View Full Version : Question about seasons of anime

Sun, 01-23-2005, 04:39 PM
I have heard people say that there are 13 episodes a season for anime. Does that mean that theres 13 episodes a year? cause naruto is at episode 119, and i know it hasnt been airing for around 9 years, i dont think the manga has even existed that long.

Some people have told me its 26 a year, but i just dont know. If you know help me out pweeze

Sun, 01-23-2005, 05:25 PM
Here is Ask John's answer from Anime Nation, which I think answers your question pretty well:

"In most cases, traditionally anime TV series broadcast one episode per week. Anime series targeted at "otaku" viewers are usually scheduled for one or two "kuru," or 13 week periods. That explains why so many anime TV series have either 13 or 26 episodes. Anime series intended for, or which appeal to Japanese mainstream audiences typically run for a full year of weekly episodes: 52 weeks so roughly 52 episodes. The tremendously popular shows such as One Piece, Inuyasha, and Detective Conan don't have formal "seasons" when broadcast on Japanese television. New episodes are aired weekly all year around, sometimes for many consecutive years. When these long series are released to Japanese DVD, the DVD series are sometimes labeled with different "seasons."

Sun, 01-23-2005, 06:04 PM
normally we consider 13 episodes half a season, 26 episodes 1 season, and 52 episodes 2 season...

Mon, 01-24-2005, 04:08 AM
I see i see, thanks alot