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View Full Version : Which do you think is better Hunter X Hunter or Full Metal Alchemist

Mon, 02-21-2005, 10:36 PM
Yesh can't believe my other thread got kicked down by the gotwoot gestapo. Well anyone fair is fair I was to vague and cryptic about the reason and purpose of my original thread. I'm sure that long time members of the this forum might remember a former members the screen name was Krafty. I believe you kicked him out after he criticized you for making a thread about breeding various naruto characters.

Krafty is a good friend of mine and he is the person who got me into naruto in the first place. We've been having a bit of an argument lately. I've been trying to get him into full metal alchemist. While he's been trying to get me into Hunter X Hunter. We both argue and bicker about which one is the better series. I can't BT HXH until i get home from school since my school is now blocking peer to peer programs. I gave him two dvds containing the entire FMA series but he's being stubborn and has yet to touch them.

We've both engaged in a bet about which series the various people in gotwoot like better. That is why i started this dumb thread in the first place. So please weigh in about which of the two series you like better and for what reasons. I think FMA is better because it deals with a wonderful range of contemporary issues. I haven't seen HXH yet but i've done my home work. I've reasearched it and I've read of few of the manga chapters. I honestly wasn't very impressed by the plot or artwork. It struck me as being very generic. So sound off most likely many of you will disagree with me but then again thats the point of this thread. To see who is right me or krafty. So sound off and post your opinions.

Mon, 02-21-2005, 11:36 PM
Okay to be honest, you need to watch both series to decide which is good. I may like FMA and someone else may like Hunter X Hunter. It's personal opinion. It doesn't matter what the majority of people like better since everyone has different opinions. Just because more people like FMA doesn't make FMA a better anime. Just "researching" about Hunter X Hunter is NOT good enough, how can you base the goodness of entire series by a little "research". Overall, our opinion wouldn't matter if you don't watch the series yourself.

Tue, 02-22-2005, 12:05 AM
Of course the best way to decide is by watching both series, but this is not about that anymore. This is about a bet between me and a person who I shall now refer to as Mr X. We both want to see which series more people like on the forums. NOW COME AND EXPRESS YOUR OPINIONS!!!!

Tue, 02-22-2005, 01:27 AM
i like them both but i think HxH was more fun to watch to me, but they're both good series with their own special something that makes them enjoyable

Tue, 02-22-2005, 01:29 AM
Hm in that case then sorry i can't help you since i haven't watched both. however, FMA attracted me more to watch it. I have no motivation to watch Hunter X Hunter.

Tue, 02-22-2005, 02:19 AM
i don't really think the two series are comparable, the two aren't even in the same genre, but The Hunter X Hunter anime didn't even complete the entire story, and the animation was pretty crappy, so i'd say that FMA is better, if you're talking strictly anime. The enjoy reading the HxH manga though.

Tue, 02-22-2005, 09:16 AM
this is so stupid....

i mean your reason for not watching HcH is that you think it will not be better than FMA? that's simply idiotic... this thread really serves no purpose..

and i dont see how you two can argue about which is the better series, if neither of you have seen both... so do yourself a favor and just watch them on your own accord, no need to get into a battle of which is better... both are very good

Tue, 02-22-2005, 11:34 AM
Just watch them already!!! I can't decide a winner, good in there ways.

Well, When i saw FMA it has gone to one of my favourite series, very well done, put together brilliantly, and can't wait for the movie. When i got to the later episodes i was totally hooked, couldn't stop.

HxH, although i haven't seen the anime, i have been a manga fan for ages, and if you read any of the earlier chapters (before i think volume 17-18) the art was great, you probably got some of the newer chapters, where the mangaka has been sick, and his work has suffered greatly.

Overall, watch them both they are high ranking anime/manga in my view.

Wed, 02-23-2005, 01:43 AM
I agree with most people on this, both of you should just give up on the bet and watch the shows. There is no way for you guys to really appreciate or know each of them if you haven't even tryed to watch them.

Wed, 02-23-2005, 02:58 AM
well.. it's pointless to argue about which anime is better i think.. especially if you didn't watch them all.....

so my suggestion is drop the argument... @_@ and betting on. what series is watched more.. well... kinda ........

Wed, 02-23-2005, 07:50 AM
Stop being retarded and just watch both of them. The two series can barely even be compared to each other.

Death BOO Z
Wed, 02-23-2005, 09:39 AM
wow, it's like watching a DBZ fanatic arguing with an YYH fanatic...
"my anime is better!"
-"no way! DBZ puts YYH to shame!
"god, you're an idiot, everybody knows that YYH is the bestest!"
-"shut up! asshole! DBZ is the gr8est!
"fuck you!"
-"son of a bitch!"

both you and your friend are idiots, since you won't watch the other anime for some sort of stupid ego reason...
and yet, you already admitted that you're arguing without any reason...

so, if you want my opinnion...
objectfully, FMA has better graphics and a deeper plot, but i just like HxH more than FMA...

or in other words, everyone is free to decide which anime he likes more, so the argument is stupid, and therefore, you are.

Wed, 02-23-2005, 09:51 AM
FMA is nr 1 anime for and HXH is number 2i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

FMA better story,little darker while HXH has better characthers,action,.

My bro thinks Naruto anime is better than FMA and i think he is crazy....the point being you cant agree on everything....

Wed, 02-23-2005, 12:12 PM
I've watched both HxH and FMA, you can't go wrong with either. In my opinion HxH is better and along with Berserk, Legend of the 4 Kings my favourite anime.