Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
ah i see you were having a gta vs halo discussion with yourself i guess, since no one was discussing which were better. we were contemplating which would push their console to sell more units.
Ohh really? I'm sorry, I didn't notice that. Ohh yeah, then whats this:
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Gta is boring and leaves you feeling acomplishmentless (I think I made that word up hahaha). The only way Gta will have any chance of being half as good as Halo 3 and other badass online games is if Gta goes online, making the game a masive multiplayer. Otherwise it will be the same ghetto shootin, pedestrian splatter game just as its predecessors.
And this:
Originally posted by: Jessper
You might wanna look at the sales for GTA vs Halo. The whole point wasn't if YOU liked it but rather if more people like GTA than Halo.P.S. Rubber duckies own x-box =P
Can't forget this:
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
san andreas outsold halo 2 in 2004 just so you know.
Here's where I come in:
Originally posted by: Deblas
Okay, Halo Vs. GTA. I pick Halo, thats, that. Don't give us that shit of graphics, gameplay, and which one sold more. You pick a game, play it, and decide if you like it or not. People have different tastes.
Here's where you decided to be a smartass:
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
dumbest. comment. ever. obviously a game needs good enough graphics and good gameplay to say if you like it or not. also, i doubt a shitty game would sell a lot of units.