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Mon, 01-03-2005, 02:17 PM
Ok, i've got alot of ideas that i thought of while rewatching through the 12 eps, lemme know what you guys think, or if you have speculations of your own then feel free to post them.

1) Ichigo is dead. This one might be a little far-fetched, but it seems reasonable to me. When Ichigo leaves his body, he has no chain of fate attached like living humans are supposed to have. Perhaps when Rukia stabbed her sword through his heart, it technically killed him. But since he's a shinigami, he is capable of "possessing" his body the same way Rukia inhabits her gigai.

2) Ichigo's mom might reappear in the series as a hollow. Don't know alot about how this works, but I recall that a person who is eaten by a hollow becomes a hollow themselves, and didn't that angler hollow eat Ichigo's mom?

3) I dunno about you, but i get the feeling that Kon isnt the only Mod Soul in the series. In fact I'd almost take a guess that eventually we'll find a group of outcast mod souls who hate shinigamis and try to force kon to leave his friends behind.

Anyway....i had a few more, but since I couldnt post them yesterday, I had forgotten them. I'll add them when they come back to mind.

Don't give a response to these, or add your own speculations if they involve the manga in any way. If you feel the need to, then have someone create a MANGA version of this thread then. I'm warning you now i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif

Mon, 01-03-2005, 02:33 PM
i think it would be interesting if ichigo's mom turned out to be a hollow

Mon, 01-03-2005, 03:34 PM
ichigo turns into a hollow!

but it's his mom in disguise.

Wed, 01-05-2005, 07:58 PM
referencing ep 13, it seems that people who ichigo protects from hollows end up gaining some power as a result of ichigo's spirit energy.
I wonder if that means Mr Satan is gonna return with some mad new powers as well

Board of Command
Wed, 01-05-2005, 08:52 PM
#1 sounds reasonable.
#2 Not sure about this one. In order to become a hollow their ghost has to be eaten by hollows, not their body. Maybe I'm just remembering wrong.
#3 Very likely.

I'll add #4& #5 to the list. I think it was soul society that first created hollows by faulty experiments. So far there hasn't been any info at all about the workings of soul society. All we know is that they're some society in another dimension that knows how hollows work and how to kill them.

#5 This is a crazy idea that popped into my head and is the opposite of #4. Maybe hollows were the original inhabitants of the "soul dimension". They are actually intelligent beings and they were the ones that created shinigamis. The shinigamis developed too fast and surpassed their creators and developed ways to kill the hollows. To defend against the shinigamis, the hollows found a way into our dimension to eat souls and create more hollows.

Thu, 01-06-2005, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
#2 Not sure about this one. In order to become a hollow their ghost has to be eaten by hollows, not their body. Maybe I'm just remembering wrong.

well, i can safely say that her body was NOT eaten by a hollow, since it was completely intact when she died.
And since the angler hollow was all obsessing over eating women, i can only assume that he ate something of hers that was intangible, like a soul. The more likely outcome is that her soul is still inside the hollow, especially since she apparently was able to give ichigo her last words.

Board of Command
Thu, 01-06-2005, 09:27 PM
Cmon people, what's your take on my #5? It's basically the typical twist-plot, where the protagonist suddenly has to decide whether or not to go against what he's believed in the whole time.

Thu, 01-06-2005, 10:53 PM
well id say no to number 5, it is said hollows are all instinct, so they could not have been intelligent or created shinigamis.

Thu, 01-06-2005, 11:23 PM
yeah i would also say no to #5, it just doesn't seem right to me.

there is always the chance of meeting some new mod souls, and it will probably happen like you say assertn.

Fri, 01-07-2005, 12:03 AM
I think the idea of Ichigo being dead is a little far-fetched. I get the impression he is pretty grounded in reality with all of his friends and such, no kind of Sixth Sense feelings or whatnot. The idea of other mod-konpau (sp, kinda tipsy as I type) seems like it could be pretty bad ass. I want to see Kon layeth the smack down and all. I thought about Ichigo's mom coming back as a hollow, but that'd be crazy and all. Having seen her soul pop out and help him, it'd be far-fetched. Having read only about 10 chps ahead of where the anime is, there are some things I'm going to want to debate in about a month and a half's time; I'll save it until then, though.