View Full Version : CGI animated films
Fri, 03-11-2005, 09:20 AM
Traditional animation is dead, well at least in most movie theatres across the world.
Even Disney the once great empire of yearly animated epics has closed up shop in favor of computer generated ones.
The success of Pixar's masterpieces has other studios envious. There are now multple companies who are all now battling it out with one another to see who can claim the throne for the future of all family entertainment.
Main contendors are are Pixar and Dreamworks each one duking it out. Pixar is still way ahead of dreamworks but the gap is quickly being closed. There are also some upstarts who seem to want to join the fray like bluesky (creator of ice age and the recently released robots) and Disney with their newly revamped CGI animation department.
Join in the frey, take sides, express your opinions.
I honestly think that Pixar is the undiputed king of CGI animation. They've made six films and each of those respective films has gone on to break box office records and recieve loads of critical praise. All of their movies have been fantastic they are extremely well written and multifaceted. They never resort to crude humor or use gratuitous pop culture references to get a laugh. While they generally tend to be funny they also have deeper moral messages. Pixar movies posses a timeless quality that is stays relevent no matter how many years pass after their release. Heck there this one scene in Toy Story 2 that makes me cry everytime I see it just because it stikes just a resonant cord.
Fri, 03-11-2005, 11:56 AM
yeah, i'd have to say if i decide to go into the movie industry, I'd try for Pixar first
Fri, 03-11-2005, 08:49 PM
The best one is definetly the upcoming movie Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Sun, 03-13-2005, 08:01 PM
whaddya think?
Sun, 03-13-2005, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
whaddya think?
Sexy teeth. Dude looks like he's about to ruin somebody's day.
Sun, 03-13-2005, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
The best one is definetly the upcoming movie Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
how long has that been in the works now? Like 3 years?
Sun, 03-13-2005, 08:21 PM
haha, damn straight he will, sou
Sun, 03-13-2005, 11:08 PM
Ah the poor poor original final fantasy movie. It literally was designed to appeal to no one. Final fantasy fans were turned off because it had nothing to do with the games aside from the having a guy named Cid. Regular movie fans were turned off by the fact that they didn't know what the hell the movie was supposed to be about.
It was a $130 million dollar tragedy in the making.
Thu, 03-17-2005, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
yeah, i'd have to say if i decide to go into the movie industry, I'd try for Pixar first
I hope you don't mind the fact they'll steal your soul feed to the executives.
Thu, 03-17-2005, 04:05 AM
in what way?
the only thing i see is getting paid to have fun with 3d graphics
Thu, 03-17-2005, 01:28 PM
[QI hope you don't mind the fact they'll steal your soul feed to the executives.[/quote]
WTF are you talking about. Pixar isn't owned by Disney anymore cotract ended a while ago. Last movie under that deal is cars. Pixar is a kind benevolent company that encourages creativty. I really don't think any evil soul sucking executives are left. Although Disney has the soul rights to all the movies Pixar created during their time together so they can still rape and pillage pixar's classics.
Beware the Finding Nemo direct to home video sequal!!
Thu, 03-17-2005, 06:15 PM
Toy Story 3's already being made. i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Pixar is the best 3D studio right now, bar none.
Mon, 03-21-2005, 08:28 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing what Disney does to Toy Story without Pixar's direction. Train wreck waiting to happen especially when you consider all of the god awful direct to home video sequels Disney's produced.
Tue, 03-22-2005, 03:13 AM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
[QI hope you don't mind the fact they'll steal your soul feed to the executives.
Pixar isn't owned by Disney anymore cotract ended a while ago. [/quote]
Ok that makes a diffrence. Disney is satan incarnit. Yeah Toy story 3 sound like a desparet grab for money.
Tue, 03-22-2005, 03:27 AM
Disney never owned Pixar, Disney had a 6 film contract with Pixar where Disney distributed Pixar films for them, which was good, because I don't believe Pixar had the ressources to distribute themselves. Now that Pixar has established a name for itself, they no longer need Disney.
Pixar may renegociate a deal with Disney now that Michael Eisner (as Lefty said 'satan incarnit', former CEO and president of Disney) has been removed from his position. Unfortunately, he has only been released by a lesser evil (the incompetent Robert Iger). The only possible deal I would like to see between Disney and Pixar would be to allow Pixar handle making any Pixar sequels, since Disney will only butcher them.
Tue, 03-22-2005, 08:47 AM
I really don't think Pixar and Disney will get back together. When they were renegotiating the contract Pixar wanted to have the rights back to the films they've created but of course Disney wasn't going to do that since they would lose several revenue streams from sequals and merchandising. Sadly, Disney can do what ever they want with the Pixar movies made under their contract.
Wed, 03-23-2005, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Ah the poor poor original final fantasy movie. It literally was designed to appeal to no one. Final fantasy fans were turned off because it had nothing to do with the games aside from the having a guy named Cid. Regular movie fans were turned off by the fact that they didn't know what the hell the movie was supposed to be about.
It was a $130 million dollar tragedy in the making.
I thought it was disappointing, but not THAT bad a movie.......... Definately dissapointing for any FF fan expecting something more of a ermmm...... fantasy movie with something magical in it.
Wed, 03-23-2005, 01:43 PM
I didn't think that the FF movie was bad. IMHO I think it's the best video game movie made thus far. But Square literally shot themselves in the foot when they made it. It wasd a movie that was designed for no one. Although alot of the FF games feature sci-fi themes or setting so I don't think that the sci-fi vide of the movie is really what killed it.
Swallow Your Soul
Wed, 03-23-2005, 05:05 PM
I didn't particularly think it was a bad movie in its own right. But what was annoying about it was that it reflected almost nothing at all about Final was just an average story with amazing graphics, and they just kinda shoved the Final Fantasy title onto it...and expected it to be a hit. I'd probably have hated it (and would probably still hate it) if my expectations were high when I saw it, but everyone told me it was the worst film ever, so in the end it was better than I expected it to be...
I doubt I'd ever watch it again though...
Most anticipated CG film coming out for me is FF:AC. I'm not a big fan of CG, especially when over-used in live action films (like the new Star Wars movies...with live action films IMO the cg should integrate flawlessly, if you can clearly tell its CG then for me, the CG has failed it's task), so I probably don't know that many. I was interested in seeing the live action (with heavy cg) Devilman, but I watched the anime which I found pretty dull...gotta watch this Casshern that a mate recommended once its downloaded...
Sun, 04-17-2005, 09:01 PM
CGI can feel redundant and repetitive when used by an incompetant director but when CGI is done right it can have quite the dramatic impact. For example take a look at any of the lord of the rings films.
A good example of really bad CGI would have to be the Sound of Thunder movie. If you can track down the trailer and you'll see what I mean.
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