Originally posted by: Foomanchew24
Booting someone out is hardly a welcoming gesture, and now I'm not an interesting person to talk too. I hardly see the point of rejoining a channel where they boot you because you didn't participate, whats to stop them from rebooting you out over and over? (Especially people who are new to IRC, which I am not, people are not very interested in rejoining channels that the get booted out of for no reaseon)Your just a bunch of elitest snobs whos self important opinions are too important to have any one else offer an opinion different than your own. Oh well I don't usually dwell in IRC channels to chat anyways so no big loss to me. Just wanted to see who was there and what was going on. I came, I saw and I was booted. As stated I'm just not cool enough to talk to, so I am excluded. Besides if Mut@t@ is always there than it can't be that great of a place to hang.
I have nothing else further to say on the matter because it is pointless, because whenever I express my opinion then I am labeled as a whiner or not cool enough to talk to and such.
stop bringing up my name, i didn't do ANYTHING to you.