View Full Version : Comics Recommendation Megapost
Sat, 02-05-2005, 07:15 PM
In this thread, I (and others, if they so choose) recommend comics for you to read. Unfortunately, since most public torrent sites are now dead and the ones left standing don't focus on comics, I usually won't be including a torrent download link. However, I host about 25GB of comics on my fserv (located on channel #gotwoot after midnight central time, check the IRC thread if you're a newb) so if it's hosted by me I'll make note of it and you can get it from me then.
This is also for general discussion on the comics presented here, or comics in general. No manga, it has its own forum.
Also, I have gotten a tracker to use for comics uploads, when it comes online I'll torrent these comics.
I'll start with Kingdom Come.
Kingdom Come is set in the future of the DC Universe, in a world where most of the "old guard" of superheroes have long since given up their fights for good. Superman has retired, and the heroes of yesteryear followed him into obscurity. Now, with a new generation of metahuman hostilities threatening the world and with growing human resentment at the superhumans, a massive cataclysm strikes the U.S. and Superman, along with the other heroes of his day, must decide if they want to help avert global devestation.
But are their methods necessary at all anymore? Were they ever right in doing what they did?
Mark Waid's capable writing and Alex Ross' amazing artwork make this a classic. It's appreciated by both longtime DC fans and anyone who can appreciate a good moral drama. Don't brush it off just because it's a cape book - read it for the artwork alone and I'm sure you can appreciate the characters too. It's available on my file server.
Art examples:
The future JLA (
Superman (
Sat, 02-05-2005, 09:43 PM
I was thinking, since you seem to be good at this, do you know of any good torrent sites or whatever with lots of X-Men?
I am primarily looking for Gambit stuff, mainly the Gambit series.
Sat, 02-05-2005, 10:19 PM
These aren't comics, but they are episodes.
They have torrents for all kinds of animated shows, like JLU and... The original X-Men!!
Sat, 02-05-2005, 10:31 PM
Goddamnit gaara, stop being so awesome.
Sat, 02-05-2005, 10:40 PM
Gambit is a kickass comic.. Have always been into Marvel-comics (mainly X-men and the mutant-side of thee comics).. But i never understood whats so great about DC-comics.. I find them boring..
But what do DC really stand for?? I look all over and i cant find what it stands for..
Sun, 02-06-2005, 04:42 AM
Originally posted by: TwisT
But what do DC really stand for?? I look all over and i cant find what it stands for..
Detective Comics. So saying "DC Comics" is really just saying Detective Comics Comics.
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I was thinking, since you seem to be good at this, do you know of any good torrent sites or whatever with lots of X-Men?
I am primarily looking for Gambit stuff, mainly the Gambit series.
bah, I told you I don't know torrent sites. you got one for TV eps up there. ZCultFM ( was a great comics tracker but it is currently down and plans to reopen in two days, on the 8th. When it does you can count on some good stuff being torrented there.
As for X-Men, I'll give a shout out to the X-Men stuff I have on hand at the moment.
New X-Men 114-154 (Grant Morrison's run)
This is famed author Grant Morrison's work on New X-Men. It deals with several new villains that Grant introduces to the book, including the vicious Cassandra Nova and a... surprise appearence late in his run. It's got the soap opera drama that X-Men tends toward, as Scott Summers' (Cyclops) marriage to Jean Grey starts to fray at the edges. There's everything from a murder mystery at Xavier's mutant school to aliens landing to a mutant cataclysm that changes the school forever.
I'd say very little background knowledge of the characters is needed to get into this, Morrison gives you the relevant backstory within the books themselves. While I personally think it had some serious flaws (such as the fact that Frank Quitley's shitty work ethic meant getting shitty fill-in artists for half of the early run), Grant knows how to write a good story. Try it. This is available on my file server.
Sun, 02-06-2005, 10:50 AM
No, you said that you knew barely of any torrent sites. Which is a lot better than none.
Bitch. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Anyway, since this is also a discussion thread... who else is totally crazy about Gambit?
I love everything about him. His story, his personality, his weapons, clothing, ability, speech... and he has so many relationships to keep track of. To this day, I think of Gambit x Rogue to be the definitive Marvel pairing. So much drama and stuff in that one, it feels so real.
Mon, 02-07-2005, 03:31 AM
Ok, ok. Torrent whores.
Kingdom Come ( 7226e0&f=Kingdom%20Come.torrent)
And I need you guys to seed this during the daylight hours (US Central).
Winged Dancer
Mon, 02-07-2005, 08:09 AM
Goddamnit people, I'm suppossed to be studying during my free time, and yet you come and post links to good X-Men sites and a torrent for the Kingdom Come??
...I love you all. Been wanting to read that one since, I dunno, ever.
Mon, 02-07-2005, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
No, you said that you knew barely of any torrent sites. Which is a lot better than none.
Anyway, since this is also a discussion thread... who else is totally crazy about Gambit?
I love everything about him. His story, his personality, his weapons, clothing, ability, speech... and he has so many relationships to keep track of. To this day, I think of Gambit x Rogue to be the definitive Marvel pairing. So much drama and stuff in that one, it feels so real.
Well as i said, i like Gambit comics.. Why?? Because he is my favorite X-man.. Ever since back in the 90is when i first began to read X-men.. I like all those things that Terra said to, exept for his speech.. I hate it.. Only bad thing i have to say about him.. What i do love most about him is that he is a master thief.. And that is more like his main "power" or ability rather then his mutant power.. So even if he lost his mutant power he would still kick ass.. And yes.. Rogue and Gamit is the best couple in the Marvel-universe.. I hate Rogue's voice too in the X-men cartoon.. But it was nice in the movie..
But lately i have been getting another favorite character.. Jean Grey because i love her powers.. Actually it was more like i came across X-MAN and he became my new "all-time favorite Marvel-char".. He passed my other all times favorits - Magneto, Silver Surfer, Juggernaut, Gambit and Venom with ease.. He was so cool and his powers was wicked cool too.. And since Jean Gray has almost the same powers she became on of my favorit's.. So it's more like X-Man is my favorite and Jean is a little reflection of him..
One thing i dont like with Jean was in The Movie.. They made her so fucking weak.. I mean, she is one of the most powerful mutants known to mankind.. And in the first movie she was useless.. In the second she was a little better but still nowhere near the comic-Jean.. I mean she can barely read minds, but in the comic she is the second strongest telepath after Xavier.. And she is the strongest telekinetics-user out there.. Even if she havent "awakening" the phoenix-powers she should still be one of the strongest X-mens.. Not one of the weakest..
But what the hell, the movies was good so they get away with it in the end anyways i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
And thx Y for telling me about DC.. I always suspected that the C stood for comics, but it sounded so stupid if you said DC comics.. Then it became dubble comics like you said.. But thx.. Have wondered for so long..
Mon, 02-07-2005, 02:16 PM
Mucking with Jean Grey's power level in the movie is perfectly acceptable. Frankly they do it just as often in the comics. But her character gets across just fine despite not being able to TK someone in half.
Mon, 02-07-2005, 09:46 PM
It's an online comic, but I enjoy it.
p34r th3 1337
Mon, 02-07-2005, 09:55 PM
Terrible emo shit, unfortunately.
Mon, 02-07-2005, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Terrible emo shit, unfortunately.
Quoted for emphasis.
Mon, 02-07-2005, 10:07 PM
Ok Y, I love all of the spiderman series. The thing is I never got to read much of the comic at all. I'm going to try that site you posted that should be up soon, but what do you think would be a good point in the Spiderman series to start at? I don't know if starting from the begining would be great since I already know the basic begining storyline. Your the expert what do you think? i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Mon, 02-07-2005, 11:29 PM
i just need the wolverine one shots, and chapter 189
Mon, 02-07-2005, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Ok Y, I love all of the spiderman series. The thing is I never got to read much of the comic at all. I'm going to try that site you posted that should be up soon, but what do you think would be a good point in the Spiderman series to start at? I don't know if starting from the begining would be great since I already know the basic begining storyline. Your the expert what do you think?
Hm. If you're going to start reading Spiderman now I honestly wouldn't know where to begin in the mainstream Marvel U. I pretty much just read random trades in bookstores.
If you enjoy a good Spiderman story...
Ultimate Spider-man
The Ultimate universe is a reboot of the MU proper. It's the characters that Marvel has had for years, only re-presented with a fresh new outlook (or at least that was the idea). And heck, the art's pretty good. I'd recommend it to anyone who's a fan of Spider-man or Brian Michael Bendis' writing.
Tue, 02-08-2005, 02:56 PM
Edit: Nevermind.
Damn, the guys behind the drawing during the last X-Men issues are fucking fantastic.
Fri, 02-11-2005, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Edit: Nevermind.
Damn, the guys behind the drawing during the last X-Men issues are fucking fantastic.
Which ones? Astonishing X-Men or NXM?
Sat, 02-12-2005, 08:30 AM
marvel is best dc sucks. wolverine is the best and he would kill any of your dc softies. anyhow you need to host origin for people who havent read it because its the greatist series ever.
EDIT: yeah ultimate spider-man is cool, i havent read ultimate x-men yet.
Sat, 02-12-2005, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
marvel is best dc sucks. wolverine is the best and he would kill any of your dc softies. anyhow you need to host origin for people who havent read it because its the greatist series ever.
I would but I don't download shitty comics.
Sun, 02-13-2005, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Edit: Nevermind.
Damn, the guys behind the drawing during the last X-Men issues are fucking fantastic.
Which ones? Astonishing X-Men or NXM?
Sun, 02-13-2005, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Damn, the guys behind the drawing during the last X-Men issues are fucking fantastic.
Which ones? Astonishing X-Men or NXM?[/quote]
If you're talking about the last part of the arcs I have (done by Marc Silvestri) then I'd agree, he is decent. Quitley also did some good work on NXM.
Another comics recommendation.
Batman - Hush
A twelve issue run by Jeph Loeb, drawn by acclaimed artist Jim Lee, this begins as a mystery and runs through just about every Batman scenario you can think of, cameoing all his heroes and villains and leading up to an, ah, rather interesting conclusion. After you read it, I recommend reading Gotham Knights 60 which casts doubt upon the ending of Hush, which was never really all that conclusive in the first place.
While I personally feel the ending was telegraphed, this is still a decent read; it's got great action and artwork. Pick it up from my fserv.
Sun, 02-13-2005, 10:48 PM
have you even read origin idiot?
Mon, 02-14-2005, 06:19 AM
Hey Y, do you know why there are two different X-Men series? (Uncanny X-Men and the other one running now, momentarily called New X-Men)
Because from what I can see, the stories of both sometimes "intercourse" like part 1 of something is in UXM and part 2 in NXM.
Why have 2 series when the universe is the same and etc?
Mon, 02-14-2005, 08:43 AM
fix your fserve beeatch.
Mon, 02-14-2005, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Hey Y, do you know why there are two different X-Men series? (Uncanny X-Men and the other one running now, momentarily called New X-Men)
Because from what I can see, the stories of both sometimes "intercourse" like part 1 of something is in UXM and part 2 in NXM.
Why have 2 series when the universe is the same and etc?
This is a good question. The companies' point of view is that they run each of the books with a different tone (or in the case of Uncanny/NXM/Astonishing a different X-team) to give them a different flavor. It's also, of course, to get your money by making you buy two different books. Honestly I think there should only be 1 X-book running any any given time.
fix your fserve beeatch.
I just don't have it on because I was using BT last night.
have you even read origin idiot?
It's Wolverine - sorry, he is the joke of the Marvel universe. Origin was alright, if a bit wonky on the continuity side of things.
Mon, 02-14-2005, 02:56 PM
the art was amazing, i have all of them. im thinking of sending them to that thing to get graded and sealed, have you ever tried it?
Mon, 02-14-2005, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
the art was amazing, i have all of them. im thinking of sending them to that thing to get graded and sealed, have you ever tried it?
If you enjoy wasting cash.
Origin is not rare, was TPB'd and will end up being worth no more than the ink it's printed with.
Tue, 02-15-2005, 07:45 AM
Y The Alien: where is your fserv?
Also can somedoy seed Kingdom Come for me
Is there a torrent Darkness?
Tue, 02-15-2005, 08:28 AM
Comics been my joy since i was mad young man! i remember doomsday killing superman, venom's spin off comic, and other stuff like that ahahhaa
since you all are so good at finding comic torrents would u mind helping me out??? Lol
DC: Crisis on infinte earth
DC: Zero hour
DC/Marvel: crossover 1 (flash vs quick silver)
DC/marvel: crossover 2
Superman Vs Terminator
Tue, 02-22-2005, 06:48 PM
this site has alot of comic torrents
HELLBOY #1 Seed of Destruction
is it the begining of the comic?
Im wondering cause i have been intrested in this comic since i saw the movie,thinking that the comic might cool.
Tue, 02-22-2005, 07:37 PM
yay a comic thread, xmen was like the first cartoon i ever saw, ah it was so good. that and the spiderman series that was on at a similar time, has anyone seen the newest spiderman, he has a cape i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif
xmen movies were alright but i cant wait for the 3rd, ooo yea time for the pheonix
has anyone else read johhny the homicidal maniac? its like the only comic i own apart from a few spidermans
Wed, 02-23-2005, 03:08 AM
i love nny and squee thats the fucking shit anyone whos never read johnny to homicidal maniac go do it now the doughboys command you to do so
but currently i'm reading the age of apocolypse and i got to say i like it very much
Mon, 02-28-2005, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
this site has alot of comic torrents
HELLBOY #1 Seed of Destruction
is it the begining of the comic?
Im wondering cause i have been intrested in this comic since i saw the movie,thinking that the comic might cool.
As far as I know, Seeds Of Destruction is what the movie was based on and is also the first arc of the comic. I don't read Hellboy though.
New comic suggestion:
In the teenage years of your life, it's perfectly common to hold grudges with your parents. Most of these disputes are resolved as you grow older. Unless, of course, your parents are megalomaniac crime lords who commit murders in your own house.
Brian Vaughan is a GREAT writer who does teen drama well (which is extremely surprising in comics). Great action, a great plot, fantastic art, funny and self-aware - it's an all around good book.
Mon, 02-28-2005, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by: JusDaMan
Comics been my joy since i was mad young man! i remember doomsday killing superman, venom's spin off comic, and other stuff like that ahahhaa
since you all are so good at finding comic torrents would u mind helping me out??? Lol
DC: Crisis on infinte earth
DC: Zero hour
DC/Marvel: crossover 1 (flash vs quick silver)
DC/marvel: crossover 2
Superman Vs Terminator
ahaha, superman vs terminator???
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