View Full Version : Awesome site Gotwoot

Sun, 02-20-2005, 08:30 PM
OMG, i was at your site when you were partnered with Anbu at the time for most of ur anime series and it was mediocre you all of the anime sites look the same now. BUT YOUR SITE TAKES THE BEST ANIME SITE IVE EVER BEEN TO by storm. The pictures in the middle right of the site is awesome i love just refreashing the page just to see new pics lol. your site is 1337, yes super 1337.

note: 1337= elite for all the noobies out there, or people who dont know CZ talk

Change your signature, it is waaay to big. GOTWOOT MODERATOR

Sun, 02-20-2005, 08:39 PM
your sigs to big bud. It needs to be smaller

Mon, 02-21-2005, 10:00 PM
On behalf of the community: Thanks.
But as you probably figured out by now, you need to shrink your sig. Max dimensions: 400x80.

Enjoy your stay.

Tue, 02-22-2005, 11:39 AM
Yeah, Suede did a good job with the site, the fanart is taken from the fanart section, maybe able to find some other ones with a search.

I like the Orochimaru one with the swords, looks mad.

Tue, 02-22-2005, 11:40 AM
Hehe I didn't even notice the change, looks great though. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif