View Full Version : What would make you lose interest in Naruto
Fri, 03-04-2005, 06:13 PM
I saw this in other Naruto forums and I didn't see one here and it would be kind of cool to discuss it.
Anyways its like what the Title states what certain thing could totally make you lose interest in Naruto. Just to start things off I'll give some that would make me lose interest.
- Team 7 (Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura) end up like the Legendary Sennins (Jiraiya, Orochimarou, and Tsunade) For those reading the Manga you understand what I'm talking about.
- Naruto becomes the 6th Hokage.
- A lot of filler episodes. The whole Idate was a total pain.
- Changing the voice actors for the Part 2 of the anime. It's been only three years I don't think they should do a voice change just yet.
- No one from the group dies in the future. that would just suck.
Fri, 03-04-2005, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by: potentialflip
- Naruto becomes the 6th Hokage.
Thats the whole point of the series.
Fri, 03-04-2005, 08:05 PM
I think there are only 2 things that could make me lose interest in the series:
1. The English dubbed version sucks (almost a certainty) and I'm no longer able to aquire subbed versions.
2. The series gets away from its original themes and takes a turn into the whole transformations and monster vs monster bit.
As for the items you had originally listed:
- Its already looking like Team 7 will end up mirroring the Sannin, and they already do. I can't hate that, its kind of like continuing a leaf legacy in a new era.
- If (and when) Naruto becomes Hokage, it will likely be the end of the series. And if it isn't the end of the series, it would be awesome to see him continue his adventures as Hokage.
- Filler episodes are boring, but absence makes the heart grow fonder. Waiting a long time for the episodes makes the new ones that much more awesome and anticipated.
- If they change the voices it would definately suck, but only because its a change from what we are used to. Eventually we will get used to the new voices and then when we look back at older eps. the old voices will sound weird.
- While killing off characters definately makes things more interesting, I don't think anyone would LOSE interest if nobody died.
Fri, 03-04-2005, 09:06 PM
Okay so were talking about the Anime here right?
in that case if then filler episodes, i really hate them
staring contests.
naruto becomes the 6th hokage.
Fri, 03-04-2005, 10:01 PM pretty sure......that the series will end when naruto becomes the 6th big deal if you lose interest when that happens =P
when they weaken the supporting characters, i will be hugely dissappointed
Fri, 03-04-2005, 10:14 PM
If Kakashi is taken out of the picture.
Fri, 03-04-2005, 10:57 PM
if it becomes all action, no content
if the anime continues with useless idiotic filler like the following
-stepping in dog shit
- bunshin chases
-lee pulling stupid trick while drunk
if neji dies
if filler takes over
if icha icha paradise becomes an animatied series (i will no longer have time for naruto... i will indulge myself in the artisticness of icha icha)
Sat, 03-05-2005, 12:19 AM
Stage 3+ cursed seal
Jar-Jar Binks
Sat, 03-05-2005, 12:54 AM
damn that jar jar binks, if he makes a cameo im gonna blow my brains out, i swear i will
Sat, 03-05-2005, 01:08 AM
he already has, only under that name konohamaru
Sat, 03-05-2005, 02:26 AM
Naruto won't necessarily be the 6th Hokage, anything could happen to Tsunade in between now and the end.
Sat, 03-05-2005, 05:52 AM
i kind of already have lost interest in the anime. it moves to slow, sometimes bad animation, filler eps etc. etc. i just cant take it.
Sat, 03-05-2005, 06:47 AM
though I wouldn't care if Gai? died, if Naruto started wearing the practice suit as a commemorative thing.
If someone important is not either killed or taken out of commission.
if that someone is Hinita
Sat, 03-05-2005, 12:55 PM
- Kakashi is taken out of the picture
- More fillers
- No one dies.
- English episodes might do me in to losing interest of the subs stop.
Sat, 03-05-2005, 04:20 PM
-if sasuke is not dead
-itachi is beat by sasuke (some how)
-naruto does the same shit in every fight
Sun, 03-06-2005, 02:26 PM
i was not very happy when konohamaru was compared with ja ja binks...
even though in the beginning he seems kinda annoying,
but there are eps with him that is really funny, like the one with sakura in it...
konohamaru and sakura makes a really funny dual... he always calls her a bitch and stuff and she hits him in the head....
And i'm sure that in the future, he will be some sort of a competitor to Naruto in competing for Hokage title... remember hes the grandson of the 2nd Hokage...
maybe we will see some descendant bloodline technique that was actually pass down from a Hokage.... because frankly, i'm sick of hearing about the Uchiha bloodline limit shit...
Sun, 03-06-2005, 03:28 PM
The direction it has currently taken.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 04:08 PM
if Y had control of the script writing
Sun, 03-06-2005, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
if Y had control of the script writing
I'd cancel the series immediately.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 04:28 PM
now, you can't expect somebody to NOT say "don't watch the series" when you say you wouldnt mind suddenly stopping the series.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 04:40 PM
I think that the series it too established for most people to be able to lose their interest in it, granted there are ways that you can fuck it up real bad (such as nobody dying, that would SUCK) it would still never lose my interest wholly.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
now, you can't expect somebody to NOT say "don't watch the series" when you say you wouldnt mind suddenly stopping the series.
actually what I meant was that I would can it because if I was in charge the scripts would never get written. I sure as hell couldn't write a weekly.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 09:01 PM
Y I really don't understand why you even bother posting in a naruto forum. You seem to really loath the series yet your still here. Why is that Y?
For the most part judging from your posts you seem to hate most anime/ manga yet it still seems like you still read/watch naruto? If naruto is so pretictable and cliched why do you still read/watch it? If you really like pretentious comic books by Alan Moore then why are you still here?
Sun, 03-06-2005, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
If your storied posting career has taught you anything, LobsterMagnet, it should be that you aren't capable of fathoming anyone's motives or opinions. Stop trying.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 10:05 PM
It's the reflex of the cynic, of the underachiever. When this type of person has nothing to offer, they attempt to destroy or reduce other creations/entities. It is a natural function of humanity, and unfortunately, a more common one as time progresses and society becomes more impersonal.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
It's the reflex of the cynic, of the underachiever. When this type of person has nothing to offer, they attempt to destroy or reduce other creations/entities. It is a natural function of humanity, and unfortunately, a more common one as time progresses and society becomes more impersonal.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 10:30 PM
lol, can't think of anything to say, so you're just posting 'haha' as spam? Why not go to your well of negative and hostile rebukes, and post something else that's unoriginal and pointless? i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sun, 03-06-2005, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
lol, can't think of anything to say, so you're just posting 'haha' as spam? Why not go to your well of negative and hostile rebukes, and post something else that's unoriginal and pointless?
Aww, you're so cute. The funny thing is that I have made a visible contribution to the board, which is more then I can say for you. Why don't you go shit out some more asinine psychobabble elsewhere, son?
Sun, 03-06-2005, 10:56 PM
I'd tell you all to shut up and get back on topic, but Y's posts are so damn hilarious to read.
Oh yeah, shut up and get back on topic everybody.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 11:15 PM
Miss the good 'ol days of being a mod huh terra i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif. anyway, back on topic. I guess naruto would never lose my interest even if stuff that i hate happens like becoming like the Dragon ball franchise. or kids dressing up like naruto in holloween among other stuff.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 11:30 PM
Heh, I was just jerking his chain i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif Looks like I got a response i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif I'm still wondering how he justifies himself as a 'visible' contribution, any more or less than anyone else. Did he perhaps mean to say .. 'viable'? I was thinking maybe he would actually say something creative or intelligent, but nope, just more aimless hostility. I did a search on his posts, just for curiosity, and that's exactly what he does on a consistent basis.
Sun, 03-06-2005, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
Heh, I was just jerking his chain. Looks like I got a response. I'm still wondering how he justifies himself as a 'visible' contribution, any more or less than anyone else. Did he perhaps mean to say .. 'viable'? I was thinking maybe he would actually say something creative or intelligent, but nope, just more aimless hostility. I did a search on his posts, just for curiosity, and that's exactly what he does on a consistent basis. d=y
How many subforum-wide FAQs have you written?
Sorry Terra. It's just that whenever I post all my wonderful fans here at Gotwoot have to come out of the woodwork.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 12:48 AM
If your storied posting career has taught you anything, LobsterMagnet, it should be that you aren't capable of fathoming anyone's motives or opinions. Stop trying.
Y are you really John Kerry? Because you didn't really answer my question. I just want a simple yes or no answer. Do you like naruto or not?
If not then why are you here? Don't you have some other place to go and bitch about how film adaptation of The League of Extrodinary Gentlemen did'nt do justice to the genius of Alan Moore's original work.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
PM me to continue this if you want.
Or get on IRC.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 01:12 AM
Lobster, my man...Ever hear of an implication? He clearly doesn't like the actual show of Naruto, be he does like a certain aspect of it. I will not waste my time copying this for you since it was on irc, and if you care enough to constantly sit here looking for the next attack on YTA, you should be able to go on irc (then again someone with an IQ of a lobster has a hard time doing that.).
I guess i'll have a fun rant about your stupidity. First, many can be in a thread of something they don't like, for instance I came in here to tell why i lost interest in Naruto, cause it's already happened. What do you want? A topic full of fluffy bunnies that all agree with each other?
I'll admit, YTA is a bit too opinionated at times, but how are me and you any different? Atleast YTA isn't a hypocrite. Cause the exact opinionative post you gave of him, he's giving of Naruto.
As for your attempt of acting "mature" and intelligent, you threw that away with your lame attempts at insults. Go live in your John Lennon world of peace and fluffy bunnies, but atleast don't make yourself look like a moron, hard to do i know.
As for the true meaning of this topic,. I have already lost interest in this show, although I watch certain episodes to see some action. The reason I did, and the point I did was when it start having 30 eps of filler, and 5 of half decent action that were strecthed like an elastic. It was also when it pulled a Berserk and went all "underworld".
Mon, 03-07-2005, 01:32 AM
your reasons make no sense to me.....
first of all, its the sheer lack of filler that is bringing the anime dangerously close to the manga to begin with....
if you're referring to a series with 30 ep blocks of filler, then you must be referring to One Piece
second of all....."5 of half decent action" makes no sense
third of all......."underworld" is so vague, that it hardly supports your case
Mon, 03-07-2005, 01:38 AM
1.) I really don't care if it's filler or not, but it's horrid filler (guess I forgot to mention it).
2.) One Piece is VERY bad for filler.
3.) It makes perfect sense, the action they do show, isn't anything great, and when it is, it'sover in a second (after ep 40 anyway), so they're half decent.
4.) Underworld isn't vague, it when things of hell are incorperated with the anime, which ,1 I think takes away from the story, cause I personally don't like any kind "horror" or "demonic" things in a show, and 2, I am a christian so i try to steer clear when i feel things go to far (yes that means I barely watch any anime).
5.) It's a good thing the topic is "what would make *you* " and not "what would make AssertnFailure". It's called personal preference my friend, and opinion, they're like a nose, everyone has one.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 01:43 AM
opinions are one thing, but false accusations are another.....
if something isnt filler, then how can it be horrid filler?
when will the double standards end, joker??
Mon, 03-07-2005, 01:48 AM
Filler is something that brings you to the next main event with a interesting story, horrid filler is when you see naruto eating Raman 5 times in an episode.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 01:56 AM
no......filler is content in the anime that wasnt in the manga
Mon, 03-07-2005, 02:01 AM
Assertn, seriously, if you want to be technical I will.
Are we happy now?
Mon, 03-07-2005, 02:15 AM
well if you never read the manga, then i dont know how you can judge it, but if you're gonna use that as your excuse, then you're no longer contributing to this thread whatsoever i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:00 AM
Niether are you, you're spewing useless stuff. I told you the reason I don't like the show no more, too bad if you don't agree or like my reason. My post above was intended to be my last, but since we that you like making useless post, ill jump the band wagon, although im lazy and this is mine. I'll just talk to you on IRC.
As for me not being able to judge the manga, make up your mind. You tell me it's not "real" filler since it's in the manga, that would imply if I find the anime boring, I find the manga boring, or you're lying, take your pick. For once quit making post on technicalities, and trying to act like Albert Einstien. I'll admit you're smarter then me, hell you're in college/university and im in high school, but for your posts above, they're twisted and stupid. You're trying to play a game of semantics. Instead of trying to catch me on everything I say, quit making your useless posts (as I am aswell), and let someone who according to you"contribute" to the thread.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:12 AM
4.) Underworld isn't vague, it when things of hell are incorperated with the anime, which ,1 I think takes away from the story, cause I personally don't like any kind "horror" or "demonic" things in a show, and 2, I am a christian so i try to steer clear when i feel things go to far (yes that means I barely watch any anime).
Wow, you avoid entire anime series and mangas just because they may have some vague reference to the underworld? Thats really really dumb. Honestly what are you afraid is going to happen to you? Will you be damned into hell just because you saw something that was vaguely demonic?
I'm Jewish but that dosen't mean I'm going to abstain from any form of media that involves a German or Egyption references just because of the not so pleasent history that's involved.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Wow, you avoid entire anime series and mangas just because they may have some vague reference to the underworld? Thats really really dumb. Honestly what are you afraid is going to happen to you? Will you be damned into hell just because you saw something that was vaguely demonic?
What's dumb is your lack of respect for Joker's beliefs. You may not agree with them but you've no right to insult them.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by: joker-kun
As for me not being able to judge the manga, make up your mind. You tell me it's not "real" filler since it's in the manga, that would imply if I find the anime boring, I find the manga boring, or you're lying, take your pick. For once quit making post on technicalities, and trying to act like Albert Einstien. I'll admit you're smarter then me, hell you're in college/university and im in high school, but for your posts above, they're twisted and stupid. You're trying to play a game of semantics. Instead of trying to catch me on everything I say, quit making your useless posts (as I am aswell), and let someone who according to you"contribute" to the thread.
arguments are the only times that the forum is fun just want me to stop talking without defending myself from your first 2 sentences in this post. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
I'm not lying, because you already told all of us in IRC that you never read the manga. Also, the stuff that you consider filler is in the anime, not in the manga. The logic you're using, if put to formulas, would sound like "if A=B+C, then A=B"
Mon, 03-07-2005, 12:19 PM
What's dumb is your lack of respect for Joker's beliefs. You may not agree with them but you've no right to insult them.
I've got nothing against Joke Kuns beliefs, I just don't like how he uses them as a scapegoat. If you can find me the verse in the bible where it specifically states that if one should see images that are vaguely satanic or demonic they shall be punished. Then I'll give him a formal apology.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
What's dumb is your lack of respect for Joker's beliefs. You may not agree with them but you've no right to insult them.
I've got nothing against Joke Kuns beliefs, I just don't like how he uses them as a scapegoat. If you can find me the verse in the bible where it specifically states that if one should see images that are vaguely satanic or demonic they shall be punished. Then I'll give him a formal apology.
You've got nothing against Joker's beliefs yet you call the practice of said belief "really really dumb." If demonic imagery (real or percieved) is reason enough for Joker to avoid a series then you need to respect that rather than scoffing.
As for somehow "validating" J-kun's beliefs with passages from the bible, I hardly think it necessary but if he wishes to do so that's entirely up to him. I'll be damned if I'm hunting for some obscure passage.
Now this thread needs to get BACK on topic.
Captain Grammar
Mon, 03-07-2005, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
The direction it has currently taken.
Exactly. Although it's fun and cool to watch, is used to be much more than that. It was original, it had meaning, it was artistic and expressive. Lately it just seems it's becoming the new Dragonball Z. FIHGT FIGHT FIGHT! MOVIES EVERYWHERE! VIDEO GAMES AND MERCHANDISE!!
It's better than DBZ, but before I wasn't able to put it in the same class and compare Naruto to Dragonball Z. Now I can.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 04:45 PM
I'm sorry Captain Grammar agreeing with me is a bannable offense. See you.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 04:51 PM
It was also when it pulled a Berserk and went all "underworld".
4.) Underworld isn't vague, it when things of hell are incorperated with the anime, which ,1 I think takes away from the story, cause I personally don't like any kind "horror" or "demonic" things in a show, and 2, I am a christian so i try to steer clear when i feel things go to far (yes that means I barely watch any anime).
Things to look for there are "all underworld", and "things I feel go to far". I am not an extremist if that's the impression I gave. As for bible verse, things don't always need to be in the bible for someone to do something for themselve. For example, some people who struggle with pronography, cut themselves totally from the internet, to prevent them from going on porno sites. That is extreme to some, but as long as it helps that person do what they're trying to stop, and it doesn't affect the lives of others, then it's all good. As for the verse, there is one that could go along with what im saying, and that would be (not quoted word for word) "avoid the appearence of evil".
Now remember, I said things I feel go to far. I watched Scrapped princess, which had many things that could have been based on something of the bible, I felt for me, it didn't go too far. Now something like Berserk (and yes I know episode 1 forshadowed the later eps, and it was intended to be a "dark" anime.), that had demons, in the manga witches, and is heavily based on that for the show to be the show it is, then I feel that goes too far. I am not trying to say what's right and wrong, I am simply trying to say what I feel a cut off point is for me. I currently watch One Piece, that has the "devils fruit", now I could have cut the show off from ep 1 when i first heard that, but now that i watch it, although the devil's fruit are a huge part of the storyline, it really only means a fruit that gives supernatural power, that I don't feel is a big deal at all. Also you must keep in mind, I didn't say that was the sole reason I gave up Naruto, even though they were miniscule and stupid too many, I gave I think 4. That merely contributed to me making my final decision to stop from watching the show further. I would say I barely watch anime any more, more due to the fact that most are repetitive, not that they have some kind of link to hell. Also, no I don't feel I will damned to hell for watching a show, a murderer who kills someone isn't damned to hell for killing that person.
As for what the topic is truly about, in more ways then one, wether that be filler, the show becoming boring, it going to far in my opinion, let's just say it took far too many turns in the direction I didn't like it.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by: Captain Grammar
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
The direction it has currently taken.
Exactly. Although it's fun and cool to watch, is used to be much more than that. It was original, it had meaning, it was artistic and expressive. Lately it just seems it's becoming the new Dragonball Z. FIHGT FIGHT FIGHT! MOVIES EVERYWHERE! VIDEO GAMES AND MERCHANDISE!!
It's better than DBZ, but before I wasn't able to put it in the same class and compare Naruto to Dragonball Z. Now I can.
that totally made you sound like a non-conformist wannabe
Captain Grammar
Mon, 03-07-2005, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Captain Grammar
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
The direction it has currently taken.
Exactly. Although it's fun and cool to watch, is used to be much more than that. It was original, it had meaning, it was artistic and expressive. Lately it just seems it's becoming the new Dragonball Z. FIHGT FIGHT FIGHT! MOVIES EVERYWHERE! VIDEO GAMES AND MERCHANDISE!!
It's better than DBZ, but before I wasn't able to put it in the same class and compare Naruto to Dragonball Z. Now I can.
that totally made you sound like a non-conformist wannabe
Haha! What ever you want to call it. That's just how I feel about the series. It's really cool, I get a lot of laughs watching it and I enjoy watching it. However, I also enjoy watching DBZ.
When I first started watching Naruto and up until the end of the Zabuza arc, I was amazed by the series; a very modern spin on ninjas. It was completely original and endless possibilities. Now, however, it's just a bunch of one-on-one battle with "ninjas" coming out with unbelieve techniques. But, of course, everything is explained by one word; "Chakra."
I'm not in anyway saying the series sucks. I like it. It's cool. It just used to be more.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 09:37 PM
The way the series is going now is good, but the Zabuza arc was very different compared to this. It was more "real" at points and everyone wasn't super powerfull. I think that's how everyone got sucked in to naruto. Cause we're always used to the main character controlling his fate but in the Zabuza arc he depended on Kakashi and Sasuke. Right now the show is good, but they could have stuck with the way things were going with the Zabuza arc for a little longer before Naruto had to bust out the Kyubi and save the day. IMO that should've been much later. Like.......the first time it should have been would be against Sasuke coming up in the anime. Again, they didn't have to do the Rasengan vs. Chidori on the rooftop of the hospital. AND ESPECIALLY IN THE HOMO-FILLER WTF WERE THEY THINKING? So to me Rasengan + Chidori is like Spirit gun in Yu-Yu Hakusho...or dare I say it.....KAMEHAMEHA from yea you know. But atleast in Yu-Yu they did many variations of a move, instead of Kyubi SUPER CHARGED.
Ok ok, well I got off track there but what I was originally going to say was that if they stuck with Zabuza like character/art/plot they could have gone places but they decided to aim at a younger audience causing much dissapointment in fans on the internet. But honestly the show is no longer aimed at people who do not enjoy this type of Naruto, so please just stop fucking posting on Naruto forums about how much you hate the show...rabble rabble rabble....because you are seriously ruining my enjoyment of a great show.
Meh.....hope everyone reads that long as post.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 09:44 PM
Sounds like everyone who claims to be losing interest in the seriesbecause of the current lowsy pacing of the Sasuke in barrel arc. I do agree that the wonderfully convient 1 on 1 fights cheapen the story line. I can practically see American Marketers creating commercials encouraging little kids to go and buy two separate action figures so they can renact the 1 on 1 battles.
All of this powering up and cursed seal crap is leading up to a nice climax. The Naruto vs. Sasuke round 2 fight has huge repercussions on both the character development and overall narrative. We still haven't quite seen the full consequences but rest assured it will defintly add a tremendous amount of emotional weight to later scenes in the series.
I'm also curious about why everyone praises the zambuza arc as the best in the series? It was good and worked well as an introductionary piece but does no one think that the bridge battle was a little too drawn out? I mean if your going to scrutnize the current fights with the sound 4 you could easily apply those same criticisms to the fight with Zambuza.
"Hahaha I've figured out the secret of the sharingan now it is time for me to end this."
"No you haven't, and now it is time for me to end this."
"No I am going to end this in one move."
"Now I shall end it with this next move"
Mon, 03-07-2005, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Sounds like everyone who claims to be losing interest in the seriesbecause of the current lowsy pacing of the Sasuke in barrel arc. I do agree that the wonderfully convient 1 on 1 fights cheapen the story line. I can practically see American Marketers creating commercials encouraging little kids to go and buy two separate action figures so they can renact the 1 on 1 battles.
All of this powering up and cursed seal crap is leading up to a nice climax. The Naruto vs. Sasuke round 2 fight has huge repercussions on both the character development and overall narrative. We still haven't quite seen the full consequences but rest assured it will defintly add a tremendous amount of emotional weight to later scenes in the series.
I'm also curious about why everyone praises the zambuza arc as the best in the series? It was good and worked well as an introductionary piece but does no one think that the bridge battle was a little too drawn out? I mean if your going to scrutnize the current fights with the sound 4 you could easily apply those same criticisms to the fight with Zambuza.
"Hahaha I've figured out the secret of the sharingan now it is time for me to end this."
"No you haven't, and now it is time for me to end this."
"No I am going to end this in one move."
"Now I shall end it with this next move"
First of all who the hell is "zambuza"?
IMO, the reason everyone liked the Zabuza arc was because:
look up
but the Zabuza arc was very different compared to this. It was more "real" at points and everyone wasn't super powerfull. I think that's how everyone got sucked in to naruto. Cause we're always used to the main character controlling his fate but in the Zabuza arc he depended on Kakashi and Sasuke.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 10:20 PM
Don't most long running anime series start out that way? With the main characters being very weak at the beginning but as the series progresses they become stronger and stronger. In some ways half the fun is seeing the characters grow and become more powerful as the series progresses just like in a console RPG.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 10:30 PM
I'm sure there is a subset of people who are entertained by powerups in shounen anime. Just like I'm sure there are people who are really entertained when they get bigger numbers in "RPGs" of that fashion.
I'm just not one of them.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:13 PM
So would you prefer that everyone remain weak the whole series and Naruto never become Hokage? Cause that would defeat the whole purpose of the series. Getting stronger is everyones goal almost in Naruto, isnt that how it is in most Action Animes? Everyone wants to become the strongest. So they eventually have to get stronger or just die lol.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by: Dezalanel
So would you prefer that everyone remain weak the whole series and Naruto never become Hokage? Cause that would defeat the whole purpose of the series. Getting stronger is everyones goal almost in Naruto, isnt that how it is in most Action Animes? Everyone wants to become the strongest. So they eventually have to get stronger or just die lol.
hurrr power ups are the point hurrr
Shut up.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:28 PM
Well you did not answer my question what so ever there. The fact is, that this is the point of the series...if you do not like it then by all means stop watching. I mean wouldn't you get bored if they never got stronger and they never learned any new techniques.....yeah it would just be the same thing over and over again.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:30 PM
Can you seriously not conceive of a way in which characters grow other than DBZ powerups?
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:33 PM
Explain, how do you want them to grow? Emotionally? Intelligence? Strategy? Cause I am pretty sure they grow in that way too in Naruto, but the whole point of the series is Naruto to become Hokage and that means he HAS to grow in power someway. Otherwise he will remain weak forever....thats just how it works in Naruto.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:42 PM
I don't give a shit about power as it's related to their village heirarchy. Honestly, do you think that the best leader of the village is the strongest guy? No. I'd like for Naruto to figure out that getting stronger (especially by siphoning off the power of an elder demon) actually has consequences and isn't a simple and straightforward goal. I'd have liked for the series to never have introduced characters who can move at the speed of sound and throw 100 story knives around.
Honestly, the point of Naruto isn't "Naruto will become Hokage". If you think it is, you've missed the point in what's a pretty shallow series in a pretty shallow genre, which is sad. Naruto's desire to become Hokage is just a childish reflection of the drive to be acknowledged. That is what he wants: to be respected on his own merits instead of prejudged and blamed for the events of the past. The desire to become Hokage is just the only outer way he knows to show this. The thing that saddens me is that not only do you and a lot of other fans ignore this in favor of "NARUTO MUST BE STRONGEST ONE THERE IS", but Kishimoto probably has too by this point.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:43 PM
Naruto has grown as a character. Nice thing about naruto is how he encourages character growth in the other supporting side characters. I honestly can't wait to see the aftermath of the second naruto vs. sasuke fight.
Sasuke the only person who naruto could not change. Something tells me that a great bitterness lies within naruto's cheerful older exterior.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:45 PM
Well, I just assumed in the end he would become just makes sense BUT it would be a cool twist if that does not happen and he dies or something. But yeah your right...he does want to be acknowledged....but one of the only ways to be acknowledged in Naruto is to be strong.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Naruto has grown as a character.
Care to elaborate?
Most of the character advancement done by the side characters in relation to Naruto is "I can't believe I lost to this retard, I better go home and rethink my life". Not exactly a stunning achievement for Naruto.
Mon, 03-07-2005, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Naruto has grown as a character.
Care to elaborate?
Most of the character advancement done by the side characters in relation to Naruto is "I can't believe I lost to this retard, I better go home and rethink my life". Not exactly a stunning achievement for Naruto.
I just found my new sig.
Tue, 03-08-2005, 12:09 AM
The series could always take a turn for the dramatic.
Naruto confronts the Atatski alone to stop their evil plot. They easily overwhelm and violently gang rape naruto and leave him for dead. Naruto psychologically scarred and wonders about from country to country trying to find some way to confront his trauma, but all he can do is run away. The trauma has made his connection with the demon fox unstable so whereever he goes when something reminds him off that fateful night the fox is briefly unleashed and brutally slaughters everything around it. Because of the destruction that follows in naruto's wake he is now a wanted criminal being pursued by serveral teams of hunter nins from different countries.
Naruto eventually finds his way to the leaf village only to find out that it's been completly demolished by Orchimaro. Hinita and everyone else he cared about is dead. Sakura is one of the few survivors and she is desperatly protecting the few surviving children hiding them from the roving bands of rogue sound ninjas. Naruto can't decide what to do he's torn about his past and dosen't know how he can ever seek redemption or confront sakura. Naruto decides to become a vigilante but every good thing he does is followed collateral damage and casualties
Tue, 03-08-2005, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
The series could always take a turn for the dramatic.
Naruto confronts the Atatski alone to stop their evil plot. They easily overwhelm and violently gang rape naruto and leave him for dead. Naruto psychologically scarred and wonders about from country to country trying to find some way to confront his trauma, but all he can do is run away. The trauma has made his connection with the demon fox unstable so whereever he goes when something reminds him off that fateful night the fox is briefly unleashed and brutally slaughters everything around it. Because of the destruction that follows in naruto's wake he is now a wanted criminal being pursued by serveral teams of hunter nins from different countries.
Naruto eventually finds his way to the leaf village only to find out that it's been completly demolished by Orchimaro. Hinita and everyone else he cared about is dead. Sakura is one of the few survivors and she is desperatly protecting the few surviving children hiding them from the roving bands of rogue sound ninjas. Naruto can't decide what to do he's torn about his past and dosen't know how he can ever seek redemption or confront sakura. Naruto decides to become a vigilante but every good thing he does is followed collateral damage and casualties
that's an aweful example.
Tue, 03-08-2005, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
The series could always take a turn for the dramatic.
I have no idea why you wrote this.
Captain Grammar
Tue, 03-08-2005, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by: Y The AlienHonestly, the point of Naruto isn't "Naruto will become Hokage". If you think it is, you've missed the point in what's a pretty shallow series in a pretty shallow genre, which is sad. Naruto's desire to become Hokage is just a childish reflection of the drive to be acknowledged. That is what he wants: to be respected on his own merits instead of prejudged and blamed for the events of the past. The desire to become Hokage is just the only outer way he knows to show this. The thing that saddens me is that not only do you and a lot of other fans ignore this in favor of "NARUTO MUST BE STRONGEST ONE THERE IS", but Kishimoto probably has too by this point.
I don't think this could have been explained any better.
Somewhere along the way, Naruto's goal to become Hokage, to be acknowledged, has turned into a goal to be the strongest.
That's what the series, like DBZ, has turned into: to be the strongest, defeat the most opponents, save the most friends, drive off the stronger enemies that keep on coming.
What I loved about Zabuza and Haku was that the viewer could connect with them on the same level as they could with Naruto and Kakashi. Neither of them was good or bad. They were both simply tools hired to carry out a mission. Because the series followed Kakashi and Naruto, Zabuza and Haku were the antagonists. However, if the series had follwed Zabuza and Haku, Naruto and Kakashi would be seen as the antagonists. It portrayed the way of the shinobi very well.
Now, you have Orochimaru, a psychotic rogue ninja bent on becoming the strongest and destrying Konoha. You have Akatsuki, a terrorist organization trying to conquer the planet or something. That shinobi element is missing. Orochimaru and Akatsuki are strong bad guys with their own ambitions. Good guys vs bad guys. Nothing special.
Tue, 03-08-2005, 10:37 AM
I have no idea why you wrote this.
I was trying to take a crack at converting the naruto storyline into something a bit more unconventional. Something more along the lines of one of those disturbing indie comics where bad things seem to happen to all of the main characters for little to no reason. I'm guessing by your reactions that I wasn't quite received the way I intended
Care to elaborate?
Most of the character advancement done by the side characters in relation to Naruto is "I can't believe I lost to this retard, I better go home and rethink my life". Not exactly a stunning achievement for Naruto
I really should have just answered this question first. Well lets take a look at Tsunande. When we meet up with her for the first time she's very conflicted. The deaths of both her brother and boyfriend have deeply traumatized her. Rather then face her problems she's just running away from them and trying to use gambling as a substitute. She'd become very cynical because even with all of her skills there was nothing she could to prevent the deaths of her loved ones.
They both had the ambitions to become the hokage but their dreams were cut short. Then of course naruto and Jiraiya show up offering her the position that her brother and boy friend had been denied. If naruto had'nt been there she probably would have healed oro's arms just in exchange for seeing the brother and boyfriend again. But Naruto shows her through his willpower and determination that the she should not see the lives of her brother and boyfriend as being wasted but she should remember the reason why they lived. She should remember thier noble ambitions of wanting to protect the village. This inspires her not to scorn the position of Hokage but to embrace it so she can live out both her brothers and boyfriends dreams and ambition.
After Naruto owns Kabuto's ass with his Rasengan she sees he's willing to do anything to achieve his goal. She overcomes her blood phobia and sees that while she cannot do anything to change the past she can take an active role to protect the future. Which is why she fights so hard to defend naruto.
Another good example is Garra. Garra didn't just change because naruto beat his ass down. At the very end of the fight when they were both drained Garra couldn't do anything, all he could do was lay down and wait for the end . While naruto was literally dragged himself using his chin. Garra only fought for himself and when he was defeated he had nothing more to fight for, while naruto was still going because he knew that Garra could still pose a thread to the people he cared about.
I think as the series progresses naruto will still want to become the hokage, his goal will be the same but his reasons for achieving that goal will probably change. Most likely something tramatic will happen and he's realize that he has the power to make a difference and will want to become the hokage so he can protect the village.
Tue, 03-08-2005, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
I have no idea why you wrote this.
I was trying to take a crack at converting the naruto storyline into something a bit more unconventional. Something more along the lines of one of those disturbing indie comics where bad things seem to happen to all of the main characters for little to no reason. I'm guessing by your reactions that I wasn't quite received the way I intended
Geez, LobsterMagnet, I know I took your Japanophile arrogance down a few pegs in the comics thread, but do you have to shit up new posts by hearkening back to it? Here we were in a wonderful thread that has nothing to do with that issue except for where you're shitting it up. Come on, man, just bump the thread with your stupid-ass generalizations in it and we can have another crack at it.
Tsunade Gaara etc
Wonderful, except your quoted comment was on how Naruto had grown as a character, and you proceeded to write me a novel explaining how OTHER characters grew around Naruto. Nice, and relevant to my sarcastic remark about your other stuff, but it doesn't help Naruto, who has stayed at the level of childish single-minded determination towards his unrealistic goal for several years now, with minor fluctuations that always end up with Naruto returning to being a bumblefuck. I'm all about gradual change, but, please.
And, congrats on putting nice window dressing around the Tsunade situation, which amounts to "He put a lot more effort into learning the Rasengan then I thought he would. That reminds me of the other two people in my life who were virtually identical to him that died. I should respect their dreams and his." Ok? The prime difference here it's that it's Naruto beating someone ELSE's ass that causes Tsunade to rethink her life.
Tue, 03-08-2005, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by: Captain Grammar
What I loved about Zabuza and Haku was that the viewer could connect with them on the same level as they could with Naruto and Kakashi. Neither of them was good or bad. They were both simply tools hired to carry out a mission. Because the series followed Kakashi and Naruto, Zabuza and Haku were the antagonists. However, if the series had follwed Zabuza and Haku, Naruto and Kakashi would be seen as the antagonists. It portrayed the way of the shinobi very well.
Now, you have Orochimaru, a psychotic rogue ninja bent on becoming the strongest and destrying Konoha. You have Akatsuki, a terrorist organization trying to conquer the planet or something. That shinobi element is missing. Orochimaru and Akatsuki are strong bad guys with their own ambitions. Good guys vs bad guys. Nothing special.
I know exactly what you're talking about....
but i fail to see how the story could advance in any sort of significant way without SOME person with strong ambitions that conflict with the ambitions of most of the protagonist ninjas. It just so happens that the only way this would most likely occur is if the individual's ambitions are evil. This is especially true if the protagonists tend to be more concerned about peace.
Captain Grammar
Wed, 03-09-2005, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I know exactly what you're talking about....
but i fail to see how the story could advance in any sort of significant way without SOME person with strong ambitions that conflict with the ambitions of most of the protagonist ninjas. It just so happens that the only way this would most likely occur is if the individual's ambitions are evil. This is especially true if the protagonists tend to be more concerned about peace.
I just find it very hokey that the Konaha ninja are portrayed more and more like good-hearted souls that are bent on peace and prosperity. They do what they are hired for. If they're hired to assassinate someone, they'll do it regardless of the reason. The way the show used to be showed that all ninja were equals because they were bound by the rules of the shinobi.
That element of the show is gone; ninja fighting ninja based on conflicting missions. It's become the good-hearted Konoha ninja versus the bad guys. I mean, come on. Every other country's ninja are portrayed as shady types with no real remourse or regard for others. Even the Sand, who are now allied with the Leaf, are still kind of iffy in terms of loyalty and kindness. But not Konoha. They're all peaceful living ninja who only fight to protect their country. Please.
Once again, I'm still a fan of the show and I still faithfully watch it. I'm not trying to tell anyone they shouldn't watch it. I just following the guidelines of the thread and saying why I'm losing interest in the series. So those of you defend with, "Well if you don't like it then stop posting in the Naruto forums," stop being silly.
Wed, 03-09-2005, 11:58 AM
- If (and when) Naruto becomes Hokage, it will likely be the end of the series. And if it isn't the end of the series, it would be awesome to see him continue his adventures as Hokage.
Yes, yes. All the fans will want to see Naruto's great adventures with all the paper work stacked on his desk! Just can't wait for this episode: "Dattebayoo supesharu: Naruto o rokudaime ni naru! Kanryoo Shuugi no Jutsu wa ikinasai!" (Dattebayoo Special: Naruto becomes the Sixth! Go, Bureaucratic Technique!)
Wed, 03-09-2005, 12:06 PM
I actually think it would be cool to keep the series going with Naruto as Hokage .. tons of possibilities i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Wed, 03-09-2005, 12:13 PM
Unfortunately that would defeat the whole purpose of Naruto. His story is about a journey to prove himself to others. Now, since being hokage would be that goal, I think there would be no point in it. But, of course, he might have to prove himself as the hokage then...
Wed, 03-09-2005, 12:34 PM
who says goals can't change?
In FMA, Ed and Al's goals throught 90% of the series was to get their bodies back, but then near the end Ed changes his ultimate goal to something more selfless like ridding the homunculus and the sins of alchemy.
Captain Grammar
Wed, 03-09-2005, 03:17 PM
Personally, I hope that Naruto doesn't actually become Hokage.
Fri, 03-11-2005, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by: kaigan
-if sasuke is not dead
-itachi is beat by sasuke (some how)
-naruto does the same shit in every fight
LOL I go wil the above as well
Sat, 03-12-2005, 04:07 PM
i kinda skipped 3 pages of reading since i didnt feel lik reading all of ur complaints so if these were listed alrdy sry
these will make me lose interest:
- Kakashi disappears
-naruto continues to jus use kage bushin and then have guys stand idle.
-Sasuke loses to naruto (manga readers dont tell me anything about this even though i've received a little bit of info)
-tsunade's breasts r cut down 2 cups (i'm kinda kiddin here)
-jirarya is not preverted anymore
-hearing american little kids screaming "replication technique!" all day
-if anime0ne and other sub groups become lik anime otkaus and decide to take 3 month breaks
Sun, 03-13-2005, 08:40 PM
I think the key things that would make me lose interest in Naruto would be what I'm already predicting will be used in porting the show over to the mainstream U.S. audience. Horrible dubbing, cheezy editing... I can just see how many characters are going to die... or rather, faint! Oh yes! They won't die... that would horrify so many of our anally retentive american parents. No, they must faint... after all, why would Haku die after being touched by Kakashi's electrified hands once the blood and wounds have been removed? Naw... he'll faint... it was only a mild Taser zap after all....
And then of course, there's the horrible lines they'll write for some of the characters to describe how they feel someone else's power. I can just hear Sasuke being dubbed by the guy who did Piccolo's voice in DBZ... "Ugh... what... power. So this is what it's like when two high level (he won't say Jounin, the average ignant anime fan wannabe wouldn't have a CLUE what that meant) ninjas face each other... It's... MADNESS... Ugh, Ugh (insert more random grunts as necessary)."
Better yet, they could just hire a few of the old sketch comedy show actors from shows like In Living Color, way back in the day, to do the voice acting. Wouldn't that be cute to have Damon Wayans doing his "Handi-man" bit for Naruto? The midget chick in that skit would work for Sakura's voices as well. Hell, just yank the soundtrack from a few of the episodes, cut it up and rearrange it, and you'll have a cheap and equal-quality dub (in comparison to the usual fare that's offered) prepared for just about any episode.
Naruto: "Time to die, bad guy! Let's get busy! Thank you, Tiny Avenger! Never underestimate the power of the handicapped!"
Sun, 03-13-2005, 08:45 PM
Oh yeah... almost forgot. Seriously, they should keep the names of the techniques the way they are... and for the love of all things animated, find a voice actor who can pronounce them correctly. "Replication Technique" or "Doppleganger Technique" is about as chic a translation as "Special Beam Cannon" was for "Makkankosappo".
You also forgot to not double post. Use the edit button next time.
GotWoot Moderator
Sun, 03-13-2005, 10:00 PM
oh yeah, i forgot b4 to add 1 mor e
- britteny spears becomes the voice of sakura (shudders)
Sun, 03-13-2005, 10:22 PM
Double posting eh? I learn somethin new every day. Guess I should look up the rules again or somethin.....
Shows what I get for not needing to be toilet trained at gunpoint.
Ok, c'mon. Was this post really necessary? It doesn't contribute to the topic at all. You've learned something else new today; don't post meaningless garbage.
GotWoot Moderator
Thu, 03-17-2005, 07:10 PM
congrats bishounen u learn a lot but i bet u dont acctually remember any of it so u've probably learned this 20 times alrdy... i DO NOT need to watch little kids throwing fake plastic shurikens at each other while screaming "multiply technique" (they wont use dopplerganger (or how evr u spell) because kids wont understand it) <----cool parenthesis in parenthesis i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Thu, 03-17-2005, 09:13 PM
This will DEFINETLY make me lose interest in Naruto.
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Here's my last attempt at constructing the naruto english theme song, enjoy.
Yah-yo, yah-yo!
(Don't give it up, Naruto!)
(Don't give it up, Saske!)
(Don't give it up, Sakura!)
(Don't give it, give it up, give it up, give it up, give it up, give it-- NO!)
Here's how the story goes, we find out
Bout a nine tailed demon fox, there's no doubt that fox was tearing things up
then came the 4th, who put a stop
he put the fox within a newborn baby boy
Yah-yo, yah-yo, yah-yo, oh-oh!
His name is naruto
(That's Uzumaki Naruto)
(He'll be the next Hokage!)
He's got the demon fox inside
(How did that happen?)
(the 4th sealed it up)
Yah-yo, yah-yo!
His name's Saske, he's just like a the coolest guy
And a L-A-D-Y Sakura's not shy
The Ninja Crew comin' through doin' their thing
With the naruto as ninja supreme, he's gonna be hokage!
Yah-yo, yah-yo, yah-yo, oh-oh!
Thu, 03-17-2005, 09:30 PM
lol yes this would make me lose interest in naruto too (this wuz posted in tha "how to make naruto sucessful" thread rite?)
Thu, 03-17-2005, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Here's my last attempt at constructing the naruto english theme song, enjoy.
Yah-yo, yah-yo!
(Don't give it up, Naruto!)
(Don't give it up, Saske!)
(Don't give it up, Sakura!)
(Don't give it, give it up, give it up, give it up, give it up, give it-- NO!)
Here's how the story goes, we find out
Bout a nine tailed demon fox, there's no doubt that fox was tearing things up
then came the 4th, who put a stop
he put the fox within a newborn baby boy
Yah-yo, yah-yo, yah-yo, oh-oh!
His name is naruto
(That's Uzumaki Naruto)
(He'll be the next Hokage!)
He's got the demon fox inside
(How did that happen?)
(the 4th sealed it up)
Yah-yo, yah-yo!
His name's Saske, he's just like a the coolest guy
And a L-A-D-Y Sakura's not shy
The Ninja Crew comin' through doin' their thing
With the naruto as ninja supreme, he's gonna be hokage!
Yah-yo, yah-yo, yah-yo, oh-oh!
that was brilliant! I actually can't wait for that to happen, although if it get's on Cartoon Network then I don't think they show openings, but yeah...
what would make me lose interest aside from all the other obvious stuff like americanizing the show and the dbz power up stuff is if orochimaru takes sasuke's body, I don't care what you guys think, sasuke's cool =p i wanna see him own sometime soon, cuz he's always the one getting owned =p
oh, and if naruto's new forbidden jutsu is just *super saiyen level 3 long hair no eyebrows* kyubi i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif
Thu, 03-17-2005, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by: benjaminz
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Here's my last attempt at constructing the naruto english theme song, enjoy.
Yah-yo, yah-yo!
(Don't give it up, Naruto!)
(Don't give it up, Saske!)
(Don't give it up, Sakura!)
(Don't give it, give it up, give it up, give it up, give it up, give it-- NO!)
Here's how the story goes, we find out
Bout a nine tailed demon fox, there's no doubt that fox was tearing things up
then came the 4th, who put a stop
he put the fox within a newborn baby boy
Yah-yo, yah-yo, yah-yo, oh-oh!
His name is naruto
(That's Uzumaki Naruto)
(He'll be the next Hokage!)
He's got the demon fox inside
(How did that happen?)
(the 4th sealed it up)
Yah-yo, yah-yo!
His name's Saske, he's just like a the coolest guy
And a L-A-D-Y Sakura's not shy
The Ninja Crew comin' through doin' their thing
With the naruto as ninja supreme, he's gonna be hokage!
Yah-yo, yah-yo, yah-yo, oh-oh!
that was brilliant! I actually can't wait for that to happen, although if it get's on Cartoon Network then I don't think they show openings, but yeah...
Glad to see someone actually liked it.
Thu, 03-17-2005, 10:41 PM
lol, well, it just reminded me of pokemon, and if that actually happens, then Naruto's toast i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif I just liked the lyrics because it obviously took him some time to come up with that =p
Thu, 03-17-2005, 10:41 PM
uh oh, spheggettios,
double post i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif clicked on post twice
sorry, how do i delete this thing... bleh i take it you can't
edit in reply to below post:
Originally posted by: Captain Grammar
You do realize that right after apologizing for a double post, you did it again, right?
Actually, no I didn't notice because I only double posted once, and I was referring to this reply... but anyway, thanks for trying to flame me and also for not staying on topic. Again, sorry for the double post. =p
last edit because no one really cares anyway;
Originally posted by: Deblas
You've been here longer than me. You should know this by now.
True, but your number of posts is like 50x more than my number of posts. =)
Captain Grammar
Thu, 03-17-2005, 10:48 PM
You do realize that right after apologizing for a double post, you did it again, right?
Thu, 03-17-2005, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by: benjaminz
uh oh, spheggettios,
double post clicked on post twice
sorry, how do i delete this thing... bleh i take it you can't
You've been here longer than me. You should know this by now.
Fri, 03-18-2005, 07:49 PM
i honestly cant believe anybody acctually liked that song by lobstermagnet... it was soo disturbing... unfortunatly if it airs on cartoonnetwork or WB11 they're going to change the song to something lik that...
Fri, 03-18-2005, 09:00 PM
But they don't show openings in Toonami. Just the ending. I know in Adult Swim they give the opening in jap and all.
Sun, 03-20-2005, 03:42 PM
i meant in general wen it comes to tha US the song is gonna be soo screwed up
Sun, 03-20-2005, 08:44 PM
that was brilliant! I actually can't wait for that to happen, although if it get's on Cartoon Network then I don't think they show openings, but yeah...
About time. Nice to see that someone finally appreciates my satire.
Sun, 03-20-2005, 09:49 PM
hey 1 out of 20+ people who have posted in this thread is not exactly the ratio i'd want on people appreciating me but u mite be different... lobster
even though i'm pretty sure even if cartoonnetwork doesnt do openings this song wud be the same as an ending....hey wait we're in luck, nobody stays for the endings! with luck i'll nevr have to hear some1 acctually singing this
oh and i have a new thing that wud make me lose interst in naruto, i dunno if u guys have noticed but its been gettin off the topic of ninjas and more and more lik DBZ where there is a monster or something iinside people... i mean, cursed seals? naruto's kyubi wuz ok and so wuz garra's thing but now 6 people have cursed seals in the series and its kinda gettin annoying, if there r anymore i mite stop watchin
(lobster wen i saw that u posted in this thread again i thought u made another crappy song...)
Sun, 03-20-2005, 10:04 PM
Well good news for you is that practically everyone with cursed seals are dead so you don't have to worry about that them comming about and ruining the series.
Besides the whole cursed seal thing was just a way for Orchimaro to attract and bind people through use of steroids.
Sun, 03-20-2005, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Well good news for you is that practically everyone with cursed seals are dead so you don't have to worry about that them comming about and ruining the series.
Besides the whole cursed seal thing was just a way for Orchimaro to attract and bind people through use of steroids.
lol now that second part wuz exactly wat i wuz thinking wen i saw kimi turn into a dino. and yeah all cursed seal peepz r dead but, what makes u think oro cant jus keep biting random people and giving them cursed seal? all he has to do is stumble upon a person that has no life or purpose that he sees "potential" in and then he'll bit the person somewhere and suddenly *BAM* u have another army of cursed seal ninjas.
Captain Grammar
Sun, 03-20-2005, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
hey 1 out of 20+ people who have posted in this thread is not exactly the ratio i'd want on people appreciating me but u mite be different... lobster
even though i'm pretty sure even if cartoonnetwork doesnt do openings this song wud be the same as an ending....hey wait we're in luck, nobody stays for the endings! with luck i'll nevr have to hear some1 acctually singing this
oh and i have a new thing that wud make me lose interst in naruto, i dunno if u guys have noticed but its been gettin off the topic of ninjas and more and more lik DBZ where there is a monster or something iinside people... i mean, cursed seals? naruto's kyubi wuz ok and so wuz garra's thing but now 6 people have cursed seals in the series and its kinda gettin annoying, if there r anymore i mite stop watchin
(lobster wen i saw that u posted in this thread again i thought umade another crappy song...)
I'll just give you some advice. When you type like this, any points you make (good or bad) tend to be over looked.
- One, might, you, are, someone, would, was, when -
Try those some time.
Mon, 03-21-2005, 12:01 AM
I really don't think were going to see Orchimaro any time. The curse of the curesed seal ninjas is over fear not for most likely they shall not return. Now the time for the Atasuki has come.
Mon, 03-21-2005, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by: Captain Grammar
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
hey 1 out of 20+ people who have posted in this thread is not exactly the ratio i'd want on people appreciating me but u mite be different... lobster
even though i'm pretty sure even if cartoonnetwork doesnt do openings this song wud be the same as an ending....hey wait we're in luck, nobody stays for the endings! with luck i'll nevr have to hear some1 acctually singing this
oh and i have a new thing that wud make me lose interst in naruto, i dunno if u guys have noticed but its been gettin off the topic of ninjas and more and more lik DBZ where there is a monster or something iinside people... i mean, cursed seals? naruto's kyubi wuz ok and so wuz garra's thing but now 6 people have cursed seals in the series and its kinda gettin annoying, if there r anymore i mite stop watchin
(lobster wen i saw that u posted in this thread again i thought umade another crappy song...)
I'll just give you some advice. When you type like this, any points you make (good or bad) tend to be over looked.
- One, might, you, are, someone, would, was, when -
Try those some time.
lol do u honestly think i dont kno grammer? i type fast wen doing this and prefer not to type it out. besides it did not contribute to the thread at all and so far neither is this post so i'll say something that has to do w/ it.
--i really do hope atasuki will come now because they seem lik a much better organization than orochimaru and his group or dead group of cursed seals. but of course we have to finish the garra vs. kimi fight and the naruto vs. sasuke fight (i'm talkin about anime)
weakest anbu
Tue, 03-22-2005, 05:02 PM
if anbus stop dying...
Sat, 04-16-2005, 03:18 PM
It would awesome if Naruto came out twice a week... like tuesday and friday or something...
Sat, 04-16-2005, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
It would awesome if Naruto came out twice a week... like tuesday and friday or something...
Then the quality would go down and the speed at which the anime would catch up the to the manga would be... well.. doubled.
So it's a stupid idea.
Sat, 04-16-2005, 10:11 PM
if 3 episodes in a row were sasuke flashbacks, oh wait i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Thu, 04-21-2005, 05:00 PM
i'll be fucking disappointed if itachi is beat by sasuke.
Thu, 04-21-2005, 07:10 PM
well this already began to make me lose interest but naruto is coming to cartoonnetwork in US 2005 of september... (crap)
Fri, 04-22-2005, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
well this already began to make me lose interest but naruto is coming to cartoonnetwork in US 2005 of september... (crap)
so? nobody's making you watch the dub
Fri, 04-22-2005, 02:25 PM
Does anyone here have the dub? I had it on my old computer but I accidently deleted it. I really want to get my hands on it just so I can show my roommate and various friends about how godawful dubbed naruto will be. If any of you could show a me a link I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thu, 05-12-2005, 10:26 PM
when it becomes boring
i watch naruto cus i like action
so i loved it when lee fought
Sat, 05-14-2005, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
i meant in general wen it comes to tha US the song is gonna be soo screwed up
There is absolutely no evidence of this happening conidering ShoPro's dubbed anime titles.
Sat, 05-14-2005, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Does anyone here have the dub? I had it on my old computer but I accidently deleted it. I really want to get my hands on it just so I can show my roommate and various friends about how godawful dubbed naruto will be. If any of you could show a me a link I'd greatly appreciate it.
Uh, there is no official Naruto dub. If you're talking about a fandub and using it as a benchmark for the official one, you're fucking stupid.
Sun, 05-15-2005, 11:32 AM
i probs wouldnt stop watching naruto koz of this but... if naruto doesnt learn a new fucking jutsu soon ima crack the shits... rosengun is pissing me off
Mon, 05-16-2005, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by: greateachermin
i was not very happy when konohamaru was compared with ja ja binks...
even though in the beginning he seems kinda annoying,
but there are eps with him that is really funny, like the one with sakura in it...
konohamaru and sakura makes a really funny dual... he always calls her a bitch and stuff and she hits him in the head....
And i'm sure that in the future, he will be some sort of a competitor to Naruto in competing for Hokage title... remember hes the grandson of the 2nd Hokage...
maybe we will see some descendant bloodline technique that was actually pass down from a Hokage.... because frankly, i'm sick of hearing about the Uchiha bloodline limit shit...
!<u>2nd Hokage?!?!?!?!?!?! wtf? BAKA!!!!!!! try 3rd, your student licence is now revoked go watch the series from the begining!</u>
Mon, 05-16-2005, 06:06 PM
when more ninjas become monsters like the sound four. they sucked really bad. why would ninjas ever become like dat anyway
Tue, 05-17-2005, 01:26 AM
The sound 4 became that way for the same exact reason why little children are told never to ride with strangers who offer them puppies or candy. Or the same reason why there has been such a long standing campaign to say no to drugs or in this case curse seals.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 03:21 AM ( 5&FTVAR_FORUMVIEWTMP=Linear)
Tue, 05-24-2005, 03:32 AM
Originally posted by: Rhanfahl ( 5&FTVAR_FORUMVIEWTMP=Linear)
Ice fucking burn.
Sun, 05-29-2005, 08:46 AM
If there are no conflicts between any groups or countries.. if this happens, there will only be missions, missions and more missions. Missions like plucking weeds in the garden, try to get back a lost pet or somthing like that.. haha..
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