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View Full Version : Gundam Seed - Quick Question about Lacus

Sun, 02-27-2005, 08:06 PM
I don't know if this questions been answered before, but can Lacus go into seed mode? I don't remember well but I think theres a part in episode 49 where they show her eyes all 'seed-mode-like' or whatever. They don't show the seed thingy actually happening though. Can someone give me some clarification? Thanks.

eDiT: a screen cap, Ep 49, 18:21

Sun, 02-27-2005, 09:31 PM
Yes, the real Lacus has SEED mode. Unfortunatly (or fortunatly?), she has no real use for it; all she ever does is sit in a chair on the bridge and give speeches.

Mon, 02-28-2005, 12:59 AM
true, but they are good speeches i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif she was probably the most useful female char in that show--- i mean she ran a damn faction for gods sake

Mon, 02-28-2005, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by: Barumonk
Yes, the real Lacus has SEED mode. Unfortunatly (or fortunatly?), she has no real use for it; all she ever does is sit in a chair on the bridge and give speeches.

Your deduction is based on?
Remember not all coordinators have the Seed mode. Only a select few has it and I was surprised Cagali had it too.

Mon, 02-28-2005, 12:58 PM
you are right bout not all coordinators having it, but its as good a guess as any; i doubt they would make her eyes go seed for no reason

Mon, 02-28-2005, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by: Psyke
Your deduction is based on?

Its based on the scene where Lacus' goes into SEED mode during a speech on the Eternal's bridge. It was missing the egg bursting scene but everything else was there to make you believe it was SEED mode. I doubt they would do that for no reason, so she probably does have SEED mode.

Mon, 02-28-2005, 05:05 PM
yes she does have SEED mode from what we see, but a useless one if i may add. in what ways would she use that SEED mode though? Nothing!

Mon, 02-28-2005, 05:55 PM
She would use SEED mode to give kickass speeches =P

Mon, 02-28-2005, 06:07 PM
well maybe she can go and use it in destiny then =P

I still haven't found a concrete answer... I'll just take it no one knows for sure since there isn't any hard evidence that she went SEED. Yeah the pic looks like she went SEED but they could've just colored it funky. =P Oh well.

Mon, 02-28-2005, 07:48 PM
lol maybe that crazy gundam is hers lol :-P kidding hehe

Mon, 02-28-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by: Psyke

Originally posted by: Barumonk
Yes, the real Lacus has SEED mode. Unfortunatly (or fortunatly?), she has no real use for it; all she ever does is sit in a chair on the bridge and give speeches.

Your deduction is based on?
Remember not all coordinators have the Seed mode. Only a select few has it and I was surprised Cagali had it too.

SEED can be used by both Coordinators and Naturals. Remember SEED stands for

Destined Factor.

And I am just gonna copy the extra stuff that came with the official DVD

SEED- A factor that determines the course of a species' evolution. The existence of the SEED factor has yet to be proven, and it remains a subject of intense controversy in scientific circles. But in theory, those who possess the SEED factor have the ability to advance to the next stage of human evolution - an ability unrelated to whether the carrier is a Natural or a Coordinator.

Mon, 02-28-2005, 08:03 PM
well if seed basically means berserker than id agree, but im not sure---cagali i think is a coordinator even though she was called a natural a few times, but meh who knows

Mon, 02-28-2005, 11:32 PM
Well, I'm sure Coordinators have easier access to the SEED, but all quotes say that Cagalli is a Natural.

Tue, 03-01-2005, 04:00 PM
true, but why would a natural go SEED? often they say one thing, but the person is another which plot can support

Wed, 03-02-2005, 05:38 PM
he just told you a few posts up why a natural could go seed. i suggest you read through the thread again.

Wed, 03-02-2005, 11:16 PM
yea i read it right, but just somehow bout the whole seed thing not mattering whether a person is a natural or coordinator just doesnt sit well with me for some reason, but i guess they can do whatever they want cuz its just an anime. im still skeptical about it, but for now ill accept that explaination

Thu, 03-03-2005, 12:08 AM
I'm just gonna quote Lacus Clyne's father about coordiators: "You forget one thing, we didn't evolve."
Since SEED is based on evolution, and the Coordinators are nothing more than genetically enhanced, then both Naturals and Coordinators have a chance at becoming SEED because its naturally occurring.

Thu, 03-03-2005, 07:11 AM
I also agree that cagalli is a "natural" coz there was this scene where their mom still carried her in her womb while there was an emergency happening in the Artificial Womb of Kira back in GS

Hmmm.. as for Lacus.. i wonder what her SEED mode is for?

Thu, 03-03-2005, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by: XwingRob
I'm just gonna quote Lacus Clyne's father about coordiators: "You forget one thing, we didn't evolve."
Since SEED is based on evolution, and the Coordinators are nothing more than genetically enhanced, then both Naturals and Coordinators have a chance at becoming SEED because its naturally occurring.

juuust like the Newtype, hehe

now I'm not complaining....I do see it as a nice alternative to the Newtype....better than Zero System, "Gold Mode" (G Gundam), etc

Thu, 03-03-2005, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by: XwingRob
I'm just gonna quote Lacus Clyne's father about coordiators: "You forget one thing, we didn't evolve."
Since SEED is based on evolution, and the Coordinators are nothing more than genetically enhanced, then both Naturals and Coordinators have a chance at becoming SEED because its naturally occurring.

i dont dout ur quote; it just one of those things in a series that just seems odd to me thats all i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Fri, 03-11-2005, 06:18 PM
Don't forget that when Kira goes SEED Mode in Phase-50 the "egg bursting scene" is also missing and we know that Kira can go SEED Mode.

Fri, 03-11-2005, 10:17 PM
well since it's supposed to mean that they've 'evolved', I guess Lacus has SEED so she can make babies with Kira and Cagalli can make babies with Arthrun and have 'evolved' SEED babies then LoL...

Sat, 03-12-2005, 10:37 AM
Sorry, posted in wrong thread

Sat, 03-12-2005, 03:35 PM
lol is it me or do u ppl at gotwoot fourms really like the idea of sexually reproducing with all characters. i remember wen i wuz around the naruto fourms there were people thinking that sasuke cud have sex w/ hinita so they'd have real weird eyes...

ok now about the topic, i also wondered about the seed mode and lacus and cagali being natural or coordinator. i forget did kira and cagali come from same dad or mom?i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif

Fri, 03-18-2005, 07:14 PM
dang I didn't mean to be all perverted or whatever, but why else would Lacus have SEED mode if she doesn't do shit with it anyway? that's all I'm asking =p

and kira and cagalli come from the same mom I think

edit: and cagalli is a natural

Sat, 03-19-2005, 01:43 AM
To add to the Cagalli = Natural thing, I also believe she's a natural, because when she pilots strike-rouge, she needs some AI-assisted program system to pilot it, which may mean that she doesn't have the adaptabilities of a coordinator (notice how everytime any main character gets in a suit they immediately know how to use all it's functions...haah).

Sat, 03-19-2005, 01:55 PM
I dont think seed is something equally in everyone no matter what was hinted in GS...some activate it almost at will...some seem to go in seed mode when they got enough adrenaline and are focused on a single task...some can't do it even if their life depends on it.
Well, Lacus can fly her pink concert gig zaku and own everyone in seed mode..