View Full Version : Video Gaming (PS2, X-Box, Gamecube, etc)
Sun, 03-06-2005, 11:39 AM
What console games are you playing now?
I have a PS2, and I've just completed Devil May Cry 3 and Metal Gear Solid 3. For MSG 3 I spent one entire night to get those darn Kerotan frogs to obtain stealth camou. Most frustating thing I've even got to deal with recently, but definately worth it.
DMC 3 totally kicks ass. Fans of the original, this is a must buy!
Sun, 03-06-2005, 11:44 AM
smash bros melee, metroid prime 2
i also recently got a modded xbox and lots of games, so i've been playing some Halo and Otogi 2 as well
Sun, 03-06-2005, 12:01 PM
I havent picked up a new ps2 games since ZOE 2, ( which was an awesome game). I'll probably pick up FFXII and DMC 3 ( which i just found out yesterday was out)
Currectly and most of the time of my gaming, Iam playing the PS1. I have like 3 of them, two old school gray modded ones and a mini psone. Its my fav system out there, cuz of the sheer selection of rpgs.
Iam almost done xenogears, I'll probably go back to playing ff7 or ff6. ( I like to recycle i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif)
Sun, 03-06-2005, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by: Haku_san
I havent picked up a new ps2 games since ZOE 2, ( which was an awesome game). I'll probably pick up FFXII and DMC 3 ( which i just found out yesterday was out)
Currectly and most of the time of my gaming, Iam playing the PS1. I have like 3 of them, two old school gray modded ones and a mini psone. Its my fav system out there, cuz of the sheer selection of rpgs.
Iam almost done xenogears, I'll probably go back to playing ff7 or ff6. ( I like to recycle )
You should try FFX too. It's my fave final fantasy, and I've played every FF game since FFVI, with the exception of FFXI because I dun have the PS2 broadband account. Xenogears was good, but I've never did like it enough to try Xenosaga.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 12:25 PM
I don't spend a lot of time playing games during school, but right now the ones that I'm in the middle of are .hack//INFECTION, Ico, Dark Cloud 2 (I was also in the middle of the first Dark Cloud but got bored and stopped playing it), and FFX-2 which my sister stole, but I will finish whenever I steal it back from her.
On GC, I play Animal Crossing, and SSX3 every once in a while.
For emulator games, I'm playing Chrono Trigger and Zelda: A Link to the Past.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 12:43 PM
On PS2 I'm playing Xenosaga 2 and Madden 05(working on my franchise).
On XBox I'm playing Mercenaries and I plan on getting Phantom Dust when it comes out.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 12:50 PM
on xbox i play halo2 live.
and on cube metroid prime 2
and i have a modded xbox too where i play star wars battleground on.
and i'm gonna buy kotor 2 soon.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 01:18 PM
Was playing DBZ Budokai 3 until World of Warcraft seized me
Sun, 03-06-2005, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by: Psyke
You should try FFX too. It's my fave final fantasy, and I've played every FF game since FFVI, with the exception of FFXI because I dun have the PS2 broadband account. Xenogears was good, but I've never did like it enough to try Xenosaga.
o_O I should eh? I was one of the first to own it in my city back when it came out.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 01:59 PM
I just finished beating halo2 in legendary so now im don't have any new games to play with but im thinking of buying resident evil4 and the new zelda game when it comes out.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 02:04 PM
Deblas look into getting Phantom Dust for your xbox, plus it'll only be 19.99 when it's released next Tuesday.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 02:19 PM
I been playing Super mario brothers 1 2 and 3 for NES... Tetris for NES and gameboy. and CONTRA for nes. also FF1 and 2 for GBA and SNES
Sun, 03-06-2005, 02:20 PM
I looked it up and I have to say It caught my attention. I think I will. Plus its 19:99. Can't beat that price.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 02:25 PM
PS2: Champions - Return to Arms, Tekken 5, FFX-2
SNES: Final Fantasy IV
Sun, 03-06-2005, 03:22 PM
Earthbound for SNES. FFX (yet again) for PS2. Hopefully getting DMC3 soon.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 05:02 PM
I've been playing Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, Tekken 5, and replaying Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. I must say, DMC 3 is insane....I died like 3 times against the first boss, another 5 against the 2nd, and now I'm stuck fighting the 3rd one. Easy mode is unlocked (after the amount I died, of course it is) but I'm not givin up on Normal! MGS 3 im replaying and going through it with only the tranquilizer gun.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 06:06 PM
I haven't bought a new game for awhile so I'm just replaying my old ones. So that's Ninja Gaiden, Halo 2 and PGR 2. I usually play WC3 though.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 06:08 PM
i just beat san andreas and im playin mgs3 but i dont really like it, i plan on buyin gran turismo 4 and tekken 5
Prof. Chaos
Sun, 03-06-2005, 06:09 PM
Cube: RE4 and Metroid Prime 2
PS2: MGS3 and DMC3
Sun, 03-06-2005, 06:27 PM
Right now, I'm most seriously playing Devil May Cry 3 and NBA Street V.3. But I do own Gran Turismo 4, Tekken 5, and MLB 2005 (EA), and play those once every now and then.
PSP in a couple of weeks! i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 03-06-2005, 06:46 PM
oh yeah psp is gonna be badass, i want to get nba street v3 too
Sun, 03-06-2005, 06:56 PM
ever heard of the gizmundo? It seems really crappy, especially its name.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 06:57 PM
I'd buy a handheld if I was rich and gullible.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by: Haku_san
Originally posted by: Psyke
You should try FFX too. It's my fave final fantasy, and I've played every FF game since FFVI, with the exception of FFXI because I dun have the PS2 broadband account. Xenogears was good, but I've never did like it enough to try Xenosaga.
o_O I should eh? I was one of the first to own it in my city back when it came out.
What about FFX - 2? I logged 99+ hours for both games, got every legendary weapon, and got 100% completion for X-2. Can't wait for FFXII, and I'm sure you are too.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 09:05 PM
for me playing Halo 2, and AC5/MGS3:SE are pretty important, I recently(today) just beat Ninja Gaiden(yes it took me that long), I need to get DMC3, and I'll play GT4 when my brother isnt playing it
Sun, 03-06-2005, 10:44 PM
There's already a very similar thread right here. ( d=y)
Mon, 03-07-2005, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
There's already a very similar thread right here. ( d=y)
Didn't really see that. Thought I would set up a thread about console gaming in particular and not PC games.... You don't get anime based games on the PC right?
Recently I've played Naruto, Gunslinger Girls Vol 1, and Gundam Battle Assault feat. Gundam Seed. Still trying to unlock all the Gundams, but I've already unlocked all the hidden characters in Naruto. Pretty cool that they included Kisame and the 3rd Hokage inside.
Swallow Your Soul
Mon, 03-07-2005, 06:09 PM
PS2 - GTA3, Project Zero 2 (Fatal Frame 2 in America), Pro Evolution Soccer 4.
PS1 - Star Ocean 2 (hardly ever play it though).
GC - Mario Kart, F-Zero (multiplayer)
PC - Unreal Tournament 2tk4 every now and again. That online triple triad game.
I don't spend that much time on games though, I've been on gta for ages and I've only just finished the last of the .hack games (not bad but fairly dull after a while). Still got Star Ocean 3 to play yet.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 08:01 PM
Right now i'm playing Tekken 5 and Tenchu Fatal Shadows for the ps2.
For those who had a modded xbox. just wondering, how did you copy your xbox games? and how do you play it, do you just put it in like normal disc?
Mon, 03-07-2005, 10:37 PM
pc- World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3 (blizzard is god)
ps2- GT3 (classic), and going to buy kessen 3 because kessen 2 was awsome despite a few annoying chars
oh and you xbox people should definatly look into a game called Jade Empire its made by the same people who produced kotor and looks alot like it except with more options and it takes place in ancient china i believe my friend wont stop talking about it and i must admit that it sounds pretty cool
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:20 PM
Oh, I'm also replaying Metal Gear Solid 3, the single greatest video game ever made, again.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:27 PM
TruthofMistake, do you play custom games or do you just play ladder in Wc3? If you play custom games, what kind?
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