View Full Version : Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down
Sun, 12-19-2004, 02:12 PM
AHHHHHHhhh they got shut down!!!!!!! how else now am i suppose to get my stuff!!!!!!! =( nooooooooo
Sun, 12-19-2004, 02:31 PM
Maybe the site is having a few problems? I think this has happened before.
If you want stuff, just buy it if you can.
Sun, 12-19-2004, 02:48 PM
nope, i just went there, there's a letter saying they were shutdown for good
Sun, 12-19-2004, 03:18 PM
well this is a bummer. you can also try lokitorrent, most of the things i got from suprnova were from lokitorrent anyways. plus i also use dc++ so its not a total loss.
Swallow Your Soul
Sun, 12-19-2004, 03:29 PM
Yeah a mate told me about it before and that totally sucks, at least there are other sites up, but suprnova was the coolest one I knew of for a general mix of stuff...
Board of Command
Sun, 12-19-2004, 04:27 PM
I just found that out this morning when doing my daily pirating round. I think it's gone for good now.
btw DC++ sucks most of the time. You can find literally everything on it, but gauranteed 90% of the time you get slow ass uploaders. It really takes patience to find fast peers.
Sun, 12-19-2004, 04:31 PM
Could be coinsidence but i see too much torrent site's down atm..
Boxtorrents.. down
Tokyo Toshokan.. down
Lokitorrent.. down
Youceff.. down
Phoenix Torr.. down
Is this world coming to an end?
Sun, 12-19-2004, 04:47 PM
Well Baka and download are still up and running but it might be multi pronge attack, but lets face it this is not the first or last time this has happened. Give it like a week and dust will clear. Toshokan will be replaced with a new site. MIRC was by MIRKX. A time to worry is when gotwoot and all the other anime forums get shut down. THAT would be the end of the fucking world. But on another note, just find out who subs your fav series and GO USE IRC. Ask the people how the tirggers on that channel work, they're all a little diffrent. Be patcient and you will get all the anime oyu need.
Sun, 12-19-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by: Goingin
Could be coinsidence but i see too much torrent site's down atm..
Boxtorrents.. down
Tokyo Toshokan.. down
Lokitorrent.. down
Youceff.. down
Phoenix Torr.. down
Is this world coming to an end?
It's like a domino effect. One goes down, and the others go with it.
This does suck about suprnova, though.
Well, where one falls, another will rise.
EDIT: Tokyotosho is back up! i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 12-19-2004, 06:16 PM
im glad i downloaded a bunch of albums and photoshop before suprnova went down, totally sucks though i hope it comes back.
Sun, 12-19-2004, 06:26 PM
Haha, owned.
Life (and Internet piracy) goes on.
Sun, 12-19-2004, 06:48 PM
now where am i gonna get all my movies i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Sun, 12-19-2004, 07:01 PM
this is a sad sad day. where will i go to download xbox games once i get my xbox chipped. or where to go to download music, or games, or movies.
i think im gonna cry i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Sun, 12-19-2004, 08:18 PM
snova and yucef are done for good, ene of story, the frencs poliece raided youceffs servers and stuff, a couple in finland got busted also
loki is still up as well as bi-torrents which is the suprnova mirror, torrentreactor is up also, so is torrentsearch
most if not all the anime trackers will be uneffected by this RIAA/MPAA sweep because they do not host anything they care about, I agree that we will see new one jump on in a week or so, and theres always IRC and Newsgroupes
also snova was working on that p2p torrent app thingie, im curious to see if that ever gets out or no
Sun, 12-19-2004, 08:50 PM
if the RIAA wants us to start payin for our stuff then why dont they convince the world trade organization to lower the fucking prices?? who the hell in the real world can afford the stuff that we download on a regular basis? and one more thing, if they want us to pay for everything, then why dont they sell torrent or dl programs and leave us the hell alone after we buy them? sell the programs for a high price, giv stuff on the internet for free, and everyone's happy. damn lawyers cant ever seem to figure out how to please the ppl...
Sun, 12-19-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by: GuardianShado
if the RIAA wants us to start payin for our stuff then why dont they convince the world trade organization to lower the fucking prices?? who the hell in the real world can afford the stuff that we download on a regular basis? and one more thing, if they want us to pay for everything, then why dont they sell torrent or dl programs and leave us the hell alone after we buy them? sell the programs for a high price, giv stuff on the internet for free, and everyone's happy. damn lawyers cant ever seem to figure out how to please the ppl...
this is quite possibly the most ignorant thing i've read since... last tuesday.
Swallow Your Soul
Sun, 12-19-2004, 09:36 PM
Yeah, that obviously wouldn't work for loads of reasons.
Prices are too high for anime/manga etc (at least they are here...but I've probably rambled and whined about that in about 80 threads by now...) but thats a different matter i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Just as well suprnova wasn't that much use for anime...but for albums and stuff it was well ace...damn, for the most part, back to soulseek it is then...
Sun, 12-19-2004, 10:48 PM
their job is not to please ppl....thier job is to take every penny from us, and give it to thier lord satan, with whom they have a contract.
Sun, 12-19-2004, 11:09 PM
You see, there's this thing called an economy, and it works in mysterious ways...
Anyway, some good torrent sites: Bit Torrent Search Site #bt - EFFNET - TV ep Bit Torrent Tracker
Good site to check encodes and quality of movies -
Board of Command
Sun, 12-19-2004, 11:15 PM
I think they keep the prices up so only rich, fortunate people with money to burn can afford them.
They say Christmas is the time of giving and helping the unfortunate. Why don't they give us, the average unfortunate joe, some stuff, like CD-Keys, free movie rentals, etc? We're not poor because we're cheap, and we're cheap because we're unfortunate.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 12:18 AM
cd prices are bad. I'll give you that. Not unapproachable, but they're not a good value compared to MPAA type dvds and anime.
Anime dvds are VERY approachable. ~20 bucks (shop around, don't pay 30+ for these things, or you're stupid) for 2-2.5 hours of content. Decently edited subs, tolerable dubs, and often these days 5.1 audio tracks available. Not to mention the video quality, as a rule.
Movie DVDs are crazy good prices. Again, you can get most new releases for less than $20. Think about it ... if you've got 3 or 4 people watching a DVD, that's the cost of tickets to go see the movie in a theater once. Similarly, if you watch the movie twice, and a friend is with you. Or if you watch it and resell it. Not to mention stuff like netflix. Seriously, you can't honestly be complaining about that. You get typically great video, great audio, most movie releases are jam-packed with extras (commentaries, deleted scenes, interviews, etc). This is good value, and honestly if you have a goddamned job the cost of media is pretty accessible. And I mean ANY job.
All of this talk of high prices .... no offense, but what the fuck are you talking about?
And why SHOULD you get mass-produced entertainment work for free? Because you're an addict who can't live without it, now that you've convinced yourself that you need to see every movie out to survive.
If you're poor and unfortunate, whatever. Quit watching so goddamned many movies and get a fucking job. Seriously.
There's easy, legal ways to get movies and games essentially free now -- namely netflix and gamefly. You want movies? 18 bucks a month. That's like 4 hours a month at a minimum wage job. That's mowing 2 peoples' lawns, or shoveling 2 driveways. That's fucking panhandling for one day a month in the parking lot of some stripmall, for God's sake! With that, there's no justification other than convenience and sheer mindboggling laziness, not to have whatever movies you want, whatever games you want (except pc games). Gamefly is 21 bucks a month and has basically every modern console completely covered.
For 40 bucks a month. Yes ... 40 bucks a month. 10 hours a month at a minimum wage job after taxes. 4 lawns mowed at $10/lawn. 4 driveways shoveled at the same. 40 bucks a month, you have all the console games you can play, all the movies you can watch. It's as close to free as you can really expect, and completely legal.
Sometimes you have to "stick it to the man". But this isn't one of them. Maybe you should realize that "the man" has given you a LOT of good ways to get their drugs for essentially nothing.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 12:35 AM
yeah, this is not good, but oh well, there are other places.
but this is not one i wanted to go down.
well the irc servers are still up, i guess that's a good thing.
and forums.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 02:40 AM was working yesterday...this is pretty depressing.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 05:13 AM
I work in a store that sells new release CDs for like $10 the day they come out. DVDs can go for $15. Places such as Best Buy intentionally sell shit for that cheap to get you in there. Granted, it's where they want you to go to buy stuff they don't lose money on, but that's why they do it. Take advantage of it and don't whine. I still have to spend the oddball $20+ on anime from time to time to get a series DVD that I can't find cheap, and I live with it. You won't be able to get everything in your life for free, it defeats the purpose of working for stuff. I get the DVDs because I like the 5.1 surround and video, not to mention that I like how a shelf full of DVDs looks. Gives me a good sense of accomplishment, looking at 1,000 DVDs that I've worked for. As for music downloading, y'know... you can always stream stuff to check out, if that's why you download. Every MP3 I've downloaded, I've bought the CD for or deleted the MP3 (with exception to OOP stuff, because some CDs are nice but not $50+ nice). I'm rambling, the holidays do this to me.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 07:39 AM
*glances at cd collection*
*glances at dvd collection*
*glances at 1TB of data on hdds*
Ok, so I'm not as dilligent as you are about it i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif. But I know what ya mean.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 09:07 AM
while its not realy fair to maon at the prices of cd's ect because its up to them how much they want to charge people, one thing i do hate is when music labels and game companys moan about pirating. sur eits taking profits away from them. but they have th eability and power to all but stop it in th eblink of an eye, this is especially more so the case with music. they COULD lower there prices increase sales and still make a profit. singles are sold at a profit they are essentialy the same as an albumbut often a quater of the price. sure production costs are higher on an album, but thats a one time hit, and im positive that any production costs for an album are more then likley ofset by a fairly well selling single. if music labels decieded to drop there price tomorrow from there RRP of 13.99 to say 5.99 i don tknow a lot of people that would buy a pirated copy for a fiver a piece. films are not as bad as you essential get more for a price comparable to a cd, but then they coudl still be dropped as well. i know for a fact that manufactures coudl undercut pirate prices if they desired, they woudl just rather make that bit extramoney and moan about somthign they have the power to stop.
we should also consider music as an artform. i cant speak for the US but i know in europe alot of bands are formed, have one song that doesnt make the top 5 then they are discarded by there labels. why is this so? in the film industry we have companys such as miramax that are set up to produce smaller films, with a big budget that are often deamed risky. we dont have this in the games industry but thanks to the internet and vibrant mod scenes people can pretty much do what they like and are capable of distributing it to millions.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 09:11 AM
Is this have something to do with the lawsuit that they are going to file agaisnt the site who provide link for torrent download.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 09:41 AM
i dont download games or anything, just cd's and anime, and i downloaded photoshop so i can mess with it before going to school. with cd's, i listen to rap, when people like snoop and em were coming up they were buying bootleg cds and stealing cds, so when i see them on tv complaining all i have to say is thats karma. they have millions of dollars, they dont need my 10 bucks.
Swallow Your Soul
Mon, 12-20-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by: complich8
cd prices are bad. I'll give you that. Not unapproachable, but they're not a good value compared to MPAA type dvds and anime.
Anime dvds are VERY approachable. ~20 bucks (shop around, don't pay 30+ for these things, or you're stupid) for 2-2.5 hours of content. Decently edited subs, tolerable dubs, and often these days 5.1 audio tracks available. Not to mention the video quality, as a rule.
I generally agree with what you said - except the paragraph I quoted which might be true in the US, but doesn't apply everywhere.
$20 sounds relatively fair, but where I live (note how I mentioned I wouldn't go into it again in my last post...but here goes...) it costs the equivalent of $39 to buy an anime DVD from a UK shop (much cheaper online - at the equivalent of $30) with between 3 and 4 episodes on it. At my old full time job (to earn money to go to uni) that would have been quite a high percentage of my wage. And for series like .hack, where not much happens - that is simply not even remotely worth it considering it costs us the equivilent of $58 to get 24 episodes of the simpsons (which also has fuckloads of commentaries extras which the anime ones usually don't) or pretty much any other type of series besides anime!!! To buy 26 episodes of .hack//sign it'd cost £120 gbp which is around $234!!! Compare that to stuff like 24, simpsons, futurama, family guy or just about anything else and then it suddenly looks much more of a rip off - which is what I complained about. The only anime DVDs I've really bought as a result are either movies (which is different from series) and the odd short OVA, full series I either download or get those HK boxsets off ebay uk. Then again anime isn't that widespread over here - we don't even get any proper (not counting DBZ or kids shows) anime on TV here anymore as the Sci Fi Channel seems to have stopped their 5-6am anime showings...most series I download I don't particularly want to keep anyway - I just watch them the same way I'd watch some series on TV then discard them when I've finished with them. I used to watch Buffy on TV but that doesn't mean I'd want to buy it on DVD to rewatch etc. Here the only legal way you can watch anime - is to buy it on DVD.
As for music - most of the bands I listen to I got into via piracy - if I really like the band then I will normally buy a fair amount of my stuff - most of these bands wouldn't have earned a penny out of me if I hadn't had the chance to try out their stuff first - then getting albums, dvds, going to concerts, buying merchendise etc. Of course I don't buy anything - but my spending has only increased via downloading stuff.
Some manga I buy, some I download - Tokyopop and Viz can thank the internet for my manga interest full stop, but I do spend a fair amount on that. For what boils down to 1-2 hours reading $11-18 I generally get the ones I like best.
And why SHOULD you get mass-produced entertainment work for free? Because you're an addict who can't live without it, now that you've convinced yourself that you need to see every movie out to survive.
I never said I should - most things I really like I will pay for...except anime series - which are just charged at ridiculous prices here. I totally acknowledge I download loads of stuff illegally but like I said, anime where I live is over priced. I wouldn't call myself an addict and I could totally live without it...but lets face it most of us here don't care that we are obtaining stuff illegally, as long as we can get it.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 04:35 PM
yeah, admittedly outside the US, you guys get hosed.
It'd probably be cheaper to buy a region-unlocked player or a r1 player and import from the US, I bet
Mon, 12-20-2004, 05:22 PM
screw the music and movies
im more concerned about getting ahold of those $300-$1000+ programs that i like to use i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Mon, 12-20-2004, 05:38 PM
worst is still to come. i think we can import a psp for 105 or somthting like that. all the websites here ae listeing it at around 179!!! are we really to believe that its that much more expensive oever here when we can even import them cheaper?
Board of Command
Mon, 12-20-2004, 06:43 PM
Well I'll flat out admit that pirating is wrong, but I do it so I can save *a lot* of money that I can spend on more useful items...such as bills. Maybe it's just me, but I like to save as much money as possible for my stuff.
It's not that the prices are statistically too high, it's just that I'm not willing to spend money on movies and software. I'm willing to spend money on a nice pair of shoes or curricular activities, just not stuff that is available for free. Hell, if something's free I'd get it in a second.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 08:08 PM
i agree, im cheap also, if i can get it for free i will, there are plenty of suckers who would rather pay for the cd.
Mon, 12-20-2004, 08:59 PM
im the same i spose, ill get it if its free.
however i always make sure to buy some cd's of bands i really like or a new band i like so they can get a cut, it just shows some support for them, like i wouldnt dream of downloading a foo fighters or nirvana cd. same with movies, i dont really download them or buy them, i just rent them, except for lord of the rings or a movie i thought was particularly special like fight club or the matrix (the 1st one not the others)
Swallow Your Soul
Tue, 12-21-2004, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by: complich8
yeah, admittedly outside the US, you guys get hosed.
It'd probably be cheaper to buy a region-unlocked player or a r1 player and import from the US, I bet
Thats probably true actually, I need to check if I can hack my downstairs DVD player to see if I can get it to play different regions (I had a multi-region disc for the PS2 but my brother 'borrowed' that, then moved to Tenerife (spanish island near africa!) i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
i think we can import a psp for 105 or somthting like that. all the websites here ae listeing it at around 179!!! are we really to believe that its that much more expensive oever here when we can even import them cheaper?
I bet thats true, I was going to import a DS for Xmas (before I changed my mind cos theres not enough games for it yet) which would have worked out at about £100gbp with mario 64 plus international shipping, while its gonna be £130-150 WITHOUT a game when it gets released here.
Tue, 12-21-2004, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by: complich8
cd prices are bad. I'll give you that. Not unapproachable, but they're not a good value compared to MPAA type dvds and anime.
Anime dvds are VERY approachable. ~20 bucks (shop around, don't pay 30+ for these things, or you're stupid) for 2-2.5 hours of content. Decently edited subs, tolerable dubs, and often these days 5.1 audio tracks available. Not to mention the video quality, as a rule.
What? Show me a place where one can buy a new, legal anime DVD in 5.1 for twenty dollars. Only used or bootlegged anime DVDs are that cheap.
Tue, 12-21-2004, 08:38 AM
im cheap... i download everything... even my windows XP is pirated... infact i dont think I have any legal software on my pc... add to that all the anime and music ive downloaded....
well many of you are righteous... but not this guy over here... I'm a cheap bastard....
"Why pay for something when you can get it for free?"
Tue, 12-21-2004, 08:45 AM
@ SYS yeah i was thinking of getting a ds, but ithkn id rather wait now till metroid comes out. or some fighting game/rpg
Tue, 12-21-2004, 03:53 PM
wats i tried it and it seems to work
Tue, 12-21-2004, 04:08 PM
It's .org that's dead
As said on their now dead page, .com and .net are scammers!
Board of Command
Tue, 12-21-2004, 04:19 PM
Goddamn it, Torrentbits is gone too, and I think Filelist as well (can't access site). I think this is some major piracy raid.
Sensei Jon
Tue, 12-21-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
im cheap... i download everything... even my windows XP is pirated... infact i dont think I have any legal software on my pc... add to that all the anime and music ive downloaded....
well many of you are righteous... but not this guy over here... I'm a cheap bastard....
"Why pay for something when you can get it for free?"
Same thing with me, only one game I have gotten, I didn't even pay for it myself.
Tue, 12-21-2004, 06:28 PM
they mentioned on CNN today and sed that hollywood was gettin pissed that "all those illegal download sites are ripping us off". so they did the american thing and sued for every reason that they could think of. im not really gonna get upset til they start attackin anime n manga dl sites -_-'...
Tue, 12-21-2004, 06:47 PM
anime and manga isnt popular enough for anyone to care. we're safe i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Swallow Your Soul
Tue, 12-21-2004, 07:06 PM
Edit - never mind
Tue, 12-21-2004, 07:20 PM
LMAO, ripping off hollywood? thats a good one
are they forgetting about the hundreds of millions they get for each movie. even teh bad movies rake in 40-50 million. granted they mite not break even, but thats thier fault for making crappy movies. the public still disshed out 50 mil to watch that movie.
Board of Command
Tue, 12-21-2004, 07:31 PM
If they'd stop paying Julia Roberts 30 mil per film then they wouldn't have any issues with piracy. Julia Roberts should die.
Plus, if they'd stop making so many shitty movies they would generate some more revenue. Seriously, Van Helsing is an embarassment to the word "movie"
Tue, 12-21-2004, 07:50 PM
Most movies are an embarassment to word movie. But people still go to se them.
Tue, 12-21-2004, 10:47 PM
julia roberts get paid 20million(first) tied with hallie
J-lo makes 12million and is number 10 (tied wif angelina jolie)
hey... julia roberts may be old but she still look good. and so does j-lo's ass and angelina jolie's breasts/lips
Tue, 12-21-2004, 11:08 PM
you CAN NOT, get a whole season of ANY anime for a decent price at best buy.
CAN NOT AT ALL, EVER, IT CANT BE DONE. - unless you steal it, but id rather download before i shoplifted. im not gonna spend a bill and a half for anime.
that IS a ridiculous price, period. for any series. they already get paid off advertisements and such when it airs, so dont say they dont turn a profit if they lower the prices. theres no deffending it, dont wanna hear it. everywhere gets price gouged out the ballzack. if i could pick up a season of a good anime for under 100 bucks i'd pay for it, but since i cant, i dont. the price here in america should be less since it costs less to produce, they dont have to do any R&D, just dub, time, ship. if theyre gettin hosed on the liscense fee thats their problem, dont like the prices then dont pay em - I dont.
and yeah, i learned about a lot of the stuff i listen to from mp3's as well, and i pick up the cds i like from tower or somewhere.
these bastards should be happy the internet is here.
Tue, 12-21-2004, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by: JusDaMan
wats i tried it and it seems to work
that site is a scammer. at the actual site they had the line " and .net are scammers"
Tue, 12-21-2004, 11:20 PM
they are scammers, its like the whole napster 99 cent per download thing, they have it on a lot of sites.
Tue, 12-21-2004, 11:21 PM
julia roberts's more recent movies are pretty damn sappy (except ocean's 12, havnt seen it yet) yet they STILL pay her millions for the crappy job she does in them. cmon, who here actually LIKED america's sweethearts? and why is it that so many damn ppl like julia roberts? jennifer garner is so much hotter i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
well, i think "cute" would describe jennifer garner better. but anyway, J-Lo's slippin wen it comes to material; angelina jolie looks like a frickin fish and she's not that great of an actor wen it comes to action (which she happens to do a lot...); and hollywood's all out of material. how much worse could we be ripped off? and another thing, this might hav to go into the hip hop thread but im sayin it here anyway. old rap used to hav meaning. now its all about gettin drunk, high, pimps n hos, and all sorts o crap that u pipe dream. wth is up with that? cant the music industry come up with stuff that actually hits home? not eveyrone's rich as hell rollin down the streets with ther rolls royces pickin up hos scarin the cops away. well wutever, jus needed a place to rant. i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif
Tue, 12-21-2004, 11:22 PM
Did somebody say Julia Roberts?
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Julia Roberts should die.
I'll see your big-mouthed hag and raise you Celine Dion.
Originally posted by: JusDaMan
hey... julia roberts may be old but she still look good.
No. Just no.
Board of Command
Wed, 12-22-2004, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by: JusDaMan
hey... julia roberts may be old but she still look good.
Go see a shrink or optomotrist, cus something is wrong with you. Plus, Julia Roberts isn't old. I don't wanna imagine what she'll look like when she does get old.
Wed, 12-22-2004, 11:41 PM
Julia Roberts named her kid Phinnaeus, for gods sake. What the hell are with these celebrities naming these kids?
Gwynth Paltrow named her daughter Apple. If she has a son, she's gonna have to name him Macintosh.
Thu, 12-23-2004, 01:55 AM
ok can anyone check to see if is workin?
if they shut that down, THEN im gonna be pissed i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif
its a jpop/kpop/cpop dl site. they hav stuff that isnt sold in America, so i dont see any reason why those lawyers would get involved and shut them down. please tell me its jus me. please? i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Thu, 12-23-2004, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
Originally posted by: complich8
cd prices are bad. I'll give you that. Not unapproachable, but they're not a good value compared to MPAA type dvds and anime.
Anime dvds are VERY approachable. ~20 bucks (shop around, don't pay 30+ for these things, or you're stupid) for 2-2.5 hours of content. Decently edited subs, tolerable dubs, and often these days 5.1 audio tracks available. Not to mention the video quality, as a rule.
What? Show me a place where one can buy a new, legal anime DVD in 5.1 for twenty dollars. Only used or bootlegged anime DVDs are that cheap.
ive preordered anime for $24 and free shipping a few years back
Swallow Your Soul
Fri, 12-24-2004, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by: GuardianShado
ok can anyone check to see if is workin?
if they shut that down, THEN im gonna be pissed
its a jpop/kpop/cpop dl site. they hav stuff that isnt sold in America, so i dont see any reason why those lawyers would get involved and shut them down. please tell me its jus me. please?
It isn't legal stuff - its just that they can't afford to stay up:
"The site has grown too large, it is becoming impossible to manage and maintain, the slightest change causes machines to die and databases to crash, redundancy is not being built into the system."
And yeah it sucks - have to find another site for J-rock which is gonna be a hassle...
Fri, 12-24-2004, 06:27 PM
i dont kno whether to be happy, sad, or pissed off rite now O_o. thanks Swallow
Sun, 12-26-2004, 10:51 AM
i read some of your post about cd prices and stuff and this forum is kinda related to downloading mp3s. i remember hearing on the radio that people were doing research on music piracy and they found out it takes like a couple thousand, somewhere around like 5,000 mp3 downloads to lose 1 sale of a cd. they also mentioned that cd sales seemed to drop only because in the 90's there was a new rise of music like hip-hop that got people to buy cds. there was just better music back then and the big sales just makes nowadays look pathetic. i just wished i had more information about this. anyways i thought some of you might have found this interesting.
summary if you didnt understand: 5,000 illegal downloads = loss of 1 cd sale
Board of Command
Wed, 12-29-2004, 02:34 PM
LokiTorrent is officially being sued by the MPAA!
What can I say? The last good dump site is now in jepardy!
Fri, 12-31-2004, 12:40 AM is back I guess, they have an announcement covering something new they are doing / supporting or something. I havn't tryed it my self but I figured people might wanna know.
Fri, 12-31-2004, 01:50 AM
this sounds promising, looking foraed to the public release of exeem.
Board of Command
Fri, 12-31-2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by: Jessper is back I guess, they have an announcement covering something new they are doing / supporting or something. I havn't tryed it my self but I figured people might wanna know.
They never really shutdown. They just can't host any more torrents. The forums and IRC still work.
Fri, 12-31-2004, 07:56 PM
so basically ther purpose has been defeated i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif... except maybe for IRC
Board of Command
Fri, 12-31-2004, 09:33 PM
Damn, looks like some pirates are really desperate to keep Loki alive. They're almost at the $30000 mark.
Sat, 01-01-2005, 09:06 AM
Listen to the interview with the Suprnova guy:
Doesn't he sound like that "End of the World" flash guy?
Winged Dancer
Sat, 01-01-2005, 12:38 PM
Whew! You know, now that I think of it, december is the equivalent of April Fools in many countries... maybe it was some sort of joke?
Anyway, I'm glad its back up. I don't want to write a lecture about why capitalism is good (which is not) and how you all are a bunch of losers with no money ('cause I don't know) nor do I want to write about OMG CAPTALISM is TeH evil!!!!!11lolzlolzorsz!!!!!!!!!111; but I'll put it like this...
Whenever an anime series is licensed in America, it NEVER arrives to my country's TV. NEVER. And/IF the DVDs come here, they'll be priced at around 25 dollars each - around what, 8.50 per episode? 6.70? That's a lot.
Also, what I download off suprnova is american series that have a snowball's chance in hell of coming here, so er, uh, I'm less illegal than you!!
Board of Command
Mon, 01-03-2005, 01:26 PM
What you're doing isn't any less illegal, but your reasons are more legitamate.
Edit: LOL raven that guy's hilarious.
Mon, 01-10-2005, 02:45 AM
well torrent reacton is now down as well....there goes my other frequently used site.
can someone provide a list of sites that are still up and running.....i've been mising out on quite a few movies
Edit: holy shit!! that guy is like an exact copy of the 'hokay' guy.
Mon, 01-10-2005, 04:46 AM
ugh im down to using just lokitorrent, if anyone else has a list of other sites id also appreciate it
Board of Command
Mon, 01-10-2005, 04:25 PM (
MUAHAHAHAHA! Gay MPAA will never defeat the pirates!
Mon, 01-10-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: GuardianShado
if the RIAA wants us to start payin for our stuff then why dont they convince the world trade organization to lower the fucking prices?? who the hell in the real world can afford the stuff that we download on a regular basis? and one more thing, if they want us to pay for everything, then why dont they sell torrent or dl programs and leave us the hell alone after we buy them? sell the programs for a high price, giv stuff on the internet for free, and everyone's happy. damn lawyers cant ever seem to figure out how to please the ppl...
this is quite possibly the most ignorant thing i've read since... last tuesday.
lol to further comment on that, well you could just get a life, meet some friends and do something other than hanging in front of the computer all the time. and buy only the things you like the most. also would you lower the prices on something so you made less money so the rest of all the mindless workers can save some? i know i wouldnt. think from their point of view to. and to save you the trouble form saying "then they hould think from our point of view" well stuff isnt that insanly overpriced as you make it out to be so that wouldnt be necessary.
Tue, 01-25-2005, 08:51 PM
For torrents I've recently come across, which looks promising.
Thu, 02-10-2005, 07:03 PM
Lokitorrent ( is now gone, now where am I suppose to download tv episodes that I miss i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif.
Thu, 02-10-2005, 07:20 PM
hmmm... so i now wonder where all that 30000+ for lokitorrent against the file suits went... hahahah
Board of Command
Thu, 02-10-2005, 09:56 PM
MPAA finally got to Loki.
MPAA's gay "sign" (
Thu, 02-10-2005, 10:14 PM
Soooo anybody know where I can download Alias, Lost, and Smallville weekly?
Thu, 02-10-2005, 11:50 PM then just search after the show you want.
Fri, 02-11-2005, 12:16 AM
lol it's shut down almost for 2 month's
To Young
Fri, 02-11-2005, 02:31 AM
What the hell is this man. Every link you click on this page asks for money.
Sat, 02-12-2005, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by: To Young
What the hell is this man. Every link you click on this page asks for money.
thats whats called a scam site
Board of Command
Sat, 02-12-2005, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by: To Young
What the hell is this man. Every link you click on this page asks for money.
Noob. You don't deserve to use bittorrent.
Sat, 02-12-2005, 02:05 PM
something interesting to read.
To Young
Fri, 02-18-2005, 12:33 AM
nothing important.
I just miss suprnova.
Long time ago when s. nova was a baby brand new site, I made this for a contast on the suprnova forums.
suprnova.gif (
Wed, 03-02-2005, 06:26 PM
FROM THE ASHES OF SUPRNOVA!!!!!! comes mininova!!!!
Wed, 03-02-2005, 07:19 PM
anyone checked out this eXeem ( thing
Wed, 03-02-2005, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
anyone checked out this eXeem ( thing key=y&keyword1=exeem
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