights.
This weekend is loaded. I've been waiting for tomorrows Strikeforce event since they announced it a couple months ago. And of course, UFC is counter-programming it by replaying UFC 94 on spike at the same time, and they're also airing 3-4 eps of UFC Unleashed before UFC 94 comes on.
Also, they're replaying Dream 8 from earlier this week on hdnet
Season 9 of The Ultimate Fighter started not long ago. 2 episodes out right now. Looks like there might be some interesting fighters among the bunch.
The Shamrock / Diaz fight was kinda sad. Shamrock was not the same fighter he was last year when he fought and lost his championship belt to cung le. Diaz just owned him until they stopped the fight.
UFC 97 this weekend... I feel like whenever anderson silva is on the card, the rest of the card can sometimes be weak ( even though chuck and shogun are fighting ) UFC 98 has 3-4 good fights on it while w\ 97 you might just see anderson rape his opponent in 30 seconds and thats it.
so, UFC 97 was pretty weak. Alot of people are blaming anderson silva for a weak performance and I'm trying not to do the same, but I think he should have cut loose in the 4th and 5th rounds and tried harder to finish him
Leites.... i'm wondering if they cut him after his performance. I've never seen a fighter flinch and drop to his back so many times in any pro fight.
Just watched UFC 98 this morning, man oh man oh man. The Dragon is the new LHW champ. My heart has not beat that hard and I haven't been that speechless even when hearing alarms for incoming mortar attacks. He destroyed Evans and left no doubt about his style or skill.
I didn't enjoy the other fights on the card as much, Hughes by lay 'n pray over Serra, Sherk thinks he's a boxer, and some other cool matches between fighters I didn't care too much about. Still, it would have been worth the $50 if I had had to pay for it.
yeah... that was just an unbelievable KO. Machida is the real deal.
I saw some GIF's of him blocking punches w\ one hand and then nailing a solid punch w\ the other hand. He's just really dangerous.
I thought Hughes was going to get KO'd in the first round but he managed to grind out the win.
There are pictures on the internet of Evans in his KO pose. Very disturbing.
Machida rules.
The Hughes/Serra fight was not exciting. Hughes got hurt by a headbutt, then went to his old style of LnP/GnP by wet-blanketing Serra for almost the entire rest of the fight. Sherk could have learned a lesson from Hughes if his fight hadn't gone first, then he could have won his fight against Edgar.
They confirmed in the post-fight press conference that Rampage is the first in line to fight machida.... Rampage is halarious. I've seen a few great video interviews w\ him. He was telling this guy that sometimes when he goes to japan he tells the girls he's bob sapp (350+ lb ex football / mma / wrestler in japan )
You going to watch strikeforce next week? They have a pretty good card.
Yes Rampage is next in line to fight Machida for the LHW title, but it seems we'll have to wait until late 2009 or maybe even 2010 for the fight, since one or both will be busy filming TUF10 for 3 months, followed by 3 months of airing, before they can train 6 weeks for the fight.
I didn't even know Strikeforce was putting on a show next Saturday. Looks interesting, I'll probably get it.
yeah... the summer is busy. The strikeforce show is next saturday and then next sunday is WEC 41 w\ the Urijah Faber / Mike Brown rematch.
I was watching this video w\ Greg Jackson where he mentioned Rashad "getting caught" and I just thought he used that term wrong because getting caught makes me think about a looping "lucky" punch... Machida took him apart completely w\ precision strikes. Probably KO of the year.
also, check out
Yeah lots of people are upset at how Jackson discounted Machida's victory, suggesting Machida got lucky instead of the systematic dismantling he performed on Evans. Jackson says he wants another crack at Machida, not sure who he has on his team who can handle Machida. Jardine would be a joke.
I won't get the Strikeforce card but the WEC show is free right? Or was this the first PPV for WEC? Zuffa was talking about starting PPVs for WEC cards.
I've heard about the Fedor chant at UFC 100. I don't think enough casual fans (the majority of those who attend the live events and don't look at it online) will be exposed to this movement before the fight. I could be wrong, BJ Penn seemed to get booed at UFC 98, probably for his greasegate antics, and that was an online movement too.
IDK about wec being PPV... Dana Whites videoblog from yesterday was about WEC. But this one is on VS. and not PPV.
So, Kimbo Slice is on season 10 of the ultimate fighter which started shooting yesterday w\ Rampage and Rashad as coaches. Plus, Dana white is promising news soon of something that will change the UFC and MMA forever....
I will definitely watch WEC 41 then. Faber vs Brown II should be fun, though I see Brown winning.
I heard about the Kimbo deal on TUF. What a farce. Also, Shogun gets a title shot against Machida because Rampage is ducking him. I mean, because Rampage is busy with TUF.
I just found out you can add Showtime to your Comcast package for $6 per month for the first 6 months. I think I'll do it, then cancel after the Strikeforce show this weekend.
Haha... $6 PPV! I don't want to think as ramage as ducking machida cause I like rampage but it could look that way. Even if he's just trying to get more footage of machida fighting to form some kind of plan, I think thats pointless because rampage doesn't have the most elaborate fighting style.
The UFC might come to Dallas for a september show : UFC 103 but between UFC 100-102 There aren't any huge main events I can think of : ( Rampage / Rashad would be cool but TUF 10 is starting around the same time and they've been timing the coach fights w\ the season finale's.
Exactly, $6 for a pretty stacked card with Lawler vs Shields, Diaz vs Smith, and Arlovski vs Rogers. It'll be funny to see "NY Badass" Baroni and Kevin Randleman in action again.
Did you just say that UFC 100 through 102 aren't huge main events? Those 3 shows have some potentially amazing fights. And 103 is when Shogun is supposed to fight Machida for the LHW title, though it might be 104.
Just watched the Strikeforce show. Some great fights, but all weird. Arlovski got KO'd in under 1 minute against Rogers. Diaz won, Shields won by guillotine over Lawler in under 2 minutes.
I thought it was a great show. they should have stood them up more in the first fight, they spent way too much time on the ground not doing anything.
I really liked the Diaz / Smith fight. Nick Diaz just has a unique style and it's like smith didn't know how to deal with all of the punches. Its cool to watch because it doesn't look like he's hitting hard but you see smith just getting beat up.
Watching Strikeforce on Showtime at the moment and I gotta say the Diaz/Smith fight was pretty funny. I couldn't help but laugh when watching it, you could tell the punches really were doing damage but they were at such weird angles, from the cameras perspective at least that it just looked funny. It looked like something you would see in Looney Tunes.
Gotta appreciate a great KO.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I didn't even think about the fact that UFC 99 was being held in Germany and that there is a bit of a time difference between there and here in the states... Apparently it aired @ 3pm... I may have caught it at a sports bar or something if I thought things through : (
100 is coming!
Sorry if I'm spoiling anything, but from the fight play-by-plays and clips I've seen, you didn't miss much. Lots of decisions, some questionable. Not a lot of highlight reel action. I almost bought the PPV, but couldn't stay away from the online sites long enough to not get spoilers. Kind of happy it worked out that way, since I've been trying to save money lately.
I'd have enjoyed it more except I didn't think it was a great KO, it was just a weird one. Rogers basically walked at Arlovski and punched him a couple times for the KO. Either Arlovski didn't take Rogers seriously or he threw the fight. Everyone knows he has no chin though.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
i downloaded it and used my dvd players usb port to watch it on my tv. not a great event, none of the fights were super exciting. The wanerlei / franklin fight was ok but it went to decision... I think it was weak PPV for anybody who spent the $45-55 on it. 100-102 are all looking to be pretty stacked though, and then they're having 103 in dallas and most of the marquee fighters will have fought just in the past 2 months...
Did anyone catch the Ultimate Fighter Finale? If not you really should. Sanches vs Guida was so awesome. I expected Clay to dominate that fight because i have never been impressed with Diego. Thought it was gonna be a walkover. But Diego surprised me big time and made it a war. Like some have said, possibly the fight of the year.
Most of the fights were disappointing decisions, but the Sanchez/Guida fight was pretty amazing. People liked Lytle/Burns but I wasn't that enthused. Wilks looked awesome with the submissions in his TUF fight with Johnson.
I ordered UFC 100 earlier today. They have the SD version for $45 and the HD version for $55 and it made me wonder about that because I'm certain they shoot everything in HD regardless. Do they have some kind of filter to make it only SD even if it was recorded in HD?
I got the HD version to play it safe.
Doesn't matter if you shoot in HD, you can just reencode it to 480p, no big deal.
UFC 100 was ok... really enjoyed Hendo's KO over Bisbing... that was devestating. GSP pretty much just dominated Alves and wouldn't let him stand and bang, beat him up pretty good on the ground, and then the Brock Lesnar / Frank Mir fight was pretty much as you could assume it would go. Brock, the much bigger guy pretty much layed on mir the entire match and pounded him in the face. Mir showed a quick burst of impressive striking in the first seconds of the 2nd round including a 1-legged jumping knee to the face ala uriajah faber, but brock didn't want any of that so he layed on him some more and KO'd him.
Since I paid $55 for the ppv... I was disappointed because it seemed like all of the matches went by really fast, and the fitch / thiago matchup didn't happen until after the main event. I think if you order the PPV before it airs, they should show you the preliminary matches... I mean, I did pay $55. now i have to go find and dl them in order to see them.
The MMA world is going crazy right now...
Affliction cancelled it's upcoming event due to it's main event falling apart... they later came out and announced that their closing up their MMA operations, and then that they're going to go back to being a sponsor in the UFC, which means their fighters are now free agents for the most part.
Everybody is hoping that Fedor gets signed by the UFC. Also, Dana white apparently twittered "welcome back Tito" which many people think means Tito Ortiz is coming back.
The UFC is holding a press conference next week (31st) in which they're going to unveil a "laundry list" of announcements...
Also, I'm going to be at UFC 103 ^^ probably wont have the best tickets, but at the time I didn't think $250/350 per ticket was a smart idea right now.
Yeah, all thanks to roid-head Barnett, millions of dollars lost and a company goes out of business, further allowing one of the most corrupt sports orgs to come that much closer to completely dominating the sport and giving its athletes less say and control over their careers. Some say Barnett was paid to take the dive without taking a single punch from Fedor.
I've read that some of the fights will be picked up by Dream and Strikeforce for their August shows, since the fighters have been training and are ready to fight.
I'm surprised the UFC is allowing Affliction to become a sponsor again, but I'm sure it came with a lot of boot-kissing and kickback money.
I still don't think Fedor will sign with the UFC unless they meet his demands. Even before Affliction folded, Fedor and the UFC weren't seeing eye to eye.
Everybody is hoping for Fedor to sign w\ the UFC, love him or hate him. Affliction shutting down is a good thing all around though because honestly... I wanted to watch their fights but at the same time I didn't really want to spend $40-50 on the PPV.
Strikeforce is pretty solid right now and if they pick up some of the fighters and keep doing what they're doing, it will be good for all of the fans. I think that allowing affliction back into the UFC will also come w\ some fighter contracts which they'll have to re-negotiate.
I'm a huge Fedor fan but I don't see him in the UFC unless they allow him to fight in sambo tournaments for the honor of his motherland. Plus I think his company is controlled by the Russian mob and they want to muscle in on the UFC's interests, which is probably run by the Italian mob.
I like Strikeforce but really their roster is all b-list fighters and guys who couldn't survive in the UFC. Affliction actually had some A-list fighters mixed with B-list guys. Now some will sign with the UFC, some with SF, and some might fight in Japan.
Fedor, Mousasi, and Belfort in the UFC would be pretty amazing.
Fedor had a press conference yesterday where his M1 handlers pretty much took all of the questions. Their announcements consisted of fedor "headlining" the EA mma game that will sorta rival the UFC 09 game.. this game likely will bomb.
Questions about the UFC turned out to be lame and they gave the same old answers about how they want to co-promote w\ the UFC and that M1 will be hosting more and more events in the future... so fedor signing seemed less likely after that. We'll see though.
Dana White is having a press conference tomorrow in which he's going to unveil the laundry list of news for the UFC.
Strikeforce picked up the Babalu / Mousasi matchup which will be for the Strikeforce LHW championship. They also got Jay Hieron to fill in against Nick Diaz which will be for the Strikeforce WW championship.
So, if no more changes happen to that strikeforce card, it's still going to have 4 titles on the line : cyborg / carano for womens championship, thomson / melendez for lw championship, babalu / mousasi for lhw championship and diaz / hieron for the ww championship.
I think it's awesome... I'm more excited for this strikeforce card than I am for ufc 101 or ufc 102, I'm going to ufc 103 so that will be exciting... unless i can't see anything.
Vitor Belfort vs Rich Franklin @ UFC 103 which i'm going to be attending live...
Tito Ortiz is back in the UFC
Dana White was unable to sign Fedor
Dan Henderson will fight Anderson Silva next @ 185 for a title match... I was expecting some more major announcements since everybody knew Vitor was coming and that Tito was likely returning also.
The big earth-shaking move that Dana White was hinting at didn't materialize, but I think the guy speaks in hyperbole most of the time. Fedor wasn't signed and there is no network TV deal, either of which is what most thought the big news would be.
Belfort returning to the UFC is cool, but fighting at LHW again? He made the move to 185 and looked crisper and quicker by most accounts. I'd rather see him fight Mousasi at LHW than Franklin.
Tito returning isn't very compelling either. Not many matchups I care to see with him at LHW. He's another wrestler/GnP guy and there's enough of them in MMA.
Befort / Franklin is going to be @ 195 like the franklin / wanderlei fight was. They hinted at bringing Vitor in to fight anderson silva at the last fight night they had on Spike tv. If franklin beats him though... idk who they have him fight after that.
I can't believe you're lucky enough to be going to UFC 103. It will be an amazing card and there's no way they can show all the great fights on the PPV unless it's a bunch of 1 round KOs.
Just a quick rundown:
Vitor Belfort vs. Rich Franklin
Junior Dos Santos vs. Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic
Martin Kampmann vs. Mike Swick
Efrain Escudero vs. Cole Miller
Josh Koscheck vs. Frank Trigg
Hermes Franca vs. Tyson Griffin
Jim Miller vs. Thiago Tavares
Tomasz Drwal vs. Drew McFedries
Paul Daley vs Brian Foster
Jason Brilz vs. Eliot Marshall
Unbelievable. This is a better card than UFC100.
i can't believe they added more fights to the card! I'm going to have to do some research and find out how early they usually start the prelims, and I'm probably going to take off work to goto the weigh-ins the day before.
OHHH... they pulled the Sean Sherk fight from the prelims... maybe going to use it for UFC 104... that sucks, I watned to see sherk in action.
You're not missing much, he's a pretty boring fighter.Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
People are really excited about these undercard fights so you should be sure to catch them:
Hermes Franca vs. Tyson Griffin
Jim Miller vs. Thiago Tavares
Tomasz Drwal vs. Drew McFedries
Paul Daley vs Brian Foster
McFedries is either knocking somebody TFO or getting KTFO himself.
Ha, UFC is counter-programming the Strikeforce Carano vs Cyborg show by airing UFC100 on Spike for free. They're serious about destroying Strikeforce for signing Fedor.
Anyone watch Strikeforce Carano vs Cyborg? Mousasi kicked Babalu's ass, Melendez kicked Ishida's ass, Werdum subbed Kyle, and Cyborg destroyed Carano. It was pretty tough to watch Carano get handled like that. It was like she was fighting a man almost.
Congrats to Cyborg, but she really has no competition in women's MMA. Not sure what she does for her next fight.