View Full Version : How strong are the ninjas?

Wed, 03-09-2005, 04:39 PM
After watching naruto for a while, i always ponder about how strong the young ninjas really are compare to their ancestors... hokages, and sannins or even jounins

As we have seen the Hokages and Sannins, they become strong the normal way, by fighting alot of battle, training and gaining experience....

But the kids in Naruto to me seems to have the potential to be much stronger than the adult ninjas... Why?
Because some kids are genetically altered ninjas, curse seals, monster inside them, genius type(that would be the same as Hokage or Sannins), or even being exposed to so much more dangerous battles with jounins. Given that they survive and grow up.... they will be strong!

For example.
First off, Naruto have the demon fox with basically unlimited chakra inside .... while the fouth hokage is strong with no external factor... So imagine when Naruto reach that same point as the fourth he'll be unstoppable. He mastered the summon jutsu, rasengan in a month,; he mastered kage bushin in one night....


Neji is already a genius ninja so he's strong naturally....
Gara is trong because of a moster inside him too, and all that experimental sand stuff...
The list goes on.

My point is when these kids grow up to the same age as the adult ninjas, their powers and ability will be so much sicker and stronger compare to the Sannins and Hokage right now.

What do you think?

Be careful about posting spoilers in this forum. This is just a warning.

GotWoot Moderator

Wed, 03-09-2005, 04:53 PM
I think its obvious. You kind of forgot about Sasuke's sharingan too.

Wed, 03-09-2005, 04:54 PM
yeah will they had to introduce naruto to the kage bushin b/c before that he had nothing...and neither did sauske...he jus had the normal stuff the academy taught b/c they both didnt have parents... nobody to teach them the sick moves lik shikamaru got from his dad. and plus, naruto is main character so to make things interesting he has to be strong and that would mean the people his same age should also be around where he is in terms of strength dunno though not really sure...hokage and sannin r strong though...i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif

Wed, 03-09-2005, 05:47 PM
I think that the parents and shit probably went through just as hard of times as the kids have been through. Look at Kakashi, remember what he said to sasuke before sasuke left on his revenge thing? he talked about how that everyone he ever cared for was dead and gone- he got his sharingan in weird way so he must have been through some messed up shit. Also look at the lady that oro bit that has the cursed seal- she was one of the jounins doing the chunin exams- she had to go through some bad stuff if shes been with oro or even just got bit with that seal- we see everything these kids go through, so we are just going to automatically think they'll be stronger and better, but i think its not so much out of the norm for a ninja- just my 2 cents

Wed, 03-09-2005, 08:26 PM
It's fairly obvious that the parents of the Ino-Shika-Cho genins went through tough times. Just look at their scars. As for Kiba's mom(s?) the way they carry on, I doubt they had it easy either.

I'm pretty sure none of the jounins had it "easy" growing up. some, like Gai probably trained like mad. We know that aside from having his friends get killed off, Kakashi was quite the genius even before he got the sharingan. The Hyuuga clan has serious training regimens with their children. Just look how Hinata was booted for being too weak.

The 3rd, 4th, and Sanin were strong because they trained hard and had good teachers. Hopefully, the same will be said of the current genins by the end of the series.

Wed, 03-09-2005, 10:36 PM
good point... but these basic things all ninjas goes thru... all the genins in the story arc now goes thru much more than they can handle
but what i'm interested in are the new sick experimental technique/genetic modification/hidden monster extravaganza that one day the new generation of genins unleash and destroy all the ninjas and blow everything to smitherines(i hope i spell it right)... yeah that kinda stuff...

you can see that is a possibility in the future, but with the kages and sannins generation it wouldnt happen

Wed, 03-09-2005, 10:50 PM
It's like what Kakashi said in the episode where he first defeated Zabuza about how there are so many ninjas out there who are a lot powerful than him, yet much younger than Naruto. It kinda implies that there are some exceptional kids.

Wed, 03-09-2005, 10:55 PM
I think it's just an effect of the fact that the current genin people are main characters of the story.

Hidden Beast
Thu, 03-10-2005, 02:58 AM
Well if you think about it, it's only natural that that the next generation be stronger. Because it's in our nature to alway's become stronger. It's like a fine wine, it get's better with age. Think of the Genius's and all of them as a form of evolution. I had something better to say but it never come's out right.

Fri, 03-11-2005, 12:19 PM
I would have to say that the current ninja are probaly weaker then the ninja before. If you remember the fight between the First and Second Hokage and Orichimaru vs Sarutobi, there was quite a few jutsu that aren't even known anymore to anyone, that died with the people who created them. As time progresses the best techniques are probaly lost with the people who created them. Also, the current characters aren't nearly as strong as the previous generations ninja. Sarutobi was still a kid, no older then Naruto when he became Hokage. Itachi became a Anbu Squad Leader while Sasuke was just leaving the academy, and Kakashi became a Chuunin at what.. 7 or 8 years old? But my thoughts on this subject are a tad biased, I tend to read alot of Science Fiction books, (LoTR WoT etc) and the previous generations always are more remarkable, before the noble blood gets thinned out.

Fri, 03-11-2005, 01:08 PM
Naruto is like every other show/anime. Its not even so much that the kids are stronger then the teachers were at their age cause they weren't. Kakashi was chuunin at 6 years old, much faster then naruto. The teachers would rape the kids in like 2 seconds no matter what. The only reason why the kids seem to take on such strong people is the cliche "underestimated" deal that makes the enemies lose.

Sat, 03-12-2005, 04:33 PM
Naruto is like every other show/anime. Its not even so much that the kids are stronger then the teachers were at their age cause they weren't. Kakashi was chuunin at 6 years old, much faster then naruto. The teachers would rape the kids in like 2 seconds no matter what. The only reason why the kids seem to take on such strong people is the cliche "underestimated" deal that makes the enemies lose.

acctually its jus that the kids seem strong because we dont see much of the adults abilities. I mean itachi became anbu leader at 13. the only adult abilities we've seen were kakashi's but hes supposed to hae another 989 techniques he hasnt shown us yet because remember hes called "Copy ninja kakashi" for a reason. we saw the 3rd hokage and oro battle and believe me if naruto or 1 of the kids were in there they'd die real quick

^ sry that my first quoting didnt kno how to do it i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Thu, 03-17-2005, 04:59 PM
Didn't it take almost a year for naruto to learn rasengan?

with all those steps and shit

Thu, 03-17-2005, 05:05 PM
lol. nope just a month. 10 day's finale training and if that is the hardest part of the training. then the other trainings took probably less time.

Thu, 03-17-2005, 05:06 PM
It took Naruto like a week.

Thu, 03-17-2005, 10:16 PM
no mut, it took naruto a week after the first month

and the reason for the current jounins to have been so powerful when they were younger than the current kids is because the wars of their era required them to be. Naruto and friends grew up in a relatively peaceful era.

Thu, 03-17-2005, 10:36 PM
That's what I'm talking about, noob.

Thu, 03-17-2005, 11:27 PM
Many of the adults are much stronger because they were the relatively few who survived the Kyuubi attack on Kohona.

Fri, 03-18-2005, 02:31 AM
it wasnt that....a decent number died, true, but i wouldnt say the kyubi performed a mass "natural selection" on the village of konoha

it was the great ninja wars

Fri, 03-18-2005, 07:33 AM
yeah, they didn't send weak ninjas against the kyubi, konoha isn't like that.
in konoha atleast, brain will get you more promotions than brawn..
chuunins are squad leaders, so you need talents like shikamaru's. naruto won't be chuunin in a while since his tactics are mostly "lezgo kick their assdattebayo!"
jounins are mostly teachers, or veteran squad leaders. they also get appointed for some special duties. (shizune should probably be a chuunin, but has...connections. ebisu is a joke, but he was made konohamaru's tutor.)
the hokage isn't voted for. strongest ninja gets to be hokage, or if they don't want to, second strongest etc etc.

Fri, 03-18-2005, 07:53 AM
It's really hard comparing the young generation compared to the old in their youth...Remember, the vets when they were kids were born during a time of war while the young ones have faced war for short time( attack of the sound.sand nins). As mentioned in the previous posts.

But each generations have their own geniuses and the like. Kind of like Sarutobi from his generation...Orochimaru fom his...Kakashi...and perhaps Shikamaru, Neji, and Sasuke...but comparing the kids now with the adults is questionable in so manyways...

Fri, 03-18-2005, 11:13 AM
where did it say that kakashi is a chunnin at 6 years old?
clearly chunnin are not chosen because they are the strongest but are the smartest, look at shikamaru, kakashi is even smarter than shikamaru...

naruto learned the rasengan in a month, while the fourth who is suppose to be the strongest ninja ever learned it in a year...

Fri, 03-18-2005, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by: greateachermin
where did it say that kakashi is a chunnin at 6 years old?

Kakashi told Iruka when Iruka protested that his team were to young and not ready to take the chunnin exam.

Fri, 03-18-2005, 11:40 AM
It took the fourth a year to learn Rasengan, but im almost pretty sure he also invented the jutsu himself. Naruto had someone teaching it to him. Making a pie from scratch without a recipe would take awhile, but if you just get the recipe from a cookbook, well its not that hard, although certain skills are required.

Fri, 03-18-2005, 07:59 PM
Wait, wasn't also Jiraiya who taught Yondaime (the fourth) how to use the Rasengan?

Fri, 03-18-2005, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by: Tonsus
Wait, wasn't also Jiraiya who taught Yondaime (the fourth) how to use the Rasengan?
No, the 4th invented Rasengan.

Dumb typo. Sorry, I've lost one of my contact lenses. I am partially impaired in my vision.

Fri, 03-18-2005, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@

Originally posted by: Tonsus
Wait, wasn't also Jiraiya who taught Yondaime (the fourth) how to use the Rasengan?
No, the 3th invented Rasengan.

you mean the 4th invented it? heh

Sat, 03-19-2005, 05:03 PM
so the 4th name is Yodaime, i always wonder what his name is, they always say, "his name is the fourth hokage".... could this be a huge spoiler... i dont know... i cant wait until they explore the 4th's past and narutos past and stuff...
i cant believe that we're at 126 eps and havent learned about any of the past great ninjas of konoha village... we did barely scratch the surface

Sat, 03-19-2005, 05:10 PM
Yondaime is the japanese word for 4th. It's not his real name.

Sat, 03-19-2005, 05:11 PM
Well, if it was, a mod would have probably have got to it by now.
But, I'll edit it out myself, if need be.

Sun, 03-20-2005, 07:05 PM
I would say that since we never see the other ninja's abilitys we can not judge them. They all have extra skills that they never just pull out like Narutos Resangan. We did not see that in the fight against kimmy. Its a "last resort" tatic like Lees gates. Since the Genin are weaker they have to go all out to face there oponents. While the others just fight with simple style tatics and moves. Kakashi does not but out Chindori or that "Great water wave" When he fought Itachi. All the skills are just there ready to be showned to the Naruto fan base. Also Kakashi know more than 1000.

Thu, 03-24-2005, 06:09 PM
It took the 4th 3 years to master Rasengan - I just barely re-watched that arc.

Thu, 03-24-2005, 07:20 PM
Just a thought. In the final episode of the fight between Naruto and Gaara, Gai and Kakashi are shown easily kicking the asses of 3 ninjas each. Gai then comments "I didn't expect this many Sand Jounins to be here", and Kakashi agrees. Does this mean that Gai and Kakashi just beat the shit out of 3 Sand Jounins each?

Thu, 03-24-2005, 07:24 PM
No, they were probably the lower Sand Ninjas. Sort of like ANBU.

Thu, 03-24-2005, 07:51 PM
How is that more probable than them being Jounin?

Fri, 04-15-2005, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Just a thought. In the final episode of the fight between Naruto and Gaara, Gai and Kakashi are shown easily kicking the asses of 3 ninjas each. Gai then comments "I didn't expect this many Sand Jounins to be here", and Kakashi agrees. Does this mean that Gai and Kakashi just beat the shit out of 3 Sand Jounins each?

Maybe. Kakashi was next in line to be Hokage after Tsu, and Jir. Theoretically both of them should be able to do something like that. Don't you think Neji should be able to take on a few regular Genin(Genins?) all by himself. And not all Jounin battles have to be intense. In a war zone, no-mans-land environment, do you really have the time to make any seals or form an ellaborate illusion?? A fight between two expert swordsman is going to be a lot more ellaborate than if they were on opposite sides of thousand man armies.

Mon, 04-18-2005, 04:06 PM
naruto only learned rasengan faster than the 4th because the fourth created the technique - creating and mastering the technique is harder than having it shown, and taught to u

Tue, 04-19-2005, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by: bboypkj
naruto only learned rasengan faster than the 4th because the fourth created the technique - creating and mastering the technique is harder than having it shown, and taught to u

good point. I wonder why no one has though about that.

Tue, 04-19-2005, 04:05 AM
lol well im pretty sure ive seen people say that at least 3 times in this thread already

Tue, 04-19-2005, 06:06 AM
Originally posted by: basey_69
lol well im pretty sure ive seen people say that at least 3 times in this thread already


Tue, 04-19-2005, 07:44 AM
my god the sarcasm detector is off the charts ...BOOM