Originally posted by: Jurojin
Originally posted by: God#2
Originally posted by: Jurojin
Jadugar sent me a PM out of the blue saying:
Fuck You
BURN!!!! The fact that your actually bothering to get back at him in this thread just because you cant PM just shows how insecure you are.
@Ero Fan: Your right, look at Seinfeld. Everyone in that show hates their parents, and their like 30!
He has an issue with me, but is too childish to deal with it with just me and him, obviously. I mean this is what he wants, right? To argue about it in the forums with spectators instead of hashing it out with PM's seems to be his goal, and I have time to kill before I pick up my g/f from the airport.
Is it insecure to play with somebody who so obviously wants it? Or are you just flaming out the side of your ass because you think it will make you look "cool"? eh, whatever. You're not the one being a stretched-out twat. Yet.
Anyhow, here's the thread with the "issue" he has.
I made funny, he made comment, I made comment, he took some mild offense, I corrected his logic, he took offense and went so far as to put in "and another thing, my ego and dick, both are bigger than yours.", also linking a post he made about him defending himself doing what I was doing in this case: Made a post that wasn't totally on topic (mine didn't have pics in the pics thread, oh noez!), defended it and my logic for it. That part confused me, actually... Why did he link something that seems to defend my actions and not his >_>?
So I told him to go play with his ePeen (since he's obviously so proud of it) and to get over it. Was I wrong?