View Full Version : Things that just annoy you.
Fri, 02-18-2005, 07:04 PM
There are "things that annoy you when you are sleeping. why not "things that just annoy you"
theres alot of things that annoy me.. but i just post the things that truely annoys me
have you ever taken a shit. and then you didnt wipe your ass right. then after a while you get this instantius Itch up ur ass? and in the middle of something ur like AHHHHHHHHHH
Little younins who talk too much for their own good. in the real world and in the internet world
Teachers who bitch at you for no reason
Ghetto wannabe's that have no idea how its like to truely to live in the ghetto... and some people who Actucally live in the ghetto are branded a bad name cause of that (me in particular but watevers)
Anyone else get annoyed by stuff? post it off
Fri, 02-18-2005, 07:11 PM
When that dog takes a shit on my lawn.
Winged Dancer
Fri, 02-18-2005, 08:08 PM
Stupid airheads who believe it's cute to imitate Monsters Inc's Boo and go "Boo! Boo!" all fucking day. God, I want to kill them.
People who spit on the street, too.
And people whose first post in these boards is something like "this place is unreliable, maybe I should find other place". Please do it, you wont be missed.
Fri, 02-18-2005, 08:46 PM
i tried a thread like this but it was so general and vague that it became a flame fest when people started listeing other members they hate.
Fri, 02-18-2005, 08:54 PM
things that move.
Fri, 02-18-2005, 09:17 PM
Board of Command
Fri, 02-18-2005, 09:20 PM
-Academy Awards
-People that receive awards and go "omg, omg, thank you, thank you" for 10 minutes
-Little kids that talk shit
-People that find everything to be funny (I know a couple)
-People that argue for the sake of disagreeing with you, even when they know you're right
-people that say "lol" and "rofl" and "lmao" and "roflmao" and "tehe" and "keke"
-l33t people
-Spoiled people
-Undisciplined people
And last but not least, people that start conversations with "Hi, how are you?". That just pisses me off.
Fri, 02-18-2005, 10:06 PM
people who talk a lot of shit
people who try and act like theyre smart and know it all
self righteous judgemental people
thats about it...
EDIT: if your so street and ghetto jusdaman where are you from in new york?
Fri, 02-18-2005, 10:12 PM
my frend's gf who's a total ditz
total ditzes like my frend's gf. he's gotta dump her ass. seriously, he always complains about her whining like a bitch and she always whines that she doesnt get any attention. guess who's the middle-man? >_<
idiots who hook up with ditzes. we all know someone.
hypocrites. especially annoying ones.
Fri, 02-18-2005, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
EDIT: if your so street and ghetto jusdaman where are you from in new york?
See now i never said i was street and ghetto nor do i want to be... if u read correct.y i said that "Ghetto wannabe's that have no idea how its like to truely to live in the ghetto... and some people who Actucally live in the ghetto are branded a bad name cause of that (me in particular but watevers)"
thats to say little young kids who know NOTHING about how tough it is to live there and they trying to glorify it... All they know about the ghetto is what hip hop artists give them. Sure what the artist say is true. but what they do is to try to make a living for themselves through selling weed and other items. I live in the projects but in no way do i want to glorify it. it is not that good there. late at night I have actucally been mugged, got a gun pointed straight to my head. those wannabes don't know anything about the hard ships of living in the ghetto. And i live in LES by the way.
And I just want to stop the talk about this before it starts becomming a flame war.
Fri, 02-18-2005, 11:54 PM
People that call my cell before I wake up
People that call my cell with the wrong number
Flies, hate the little f**kers, espacially when they fly near my ear the noise they make annoys the crap out of me.
Sat, 02-19-2005, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
And soccer moms.
And Hinata.
Sat, 02-19-2005, 12:56 AM
people who take things too seriously.
Sat, 02-19-2005, 06:48 AM
Loud and noicy kids
EDIT: "fjortisar" for those of you who nuderstands what i mean i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sat, 02-19-2005, 06:53 AM
joker kun just fuckin anoys me...... the prick
Sat, 02-19-2005, 07:14 AM
When a fucking bug bites you when your sleeping
When you fall over cos of stupid objects
Annoying people in your class who make a racket
People whos breath smells and breath in your face
People who brag
Fat people who blame other people/things for being fat
People who cant admit to truth
People who hang up on you when you say "Please, wait one second"
Hate people who stare at you just cos your a different colour
Hate racist bastards
Hate people when they look at you just cos you use chopsticks
Bastards who keep bugging you asking you to teach them chinese
Sat, 02-19-2005, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
-Academy Awards
-People that receive awards and go "omg, omg, thank you, thank you" for 10 minutes
-Little kids that talk shit
-People that find everything to be funny (I know a couple)
-People that argue for the sake of disagreeing with you, even when they know you're right
-people that say "lol" and "rofl" and "lmao" and "roflmao" and "tehe" and "keke"
-l33t people
-Spoiled people
-Undisciplined people
And last but not least, people that start conversations with "Hi, how are you?". That just pisses me off.
pretty much everthing he said
but also
people who blame there problems on others instead of there own poor judgment (like those people who insist on suein mcdonalds for the fact that there fat they didn't force ya to eat it)
Sat, 02-19-2005, 07:46 AM
intolerance of other peoples culture
the dutch
i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif wait for it, i know its coming...
Winged Dancer
Sat, 02-19-2005, 09:03 AM
As all people here, racism.
People who believe they are all good and nice and "no, I can't get mad because I'm a good person".
Idiots who believe sex is evil and should be done only in marriage and as little as possible.
Girls who scold me for reading/watching porn.
Yaoi fangirls.
Ok, so I watch yaoi as well, I read yaoi/shounen ai manga, but I can't stand it when they just force yaoi into a non-yaoi show. A la Sasuke/Naruto/Neji/Gaara stuff. Jesus, I want to brick them.
Sat, 02-19-2005, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
As all people here, racism.
People who believe they are all good and nice and "no, I can't get mad because I'm a good person".
Idiots who believe sex is evil and should be done only in marriage and as little as possible.
Girls who scold me for reading/watching porn.
Yaoi fangirls.
Ok, so I watch yaoi as well, I read yaoi/shounen ai manga, but I can't stand it when they just force yaoi into a non-yaoi show. A la Sasuke/Naruto/Neji/Gaara stuff. Jesus, I want to brick them.
k now u are ageanst racism BUT u say that sex is a good thing and u say that u don't like idIots that keep there virginity till marage..
so actually ure a bit racist 2 that's what i think...
Sat, 02-19-2005, 09:47 AM
i think the word is prejedice
racism is just about culture and people im not sure
Winged Dancer
Sat, 02-19-2005, 10:20 AM
As Itachi above said, racism is against cultures, religions, races, etc. If you hate jews just 'cause they are jews, that's racism. If you hate the Dutch (like Basey does - jk), you are racist.
So yeah, I'm predjucied against goody-two-shoes, they annoy me in the same bad grammar does. But I'm afraid that's not racism.
Sat, 02-19-2005, 10:31 AM
Idiots who think they're cool and show off in front of their friends by just making a freakin racket
Sat, 02-19-2005, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
As all people here, racism.
People who believe they are all good and nice and "no, I can't get mad because I'm a good person".
Idiots who believe sex is evil and should be done only in marriage and as little as possible.
Girls who scold me for reading/watching porn.
Yaoi fangirls.
Ok, so I watch yaoi as well, I read yaoi/shounen ai manga, but I can't stand it when they just force yaoi into a non-yaoi show. A la Sasuke/Naruto/Neji/Gaara stuff. Jesus, I want to brick them.
k now u are ageanst racism BUT u say that sex is a good thing and u say that u don't like idIots that keep there virginity till marage..
so actually ure a bit racist 2 that's what i think...
I think you're dumb.
Sat, 02-19-2005, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Sat, 02-19-2005, 12:37 PM
actually the things that annoy me the most are
1) arrogance
2) guys who bail on their friends to be with their girlfriends
Sat, 02-19-2005, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
As Itachi above said, racism is against cultures, religions, races, etc. If you hate jews just 'cause they are jews, that's racism. If you hate the Dutch (like Basey does - jk), you are racist.
almost...racisim is being prejudice against a certain race/ethnicity, jewdaism (sp?) is not a race, its a religion. therefore if you hate all jews you are prejudice against them, not racist.
Elite Hentai
Sat, 02-19-2005, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by: basey_69
intolerance of other peoples culture
the dutch
wait for it, i know its coming...
basey_69 for hating dutch people i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sat, 02-19-2005, 02:40 PM
people that rat others out for something those people didn't even do.
fucking rat.
Sat, 02-19-2005, 03:06 PM
Damn straight bitch.
Sat, 02-19-2005, 04:27 PM
ugly ass chicks that think they can be import models....
Sat, 02-19-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
actually the things that annoy me the most are
1) arrogance
2) guys who bail on their friends to be with their girlfriends
number 2 for me on that one as well. theres this guy who ditched poker night for his gf, gave us an excuse" i have to study" when he was talking to gf on the phone for hours. we raided his house afterwards at 1am
Sun, 02-20-2005, 04:06 AM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
people that rat others out for something those people didn't even do.
fucking rat.
xD same
Sun, 02-20-2005, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Yaoi fangirls.
Ok, so I watch yaoi as well, I read yaoi/shounen ai manga, but I can't stand it when they just force yaoi into a non-yaoi show. A la Sasuke/Naruto/Neji/Gaara stuff. Jesus, I want to brick them.
To brick them would be an all too nice fate, however.
Sun, 02-20-2005, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
1) arrogance
2) guys who bail on their friends to be with their girlfriends
All about being with the girl when everything's going well but always come crawling back to your buddies when shit hits the fan. My cousin would ditch his friends and myself constantly to spend time with his gf.. any wonder he wasn't invited to our mutual friend's wedding?
Anyway.. shit that annoys me... bandwagoning, asskissing, sensationalism.
edit: Not Lockean sensationalism.
Sun, 02-20-2005, 10:58 AM
1) Girls that think they're all that.
2) Eating and suddenly someone call.
3) Watching a movie and the phone just ring.
4) Error while copying to a dvd-r/cd-r.
5) Guys who think they can get any girls they want.
Sun, 02-20-2005, 06:13 PM
when its too hot.
when its too cold.
fat ppl that dont have the decency to cover up(mostly fat girls that wear minimal tops and skirts and shit god i hate that.)
fjortisar(far to annoying. somebody shoot them please.)
wannabe "hip hoppers" or whatever you call them, i mean the kind of guys that think they're black and just cause of that they can do whatever they want.
your regular jock, i mean fine you are playing some sport but just cause of that you're not all that. annoying grrr.
undisciplined/spoiled brats.
old ladies that think they're in their 20's coloring their hair, wearing stylish clothes and all. i mean dress your age damn is it that hard?
teenage moms, i mean buy a fucking condom and its no excuse that you were drinking bitch.
i guess thats it for today, ill post more some other time.
Winged Dancer
Sun, 02-20-2005, 07:45 PM
Going to the movies and someone using their phone/palm/i-pod/shiny device in the middle of the film
Guys who ain't that good looking but believe themselves to be gods
Guys who are good-looking, now it, and believe themselves too good for anyone but Cindy Crawford and/or their hand
Chihuahua dogs
Sun, 02-20-2005, 07:48 PM
wow i have never met a guy that think hes too good for any girl, oh yea except a friend of mine.. but he is damn stupid, there arent many like him....
Sun, 02-20-2005, 07:52 PM
Girls that post pictures of themselves on the Internet in which their faces aren't showing. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sun, 02-20-2005, 11:54 PM
Winged Dancer
Mon, 02-21-2005, 11:53 AM
My college blocking IRC transfers, BT, and other p2p networks...
So... screw them
Mon, 02-21-2005, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
My college blocking IRC transfers, BT, and other p2p networks...
So... screw them
His college.
Mon, 02-21-2005, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by: Haku_san
Originally posted by: Budweineken
My college blocking IRC transfers, BT, and other p2p networks...
So... screw them
His college.
i second that those misserable scrooges how thay expect you to get your anime fix
Mon, 02-21-2005, 12:49 PM
Cocky skateboarding teenagers. I think they are one of the worst ever. I'm always happy whenever they smash their faces in or get beat up by security guards and such.
Mon, 02-21-2005, 02:25 PM
the annoying grandma that used to call every 2 minutes asking for jake simmons...... calling me alittle fucking runt.......just cause shes 80..... im 15 and im a runt.....?
*had about 50 messages from her when we weren't home......
Mon, 02-21-2005, 03:11 PM
chavs aka the peasant class of the UK/UK version of a hick. ( ) why cant they just get a fucking clue, and why doesnt the government just castrate the lot of them? if you want to look at your average chav have a look at . these ppl actually exist and account for around half of british ppl. seriously, just shoot the lot of them.
feminists piss me off so much. they were useful like over 50 years ago but now nobody gives a fuck, seriously, get a clue.
people that vote republican. seriously, just die. fucking hick imature too stupid to think outside what mummy and daddy told you white trash pieces of shit. EAT SHIT AND DIE
people that buy ipods and parade them around like some fashion item. theyre shit, get a clue fuckwit sheep.
fundamental anything (islam/christianity youre all the same), devoting your life to a book? for fucks sake, make your own fucking mind up about things, if you havent got the IQ to do that you should be in a zoo or on a leash, not fucking running countries.
vegetarians that dont eat meat but eat fish. get a fucking clue, fish have feelings too retards.
and im spent.
Mon, 02-21-2005, 04:00 PM
Mon, 02-21-2005, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by: r3n
people that vote republican. seriously, just die. fucking hick imature too stupid to think outside what mummy and daddy told you white trash pieces of shit. EAT SHIT AND DIE
tree huggers
Mon, 02-21-2005, 05:55 PM
agree with you ren.
feminists and vegetarians are the worst pieces of shit that exists.
Mon, 02-21-2005, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: r3n
people that vote republican. seriously, just die. fucking hick imature too stupid to think outside what mummy and daddy told you white trash pieces of shit. EAT SHIT AND DIE
tree huggers
Ha! Partisan politics.
Board of Command
Mon, 02-21-2005, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by: kooshi
Cocky skateboarding teenagers. I think they are one of the worst ever. I'm always happy whenever they smash their faces in or get beat up by security guards and such.
Then I'm sure you'll like this video
Mon, 02-21-2005, 09:04 PM
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, some justice, haha.
Board of Command
Mon, 02-21-2005, 11:25 PM
That's one of the best video clips I've ever seen. In fact it's the only clip that I can just sit and watch all day without getting tired of it.
Board of Command
Mon, 02-21-2005, 11:30 PM
Oh, and one more: hypocrites. I absolutely hate hypocrites.
edit: oops, forgot I already posted. Guess I'm just really eager to point that one out.
Tue, 02-22-2005, 06:02 AM
1 the sound of alarm clocks
2 waking up before the alarm clock goes off
3 trying to go to sleep (i'm an insomniac and have chronic fatigue. is it possible? i am living proof.)
4 washing dishes
5 tweekers they never shut up and come up with the stupidest ideas
6 will smith with his stupid one-liners i've never seen such a bad actor except for
7 queen latifa the wominized version of will smith
Tue, 02-22-2005, 06:35 AM
the fact that it wont let me change my avatar here. just keeps saying "only accept JPG or GIF files" even tho its a .JPG and is 60x60 and not over the file size limitations. i wouldnt mind as much if it wasnt for the fact that the default avatar pics sux
Tue, 02-22-2005, 07:01 AM
what are ya talking about r3n, i think cartoon women with blue hair nets are sexy
btw im joking
and i also hate vegeteians who eat fish
Tue, 02-22-2005, 10:57 AM
i hate reality tv shows.
every single one of them.
but in particular, the crap they got on mtv.
i hate the osbournes - i hate newlyweds(seriously how long do you have to be married before your not a newlywed anymore, the show sucks ass anyway) - i hate that ashley simpson bullshit.
and on that note im gonna add mtv into the mix as well.
how many times is mtv gonna try to push a shitty trend or brand of music onto the people?
for the most part theres astounding success - like people have no brain or thought pattern.
but, as seen with ashley simpson and her super bowl performance - i love it when they get that shit shoved back in their faces. the people were like "not this time mtv, this bitch sucks and we know it, you can take this poppy ass rock and shove it"
i also hate punkers/goths/people who wear make up and stupid clothes to try to be "unique" and different from everyone else by dressing and acting like other people who do the same. guess what retards?? your still part of the corporate machine douche bags, just a different flavor.
also, i hate people who are anti-establishment just to be anti-establishment. you know the type the guys who are like "ya man anarchy is the way it should be!" - guess what pencil dick, if anarchy was the rule your skinny ass would be toast in a day, and instead of big goverment running shit youd have small gangs running shit and you still wouldnt get to do what you wanted to do.
another on the things to hate list is people who like shit just because its drug related/influenced. let me tell you people something, dr. seuss was most likely not on acid. and even if he was his books still suck ass once you get a firm grip on how to read. hunter s. thompson dead or not still had shitty books, and cheech doesnt even smoke weed.
thats all for now.
Winged Dancer
Tue, 02-22-2005, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by: Haku_san
Winged Dancer
In general, all politics and politicians annoy me.
People that worry too much about everything.
And people that whine and whine about their problems but make no attempt to make things better.
It worse if they come to cry on my shoulder. Jesus I hate that.
Tue, 02-22-2005, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by: Samanosuke
i hate reality tv shows.
every single one of them.
but in particular, the crap they got on mtv.
i hate the osbournes - i hate newlyweds(seriously how long do you have to be married before your not a newlywed anymore, the show sucks ass anyway) - i hate that ashley simpson bullshit.
and on that note im gonna add mtv into the mix as well.
how many times is mtv gonna try to push a shitty trend or brand of music onto the people?
for the most part theres astounding success - like people have no brain or thought pattern.
but, as seen with ashley simpson and her super bowl performance - i love it when they get that shit shoved back in their faces. the people were like "not this time mtv, this bitch sucks and we know it, you can take this poppy ass rock and shove it"
i also hate punkers/goths/people who wear make up and stupid clothes to try to be "unique" and different from everyone else by dressing and acting like other people who do the same. guess what retards?? your still part of the corporate machine douche bags, just a different flavor.
also, i hate people who are anti-establishment just to be anti-establishment. you know the type the guys who are like "ya man anarchy is the way it should be!" - guess what pencil dick, if anarchy was the rule your skinny ass would be toast in a day, and instead of big goverment running shit youd have small gangs running shit and you still wouldnt get to do what you wanted to do.
another on the things to hate list is people who like shit just because its drug related/influenced. let me tell you people something, dr. seuss was most likely not on acid. and even if he was his books still suck ass once you get a firm grip on how to read. hunter s. thompson dead or not still had shitty books, and cheech doesnt even smoke weed.
thats all for now.
This is a great list! So many stupid people following the media.
Tue, 02-22-2005, 02:20 PM
i think the best idea for a reality tv show would be to have an UNREAL TOURNAMENT
take 10 people from prisons around the world, give them each a gun, put them all in a maze, and the last one standing gets a pack of cigs
fun for the whole family
shows like fear factor and survivor confirm that we are heading in this direction in the future i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Tue, 02-22-2005, 03:01 PM
Whoo, Unreal Tournament. You're gonna have to get ready to be bashed by the majority of the world just for showing that, haha.
Tue, 02-22-2005, 03:12 PM
then the world is just a bunch of pansies.....
overpopulation is a problem enough as it is. Giving life sentences to prisoners and using our tax dollars to give them bread each day is meaningless
Tue, 02-22-2005, 03:32 PM
assertn has got the right idea iv been saying that prisons are a waste of our tax money it costs some 30 k per year to house ONE inmate and there are tons....
Board of Command
Tue, 02-22-2005, 04:41 PM
They should start doing public executions again. That'll teach people not to do stupid shit that gets them in jail.
Tue, 02-22-2005, 09:10 PM
i find people who dont like vegemite annoying, i mean come on, vegemite
Tue, 02-22-2005, 09:50 PM
Im annoyed that I can't put my new Avatar!!. somebody please fix it.
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 02-23-2005, 12:22 AM
Things that annoy me:
1) People that always have to have the last word.
2) People that argue about nothing.
3) People who continue trying to argue a point that you can clearly tell they know is wrong.
4) Violent people
5) Cowardly people
6) People who believe they can think for everyone.
7) Trash talking people who know full well I'm one step from slaying them.
8) People who don't care about the consequences of their action to others.
9) People
10) Babies
Wed, 02-23-2005, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Things that annoy me:
1) People that always have to have the last word.
2) People that argue about nothing.
3) People who continue trying to argue a point that you can clearly tell they know is wrong.
4) Violent people
5) Cowardly people
6) People who believe they can think for everyone.
7) Trash talking people who know full well I'm one step from slaying them.
8) People who don't care about the consequences of their action to others.
9) People
10) Babies
Couldn't have said it any better myself. One thing I might add, and that's "everything".
Board of Command
Wed, 02-23-2005, 12:49 AM
Babies are pretty ugly. I hate it when woman get all cuddly over a hideous baby.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 01:28 AM
That's a pretty good list Uchiha Barles, agree with alot of them too
By the way @_@ Did you just come back Uchiha Barles..haven't seen you post in along time, unless i wasn't paying if so, Welcome Back.
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 02-23-2005, 01:32 AM
Hi! No, I've been gone for about forever, I posted a short explanation in the what are you listening to thread. Wow, Jounin. It has been awhile.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Hi! No, I've been gone for about forever, I posted a short explanation in the what are you listening to thread. Wow, Jounin. It has been awhile.
Yo Barles, Welcome back.
anyways to what annoys me at the moment, when a chick friend of mine complains and complains about her life, and its not bad at all. Lucky for me, I tend not to listen.
Winged Dancer
Wed, 02-23-2005, 10:06 AM
Lucky you, indeed... my female genes keep me from not listening, they force me to put attention to what whatever the idiot is saying and then try to help her/him.... which of course comes down to nothing. Example of a conversation I had once:
Girl: ...and my parents suck and I actually investigated on which poison could kill them easily.
Me: Yeah, right. Look, all this drama is 'cause they don't let you come out of the house unless you get a job, right?
Girl: Yeah.
Me: Why don't you get a fucking job then?
Girl: Because I wanted to work at the library and they are not taking employees anymore.
Me: Well then, work at Blockbuster. Or Starbucks. Or Pizza Hut or McDonalds or Taco Bell. You need a job and you can't be so picky right now.
Girl: Oh, but I hate the people that go to Starbucks or Blockbuster! I'd end up shouting at the clients.
Me: Tough luck. COntrol yourself, suffer a bit, then you get a better job.
Girl: But....!
etc, etc, etc. Goddamnit, how I hated her.
Board of Command
Wed, 02-23-2005, 12:16 PM
And that is why people fail at life.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 12:18 PM
My parents wouldn't let me hang out that much either. I was thinking of getting a job too, but that's it like wasting time for me, and i'll be tire out after. Beside, i don't really need money, because my parents give it to me when i needed it.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by: animefreak
My parents wouldn't let me hang out that much either. I was thinking of getting a job too, but that's it like wasting time for me, and i'll be tire out after. Beside, i don't really need money, because my parents give it to me when i needed it.
oh, well then it looks like you've got your future all figured out, eh?
Wed, 02-23-2005, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by: Samanosuke
i hate reality tv shows.
every single one of them.
Come on... you can't say that WB Superstars sucked... that has to be the best show ever done on tv...
Wed, 02-23-2005, 01:31 PM
Things that annoy me:
Housemates who put their dishes in the sink, when the dishwasher is less than a foot away
Housemates who put garbage into the recycling bin
Housemates who try to make me eat vegetables....honestly, I'm 22, if I don't want to eat broccoli, I don't have to
People who act fake
Wed, 02-23-2005, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
then the world is just a bunch of pansies.....
overpopulation is a problem enough as it is. Giving life sentences to prisoners and using our tax dollars to give them bread each day is meaningless
Prisoners here in sweden even get ps2 to play with as thanks for killing/raping/stealing etc....
Wed, 02-23-2005, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: animefreak
My parents wouldn't let me hang out that much either. I was thinking of getting a job too, but that's it like wasting time for me, and i'll be tire out after. Beside, i don't really need money, because my parents give it to me when i needed it.
oh, well then it looks like you've got your future all figured out, eh?
of course i don't depend on my parents all the time. I will have to find a job someday. The job must be something i like, not a job like a fast food restuarant.
Winged Dancer
Wed, 02-23-2005, 03:07 PM
Inspired by KitKat, I remembered something else I hate!
Vegetarias who act all high-and-mighty when surrounding by normal meat-eating people, as if not eating meat made them so much better than you.
And when they get started on their rants about how eating meat is unfair to the animals and whatever...
Wed, 02-23-2005, 03:36 PM
COme on now.... Dont gotta hate! just gotta get annoyed Lol
Board of Command
Wed, 02-23-2005, 04:00 PM
Another thing that annoys the hell out of me is when computer noobs talk about retarded things. When I intervene I gotta act like I don't know much either because they'll just start arguing with me if I get too technical and sound like I know my stuff. When the conversation gets blatantly stupid and I try to correct them, they talk like they know everything and disagree. Everytime this happens it just flat out pisses me off.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
then the world is just a bunch of pansies.....
overpopulation is a problem enough as it is. Giving life sentences to prisoners and using our tax dollars to give them bread each day is meaningless
Prisoners here in sweden even get ps2 to play with as thanks for killing/raping/stealing etc....
yea thats annoying they get better food than we get in the schools to. like 6 months ago 4 convicts all murderers, escaped from the highest security prison here in sweden and they just walked out form there without much trouble at all. that annoys me more than anything when schools and hospitals need money they cut the funds just to give more to the prisons and other facilities like that. just put them in a hole somewhere and let them starv to death, much cheaper.
this made me think about another thing, a while ago a 13 year old got raped in sweden by 4 men from the middle east 16, 24, 28 and 35 i think they were. 3 of them walked and one got 6 months so basicly rape is not a crime anymore. they walked because the victim was drunk and because appearently they didnt interact with the victim while she was sober like the one guy that got 6 months did. 3 of these men were in the country for the time being wanting to stay for good, but the government hadnt approved yet, if they commit a crime they should be sent home, but since they didnt got convicted for the rape they get to stay and do it one more time or whatever they are up to. that pisses me off, the laws are to easy you should get life for rape in my opinion.
Board of Command
Wed, 02-23-2005, 06:32 PM
Nah, life's a bit harsh for rape. If the man can't afford a hooker, then there's no other way.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 06:36 PM
thats not even funny BoC, rape is never the way
Wed, 02-23-2005, 06:41 PM
lol now that was funny basey, but yeah rape is just the excuse you give when you figure out you have no chance of ever getting a girl
Wed, 02-23-2005, 06:46 PM
lol i wasnt trying th be funny i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif , but yea rape is only for those sick fucks out there
Wed, 02-23-2005, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
then the world is just a bunch of pansies.....
overpopulation is a problem enough as it is. Giving life sentences to prisoners and using our tax dollars to give them bread each day is meaningless
Prisoners here in sweden even get ps2 to play with as thanks for killing/raping/stealing etc....
yea thats annoying they get better food than we get in the schools to. like 6 months ago 4 convicts all murderers, escaped from the highest security prison here in sweden and they just walked out form there without much trouble at all. that annoys me more than anything when schools and hospitals need money they cut the funds just to give more to the prisons and other facilities like that. just put them in a hole somewhere and let them starv to death, much cheaper.
this made me think about another thing, a while ago a 13 year old got raped in sweden by 4 men from the middle east 16, 24, 28 and 35 i think they were. 3 of them walked and one got 6 months so basicly rape is not a crime anymore. they walked because the victim was drunk and because appearently they didnt interact with the victim while she was sober like the one guy that got 6 months did. 3 of these men were in the country for the time being wanting to stay for good, but the government hadnt approved yet, if they commit a crime they should be sent home, but since they didnt got convicted for the rape they get to stay and do it one more time or whatever they are up to. that pisses me off, the laws are to easy you should get life for rape in my opinion.
I read that only 1/100 rape accused get jail the rest go free, thats a disgrace!!!
Wed, 02-23-2005, 07:23 PM
yea it really is. many goes free because the girl has been drinking but thats not an excuse its still rape, i cant believe the idiots that get the job of being a judge. and the laws need to be rewritten to.
hey BoC dont try to justify rape even as a joke its not funny.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 07:30 PM
I'm annoyed with BoC for that rape joke
Winged Dancer
Wed, 02-23-2005, 07:44 PM
Bah, y'all shouldn't be complaining about your legal systems. They just can't possibly be worse than mine, and I mean it. In half my country to steal a cow is considered a worse crime than to rape a woman. I know you are laughing and truthfully it really is so stupid that its laughable, and yet they are only in the proccess of changing that kind of laws.
Even worse, it just surfaced that the mexican mafia (the narco, as we call it) was actually in control of most of the prision's legal procedures or whatever, so the police had lotsa narcos in but they kept working from the prision. So one day (a month ago or so) one man from a different narco-group walked into the prision and shot dead the head of the other group.
Bang! Now we have guerrilla wars, narco against narco against police, and suddenly they caught this guy who was working directly with the president and who was actually a narco informer. So the entire country and 90% of the politics are like "O_O!!!! WTF???!!!!!111" and the narco-war is still going and three days ago around 12 people appeared dead close to the Rio Bravo, oh, and one American police and a marine were executed by them as well.
So of course Bush's administration is all like "Hey, stop throwing your dead bodies here!!!1" and we answered something like "U can't tell us what 2 do, uh wait u can!!! lollolz, soree!!!!!1" and everything's fucked up.
...and it takes 45 fucking minutes to get to my school even though it's about 6 miles away because of the traffic caused by yet another shitty excuse of a politician who, weirdly enough, doesn't figure in the above narco thing... oh wait, yes! It was his job to make sure the jails were controlled by the state, not the criminals!! Wow.
Man, I wanna emmigrate or something.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 08:06 PM
there are alot of communities where rape isnt even considered a crime.....its all a matter of the rules and beliefs set by the society you're raised in
Wed, 02-23-2005, 08:14 PM
ur mexican? i didnt realise i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif
mmm can u mail me a taco?
Winged Dancer
Wed, 02-23-2005, 08:15 PM
I know, and indeed - in my country there's a special law called "Uses and Traditions" which permits the people to behave in illegal (very illegal) ways and be excused because it's a tradition.
So for instance about six months ago an entire community lynched and burned alive three cops, because they thought they were criminals.
They didn't give them a trail, even by "community" standards.
They didn't give them a chance to defend themselves... two of them died, one is still in a comma.
Even if it's "tradition" and protected by law because of that, there are some things that just shouldn't be allowed. Like raping and lynching.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 08:47 PM
idiot people who cook popcorn at 2:00a.m in the morning and burning it..making the even more annoying fire alarm go off. Annoying sound of the loud fire alarm and the stupid flashing lights that make you dizzy if you woke up in a dark room since you were trying to sleep and then have to go outside in the cold and wait forever for the firetrucks to come just to come to see it was burnt popcorn and then have to walk through the stink of the burnt popcorn on the way back to your room. -_-
Winged Dancer
Wed, 02-23-2005, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by: basey_69
ur mexican? i didnt realise
mmm can u mail me a taco?
No, you'll have to content yourself with the ugly tacos sold at Taco-Bell, which taste like shit and are no real taco at all. Your existance shall be forever deprived of true taco-ness, unless you take a spiritual trip to Mexico and discover the true meaning of diharrea!!
@ShinobiNeko - ...haven't we ever shared a room anywhere? 'Cause the exact thing happened to me around two years ago...
Wed, 02-23-2005, 09:17 PM
Cell phones that go off during lectures.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 09:42 PM
i love mexican food.
Wed, 02-23-2005, 09:49 PM
yeah its good, anywho
another thing for me: stupid little brothers(mine), and his severly retarded friends
Wed, 02-23-2005, 09:53 PM
heh Winged Dancer, actually that fire alarm crap happened yesterday, though it seems to hapen all the time
Wed, 02-23-2005, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by: Knives122
yeah its good, anywho
another thing for me: stupid little brothers(mine), and his severly retarded friends
I feel your pain
Wed, 02-23-2005, 10:22 PM
all little kids, they like to hit me for some reason...
Winged Dancer
Wed, 02-23-2005, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by: ShinobiNeko
heh Winged Dancer, actually that fire alarm crap happened yesterday, though it seems to hapen all the time
All of the time? Mmh, that sucks.
Now that I think of it, it wasn't popcorn, it was pizza. I was living at England at the time and a crazy russian girl microwaving a pizza at 2:00 in the morning... we had to evacuate the building, and can you imagine what is it like to wait for 40 minutes in London's morning? Gods that was cold.
Hey, now I can actually add to the list!!
Crazy Russians who burn pizza annoy me. Well, it was worth a good laugh, but at the moment I sure was annoyed!
Board of Command
Wed, 02-23-2005, 10:57 PM
Damn, people are getting pissed about my view on rape. Sorry if it offended anyone.
Thu, 02-24-2005, 08:18 AM
wow alot of things going on in mexico huh? doesnt sound to good. and that law for traditions sounds to stupid, its a tradition to lynch ppl?
and BoC it didnt offend me its just that you said the wrong thing at the wrong time, it sounded really retarded.
Winged Dancer
Thu, 02-24-2005, 09:53 AM
A lot!
Well, lyniching itself is not a tradition... or it may be, I'm not sure. The defenders of that "law" say that Mexico has many cultures within itself (which is very true) and their traditions must be preserved, and the people from those "cultures" (which truthfully ain't that special at all anymore) say that lynching is a form of "social justice" that has been in use since centuries ago. And the debate keeps going... stupid, isn't it?
For the sake of the thread,
Nationalism annoys the hell out of me. But its not so bad as Patrioterism, which is, truthfully, hateable.
Board of Command
Thu, 02-24-2005, 05:23 PM
Lynching's awesome, everyone should do it as long as the cops don't get corrupted.
Swallow Your Soul
Thu, 02-24-2005, 06:08 PM
Scallies. AKA Chavs. I'm amazed that its taken this long for the rest of the country to start hating them...they've been legendary in Manchester and Liverpool for years (sadly).
Stereotypical eco-warrior style students - I often got over-opinionated when I was in college (which in the UK basically translates as playschool/kindergarten for post-high-school teenagers - most people have to go there before University) so I'm probably not in a great position to slag them off, but they do my head in when the 'save the turtles' anti-capitalism crap gets too much. Then when they get out half of them end up working for an insurance company.
People who are like 12 years old who go on about how heartbreaking it is that Kurt Cobains or some other dead musician snuffed it, back when they were like 2 or 3 years old.
Vegans (sp). I don't think I need to explain.
Those people who hassle you on the street, either asking you if you've had any personal injurys over the last six months so you can sue someone (we seem to be getting closer to America for suing people for crap reasons) or the people who want money for charity, but rather than asking for a one-time donation, they want your credit card number so they can drain a fixed amount from you indefinitely, then try to make you look bad in public for not doing so.
Thu, 02-24-2005, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
A lot!
Well, lyniching itself is not a tradition... or it may be, I'm not sure. The defenders of that "law" say that Mexico has many cultures within itself (which is very true) and their traditions must be preserved, and the people from those "cultures" (which truthfully ain't that special at all anymore) say that lynching is a form of "social justice" that has been in use since centuries ago. And the debate keeps going... stupid, isn't it?
For the sake of the thread,
Nationalism annoys the hell out of me. But its not so bad as Patrioterism, which is, truthfully, hateable.
hmm i think ill propose that swedes and scandinavians to go back to the viking lifestyle and believe in the old viking gods maybe we could go and wreck havoc in england or something i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif.
on a more serious note, i think its retarded to say that just because something was done in the past and was accepted back then doesnt mean it is accepted now. keeping tradition and keep in touch with your roots(sp?) is a good thing in itself but it has to be on a normal level not something crazy like lynching or stoneing(sp?). there really are alot of weird things in the world and im okay with it as long as it doesnt hurt anybody.
Thu, 02-24-2005, 07:30 PM
Im so freakin annoyed by jin234 threads. he just keeps asking the same questions over and over again!
Board of Command
Thu, 02-24-2005, 08:25 PM
I'm also annoyed by those church people that come to your house every Sunday. My dad accidentally let them in for the first time many years ago, and they've been stuck to us ever since like heroin addicts stuck to heroin. We really don't wanna say "screw off, we don't believe in Christianity", so everytime they come, I have to answer the door and say my dad's busy, either showering or not home.
Thu, 02-24-2005, 08:55 PM
my cousins of 12 9 and 5.... entertaining them is impossible they tear apart my room whenever theyre over and then try and tackle me.... one time i was playing ps2 with them and they were like "wow you suck why do i bother playing" because i was letting them win.... needless to say they havent one since and never play anymore which leaves nothing to do but jump on my bed and have pillow fights with each other and basically just beat the hell out of my poor poor room
Thu, 02-24-2005, 10:27 PM
please help me in understanding the difference between nationalism and patriotism (which i think are good things so the USA can continue its course to take over the world)
Winged Dancer
Thu, 02-24-2005, 10:47 PM
Board of Command, care to explain me how lynching is awesome? 'Cause a mob of hundreds kicking, stone-ing and hitting two or three guys to their deaths has never sounded too good to me, really.
And Sharingan Kakashi - ok, this ain't from any dictionary, but here's what I think are _my_ definitions and the differences in between.
Nationalism is simply believing your country is the greatest 'cause you believe in your heroes (which are usually a bunch of old farts historians have made all big and important) and in the ideals that your country technically stands for (besides money and power), and end up a little blind towards the rest of the cultures and the countries - why learn about them or take an interest in them when your country is so obviously superior?
Now, Patrioterism is when you think your country is TEH BESTEST LOLZ!!!!!11 and all who don't believe so and/or think differently from the way your country does are stupid big-headed idiots who hate your country and hate you and your dog and should be put in jail because OMG their a THREATH to LIBERTY!!!!!!!!
Besides that, Patrioterism is marketable. Patrioterism is when little shiney flags are sold at 1.99 (discount price!!!) or when you go to a theather and during the interlude, just for the sake of it, they light lots of candles in the shape of the flag so they can feel good about themselves being patriotic.
The differences... well, Nationalism is a bit more real, more truthful. Is for people who at least have bothered to kinda study things somewhat.
Patrioterism is for morons.
And Bush's presidency, from the outside, is waaaaay full of it!
Or at least that's how we feel it =P
Thu, 02-24-2005, 10:52 PM
you have it backwards winged dancer. switch your defintion for nationalism to patriotism and vice versa.
for instance, nationalism caused wwi and wwii not patriotism.
Winged Dancer
Thu, 02-24-2005, 11:45 PM
Yes, but they weren't so flashy. I'll make my above post really short: Patrioterism has shiney lights and is real tacky.
Meh, I wont try to keep explaining. "Patrioterism" musn't even exist as a word in english... it's a mexican expression I just translated directly.
Thu, 02-24-2005, 11:55 PM
hmm.....not too positive either, but i know that at least one of those doesnt necessarily mean that you believe your country is the best
if you join the army as a sense of fulfilling your obligations, then i think that makes you one or the other...but it doesnt mean you have a superiority complex
Board of Command
Fri, 02-25-2005, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Board of Command, care to explain me how lynching is awesome? 'Cause a mob of hundreds kicking, stone-ing and hitting two or three guys to their deaths has never sounded too good to me, really.
Well I did say it's ok only if the people don't exploit the ability. If you witness a murder, you might as well take him out without a trial. But if a gang of people "acuse" someone and kill the innocent guy, that's wrong. Lynching works wonders if everyone wouldn't take advantage of it.
Uchiha Barles
Fri, 02-25-2005, 12:12 AM
If I remember correctly, patriotism is a special case of nationalism. In high school we used patriotism to describe the belief in the superiority of ones country, and nationalism to the describe the belief in the superiority of anything else one happens to be a part of (like a culture). So the superiority complex is in both. However, I've come to see patriots (non-idiot ones) who believe in thier country and instead of just having a superiority complex, strive to make their country better, knowing full well its not where it could be. So I guess a negative connotation for patriot isn't necessary.
Sat, 02-26-2005, 12:02 AM
no patriotism is pride in ones country, nationalism is believing your countries priorites are more important than any others (basically your country is better)
Death BOO Z
Sun, 05-08-2005, 03:38 PM
edit: oww, i was directed to the topic from a diffrent one, so i actually responded to something you wrote in the first page, please ignore this message from now on.
though you still had it coming.
Sun, 05-08-2005, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
come on, you had it coming, just becuase she doesn't like it when people behave as if sex is the source of evil doesn't make her a racist, if things were so, then every person who doesn't like something would be a racist.
example: I don't like soccer, football and bush, and yet i'm not a racist. and how do we know that i'm not one? becuase my mother said so.
hmm tru. but what is [IMG][/IMG?? this. it's my avatar what do u mean by posting it??..
Sun, 05-08-2005, 06:38 PM
alot of the stuff has been said so ill just start adding.
Vegetarians in general, I once took one out to lunch and ordered two steaks, one for me one for her. I told her if she didnt eat it the cow was killed unecesarily and its sacrifice was in vain. XD
Anyone who finds out I speak spanish and instantly labels me as Mexican, Cuban, etc. Im sure quite a few asians experience similar problems. I swear my race is determined by state and city. Im cuban in miami Mexican in NC puerto rican in tampa. Jesus.
Anyone that thinks calling me a point in heavily accented spanish is a comeback.
Anyone named Pig or Harry ( long story to this.)
country music.
tree hugging hippies that beleive that to be a republican is a sin
Sun, 05-08-2005, 06:44 PM
[i]Anyone named Pig or Harry ( long story to this.)
tell us tell us.
and i have that 2 of being called other than i am. have been called marok,afgan arab. realy don't like it 2
Mon, 05-09-2005, 05:21 AM
vegetarians who don't eat meat because it's hurts animals, or because they're cute or whatever. Those people piss me off. Seriously...people eat the damn animals because we don't really feel they have feelings or a soul, we don't feel like we're "murdering" a chicken. Those vegetarians do...but they're hippocrites. They're eating plants, which are also living/breathing organisms. When you cook a plant, you *are* kiling a defenceless little tomato or whatever. If a chicken shouldn't be slaughtered because it has 'feelings' or whatever, then couldn't you say a plant does too? They respond to music and touch afterall right?
I don't care if you're a vegetarian because you want to have a healthier diet or because you don't like the taste of meat, that's fine, your choice. But if it's because you think killing animals is cruel, you are an idiot.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 10:05 AM
Anyone who thinks Just because I watch anime and play video games means I cant fight. agh. how many bones do I have to break in a single person before they tell their friends, gr.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 10:12 AM
Kezren : SAME LOL, but once i punched some kid in my class in the face so man times and his face went green
Mon, 05-09-2005, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by: Sam98034
vegetarians who don't eat meat because it's hurts animals, or because they're cute or whatever. Those people piss me off. Seriously...people eat the damn animals because we don't really feel they have feelings or a soul, we don't feel like we're "murdering" a chicken. Those vegetarians do...but they're hippocrites. They're eating plants, which are also living/breathing organisms. When you cook a plant, you *are* kiling a defenceless little tomato or whatever. If a chicken shouldn't be slaughtered because it has 'feelings' or whatever, then couldn't you say a plant does too? They respond to music and touch afterall right?
I don't care if you're a vegetarian because you want to have a healthier diet or because you don't like the taste of meat, that's fine, your choice. But if it's because you think killing animals is cruel, you are an idiot.
Plants are insentient life forms, idiot.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 02:50 PM
People named Charilax
Mon, 05-09-2005, 03:28 PM
i hate guys with "ster" on the end of their names.
overly racial identification - ie racists who try to disguise their racism under the word "activist".
homo's who think its a pressing issue that theyre gay = "hi, im <u>stupid name here</u> and im gay" - dont care, keep it to yourself homo.
frat boys.
women who are sluts and get mad when you call them a slut.
people who get mad because their relatives who cant speak english were denied a job in america because they cant speak english.
fake tough guys.
fat guys who think theyre tough guys.
guys who think pumping iron automatically means they can fight.
people who study fighting forms as a hobby - if your not getting hit and hitting in turn you are learning nothing.
learning to fight = bruises, cuts, and general uglyness - if you dont have that you arent learning shit.
people who discriminate based on criminal record and criminal record alone.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 03:44 PM
Religious people when they force their beliefs. I don't need to be preached what to believe in and all other religions are bullshit. what difference does it make what you believe in if you live your life respecting others etc.
Money. It makes people do ugly things and basically everyting that's wrong in this world has something to do with money. But I guess if people didn't fight over money they'd fight over something else. we stupid suicadial gits...
pokemon..... *veinpop*
Mon, 05-09-2005, 03:58 PM
people that hate pokemon... =P
Tue, 05-10-2005, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by: Kezren
people that hate pokemon... =P
Wow, you must have absolutely no friends!
Board of Command
Tue, 05-10-2005, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by: Kezren
people that hate pokemon... =P
You're too young to use the internet, son.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 09:24 PM
i almost got arrested today.
i wonder if i will ever escape racism. :/
Tue, 05-10-2005, 09:25 PM
hahaha, you almost got arrested because you're a Mexican.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 09:31 PM
im puerto rican fuck you piece of shit.
i wonder if your such an asshole cuz your chinese
Tue, 05-10-2005, 10:06 PM
Hey.... im mix between chinese and PR.... I AM A DIPLOMAT!!!!!!!! ahahhaha but it aint rite talkin about other races...
Tue, 05-10-2005, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
im puerto rican fuck you piece of shit.
i wonder if your such an asshole cuz your chinese
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
im puerto rican fuck you piece of shit.
i wonder if your such an asshole cuz your chinese
Originally posted by: JusDaMan
Hey.... im mix between chinese and PR.... I AM A DIPLOMAT!!!!!!!! ahahhaha but it aint rite talkin about other races...
i/expressions/musicnote.gif Give peace a chance....thats what we are give peace a chance. i/expressions/musicnote.gif *sniff* I love you all. Now lets all have a group hug i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Board of Command
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:02 AM
Spanish names annoy me, stuff like Jorge.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:46 AM
hey, while we're on the race-annoyance train.....i'll add one
asians who like to use "azn" in their online identities
although its fun to openly mock them by referring to myself as "caucazn" i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Board of Command
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:48 AM
1337 5P33K
Wed, 05-11-2005, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: Sam98034
vegetarians who don't eat meat because it's hurts animals, or because they're cute or whatever. Those people piss me off. Seriously...people eat the damn animals because we don't really feel they have feelings or a soul, we don't feel like we're "murdering" a chicken. Those vegetarians do...but they're hippocrites. They're eating plants, which are also living/breathing organisms. When you cook a plant, you *are* kiling a defenceless little tomato or whatever. If a chicken shouldn't be slaughtered because it has 'feelings' or whatever, then couldn't you say a plant does too? They respond to music and touch afterall right?
I don't care if you're a vegetarian because you want to have a healthier diet or because you don't like the taste of meat, that's fine, your choice. But if it's because you think killing animals is cruel, you are an idiot.
Plants are insentient life forms, idiot.
You don't have to call me an idiot, jerk. And plants are different from a stone, for example. Plants respond to things. Like I said, touch, music, sunlight. The fly trap is a good example of touch.
But what the hell is your point? Plants aren't conscious, so it's perfectly fine to kill them then? So it's not cruel killing a vegetable or severely retarded person? I'm just trying to say, why is killing a plant ok, but a chicken not ok? If you think killing a turkey or cow is cruel, it should be cruel killing a plant.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 03:18 AM
Originally posted by: Sam98034
You don't have to call me an idiot, jerk. And plants are different from a stone, for example. Plants respond to things. Like I said, touch, music, sunlight. The fly trap is a good example of touch.
But what the hell is your point? Plants aren't conscious, so it's perfectly fine to kill them then? So it's not cruel killing a vegetable or severely retarded person? I'm just trying to say, why is killing a plant ok, but a chicken not ok? If you think killing a turkey or cow is cruel, it should be cruel killing a plant.
Oh my god. You cannot compare the cruelty of killing a plant to killing a severly retarded person. A plant is not a human. As far as the human race is concerned, we are the top of the food chain and the last thing on our "kill-list" is another human being. And in this fucked up society we all live in, insentient being are very far down on the ranks. Also, killing a cow and killing a plant are very different because of the main reason that PLANTS CAN'T FEEL THE PAIN FROM A ROTATING SAW SLICING UP ITS PETALS.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 04:57 AM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: Sam98034
You don't have to call me an idiot, jerk. And plants are different from a stone, for example. Plants respond to things. Like I said, touch, music, sunlight. The fly trap is a good example of touch.
But what the hell is your point? Plants aren't conscious, so it's perfectly fine to kill them then? So it's not cruel killing a vegetable or severely retarded person? I'm just trying to say, why is killing a plant ok, but a chicken not ok? If you think killing a turkey or cow is cruel, it should be cruel killing a plant.
Oh my god. You cannot compare the cruelty of killing a plant to killing a severly retarded person. A plant is not a human. As far as the human race is concerned, we are the top of the food chain and the last thing on our "kill-list" is another human being. And in this fucked up society we all live in, insentient being are very far down on the ranks. Also, killing a cow and killing a plant are very different because of the main reason that PLANTS CAN'T FEEL THE PAIN FROM A ROTATING SAW SLICING UP ITS PETALS.
So because plants can't feel the pain its ok then? Plants just want to live and survive like cows do. And the reason I compared a plant to a person is because a brain dead person, or one that isn't really conscience of his own existetance is basically an insentient being as well, that's how we get "vegtable."
And hell no I'm not really comparing them, this is the opposite of what I think. It's just part of the argument that if you can killing a plant to eat it is no worse than killing an animal to eat it.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 10:46 AM
im 19. and I enjoy the games thank you very much.
onto things that annoy.
This stupid wireless router, damned thing dies on me every 5 minutes. Dont ever buy a D-Link wireless router.. theyre peices of shit. the inventor needs to have a dell pc enema.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 10:53 AM
a plant cant WANT to live, since you cant have desires, hopes, and dreams without a brain. Plants are just a collection of cells that act off its pre-built "instinct" to grow and become the form that we all recognize it as. A venus flytrap doesn't respond to touch because a brain is sensing it, it responds to touch sort of as a reflexive spasm that it evolved to use as a way of recieving nutrients. A venus flytrap has no DESIRE to eat, it just happens that the ones that eat are the ones that are able to produce future generations of that breed of plant.
The only difference between a live plant and a dead plant is the services (or lack thereof) they provide to animals
Now what's pathetic are vegans......
What do they think they had for nutrients when they were a baby? Yeah, just think about that......
Wed, 05-11-2005, 11:39 AM
Extremely bitchy women.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Now what's pathetic are vegans......
What do they think they had for nutrients when they were a baby? Yeah, just think about that......
Soy-based formula. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Wed, 05-11-2005, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Spanish names annoy me, stuff like Jorge.
Well, call him George, Thats what his name is in english. The same with Carlos, is charles.*the more you know*
Wed, 05-11-2005, 06:01 PM
Kiliing a rat or a donkey is no less cruel or evil than killing a tomato plant. That's all my point was, that's my opinion. Assertn and Mut, you are both annoying right now as well. What the hell is your point? You're arguing for the sake of arguing. Your not going to change my opinion, and it's going to be futile arguing with you to try to change yours. I'm not gonna sit here like an idiot and try to have a stupid ass debate over this. Going ahead, get the last word in, I hope it makes you feel good.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 06:11 PM
oh im sorry, i thought this was a FORUM.......
Wed, 05-11-2005, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by: Sam98034
Kiliing a rat or a donkey is no less cruel or evil than killing a tomato plant. That's all my point was, that's my opinion. Assertn and Mut, you are both annoying right now as well. What the hell is your point? You're arguing for the sake of arguing. Your not going to change my opinion, and it's going to be futile arguing with you to try to change yours. I'm not gonna sit here like an idiot and try to have a stupid ass debate over this. Going ahead, get the last word in, I hope it makes you feel good.
Were Omnivores. We eat both plant and animals. And we do it to survive. So if someone's worried about the animals and plants feelings, then they should just die of hunger.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by: Sam98034
Kiliing a rat or a donkey is no less cruel or evil than killing a tomato plant. That's all my point was, that's my opinion. Assertn and Mut, you are both annoying right now as well. What the hell is your point? You're arguing for the sake of arguing. Your not going to change my opinion, and it's going to be futile arguing with you to try to change yours. I'm not gonna sit here like an idiot and try to have a stupid ass debate over this. Going ahead, get the last word in, I hope it makes you feel good.
There is a complete difference between killing a plant and an animal. Plants dont have a conciousness, so it wouldnt have thoughts or dreams like Assertn said, nor would it feel pain. Animals feel pain because its dependant on their survival. If an animal feels pain, it reacts to remove itself from whatever is causing it harm. Plants dont move.( Tho they may shift in order to obtain more sunlight, but thats not movement) I never witness the grass trying to evade the lawnmower while iam cutting it nor an apple screaming in pain as i eat it.
It may be your opinion, but in the view of anyone with half a brain of scientific knowledge your opinion is wrong.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by: Haku_san
Originally posted by: Sam98034
Kiliing a rat or a donkey is no less cruel or evil than killing a tomato plant. That's all my point was, that's my opinion. Assertn and Mut, you are both annoying right now as well. What the hell is your point? You're arguing for the sake of arguing. Your not going to change my opinion, and it's going to be futile arguing with you to try to change yours. I'm not gonna sit here like an idiot and try to have a stupid ass debate over this. Going ahead, get the last word in, I hope it makes you feel good.
There is a complete difference between killing a plant and an animal. Plants dont have a conciousness, so it wouldnt have thoughts or dreams like Assertn said, nor would it feel pain. Animals feel pain because its dependant on their survival. If an animal feels pain, it reacts to remove itself from whatever is causing it harm. Plants dont move.( Tho they may shift in order to obtain more sunlight, but thats not movement) I never witness the grass trying to evade the lawnmower while iam cutting it nor an apple screaming in pain as i eat it.
It may be your opinion, but in the view of anyone with half a brain of scientific knowledge your opinion is wrong.
you just contradicted yourself. You said plants don't react, then you said they did, but not really. This is really stupid, I'm done in this topic.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 07:00 PM
For one I said they may shift inorder to obtain sunlight, and I DID mention in the same sentence its not the same as movement. They dont react to pain, since they do not feel it. Iam not contradicting myself, Iam stating a fact of nature.
Its not stupid. You're just unable to accept the fact your original thoughts were incorrect. Just pick up a biology book and read a bit about plants.
EDIT: Instead of attempting to find errors in my arguement, with that petty " youre contradicting yourself" comment, why not write a logical arguement of your own. Show me the proof that plants feel pain, or they are capable of actual movement. Like i stated above, plants shifting to obtain sunlight is not considered movement.
Board of Command
Wed, 05-11-2005, 07:37 PM
*this discussion has its own thread now*
Sun, 05-15-2005, 04:53 PM
Optical mouses that just die for no obvious reason. Either this thing is possessed by some form of Doom3 hating demon or I am just going to have to avoid Best Buy products.
Board of Command
Sun, 05-15-2005, 05:58 PM
That or you should start buying better mice. Not all optical mice are good.
I find vinegar on fries annoying. Once at a theme park, I bought some fries and used the cajun powder. Everyone looked like I'm Michael Jackson or something. So I sit down and eat my fries. Then I see a bunch of people spraying vinegar on their fries. Cajun is wrong but vinegar is ok?
Mon, 05-16-2005, 01:50 AM
- Willful Ignorance
- People who file for sexual harassment while wearing provocative clothing
- People who can't take a joke
- People who hate predjeduice, and become just as bad by pointing out sterotypes.
- Omlets, I don't know what it is about whisking the yolk into the egg-white, but I think it tastes disgusting.
Mon, 05-16-2005, 01:56 AM
Annoying and rude people on online games. I try having a friendly game against someone while just giving the usual "gl hf" (good luck, have fun) introduction and the "gg" (good game) ending, but the other person sometimes just ends up being an ass and rants on about how godly he is and such.
Swallow Your Soul
Mon, 05-16-2005, 12:36 PM
What is annoying is on games like Unreal Tournament where you just see people whining about lag or that someone is cheating because they got two head-shorts in a row or something...again, sometimes its pretty funny though...
"I was winning until the fucking lag"
"omg u fukin cheater"
etc etc
Mon, 05-16-2005, 04:05 PM
wouldnt that require you to have skill for people to make those kind of responses, swallow your soul? i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Swallow Your Soul
Mon, 05-16-2005, 06:40 PM
Yep it would, I say that merely as an observer, half way down the scoreboard. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Mon, 05-16-2005, 08:31 PM
I simply HATE people who cheat in any online game. Fine, we all know that you have no skill whatsoever, theres no fucking need for you to ruin the game for the rest of us by using some gay-ass cheat.
the other thing I hate are people who smoke in a public area with many people around. One of my friends died a few months ago from lung cancer from inhaling too much second-hand smoke
Board of Command
Mon, 05-16-2005, 09:20 PM
Ya, people like that destroyed Diablo 2.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 02:18 AM
Not sure if has ever been mentioned, but it really annoys me when people in four wheel vehicles with plenty of clearance slow down to a crawl to go over a speed bump. It's not a slow bump; go over the damn thing like you got a pair. The same goes to railroad tracks, people slow down like their car is going to fall apart if they go over them at normal speed. Are they slowing down, hoping that they will get ran over? I sure hope they do.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 01:21 PM
People that decide going 5 miles below the speed limit is the way to go. But then if you try to pass them they just speed up to stop you. You know who you are Mr.Explorer.. Ill slit your throat.. thats a promise.
Board of Command
Tue, 05-17-2005, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by: Foomanchew24
Not sure if has ever been mentioned, but it really annoys me when people in four wheel vehicles with plenty of clearance slow down to a crawl to go over a speed bump. It's not a slow bump; go over the damn thing like you got a pair. The same goes to railroad tracks, people slow down like their car is going to fall apart if they go over them at normal speed. Are they slowing down, hoping that they will get ran over? I sure hope they do.
Both my parents do that. It bothers me too, because they go from 60 to 5, then back up to 60 just because of a little speed bump.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 02:55 PM
The speed limit here is only 25Mph, 30Mph on some parts of the island, and if that was not bad enough .. people drive 15-20Mph on the regular. It is extremely frustrating.
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